Headaches (literal) and the people who cause them (figurative)....Exhausted. Have dinner with Friend. Friend brings guests (eh, fine), one of which is a pain. One of Friend's guests, Guest, ruined dinner/evening by ranting about criminal law, badly.... It appears Guest is studying political science or something.... The professor is mangling the shit out of fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment law, while telling the students how smart they are because of his mangling. It's borderline practicing law without a license and I've half a mind to write him a letter saying I'll turn him over to the bar if he doens't open a book/cut it out, because he's insisting he's correct/
telling his students to follow his advice in real life when/if arrested.... Needless to say this is a bad thing....
An officer in the US can't ask to see you damn ID/"Papers" with no reason,
Brown v. Texas, 1984.... Among so many other worse misconceptions....
That's not really the point though, Guest does not know and I don't want her to know my job.... I just don't want to get into it, because A.) exhausted, B.) want something that's not work, C.) she's incorrect anyhow, D.) professor will probably only mark professor's badly mangled and incorrect understanding correct on test anyhow so even if I did wanna correct this... yeah, E.) Guest is sorta being a jerk about it anyhow.... Lose/lose situation.
It was basically hours of hearing someone say "2+3 = 7, 6/3= 63, and 9 x 3 = 622" and how your ear totally catches that and says, "huh?" She sorta teased her friends about it too, telling them they should "go to law school" with the implication that she had and thus knew better.... This is an undergrad student by the way, so no.... Judging from her flaunted designer clothes, REAL designer Louis Vuitton handbag (the seams match among other things) and shoes, along with lots of other things like that you notice, yeah.... She's also never worked a day in her life, is proud of it, and was being annoying about it to her friends and attempted to be to me.... Yes they have to work to pay for school, no that doesn't make them less than you....
I was warned about her beforehand, but nothing really prepares you for it.... She is stuck on that subject and will not talk about anything else, try as we all might to get her to change subject, and she's purposefully mean about it.... She's got a cloud of smug around her that would choke even the most condescending and she knows it/ likes it.
Meanwhile, Friend sends email after the fact both apologizing and chuckling like hell for/at the whole thing.... She was amazed I didn't jump all over Guest and so was I. I suspect that's why Friend brought Guest along: so she could rant in front of me and I'd correct her/shut her up. I didn't feel like it/didn't do it though.
Come on Advil, faster please....