Am I allowed to join? I warn you, my roleplay skills have almost faded into oblivion.
The Cuahuatl are humanoid creatures, the only difference being their strong, feline legs. They stand about 160 cm tall, and while the average Cuahuatl is strong, dexterous and a quick thinker, they lack the wisdom and creativness to develop a strong technology. They can make crude weapons, and are often seen using a wooden or stone spiked club.
They, as does their god, value courage and battle skills above all, and wrestle or spar regularly. They mostly use wood to build houses and civic buildings, but use stone for their temples. Those temples range from small stone huts, to giant constructions filled with elaborate traps and centuries worth of loot.
Unsurprisingly, they mostly hunt for food, but they have a crude knowledge of farming, fruit gathering, and fishing. Those types of food, however, are mostly used only by the weakest and most 'unworthy' civillians.
The priests are chosen from those who show unuasual courage, strength, skill and intelligence in battle, and every citizen can vote. Apart from 'yes' and 'no', a vote can call for 'test'. When most citizens demand a test, the priests already chosen challenge their would-be colleague. Common examples include fighting wild animals, surviving a trap room in one of the great temples, or surviving in the wilderness for a set amount of days. No-one can interfere, and even if they could, every Cuahuatl would rather die then let someone help them during these tests.
These challenges are also a crime punishment system. Even though Cuahuatl would never steal from someone of their kin, fleeing and trying to evade battle are also seen as crime. When the criminal survives the challenge, his sins are forgotten and his honor restored.
At the age of 12, Cuahuatl are considered mature and have to confirm this by going through a rather difficult rite of passage, yet special care is taken to ensure that none get wounded too heavily. When they fail, they can try again one year later and are considered immature untill then, and when they fail the third time, they will undergo a one year period of training and conditioning by the priests, after which they are adults.
Domains: Strength, Battle, Skill, Honor
Quanitzin is most often showed as a Jaguar, sometimes an Eagle (surprise), but always with one green and one blue eye. He uses no avatar, but mostly speaks to the people directly via the priests. Those are, after all, the ones most worthy of his blessing, as they have been chosen for their skills and honor.
Quanitzin rarely interacts with his people. He guides them, but almost never interferes, and helps only those that deserve so. He is very generous in his helpings however, and during history, a few individual heroes have lived much longer than biologically possible, while their strength and skills reached almost superhuman heights.
One of those individuals is Axayacoloc, and the only one currently alive. His muscles and wits are feared and respected by all of the Cuahuatl, and it was not one year after his entrance to adulthood that he became priest of Quanitzin. He is the leader of the outpost, but often leaves the actual leading to his second priest, while he explores the depths of the jungle. He is the only one to carry a metal club, even though the Cuahuatl themselves have no word for metal - they call it sharpstone. The weapon was given them after his greatest victory so far, when he and not a hundred followers ambushed and defeated a 500 man strong regiment of the hostile, outcast Epanola clan.