Sorry vector, you've already revealed yourself to be an interesting person. there's nothing you can do now to convince us that you're boring.
She could conceivably stop putting the effort into being open on this forum that has thus far contributed greatly to the degree to which she seems interesting, because people won't stop either dismissing her experiences because they don't fit with their own worldview, or else constantly telling her there's nothing wrong with her. If I understood the post correctly, and I may well not have (and I apologize to Vector for any fuckups in this post), attempting to make her feel better by insisting that really there's nothing wrong and she's really just awesome might sound nice, but it trivializes the problems she
knows exist, which is not really helpful when the issue here is incredulity about the person she actually is. I may also have misinterpreted your post, and I apologize if I did, it just came off as the sort of thing that contributes to the very problem you're trying to address.
I mean, I don't know, but it seems like if you're going to be reassuring, a better way would be to affirm that the work she's been doing wasn't in vain and that, while she's by no means obligated to continue putting that degree of effort in (especially if it's being more emotionally draining than she wants to deal with), you believe the perspectives she's offered to be valid. Instead of saying she's awesome and (jokingly, but still) putting the entertainment of other users before her own thoughts.
Incidentally, I'm sure I've not correctly translated thought to text in this post very well, so I apologize in advance for any miscommunication, and I also again apologize if I've misrepresented either Japa's or Vector's thoughts. I sure will look stupid if I've imagined all the thoughts this post is about. I also would look stupid if I've fallen into the very trap I just wrote this entire thing about.