magicians will truly be released from their fate was weaponized humans. The Gravity Control-type Magic thermonuclear fusion reactor will go a long way towards achieving that...
Oh, really? Let me get this straight: magicians don't want to be seen as walking weapons. So the logical solution is to develop the ability to fire
magical nukes out of your fingers.
That's strategy is really working out for Iran to be seen as peaceful, isn't it?
The future is so hip, that they label all keyboards keys the same: spoke too soon before about the new terrorist mooks not targetting highschoolers this time. They're trying to hack the systems with the kid's debating team documents! Typical terrorists. Yet again, it's ridiculous how
few of the bad guys have any magic themselves. Maybe that goes a good way to explaining why Mahouka's action is so one-sided and boring. Magicians battling other magicians would have been much more exciting and left room for knife-edge battles. But this author just can't bear anything really bad happen to his little lambs, so he sends softball mooks up against them.
New dialogue: "So it's not targeting a single student, but multiple students and/or instructors".
Dude, what fucking instructors? After 20 episodes we have not seen or heard the name of any one of these mythical "instructors". Except for this useless sexy student counselor who has a thing for Tatsuya.... this is a less fleshed-out magical school set-up than even the one in Familiar or Zero! So much for Mahouka's touted "world-building" that the LN fans talk about. An encyclopedia of technobabble is not world-building in my book.