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Author Topic: Your most badass dwarf ever  (Read 4990 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2009, 01:43:44 pm »

hmm, I haven't had any military dwarves really stand out much

So far my most badass dwarf would be the legendary miner of my current fort. I'm just starting out, he's been exploratory mining nonstop for maybe the first year, just barely hit legendary 1 in mining. then I hit the HFS (my first one). the pit, not the adamantine. a demon busts out damn near instantly and attacks my miner... who immediately pickaxes it in the chest, puncturing its lungs and heart, killing it, without a scratch on him.

Urist McMine: F*$% THAT! *stab*
Demon: WAT? *dies*


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2009, 03:37:37 pm »

a demon busts out damn near instantly and attacks my miner... who immediately pickaxes it in the chest, puncturing its lungs and heart, killing it, without a scratch on him.
...this is the avatar of Armok.
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
Getting angry is fun. Getting angry over petty things even better.


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2009, 04:24:31 pm »

Mine was just a miner who got a couple of fire imps completely pissed. He started running, but I recruited him and suddenly he turned from coward to Urist McAwesomePick. He ran at the imps, dodging all this fire and ash as they freaked the hell out. He then must have picked out their eyes, because both fell dead almost instantly as he reached them.

Not all that badass, but the fire dodging was pretty epic.


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2009, 05:24:07 pm »

Well, this guy isn't military, but I still consider him to be badass.

One of my founders, by the nickname of Stonehand, was to be an artist.  Every day, when he wasn't mining, he was smoothing out that which he had dug.  Eventually, he became a legendary miner, then a legendary engraver.  All well and good.  Then, one day, there was a goblin ambush across the moat.  Stonehand was out for some reason I can't recall, and got shot at least five times before the champions could get out to take care of the goblin ambush.  This is why a wall now encompasses all of Shorebolder the Great Black Tower-Castle of Light.  In any case, Stonehand was gravely wounded, but, being superdwarvenly tough, he recovered in under a year.  However, amongst the massive amounts of wounds he received, Stonehand had both his eyes shot out (without any damage to his brain, though). 
So, poor Stonehand is blind, but he continues doing his work.  It's only now that he begins to actually engrave images; up to this point, he had only smoothed walls and floors.  Eventually, he picks up masonry as well.  His true crowning moment of awesome came when it was time to dam the river.  All the others had abandoned their posts, drinking, seeping and whatnot, but there were still three wall tiles to be completed.  Stonehand, however, braved the river, building wall after wall, though he was interrupted time and time again.  Three times, he nearly drowned in the raging waters, but he continued on.  The water splashed about him as he screamed to the heavens, placing stone upon stone, until finally, he had done it.  The river had been tamed, and Stonehand stood upon dry ground.

Later on, I discovered that he had reached legendary in another skill: furnace operating.  I had turned it on long ago, when we didn't have any true smiths, and had forgotten to turn it off.  Since they were magma furnaces, I decided that my quadruple-legendary blind dwarf deserved a new profession name.  He is now Stonehand, Elemental Master, as he has tamed earth, water, fire, and metal.  He has been given the finest tomb in the fort, engraved by himself, so that generations to come will know that the true measure of a dwarf is not just how many goblins they kill, but rather the strength and courage they show in overcoming all the challenges that the world throws at them.  And even without sight, he know that his images are beautiful.
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Heron TSG

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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2009, 06:49:05 pm »

Stonehand sounds badass indeed! you should bury him with a couple caged(?) megabeasts.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2009, 10:08:20 pm »

Urist McMine: F*$% THAT! *stab*
Demon: WAT? *dies*

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I wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself.
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Jesus, you broke the site!
Sorry, Bro.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2009, 01:47:04 am »

Maybe not quite as awesome as some of these other stories, as this is my first serious fort, but here goes.

