I've been having some anxiety for the last few days, just an intangible sense of anxiety and guilt. I have a recurring intrusive thought of just wanting someone to just beat the shit out of me, just batter me bloody and senseless, so that I can bleed out the sense of guilt inside of me.
Today I was carting around my Mom and Sister, missed a turn, and went towards a parking lot to turn around. There was an oncoming car, but I thought "Fuck it" and just dove into the parking lot. It wasn't a close call, but it was certainly much riskier than that situation needed to be. It was perhaps the very last second where I could have turned safely, and I did it much more quickly and impulsively than was necessary. Now my sense of guilt has something tangible to latch onto, cause it's true that that was bad on my part, we could've been hurt, victimized by one of my shitty stupid mistakes that I seem compelled to make nearly every day now.
(EDIT: Driving really is the source of so much of my anxiety. I'm constantly trying to stay relaxed, but the very moment that something even remotely scary happens, my mind latches onto it and refuses to let go. Somebody flashed their brights behind me? What for? Time for my heart to start pumping hard. My sister open up the window unexpectedly and a gust of cold wind makes me jump very slightly? Time to beat myself up for not keeping my cool. Just anything going wrong at all, even if nothing went wrong, or the experience was purely subjective in nature, gets ballooned out of proportion by the fact that it occurred in a potentially lethal situation, and my mind lets me know and tortures me for it.)
Anyway, that's my sad post. I've been doing pretty good lately, factually speaking, in a purely objective sense I'm doing fine. I just wanted to write about this feeling, to hopefully exorcise it before I subconsciously self-sabotage myself again.