Well, it's kind of a scenario.
Let's say a troll were to wake up in a small, abandoned city in the North Holland region of the Netherlands. Said troll could be of either gender, any blood color between the range of maroon to cerulean, and generally average in every way. No psychic powers, no absurdly high focus into an aspect of physical or mental ability, no disabilities, and no recollection of how they got there. Their weapon of choice would preferably be limited in its ability to cause massive amounts of structural damage in a short timeframe.
The city would of course be small, more of a tourist town than an industrial or business-based city. As to its abandonedness, it would be as if every living being, aside from plants and non-domesticated animals, simply vanished in the middle of what they were doing. Electricity and water would be supplied by a still-functioning external source in addition to access to the ocean. There would be no easy means of escape from the city. Public transportation would be walled off, streets in and out would be walled up, the ocean access would have only small gaps underwater for the exchange of fish and water from one section to another, and no means to fly out would be supplied. Most buildings would be residential, retail, or entertainment-based.
How would that troll behave in it's new environment?