Surprisingly, I have no gang members, so you'll have to wait.
Chapter 4: The second rise
And so, after a long wait: The trials.
Archie Youngblood, murder and assault, this was a very interesting case. Because our lawyer pansied out we had to use the court attorney, who was remarkably good while the prosecution was laughable. They failed to mention what Archie had been doing before the murder, let alone the things he did after. While our defence was somewhat liberal himself and some coercion made sure he twisted the whole story into tragic self defence. Not Guilty.
Mary Lewis, distribution of controlled substance and 13 counts of vandalism. Again, we were forced to use the court attorney, this one provided lackluster arguments, we were forced to watch as the judges gave her 32 months.
Myself, 2 counts of aiding prison escape, racketeering, many counts of breaking and entering, and some more of theft. 3 former LCS members testified against me, traitors. I defended myself. I will not judge myself on my performance, but the final result did. Not Guilty. I'm back.
First order of business; Recruiting a sleeper lawyer and setting up a reliable income again. We now have the disguises to get entire squads into most places. Including the police station...
I recently found these files again, it is time to go back to updating them.
I managed to recruit a lawyer, and Jun Gleaves is set on recruiting a programmer, I can't blame him.
Days are busy, I don't have the time for details.
Today is a great day, after a blur of events we found out, animal rights laws are now at elite liberal! On to the next issue!
Inawarminister joined us today, he's eager to start recruiting people for the cause but first he's gonna have to get his juice up, and anyway, we need him to take a look at online opinion polls, we need that info.
Opinion polls are neutral, and people don't like the strict animal rights, damn.
Archie got arrested again, while we probably won't bust him out, we are going to influence the jury.. Meanwhile, inawarminister is knocking out conservative websites all over the place.
Roger stelling's trial:
Charged with distribution of a controlled substance.
He's a good persuader and he's probably better at law than the judges themselves, so he's defending himself.
With a moderate jury, we've got this case in the bag, and indeed. 'NOT GUILTY'
Roger Stelling and Barry villa are of to hospital, they decided to start playing guitar in the park and got shot up bad by an army veteran and a merc. We'll get our revenge on those.
Angel hoffmann got arrested again,
Our second kidnapping attempt will start today, we'll see how that goes. Jame advised us to go and get a sleeper at the radio station, I fully agree.
And it worked! We converted one of their security guards! We now have a decent map and I'm ready to try kidnapping a more important person.
Damn, the police bitch got away, let's try that again.
Animal rights one down.
Flag burning one down,
And something vague to do with industry one down. Damn, we need a new president.
The interrogation is a lot harder with this one...
The trial of Mumtaz Tubman, Charged with loitering.
He's good at law and persuasion, so he's defending himself, with the liberal jury and the meagre prosecution we think we've won this one. - We did.
Archie youngblood, charged with distribution of a controlled substance, again.
This time, however, it's a lot worse. 31 months in prison.
Angel Hoffmann ratted us out.
The automaton has been enlightened, but it is too late, as he has been reported kidnapped. He'll be useful in a fight, though.
I got a call from jame saying that all safehouses in the industrial district were comprmised except for the shelter, evacuating everyone accordingly. We're spending the rest of the month earning money.
I said before prison that we would be back.
We're back.
To celebrate, Jun Gleaves changed her name to Sid McFuzz.