Ah monopoly. There's nothing quite like a game where everyone enters happy and leaves with knives at each others throats.
I remember so many fond memories of the game.
I remember how my sister would always play by aggressively trying to bankrupt all the other players, leading to her victory. I remember how my safe high-end investment strategies were futile against this, so I adapted. I diversified, I bought a total range of all lands. I sold, I traded and it appeared that everyone was far superseding me in lands, indeed people were helping me pay the rent in difficult times.
Of course I had always been taking a moderate portion of all funds I received and hiding the money underneath the board for a rainy day. When the others gave me monopolies in return for me giving them monopolies, they were all surprised to find me build three rows of hotels in one turn, bankrupting and acquiring the assets of the others in quick succession.
This would of course, begin an economical arms race in the subsequent games.
Money laundering was rife, often people would falsely claim bankruptcy to gain access to lucrative deals that would bypass the crippling debt of the mortgage spiral. People kept trying to hide and find money that the other players hid to avoid a repeat of what I had done, often times we would acquire so much capital that the banker started running out of money and all income became strictly CEO to CEO.
This was all avoided when my sister had the smart idea to get some plain paper and start making new money.
The banker was once again with a new means to supply us with income and capital once again flowed through the markets. The net gain of capital due to very little taxing meant that the deals between CEOs became greater and fiercer, $100 deeds selling for thousands. We had learned the wonders of inflation, and knew that to fall behind increasing profit margins was to know bankruptcy. This problem only got worse with the advent of digital monopoly money, where the same land was now selling for multiple millions of monopoly dollars.