For about a year there had been humans laying siege to my fort. I finally decided, running low on wood, that enough was enough. The siege force was 20 humans, all wearing iron armor with no ranged capabilites, with one of them mounted. I figured I'd take a stab at sending my squad of high quality steel equipped Legendary speardwarves out to mop them up. So I set military only outside, lower my drawbridge, and station said squad on top of the human camp site...and quickly notice something wrong, one of my marksdwarf squads is moving, and I realize I've dispatched the wrong group! Immediately changing their station orders I breath a sigh of relief as they turn around...all but one.

Amost Furnacehealers, lover of my captain of the guard/legendary speardwarf squad leader, is still marching towards the enemy, apparently on a mission. Wearing middling quality steel chainmail, and with his crossbow in hand, to what I thought would surely be his death, as he was only midway up on his hammer skill in the event he ran out of ammo. In what is probably an important thing to note later, said captain of the guard apparently decided that killing some random criminal dwarf was more important right that moment than her husband marching to his doom, turned around back into the fort, taking the rest of her squad with her. So, one marksdwarf versus 20 armed humans...and a victory!

5 humans shot or bludgeoned to death, the remaining 15 routed, and no wounds to my now titled hero, Amost Furnacehealers the Helmed Comet of something, the rest of his title is cut off. Epic enough story for my first 6 years in my first fort, I'd say  ;D


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2009, 11:54:37 am »

Mine would have to be a legendary hammerdwarf.  Everything he touched with his trusty hammer ended up flying across the screen and exploding into body parts.

I recorded a vid of him along with 4 other military dwarves in a small battle.

Anytime you see a unit go flying across the screen, that's my hammerdwarf!

Oh and the first antman he sent flying, its limbs ended up a Z level above where they were fighting.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #38 on: March 23, 2009, 01:03:10 pm »

Eh, I haven't had many long lasting forts so mine isn't that great...

I had one of my starting seven dwarfs named Dominik.  He was my hunter woodcutter, but there wasn't much wood on the map so he spent most of his time hunting.  The problem was that most of the time there was only unicorns on the map.  I didn't expect him to last long.  He spent all of my 25 starter bolts on a groundhog and then proceeded to wrestle over 30 unicorns to death and countless other lesser animals.

One day I decided that I wanted to watch him for once (I'm normally to busy micromanaging to concentrate on one dwarf) to see how he could so easily wrestle unicorns into submission without any wrestling experiance.  So I'm watching him chase down the chosen unicorn ready to pause frequintly to see how the battle goes wound-wise.  He finally drives the unicorn down after a long chase and begins the fight.

Up until now he never had taken any damage before at all.  This time he was slaughtered.  He got his foot bit off, his arm broken, left upper leg mangled, bottom lower leg mangled and both his hands badly wounded.  Then his upper chest brakes and he collapses to the ground.  I quickly get the military out to try to save him even if it would be years before he fought again.  They come and use their crossbows to chase the unicorn away.  A hauler came and carried Dominik to his bed.  He then dies shortly there after to blood loss.

I had the military (All 8 eight of them) go out and hunt the unicorn down.  He already had a punctered lung and didn't get far.  Currently Dominik is in the gold vein I had mined out and I now have designated as the cemetary.  When I get my city done being carved out he will get one of the noble tombs for his bravery.  I learned a valuable lesson that day.  Don't watch your good hunters hunt.  They only do well in secrecy...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2009, 01:34:02 pm »

My most badass dwarf was when I encountered my first megebeast. My only militairy consisted of a few marksdwarfes and some wrestlers. When the cyclops came he accidently encountered a novice marksdwarf, the dwarf shot 2 bolts causing a yellow brain wound, which caused the cyclops to fall unconsious.

the cyclops was kicked to death by a horde of angry wrestlers a few minutes later.....
You finish ripping the human corpse of Sigmund into pieces.
This raw flesh tastes delicious!


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2009, 11:20:23 pm »

My map has a stupid monkey that got belted off my dam by one of my champions and fell like 4 z levels into the major river below and survived with just a mangled leg.

It's been about 10 years and he's still down there with that broken leg chillin with the fishes.


