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Author Topic: Religious Archetypes  (Read 10014 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2009, 12:48:06 pm »

In order for religious systems to interest me in gameplay, I would require, at the very least:
* A religious leader-type, be they Shaman, Priest, Oracle, Prophet, King, Pope, or otherwise.
* A procedure of worship, be it personal prayer, large groupings, sacrifices, holidays (holidays should also spring up throughout world-gen, or even within your own fortress, but that's off topic), fasting (what better way for a Dwarf to show devotion than to do without beer for a full season?), taboos, or otherwise, with liberal mixing.  I want to see my Dwarves practicing their religion.  I want to see them listen to their leader(s).  I want to see them bury/cremate/eat/head-shrink their dead (or other possibilities!).  I want to see them take religious pilgrimages.  I want to see them avoid eating certain things.  Otherwise, their religion is simply a descriptor, not a game feature.
* A religions type, preferably broken into simple ideas.  I know there are hundreds of ways to organize a religion, but I don't think there really needs to be so many in a video game.  Ancestor Worship, Nature Worship, Deity Worship, or Philosophy  kind of cover most of them, don't they?  While the specifics can range wildly (and colorfully!), most religions center around the worship of the dead, the universe, or some being much more powerful than oneself.  Even metal idols and mortal gods qualify as deity worship, and any religion unconcerned with the truth of the universe but bent completely on bettering the self, the community, and the world is generally called a Philosophy.  I'm sure many great possibilities for religion will be left out by this simplification, but we're talking about a game here.  (Oh, and of course "No Religion" should be an option, too.)
* Special Events.  This includes holidays, revelations, religious uprisings, religious quarrels, reconstructions, and (perhaps most importantly) miracles.  Some of these special events may be within my power as a player to enact, such as some quantifiable way to suddenly create 20 barrels of booze from one single barrel, or to cover my fortress in an impenetrable fog.  Others should be beyond my control, like sudden revelations (like Strange Moods) or the sudden plague that can only be ended by a blood sacrifice at the proper location (chasm, mega-beast cave, boiling pool of magma, blood-caked altar... whatever).  All of these should occur through (one of) the religious figurehead(s), or I should be notified by same of their (impending?) arrival.  Philosophical religions may be considerably lacking in the "Special Occurrences," at least that I can think of.  This might make them boring to have around, even though I'd very much like to see them.  We do, after all, already have philosophers.  Still, this just might be the religious version of embarking on an easy map.
* Special Needs:  Any religion placed in the game should require new designs in your fortress (or other tasks by the player) to facilitate its growth.  Temple-worshiping religions will want temples - progressively larger ones as they gain followers.  Ancestor-worship religions will want special burial chambers (unless they cremate, in which case they would want furnaces, or ... whatever).  Nature-worship religions might want a particular grove of pine, or a large, un-smoothed cavern, or become unhappy with higher architechtural wealth.  If the religion asks nothing of me, I can almost feel that it may as well not be there.

... That's it.  I can see the religion occurring, I can understand what it's about, I can interact with it through a religious leader figure (be it single or multiple), and it adds depth to my play experience - and to my fortress.  If I'm missing a key element in game feature necessities, do enlighten me.

While having the religion grow organically might be kind of spiffy, I'm not entirely certain it's necessary in the flow of a single game.  Religious change within a fortress should, as a game mechanic, come as a swift and dramatic event, like sieges and strange moods.  The arrival of migrants might bring more religions to the fortress (provided your civ allows multiple religions), but that should only give me the "fun" of dealing with the new religion's needs and/or conflicts with existing religions.

While religions certainly change over the number of years considered in world-gen, how many of us play a single world that long?  Is it really so important to see the religions change?  Is it really so important to chart that change throughout history?

... Well.  I suppose it could be.  But important enough to spend the time making a working program to simulate the kind of real-world change you're suggesting?  That's debatable.  I think the organic change itself would be bloat, albeit an interesting enough bloat for the purposes of engravings and adventurer-mode history.
Tha's grreat!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #46 on: July 23, 2009, 12:23:16 am »

When you get down to it, it all has to be broken down into a set of binary switches anyway, so we might as well leverage that to work for us instead of against us.

I labor under the assumption of a modular system of metaphysics, where a thing either is, or is not possible, depending on what universe you occupy. Weighting factors that determine how strong a particular effect is would add a lot of possibilities to such a system, but don't affect my proposal on the fundamental level.

The system does not need a huge number of rules to create a combination explosion effect.

