Smoky, as I stated.
Anyway, I never remember liking Excalibur all that much. It's a definite improvement over a longsword, but not by such a margin as to use up one of your artifact 'slots'. It's always the first two artifacts that are guaranteed when wishing, but only if no others are in existence. If you're not a wizard, then it pays to actually wish for magicbane as your first artifact, since it confers magic resistance, is excellently at engraving Elbereth, most classes are good with knives anyway, does magical things to creatures... but the ONE reason that magicbane is nearly essential is for it's one quality that no other artifact has, and that is it resists cursing.
This doesn't sound like much, but when Yendor is hounding you as you trek all the way from the bottom of Gehennom, he'll randomly curse your items, and this is BAD! It can easily cripple even the most prepared adventurer by stifling the benefits of having blessed items and equipment.
EDIT: If you ARE a wizard though, then it pays to wait until you can wish for two other artifacts to help you in your quest, as you can get the magicbane through sac'ing creatures to your god regardless of how many artifact 'slots' have been used up.
Also, keeping sac'ing and praying! You'll eventually get a book of finger of death as a gift from your god. A very useful spell against Rodney.