Urist Beardbridges has performed some strange fishing preperations and managed to catch a fish.
When he wanted to try to catch another one, a big explosion drew his attention. He looked north and saw a huge hole on the eastern side of the Amurshin Istrath Nun. A moment later a huge rock landed on another side of the river, smoking and burning grass around it.
Urist has caught a fish (+1 fishing, -1 pale worm).
Urist was shaken up by an unnatural event (-1
It's a late day. The temperature is hot. The air is still. The sun is shining. There're coulds on the horison.•• Dwarves ••
Urist Beardbridges:
a raggy Rope reed shirt; Rope reed pants; Turtle Shell Cap; River Cane fishing pole (held); Crude stone spear (held); a pale worm
7Mood: Content [
Urist Beardbridges has been shaken up by unnatural things recently. Urist Beardbridges has admired sparks lately.Skills: Throwing0 (1/5); Crafting0 (4/5); Herbalism0 (1/5); Growing0 (1/5); Swimming0 (1/5); Lumberjacking0 (1/5); Masonry0 (1/5); Fishing (1/5).
•• Location ••
Unnamed place:
Temperature: Moderate
Wind: None
Weather: Clear, more clouds on the horison, the sun is high in the sky•• Namings ••
Amurshin Istrath Nun*: "Dirtbright the Jewel of Crevices", a snow-capped mountain
Areyar: +1
IP for catching the first fish without accidents.