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Author Topic: [MILK] There were 12 eggs here what did you do with them? (Happy thread?!)  (Read 16862368 times)


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114780 on: October 21, 2013, 07:53:32 pm »

But is it missing any digits? I mean besides M and up.
Not as far as I know.
D = 500
C = 100
L = 50
X = 10
V = 5
I = 1
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114781 on: October 21, 2013, 08:07:16 pm »

That would make sense, considering how Roman numerals are structured around 1s and 5s.

Still, I hadn't really thought about that until just now. But yeah, if there were more letters above M (are there? I dunno) then it would follow the same pattern, I'm pretty sure.

I think the slaughter part is what made them angry.
OOC: Dachshundofdoom: This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with goddamn VUVUZELAS.
Those hookers aren't getting out any time soon, no matter how many fancy gadgets they have :v


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114782 on: October 21, 2013, 08:11:27 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114783 on: October 21, 2013, 08:37:26 pm »

In some buildings, they miss out floor 13 because it's 'unlucky'. In asian countries they do that with floor 4, because the word sounds like "death".

Number superstition factoid of the day.


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114784 on: October 21, 2013, 08:41:47 pm »

Number non-superstitious factoid of the day: Did you know the numbers we use today (1, 2, 3, et al) are called Arabic numerals, even though they originated in India?

This is actually really fun to use with teachers. I asked my German teacher if she wanted us to write out numbers on an assignment, or just use Arabic numerals, and she ended up just giving up.

I think the slaughter part is what made them angry.
OOC: Dachshundofdoom: This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with goddamn VUVUZELAS.
Those hookers aren't getting out any time soon, no matter how many fancy gadgets they have :v


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114785 on: October 21, 2013, 08:42:08 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.
Supposedly, the number 666 is associated with Demons of the Apocalypse, and that people who are marked with 666 will be protected/have control over those monsters.

Basically, it's Dark Age witch hunting bullcrap.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114786 on: October 21, 2013, 08:45:51 pm »

Also, this Discrete Mathematics book, which I've only just now started reading (because I am a useless piece of shit), is good stuff. Formal logic is at once straightforward and confusing. It is just so difficult to internalize that A->B is true if A is false, no matter what. I understand why they did it that way, kind of, but the notion of "I can't know" is just so intuitive to me that it constantly asserts itself as the answer to that sort of thing. Ah well, this is just the very beginning, so I'll need to get over that.


I am so~ happy for you!  Good luck!
"The question of the usefulness of poetry arises only in periods of its decline, while in periods of its flowering, no one doubts its total uselessness." - Boris Pasternak

nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer renegade mathematician and mafia subforum limpet. please avoid quoting me.

pronouns: prefer neutral ones, others are fine. height: 5'3".


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114787 on: October 21, 2013, 08:49:19 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.
Supposedly, the number 666 is associated with Demons of the Apocalypse, and that people who are marked with 666 will be protected/have control over those monsters.

Basically, it's Dark Age witch hunting bullcrap.
Besides, 999 is a cooler number.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114788 on: October 21, 2013, 09:54:32 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.
Supposedly, the number 666 is associated with Demons of the Apocalypse, and that people who are marked with 666 will be protected/have control over those monsters.

Basically, it's Dark Age witch hunting bullcrap.
Besides, 999 is a cooler number.
You mean IM?


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114789 on: October 21, 2013, 09:57:52 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.

According to one of my Lit teachers, back in the first century 666 was used refer to Emperor Nero, because of some quirk of Latin where you could convert his initials to letters and add them up or something.  This was a while ago, but this teacher speaks Latin so I'm sure it made sense to him.  Anyway, the Christian stories that started the whole number of the beast thing were apparently literally referring to Nero, because Christians hated him that much.
"T-take this non-euclidean geometry, h-humanity-baka. I m-made it, but not because I l-li-l-like you or anything! I just felt s-sorry for you, b-baka."
You misspelled seance.  Are possessing Draignean?  Are you actually a ghost in the shell? You have to tell us if you are, that's the rule


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114790 on: October 21, 2013, 10:01:17 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.

