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Author Topic: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves  (Read 10632 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #105 on: November 18, 2008, 11:48:33 am »

Fun story,  keep up the good work.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #106 on: November 20, 2008, 12:50:09 am »

[KLAR! is doing fine. Legendary miner, skilled engraver. Has some superior engravings, mostly of goblins getting killed.
Framerate has definitely suffered lately and the game is getting a lot slower to play. Plus I've become interested in trying out haunted deserts, so these updates are getting less frequent. Sorry about that]

More of spring 206

The new migrants aren't even within the outer walls when one of them, a hunter, decides to go out shootin'. Not the worst of decisions possible. It is his job.

 Probably a bit dumb to do it with a werewolf quite close though. He's barely able to wing it coming in and it almost literally tears him apart. Another five-minute migrant. I should start working on advertising slogans for this place:


Come where the werewolves roam free

It's least there's no Zombie Lamprey

Anyway, I'll keep trying.

 I send Xenomorph, as our ready response axeknight, to go kill the werewolf so the body can be recovered. This proves to be unnecessary because the first dwarf to reach the scene is Koji, who smacks the werewolf down very quickly. I have the shredded remains of our luckless idiot poured into a tomb. Still got to think of a decent accessory for it.

This means, of course, that we'll get another series of engravings of Koji buffing his score. Anyone who tries to figure out the history of this place from the engraving might get an odd idea of things.

 We're still working on building walkways around the outer wall, a job that's actually bigger than building it in the first place. I don't even have to find jobs for the new migrants because there's plenty of work for them to do out there. I've ordered fortifications (bauxite again) built over the outer gate. This was a poor move on my part, because a planter got himself treed again. I had to suspend all work except that focused around freeing him.  Most irritating. We continue the work with nothing but walkways. The Fortications can go up late.

One of our Blacksmiths goes secretive and produces a tin cage. Nice-ish. His skills are vastly improved by the experience. Pity about them being his blacksmith skills.

Fikod and myself finished up the job of linking up the pewter bars on the Wulfen bridges, so we can now lock off the Wulfen (and the actual fortress underneath) entirely from the outside. Overlord makes the suggestion that next siege, we shouldn't guard the inner gate, massacre them with crossbow fire, and then clean up what's left with a charge like we did last time.

It's just what they'll be expecting, he says.

I said that if getting wiped out is what they're expecting, they probably shouldn't bother coming. I'm not so sure he understood that.

Anyway, he thinks that next time, at least with the first squad (the outer bridge means we can let goblins through a group at a time) we should leave everything gaping open for them, let them stagger through our traps (which saw no use during the Fell Assault) and ambush them on the barracks stairs while closing all the bars . Essentially, lock them inside the Wulfen with our entire military.

It's a nice plan, and the mental picture is delightful. The eeriely empty compound, the looming bulk of the Wulfen, the pained screams of the trap victims. The entries to our fortress, open and undefended. The stairway down (more pained screams), and beneath, their death awaits them. The last they will see will be our massed champions, grim in their iron and bone armour.
The last they will hear will be the bars slamming shut behind them. Perhaps the last will survive long enough to flee to the very top of the Wulfen, and throw himself off.

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

But we'd lose our watch animals, so no.

We are recovering the body of the werewolf when a second one turns up. Not a very aggressive one, but it's infering with silk-gathering so I send out Xenomorph. His phantom spider poisoning slows him down a little but he makes the kill very competently

Out of boredom with having nothing that really needed doing, and a desire to keep our forges working, I order some iron trap components. Our weaponsmiths have actually done pretty well and the things that result are actually better than the steel ones we got off the caravan, so I order more. There's plenty of room for weapon traps out the gate.

Wait, I've just been told there's a werewolf harassing silk gatherers to the south. I will report more shortly.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 10:38:05 pm by Marlowe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #107 on: November 20, 2008, 11:22:52 am »

I decide to deal to the new werewolf myself. I order the emergency bridge to the south lowered so I can make better time. I knew it would be a good idea.

I'm just dashing through the glumprongs. I'm surprised at how much faster I am lately, when I realise a human is following me. It's the trade liason! What, he enjoyed our ditch so much he thought he'd stay? Bizarre.

The werewolf is chasing our man back and forth, but I'm able to overhaul him. As I approach he turns to face me. This turns out to be a poor career move.