Take the Hermanubis problem I mentioned before. While the situation could be made more fine grained, there are four basic possibilities that need to be covered: 1. The two gods fuse into a single entity, incorporating some or all of the history of both characters(Beliefs can fuse gods). 2. A new god is created, leaving both of it's parent gods intact(beliefs can create gods). 3. Both gods acquire all the powers attributed to the other, but retain their identities(beliefs can alter existing gods). 4.The beliefs of the followers has no effect at all(none of the above are true).

This is essentially three rules that can be turned on or off, and effect the religions of the game in a fundamental and interesting way. Three becomes irrelevant if one or two is true, and four can only occur if the other two are false, so the only potential weirdness comes from the combination of one and two. The pros and cons of the various solutions to this conflict are too great a digression for this paragraph to continue.

A [RANDOM_METAPHYSICS] would be the best thing a religion simulator ever had.

Before you declare me completely gung ho, I implore you to note that I don't dare to suggest allowing metaphysics themselves to change over time.


That said, I feel that grouping philosophies and religions together as sub-classes a belief system entity is perfectly reasonable, saving on code and still allowing for interesting interactions.

This does beg for giving dwarves the ability to believe more than one thing, so long as the two are not mutually exclusive, but there is only one programmer.

Just because I self-identify as a Christian doesn't mean I can't glean wisdom from Confucius and Quantum Theory. Modeling this in DF would be non-trivial, but it would also be awesome.


Of course, all that means nothing if it doesn't have some effect on the ground. In a world with active tags like [GODS_EXIST], [MATERIAL_GODS], [INVINCIBLE_GODS], [GODS_INTEREST_IN_MORTAL_AFFAIRS:ALWAYS] and so on, that's pretty easy to do. e.g. The impious king of the elves is struck down by his tree gods and replaced with a crusader who will wreak vengeance on the hated dwarves (or die trying ;D).

In a world with less visible (or even non-existent) gods, religions need to be able to stand on their own and do something interesting. This is probably more important to fortress level play, than the flashy stuff, since it's something the player can shape, and it happens all the time, regardless of any effect, up above the clouds.

Individual dwarves observing, altering, joining, abandoning and creating new religions, are the meat of the thing.

There are plenty of threads, detailing suggestions on how dwarves might observe their religions. The most frequent suggestions include such things as funerals, holidays and regular temple services. These are mostly good, but I won't waste your time by repeating them here.

However, I'd like to see the religions delve into things that give them more texture, like smaller superstitions. Kiss your amulet for good luck, bestow alms on the poor to alleviate guilt, or bow every time you pass a statue, depicting your god's favored form. These things could give tiny happy or bad thoughts for doing them, or not doing them, based on a variety of factors. i.e. Urist McDoubter could get "He was pleased with himself, for not following a silly superstition," while Urist McPious might feel guilty if he was unable to fulfill one of his duties. A superstition personality trait for this sort thing might help, but then it might do more harm than good.

More important to the long term building aspect, cults need to crop up, and we need to be able to encourage or crush them, based on our personal whims. I'd like to see dwarves from inside the fortress grow into philosophers and prophets, though divine revelations, deep contemplations (perhaps just nobles and clergy), or good, old-fashioned lying. These individuals get the idea for a new religion, and start trying to convert others.

"Urist McHeretic has launched a revolutionary new school of thought!"

The superstition system above could be expanded to include items like "Inquisitors should hammer heretics" and "all adherents should turn heretics over to the inquisition." Not all religions should have these, and what it takes to make one religion anathema to another is a complex issue that will need to be simplified for game purposes, but the potential for Fun makes it worthwhile.

If a cult can survive long enough to grow to a respectable size, they could start demanding whatever facilities the other religions ask for. They might need to be able to get legal protection from their hammer waving neighbors (to prevent religious conflict from being a single fork path). One way or another, whether or not the city council accidentally routes a magma flow bypass through their sanctuary will impact the world for generations.

This is a rare, but momentous opportunity  and the player should have an entire toolkit of options for dealing with it. There should be more ways to interact with what may be the fulcrum point for a world's history than dumping lava on it, or not dumping lava on it.

Designating temple areas is a great start, and there are a lot of ways to add nuance to it. Larger, nicer temples mean you can support more and happier followers, who will collect more donations and recruit more clergy, leading to a nice equilibrium effect, where churches grow, until there's standing room only, and then people stop inviting their friends.

If a religion has no legally sanctioned temple, they should try to make do with covert services, held in their members' homes and workshops. This could cause unhappy thoughts, while increasing the commitment of the attendees, leading to the potential for violent revolutions, or (for peace loving religions) protest martyrdoms that attract the attention of potential converts.

While religions certainly change over the number of years considered in world-gen, how many of us play a single world that long?  Is it really so important to see the religions change?  Is it really so important to chart that change throughout history?