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2010, 07:45:47 pm »

I'm just starting out, he's been exploratory mining nonstop for maybe the first year, just barely hit legendary 1 in mining. then I hit the HFS (my first one). the pit, not the adamantine. a demon busts out damn near instantly and attacks my miner... who immediately pickaxes it in the chest, puncturing its lungs and heart, killing it, without a scratch on him.

Urist McMine: F*$% THAT! *stab*
Demon: WAT? *dies*

the way I imagined it was urist mcpick just mining away and not even noticing the demon, just carrying on digging, through its lungs then..
 'oh..that's not rock.. it's been a long day, who did I kill now?'

EDIT: oh wow, massive necro here.. sorry! I forgot I did a search to end up here!!


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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #42 on: April 22, 2010, 09:14:17 am »

Well since it lives again, I'll just toss in this excerpt from my latest fort from 31.03

My fort had recently received its first round of migrants and they were busy roofing over my Greenhouse, where I'd soon be farming whip vine and sliverbarb I'd collected from the Savage and Terrifying Biome I'd selected. Urist McGroundskeeper was busy keeping the fort stocked with fish and wood while slaying the occasional zombie warthog that came to close to the roofing project. On his way back from clearing some more Highwood trees he came across his good friend the metalsmith at the fort entrance being stomped to death by a skelephant. I quickly activated him again and set him to kill the life forsaken creature with his trusty +Iron Axe+ like I had a half a dozen times before against lesser zombies and undead. Unfortunately Uris McGroundskeepr was so overwrought with fury over the attack that he tosses aside his well used axe and charges forward, sans weapon.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I quickly found the nearest recruit with any fighting skill at all, added him to the squad and set him to use the dropped battleaxe as quickly as I could. The new recruit ran towards the fight with urgency as blood flew up from over the hill alongside my metaldwarf's death rattle, amazingly actually grabbing the weapon as he did so. Before a single swing could be made, his adversary crumble to a heap before him. An unharmed Urist McGroundskeeper stood over the rubble, fisticuffs raised in caution should the beast arise again. He had punched the monster until it gave up the will to undeath.

I was set to save him for pulling the clown sword from the stone until I read that undead had moved towards a hitpoint system in 31.03 and away from the nigh invulnerability of .02 and .01. Ah well he's still be given the rank of Milia commander for the deed.



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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2010, 12:47:46 am »

Too many similar stories, but...

Way back in 40d, I was just starting a new fort. It was spring of the second year, and stuff was just peachy. I had begun to dig a shaft from my living quarters down to the underground river to make a well. Unfortunately, I somehow designated it one square to the left, making it terminate on the shore rather than the water. Instantly, the snakemen were upon me. They slew my trio of miners, then stormed upstairs to slaughter the civilians. They arrived, and the bloodshed was awful. Nearly ten dwarves were lost to their onslaught, while only two out of the seven snakemen had been killed. I had the masons wall off that portion, mistakenly leaving a single dwarven child inside. What happened next astounded me.

A four-year-old girl killed five snakemen with her bare hands. I don't know what they had for injuries beforehand, but that doesn't change much, in my eyes. She later grew up to lead a band of nine champion wrestlers.

A child does what it pleases, indeed.
Just because that tamed alligator killed someone earlier doesn't mean it wouldn't make a great pet now.

Yagrum Bagarn

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Re: Your most badass dwarf ever
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2010, 02:36:00 am »

In 31.03 I have a legendary axedwarf military commander and member of my starting seven that solo'd a forgotten beast for several days before I could coax the rest of his squad to show up and kill the monster.
See Here:

But someone dragged him to safety.  He got patched up in the hospital over the course of a month, and now he's watching striking demonstrations and leading the squad as they fight off goblin ambushes.  His left arm is still in a splint, but his other wounds have healed from red to yellow.  I'm giving him full masterwork equipment as soon as possible.

He really puts to shame the other military dwarf that's lazing around the hospital with a cut thumb.  I think that one's actually bugged, but I'm going to put him down if he doesn't become unstuck when I relocate the hospital.
DF gives "Last Living Dwarf" a whole new meaning.

.gif credit (and thanks) to Whitney
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