Dakost Spottedcrafts, Legendary Miner, Mayor, 2 werewolf kills. That feels good.

I'm concerned by the presence of the Human liason. If he sticks around who is going to take our orders back to the Kingdoms of Flesh? Not that we really need anything they bring, but it could be irritating. He doesn't seem to want to talk to me, just follows me around admiring my silks. I'm not sure this is a good sign.

When I get back I get word that one of the wrestlers I drafted last season has a spinal injury. I check what he's learned. He's up to expert wrestler, so I decide not to wash him out, just hand him a crossbow and tell him to get practicing.

That business taken care of, one of our new recruits off the last migrant wave comes down with a strange mood. He produces a toy axe. If only it were a real one. He's a legendary stonecrafter now, but that's not something we really need. Stone crafting only produces trade goods and we are full to bursting with such things, I've had to order many new stockpile spaces dug out. And do half of it myself. I tell him to resume his training.

I feel the need to record our current defense status:

9 Marksknights (champion wrestlers with marksdwarf, hammerdwarf training)
1 Hammerknight (champ wrestler with hammer training)
3 Bladeknights (2 champ wrestlers with sword training and 1 who made it through pure sword practice)
1 Axeknight (Xenomorph)
1 "Exterminator" (Morul. Elite Wrestler with nerve damage and crossbow)

In training:

2 wrestlers
1 wrestler with nerve damage training as marksdwarf
1 elite wrestler (arrived with spring immigrants and trained to current status)
3 recruits training as wrestlers.

Summer rolls around with little more to report, other that some more looms and clothier's shops are being put up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #108 on: November 21, 2008, 05:29:33 pm »

Fikod's Hat-Journal Entry 3

I've had to trim this down slightly so I can keep my journal under my hat. With nobility here (and unreasonable nobility at that - they wanted glass! And adamantine! Just where do they think they are?) I think it reasonable to take an extra precaution or three. I'd sooner spend my break-hour with Rickvoid in his workplace than the nobles. Not that I'll be telling him that.

I feel like I'm starting to get somewhere with the traps and mechanisms I've been making and helping to make. For some reason, the idea of clockwork insects have been coming to mind, but my actual ability is nowhere near that impossibility. ...I blame it on the stress of nobles being so close.
Religion, over time, tends to diverge. Science tends to converge.
Funny thing about magic, it doesn't consistently go either way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #109 on: November 22, 2008, 01:29:40 am »

Would you like my fun mini-project?
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #110 on: November 22, 2008, 07:16:22 pm »

Summer 206

Summer 206. A season of no history.

There is little to do now. I place up my work orders and they are followed. Dwarves come and go before me and I give them answer.

I try to remember what life was like before here. Was I alive before here? Or was I born, fully grown, out in that wagon amid the mist and the webs, the werewolf howls the first sound to reach my new born ears. There is such a place as the mountainhomes, I know it for they send us traders. But was I ever of there? Now I am of Fogcrystal. It is enough, it has to be.

The Human traders come and my fears are realised. Their representative has gone strange, and follows me around continually without leaving, and so our orders have not reached the human lands.
No wood this year, and little leather. But we buy what is useful and send them away laden with our goods. No need to be niggard, we have all the robes we need.

 I am wearing an undyed silk robe, black trousers, and blue shoes. But my mittens are frayed and I have no socks. Must remember that, order some more. We have all the robes we need, but there are things of which we need more.

 There is no mayoral election this season. I remain mayor without challenge.

 Neosen encountered another werewolf and killed it. No fuss.

 Our animals are getting out of control. The raccoons are almost spent but the kittens, donkeys, horses, and cows threaten to crowd us out. We even have puppies. I don't know how that happened. Maybe our dogs (all female) have been spending quality time with the foxes? Are dogs and foxes even interfertile? I don't have the time to find out. I order butcherings.

 I know my fellow founders, and certain distinct individuals amonst the later set. Rickvoid and his special scent. Datan and his total failure to make a decent living while doing much useful work. The Herbalist. I must remember his name. He's been moonlighting as a woodcutter for a while now. Others are just faces that come and go when I give them orders. The soldiers are more distinct, them I need to track.

 The work on the outer wall goes on. All dwarves are employed.