Is the reason so few people play a world that long, that these types of events do not happen? Is there a reason we can't try to make at least a few of these ideas practical enough to be worth using?
The path through the wilderness is rarely direct. Reaching the destination is useless,
if you don't learn the lessons of the dessert.
--but you do have to keep walking.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #47 on: July 23, 2009, 08:00:47 am »

I like everything you said, with 2 caveats.  You are assuming a world where the gods are relatively unknowable (agnosticism or atheism is a valid position) and a world in which beliefs shape gods.  For the first, it's like you're proposing a 'believes in rain' tag...  it's a valid thing, as long as all dwarves live in the desert.  As far as the second, I'd almost rather belief have no affect on the divine, which means that the processes you describe need to be extended to interactions between actual actors.  (I'm ok with a Pantheon system that doesn't support Hermanubis if the gods in it are real)

Seriously though... given those two caveats, I like what you said.

So what I'm hearing is that the religion sphere is really three things.  Morals(actions, right and wrong), Beliefs(Metaphysics, shouldn't really affect play), and Structure (Holidays, Priesthoods, etc).  Am I missing anything?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #48 on: July 23, 2009, 07:00:48 pm »

I like everything you said, with 2 caveats.  You are assuming a world where the gods are relatively unknowable (agnosticism or atheism is a valid position) and a world in which beliefs shape gods.  For the first, it's like you're proposing a 'believes in rain' tag...  it's a valid thing, as long as all dwarves live in the desert.  As far as the second, I'd almost rather belief have no affect on the divine, which means that the processes you describe need to be extended to interactions between actual actors.  (I'm ok with a Pantheon system that doesn't support Hermanubis if the gods in it are real)

Seriously though... given those two caveats, I like what you said.

So what I'm hearing is that the religion sphere is really three things.  Morals(actions, right and wrong), Beliefs(Metaphysics, shouldn't really affect play), and Structure (Holidays, Priesthoods, etc).  Am I missing anything?

You misunderstand. I do not assume a system of metaphysics where belief changes gods; I propose a system robust enough for such a system to be toggled in the raws, without either option being considered incomplete.

Likewise, the way people think about gods will need to vary depending on what sort of gods they have, and how clear a view they have of them.

A system for randomizing the rules would be awesome, but the ability to choose your own metaphysics at worldgen is a key component (and one of the key advantages of) of variable metaphysics.
The path through the wilderness is rarely direct. Reaching the destination is useless,
if you don't learn the lessons of the dessert.
--but you do have to keep walking.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2009, 09:00:51 am »

While religions certainly change over the number of years considered in world-gen, how many of us play a single world that long?  Is it really so important to see the religions change?  Is it really so important to chart that change throughout history?

Is the reason so few people play a world that long, that these types of events do not happen? Is there a reason we can't try to make at least a few of these ideas practical enough to be worth using?

Touche.  A valid point, to be sure.  I can tell you now why I keep re-making my worlds, but it would be sufficiently off-topic for this thread that I should not.

I can see you've put sufficient thought into this and, while I'm not entirely certain of the need for things to change so during gameplay, I will admit that the opportunity would be awesome, as would the ability to set metaphysics parameters in world-gen.

You have intrigued me, sir, and gained my support - if not for all your ideas (at least not at once, but we're not looking at the short-term, now are we?), then at least a good number of them.
Tha's grreat!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2009, 10:27:20 am »

I think a simple system of altars and gods is good enough to start with. In the short term (one fortress) all the gods that exist exist, and all the gods that don't don't. Dwarves would come along and bring the religions of existent gods with them, and in doing so would open up an option for players to create altars which would then be designated as temples and assigned to a god that your fortress has worshippers of. Bigger altars, more impressive offerings and more followers would increase the effect of the god on your fortress (or on the lands of your foes) by imperceptible but effective amounts. Having no knowledge of a god means that they have no effect on your fortress, while having no temple to a god you know exists would mean that they affect your fortress (within their spheres of influence) completely randomly.

Anything else (longer term godhood) can be added later
I agree with Urist. Steampunk is like Darth Vader winning Holland's Next Top Model. It would be awesome but not something I'd like in this game.
Unfortunately dying involves the amputation of the entire body from the dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2009, 10:37:02 am »

You're looking for the other religion thread (The effects one).  We're talking specifically about how religions and/or gods evolve through worldgen


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #52 on: July 24, 2009, 10:40:04 am »

I'm very sorry. I thought this was another topic debating the same thing (it happens a lot) so i posted up what I posted in there. I apologise again.
I agree with Urist. Steampunk is like Darth Vader winning Holland's Next Top Model. It would be awesome but not something I'd like in this game.
Unfortunately dying involves the amputation of the entire body from the dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2009, 10:52:39 am »

No worries, I'm not giving you a hard time, just suggesting you read the thread linked from the OP, since it's more focused on the nitty gritty of how dwarves worship (rather than who and why).

