I have a couple from the original handful of forts I made.
My favorite facepalm is actually on behalf of the dwarf that was victimized. I reclaimed a fort that I had been spending a LOT of time working on. Basically I wanted to make a nice fort with a pretty front for a change, and I had finally gotten a map that was all flat except for the lower left hand corner which dropped 5 Z-levels, but also had a river on the top level so it was going to be EASY to set up great defenses and an almost natural cistern.
Anyways I had finally finished the landscaping after sacrificing dozens of dwarf settlers to the cave in gods. I abandoned and reclaimed with a proper team of settlers (instead of what amounted to all miners for the landscaping) and got ready to settle down and make my fort. One of the annoying things that I have noticed about reclaims is that even if you seal all of the goods from a previous embark into a room deep under ground, it still ends of scattered everywhere. So I took the time before unpausing to claim everything and lay down am everything pile to have the settlers collect all of the goods (it amounted to clothes for 10 dwarfs, almost 90 units of booze and food, tools, another anvil, and a ton of un-used barrels) and then unpaused. My primary miner dwarf took four steps to pick up a seed, tripped on a rock, and shattered his left leg.
This was annoying to say the least, but I did have a doctor dwarf in my team and some cloth so I figured at the very least he can go and clean the wound, bandage him up, and give him water and food to keep him from death until later. Not a single dwarf helped him. Not one. He was sitting next to the wagon, bleeding, dehydrated and hungry with an infection and not a single swarf helped him. I figured that they had gotten overloaded with haul orders or maybe I did not have a bucket. So I verified that I did indeed have an empty bucket and I removed all jobs except for health care from my doctor dwarf. Nothing. So the miner died of dehydration from a broken leg right next to my embark point.
He must have been a real dick though cause none of the dwarfs in the party were even upset that he had died.