 We've only got five miners still. The founders minus Overlord (engraving), and Neo (decaying). That's silly. I find a couple of peasants and tell them to take up picks. They'll learn. We've got plenty of ore now. It doesn't matter if these oafs destroy a few things while learning.

Morul has moved into Neo's old room. I can't stop him, but I wish it was somebody else.

Koji, of all people, gets possessed toward the end of the season. It's not an ambitious possession. He grabs some mudstone and donkey leather and gems and produces a millstone. We can't use it just yet (we have four querns) and it gets no skill from it, but as he's double-legendary already (mining and engraving) I'm prepared to accept it as a draw.

A werewolf harasses our people outside the outer gate. I send Xenomorph to deal with it, but he insists on turning back for a drink just when he's getting close.

 I go myself. I get werewolf blood on my trousers.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #111 on: November 22, 2008, 09:04:13 pm »

Diary of Xenomorph, sometime in summer, 206

Another werewolf arrived.  I got sent out to deal with it.  Just one small problem: I got thirsty.

Hey, got to get your priorities right.  Drink above all else!  Werewolves can wait.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #112 on: November 23, 2008, 01:50:12 am »

The horror! Blood doesn't come out of pig tail trousers. Especially without soap. Quick, start a soap industry.

In other news, how goes the noble front?
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #113 on: November 23, 2008, 02:12:29 am »

[The nobles are happy. They keep pilfering goblets and earrings like crazy. We have more or less permanent mandates against exporting crowns (tax collector), armour stand/platinum items (count consort) and short swords/bucklers (the countess). We buy all such items from the traders. The worst problem was actually from Dakost, who in Autumn ordered Billon items just when we ran short of coke. The countess asks for more shortswords now and then.]

Autumn 206

Before I begin on autumn, I should probably record the faintly strange incident that led to Neosen's summer werewolf kill. Neosen was out collecting a kobold corpse. This kobold had been shot far from the walls by one of the marksknights.

The strange thing was the kobold hadn't made any attempt at concealment. He hadn't even been moving. He'd just been sitting far from our walls, looking in at us as we work on the wall. When the first bolts hissed around him, he tried to run, but didn't get far.

What was this kobold doing? As far as I know, we've never had any luck at communicating with these strange, cunning, perceptive little creatures. Is it possible they wanted a truce? Have we shot an ambassador? In spite of their thieving habits and their feebleness I have more respect for the kobolds than for the cruel and stupid goblins and the cannibalistic, hypocritical Elves. There is much that we could give them, if we could. And I'm sure they could supply meat and leather as well as anybody else.

Anyway, Autumn begins with a death.

Urvad is one of our woodcutters, a former peasant with an iron axe. He's heading out towards the outer wall when a goblin thief jumps out of nowhere and stabs him through the heart. Dwarves converge on the miserable kidnapper. Argmentum, barehanded, snaps the goblin's arm, then kicks him to death.

 I have Urvad taken away, and buried down in the tombs. I decide I need something to cheer me up, so I mandate 3 billon goblets made.

 Seems we've burned through all our coke. I put the smelters to work. I should keep a closer eye on such things. We have plenty of wood and coal, running out of fuel is simple carelessness.

 The caravan from the mountainhomes arrives and has an exciting way in. Firstly, they run into a kobold thief, whom they kill. The kobold's left arm goes flying up to land in a glumprong.

 Then there's an ambush, on the brook-bed north east of the fort. Three boneunits, an axegoblin and a bowgoblin.

 The marksknights are on duty at the inner gate, I send out five to assist the caravan guard, but it seems we're not really required. All the goblins are dead when arrive. We escort the caravan in.

 Then there's another thief. Dead.

 The Caravan has the usual stuff, if suprisingly little booze. I made a real effort to get as much of the goblin junk as possible dumped on the humans but it seems we still have plenty. I make a big pile of our cloth goods, crafts, and goblin leavings and buy out anything decent, making sure to buy up any crowns and bucklers they have.

 While this is going on, our herbalist, out chopping wood beyond the outer gate, encountered another snatcher. So he killed it. Another is spotted by a planter out collecting logs but it manages to make it's escape. I order the marksdwarves, Xenomorph, Morul to take up a position by the outer gate, as this is getting out of hand. We'll rotate a couple of marksknights on duty out there until the end of the seasom.