According to one of my Lit teachers, back in the first century 666 was used refer to Emperor Nero, because of some quirk of Latin where you could convert his initials to letters and add them up or something.  This was a while ago, but this teacher speaks Latin so I'm sure it made sense to him.  Anyway, the Christian stories that started the whole number of the beast thing were apparently literally referring to Nero, because Christians hated him that much.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114791 on: October 21, 2013, 10:02:17 pm »

In some buildings, they miss out floor 13 because it's 'unlucky'. In asian countries they do that with floor 4, because the word sounds like "death".

Number superstition factoid of the day.
Eh? Really? It's usually the 13th floor that's cut out and not floor 4 here :P

...Four = Death. Erm, I believe that is derived from a single distinct language given that notion.

Also, this Discrete Mathematics book, which I've only just now started reading (because I am a useless piece of shit), is good stuff. Formal logic is at once straightforward and confusing. It is just so difficult to internalize that A->B is true if A is false, no matter what. I understand why they did it that way, kind of, but the notion of "I can't know" is just so intuitive to me that it constantly asserts itself as the answer to that sort of thing. Ah well, this is just the very beginning, so I'll need to get over that.


I am so~ happy for you!  Good luck!
Sounds more like a logic book Bauglir :D
Regardless: *happies*
You can DO THIS. :))

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.

According to one of my Lit teachers, back in the first century 666 was used refer to Emperor Nero, because of some quirk of Latin where you could convert his initials to letters and add them up or something.  This was a while ago, but this teacher speaks Latin so I'm sure it made sense to him.  Anyway, the Christian stories that started the whole number of the beast thing were apparently literally referring to Nero, because Christians hated him that much.
+1 to this. Researching history here: Yeah. Nero was such an [expletive redacted] because of his act(s?) against the people that hating him was a norm.

Also persecution :S


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114792 on: October 21, 2013, 10:02:52 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.

According to one of my Lit teachers, back in the first century 666 was used refer to Emperor Nero, because of some quirk of Latin where you could convert his initials to letters and add them up or something.  This was a while ago, but this teacher speaks Latin so I'm sure it made sense to him.  Anyway, the Christian stories that started the whole number of the beast thing were apparently literally referring to Nero, because Christians hated him that much.
No his name was NERO. That was terrible I'm sorry.
When i say "I'm no expert but..." It means "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I'm going to try to sound like i do."


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114793 on: October 21, 2013, 10:03:33 pm »

Right, but 666 is one of those numbers seen as "unlucky" in many places. I don't know if the ancient Romans saw it that way, but I intend to use it for NaNoWriMo and the fact that it looks really good and is easy to remember when translated to the numerals is icing on the cake.

According to one of my Lit teachers, back in the first century 666 was used refer to Emperor Nero, because of some quirk of Latin where you could convert his initials to letters and add them up or something.  This was a while ago, but this teacher speaks Latin so I'm sure it made sense to him.  Anyway, the Christian stories that started the whole number of the beast thing were apparently literally referring to Nero, because Christians hated him that much.
No his name was NERO. That was terrible I'm sorry.
So terrible that I chuckled.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


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Re: [ლ( ლ)] He comes (Happy thread)
« Reply #114794 on: October 21, 2013, 10:15:42 pm »

In some buildings, they miss out floor 13 because it's 'unlucky'. In asian countries they do that with floor 4, because the word sounds like "death".

Number superstition factoid of the day.
Eh? Really? It's usually the 13th floor that's cut out and not floor 4 here :P

...Four = Death. Erm, I believe that is derived from a single distinct language given that notion.

Pretty sure it's only Japanese. "Four" in Japanese can either be "Yon" or "Shi". "Shi" is also the word for "Death".
Administrator of the Realms of Kar'Kaish Project.
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