Edit:  I'm tweaking the OP to include options presented by other people.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 11:06:38 am by Granite26 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2009, 10:40:42 pm »

Urist McCheeser has been Possessed!
Urist McCheeser has been Chosen by Urvod Breakhammer the Goading Tide of Arrogance!
Urist McCheeser has become Urist McCultist!
A party has been started by Urist McCheeser at Stone Table.
The cult of The Goading Tide of Arrogance has been formed.
Urist McFisher has been poisoned!
Urist McLyemaker ahs been poisoned!
Urist McMason has been poisoned!
Urist McSoldier has been poisoned!
Urist McMiner has been poisoned!
Urist McButcher has been poisoned!
Urist McCultist has been poisoned!
The cult of The Goading Tide of Arrogance has been wiped out.

Yikes!  Thats not cool    :(

In a fantasy-type world would it not make more sense to have one ultimate religion?  In every  fantasy book I read (LOTR comes to mind) there is one polytheistic religion that worships deities that take an active part in there day to day life.  Sure cultists are also a fantasy staple, but for the most part the majority of society all worship one religion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #55 on: July 25, 2009, 01:27:05 am »

If you want to pigeonhole it, sure, but there are things you aren't considering:

For one thing, even if there's some particular ultimate religious truth that is observably real, not everyone will agree about it entirely. See The Elder Scrolls series for an example. There definitely are real divine entities, magic, etc., but everyone interprets it a bit differently and nobody is ENTIRELY sure of the details.

Also (and TES does this as well), not everyone has to SERVE the same god(s). For example, while nature spirits may be real in DF, and so may a god of gold and other precious metals, elves will tend to worship the former more than the latter and dwarves vice-versa.

There are probably some other considerations I can't think of off the top of my head, but you get my point: Even if a fantasy world does have a canonical ultimate divine reality, that doesn't mean the fantasy cultures are omniscient about it, or that they'll interpret it the same way or approach it all with the same priorities in mind.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #56 on: July 25, 2009, 07:58:54 am »

Hell, look at the three abrahamic religions. They all worship the same god (they say otherwise, but seriously...) but go such different ways about it, and even if you look just at Christianity then you'll see about a billion different ways of worshipping and interpretations.
I agree with Urist. Steampunk is like Darth Vader winning Holland's Next Top Model. It would be awesome but not something I'd like in this game.
Unfortunately dying involves the amputation of the entire body from the dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #57 on: July 25, 2009, 11:18:49 am »

In a fantasy-type world would it not make more sense to have one ultimate religion?  In every  fantasy book I read (LOTR comes to mind) there is one polytheistic religion that worships deities that take an active part in there day to day life.  Sure cultists are also a fantasy staple, but for the most part the majority of society all worship one religion.

LoTR was expressly Christian, even if less in your face than C.S. Lewis.

Books tend to have singular true religions because there's a singular author (IMHO)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #58 on: July 26, 2009, 12:33:10 am »

See The Elder Scrolls series for an example. There definitely are real divine entities, magic, etc., but everyone interprets it a bit differently and nobody is ENTIRELY sure of the details

 :(  Elder Scrolls is one of the series I was using for example, I am not very familiar with the series (just the last two titles) but especially in IV there is one "mainstream" religion that is very real, and very active, I don't remember anybody "denying" there existance.  Of course there are the necromancers and Dagor worshipers, but they are the "seedier" side of society and not part of the mainstream.

I realize that you guys were having a very well-informed debate and I threw in a random comment, but that is what I see all across the fantasy genre, one Greco-Roman polythesism worshipped by everybody, with a neo-Zeus cult.  Maybe that is just because fantasy literature is dominated by Teutonic/Scandinavian folk-lore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Religious Archetypes
« Reply #59 on: July 26, 2009, 08:50:39 am »

Actually, it's something I'd like to see discussion on.  I feel like there should be a good example of how to have multiple 'true' religions in a single cohesive metaphysical context, but there just isn't.

Either the pantheons bleed into each other (see Scion)

Or it's shown as different approaches to the same thing (see DemonWars)

The DemonWars world is my favorite example of religion in a fantasy world, but it's God wasn't a present or active entity (although the demons were).  It ended up being that different cultures worshipped a 'greater good' in different ways (although all the large institutions ended up corrupted)

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