 I get word that another two of our wrestlers have come down with nervous injuries. I facepalm and hand them crossbows. Everyone else appears ok. Two of the other trainees, including our ex-ranger, are nearing champion status.

 The caravan leaves without further incident. I'm still disturbed by the human representative. He actually is trying to talk to me. Seems we never finished our audience last year, but I keep moving about so much he can't keep up. What a pansy.

 We've been running out of the spider silk lately, seems our weaving capacity has outpaced the little transluscent devil's ability to produce it, and so our weavers are hunting further and further. On one of these jaunts, Ushat, our legendary but useless woodcrafter encounters a werewolf.

 He's tough enough I think, I send him at it. But he breaks a hand while only stunning the beastie, and falls back to the castle screaming for help.

 Amateurs. I go myself and sort the thing out.

 It seems my order for 3 billon goblets was misunderstood as meaning use 3 billon bars to make goblets, so we end up with nine. To teach myself a lesson I mandate no billon exports.

 As the season ends another snatcher is sighted within the outer perimeter. It's fast enough to elude of civilian pursuers but can't get past the marksknights at the gate. It's shot down. More goblin junk to add to the pile. At least the weapons are winding up built into traps at a good rate.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 03:24:44 am by Marlowe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #114 on: November 24, 2008, 06:08:30 am »

[We are on page TWO! I'm not sure we deserve that]

Winter 206

I fully expect a major goblin attack this season, but there's nothing to be done but wait for it. Weapons traps are being put out the inner gate, within my antique stone-fall line, laden with iron axe blades and spiked balls, halberds and great axes, mauls. And those kobold copper daggers, because there's nothing like someone getting repeatedly poked in the eye as he's being chopped, impaled, mashed, and ground to chutney to raise a giggle.

The outer wall nears completion. Soon it will be time to think of other projects, such as fully incorporating it within our defensive schemes. Currently it's just an involved way to find work for idle dwarves (a rare, and indeed, almost extinct species in Fogcrystal) and a way of making sure goblins approach our real (inner) gates across open ground from a consistant direction. It would be best to set it up that it actually has some connection with the core fortress: the Wulfen and the deeps.

Sadly, after the almost-siege of baby-snatchers that characterised autumn, winter turns out to be boring. All our problems are pretty much self inflicted.

The disappointing booze stocks of the mountainhomes caravan meant that we actually ran under 100 drinks for the first time in years. I got our stills onto it. It occurs to me that even just using the small area of land within the inner walls we could be growing quite a bit more varieties of crops than we currently are, but I'm too busy organising to really put some thought into it. We'll see what the Elves have in terms of seeds come spring. In the meantime, I order a large farm plot put up in the inner perimeter.

The herbalist gives me a list of the seeds we have available, but I still don't know what any of them do, and he can't tell me without resorting to the eldritch dwarven custom of [SEVERAL PAGES HERE APPEAR COVERED WITH RANDOM SCRIBBLES AND DRAWINGS OF ZOMBIE LAMPREY MOUTHES] which I won't have going on in Fogcrystal. I'll take the time to study the science of the thing when I've undergone the ritual of [OMIGOD PLEASE TELL ME HE'S JOKING]. In the meantime, I order some rope reeds planted, I know what they do. Even if cloth is the last thing we need more of.

 It's been awhile since I've touched a mechanism. I wonder if I'm going funny.

In my most major mistake yet, I notice that our cistern is less than completely full, though still more than half. I detest half-measures, so I order the floodgate open briefly.

 Well, I'd forgotten how much pressure our brook seems to generate, and how slowly floodgates move, and how busy everyone is. And to cut a long story short we get mud all over the engraved well-chamber (jet!), and even some in the dining hall. Nobody but me seems to care, and it's not like we don't have enough Jet to build another tower with if we had to, and some of the dwarves tell me they LIKE the engravings muddy because it gives them more relief [engraved muddy jet goes a funky gold colour. Tell your friends]. Overlord tells me now we can plant flowers in the corridors. I tell him flowers don't exist. We're dwarves.

Another of our children goes funny. He takes a log, 3 rough chalcedonies (for some reason this is our most common gem), some mudstone and some bones and produces a willow amulet. Hooray.

