Rarr CoH topic.
I saw a post about WoW. Instead of hijacking it (I really really wanted to hijack it tho. maybe I still will) I decided to post here.
I just bought this last week, after playing the trial, finding out I couldn't buy it from South America, having a temper tantrum on the official forums, then jumping through hooks and contacting some sort of store that has the game in stock, sells it to you, rips open the box and sends you a scan of the scratched CD key, then throws it away (maybe uses it as coasters, I don't know) I managed to buy a copy.
So far I find it a very enjoyable game, great for casual play. Almost no grind (grinding barely gives you XP compared to just teaming up with people of higher levels and solving a mission at max difficulty even if it wipes the floor with you). No real inventory management - you're superheroes, frak that buying armor and weapon stuff. Except for enhancements, which are more like power plugins and totally disposable.
I simply love the way you can team a lvl 5 char with a lvl 20 superhero as a Sidekick (you become a lvl 19 superhero while in his close proximity, and all your powers are upgraded likewise, but you don't get to buy more powers as if you had leveled).
Ok, well, I love a monologue and all but time for others to reply. Who plays this game? Who is playing this game right now? What do you like about it? What do you dislike (compared to other MMOs). Also if you're interested in teaming up or having an extra member in your supergroup
let me know. I'm playing a lvl 25-30 ish rawr furry tiger man with wolverine claws and super dodge skills in Freedom (called The
Frenetic Feline).