 Two of our trainees made it to champion this month. Our ex-wrestler I designate an axeknight, and hand him Xenomorph's old copper sparring axe (now thoughtfully decorated with shell. Who keeps doing this?). The ex-ranger is a bit more of an issue. He's obviously good with a crossbow, but with 9 marksknights, Morul, and 3 cripples armed with the things (and shooting through bone bolts as fast as 4 bonecarvers can make them) we don't need any more. Ultimately,I remember his victory over a werewolf in  close combat. I hand him a silver hammer and designate him a hammerknight.

 Now I come to the pain. It follows me now, and I do not think I shall ever be free of it. I was hurt this season.

 Tun, our legendary weaver and werewolf attack survivor, was set upon by another werewolf south of the fort. I no longer felt like bothering the military with such a routine matter, and neither did I feel like asking Tun to deal with the matter himself. So I went.

 I came upon them under the sun. And under the sun, my strength left me briefly. As the werewolf turned from chasing our weaver to me, I felt the nausea rise. I doubled over helpless as the werewolf bore down on me, striking me across the spine.

 Then I got over it and killed the thing; thus.


The pain has not left me. I fear I shall never spar again,

Not that I ever sparred before. And I've killed five werewolves.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves
« Reply #115 on: November 24, 2008, 03:55:51 pm »

Huh, new title? Had me confuzled, looking for this thing.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves
« Reply #116 on: November 24, 2008, 04:31:22 pm »

[Yeah, sorry about that. I felt the old one was a little jaded-sounding and not very informative. I'd have posted a notice in the thread but if you could read it it would mean you'd already found it, and so didn't need it.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves
« Reply #117 on: November 24, 2008, 10:07:37 pm »

The new title is almost as funny as your circular logic in that last post.  ;D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves
« Reply #118 on: November 25, 2008, 12:08:21 am »

Spring 207

The new year comes with a lessening of tension. Our outer wall is finished, fortifications and walkway, and by the end of the season we were well advanced in making it an integral part of the fortress. But I skip ahead. The winter over with no sign of a multi-warband goblin siege, I relax security enough to let our fisherdwarves out to try the brook. Our perimeter ponds have not been fruitful lately.

Our brew stocks are much healthier, although some dwarves have been complaining about the taste of some of it. I don't blame them. I've had some bitter drinks lately over the past couple of years. I don't find out why until the end of the season.

Another of our wrestlers reached champion status. I have him redesignated and hand him a silver axe and as I do; I realise he's wearing turtle shell gauntlets and leggings that aren't minimum quality. They're not even finely crafted! It seems I let some production orders slip past Rickvoid and they got filled by one of his lessers.

 I check the armour stockpiles and discover we've got plenty of Rickvoid's best. There's a few other such low-quality items though. I order them dumped. Seems I had one of my mandates filled by posting a work-note rather than telling Rickvoid. Shows how lazy I'm getting. I get the champions gear dumped and tell him to get a few rig. I get Rickvoid to make some new gear to replace the binned rubbish.

 Most of the interesting news this season springs from the Elves.

 First off, another diplomat arrives. He's more courteous than the last one. He tells the countess that they'd like it if we cut our tree-fell down (HA!) to 100 trees this year.

 Since we have ludicrous amounts of wood in stock, she agrees. He seems to misshear her and quickly relaxes his demand to 131 trees. Having nowhere else really to go, she agrees again. Elf dippie makes some aserbic comments about height and leaves before he gets a sore neck. Shortly afterwards the traders come.

 We guard the gate, as usual, and haul out a choice selection of our clothing, a pile of goblin socks (apparently we missed these), and, chance of a mandate banning their export be damned, several piles of our poorer mudstone crafts. We get for this barrel on barrel of booze, some wooden swords for training, bucklers, crowns and earrings to please our nobles, and then we get to the good stuff.

 ANother giant leopard, nice.

 Two Polar Bears! And they're a breeding pair! Don't know if they'll breed at all, but it's worth a try.

 A Giant Desert Scorpion!

 I promptly order most of these animals tied up at the inner gate. The Scorpion I have tied up at the outer.

 Immediately I rethink this. Putting the Scorpion out that far means it'll just die uselessly in the event of an attack. I'm about to order it removed when-

 Our Marksdwarves on duty suddenly hear a volley of clicking sounds. The scorpion has spotted something. I take a look; a goblin axeman leading five boneunits, and they're right on top of him.

 The first two wrestlers close, and are promptly smashed to the ground. I'm stupified by the utter and complete failure of this surprise assault. Beaten by a watchanimal? For shame. I'm so surprised I'm late giving orders for our marksknights to advance.

 The goblins look at the scorpion, look at their two smashed chums, look at each other, and run. Our Marksknights stream out the gate in pursuit. The three remaining wrestlers have too great a head start, but the axegoblin, hampered by his armour, is run down and shot like a dog.

 We've had enough goblin junk, and don't need their ratty leathers. I order the Axegoblin's shield and Halberd reclaimed, and the corpses searched for giant spider silk items. There's quite a few. It would be nice to know where goblins do their shopping. So we could put it out of business.

 The Giant Scorp, now with a name, is quite unhurt. I order it brought in to be tied up at the inner gate, in the center of the other watchanimals.

Anyone who wants into Fogcrystal now is going to have to fight or sneak their way past three bears, three giant cats, and a killer scorp. Sounds like an afternoon.

As I said, the Elves have a lot of booze. With the work done by our stills we are now topping 800 drinks in stock. I'm going through the accounts when I realise that much of it is Gutter Cruor.

 Gutter what? Apparently it's a fairly bitter drink. That explains the poor drinking over the last few years. But where did it come from?

 The Herbalist explains that it's made from Sliver Barb. This explains why our dyers have been largely producing blue cloth; most of our potential black dye production has been going into making this swill.

 I go to our brewers and explain to them thoroughly and at length that they are not to use Sliver Barbs for brewing or I'll see them thrown to skeletal chinchillas.

 Another thing I wish not to speak of.

 One more thing I got from the Elves was a bag of prickle berries. I'm not sure what these do, but the herbalist tells me they can be grown, are edible uncooked, and make a rather nice drink that will supplement our dwarven wine quite nicely. Useful dwarf really. I order the prickle berries planted and the herbalist out gathering more plants. I don't send him out enough, quite plainly. If only I didn't find farming such a mind-numbing topic of conversation.

 Oh, someone goes all secretive, grabs a few bolts of silk, and produces a thong. Another one for the cause of artifact skankwear. Let's see, that's a tunic, a short skirt, thong and choice of amulets. Coming along nicely.

 I decided to replace the scorpion at the outer gate by laying a simple set of stone-falls. They won't stop kobolds, but kobolds won't stand a chance of getting through the watchmenagerie at the inner gate, so that's acceptable. I'm glad of this, because another goblin snatcher is sighted inside the outer walls. The Elves have left and nobody's on duty, but a hastily-mustered lynch mob chases the goblin to the outer gate, where he dies on a trap.

 WE receive more migrants, a not terribly useless set this time. Stoneworkers, furnace operators, brewers, actual farmers, metalsmiths, more useful clothing type-people, a woodcutter, a wrestler. Only a handful of potash-makers, milkers and pump operators are useless right now, and they can be made to fit. Probably inside an -iron chain mail-. A pity we don't have any rooms ready for them. I get to work on that.

 The downside to this is that our population is now over 150, meaning we are now a duchy. The Duchess and Duke-Consort now need more furniture, and both the Duchess and the tax collector celebrate by mandating more glass. I'll work on the furniture and ignore the glass orders.

 Since we have more farmers and brewers and such, I order another farm plot set up. I'm not sure what to put in it, but the Herbalist tells me we have a very small supply of whip vines, obtained through collecting. Whip vines, he tells me further, are basically inedible, but make a very good wine. He's not sure if the climate is suitable for them to mature though, and we have very few of them. I order them planted anyway, and hope for the best.

 We've deconstructed all the access stairs going up to the outer wall walkways, and are instead building access towers at the  corners. These towers are accessible only from underground within the fortress. We need to fortify the inner side of the outer wall, and to build these corner towers up to something suitably Fogcrystalish. A project to keep us busy.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 12:14:10 am by Marlowe »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves
« Reply #119 on: November 25, 2008, 04:28:45 am »

A Teaser.

There's been a bit of a mess.

Xenomorph, you're in a lot of trouble.
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