The Shrike were hungry. They were always hungry. As much as they hunted, hey could never get enough. They were too small and fragile for the deep oceans, and all who have ventured onto the shores have died. It is almost like there is something up there unseen killing everything. The freshwater has proven dangerous, but they Shrike would sense food. They could sense their ancestral prey.
A large hunting party gathered again, almost like a migration. Hunters from each school except for the lost Southern School, all heading East to see what they could do. Could they finally get a foothold on this new territory?
To the south the Southern School was still struggling, yet they survived. With the changing of the skies the waters became notably colder. It also got darker, good for the hunt. They didn't need their eyes when they could feel the movements inside their prey. But they needed better commutation to get it done effectively, so they spoke more. Their prey were spooked from the clicking of electricity, but could not run. Nobody was as well-adapted to using electricity as the Shrike.
Meanwhile, as the hunt on the East started, another gathering happened. The waters glowed with an eerie light that mimicked the skies. The Shrike circled this light they created, the older ones noting that there has never before been as great a show of energy as now. They also noted the
Barbels on the sides of their mouths, where they could feel their electric powers pouring out. These were indeed strange times.
The first Shrike to speak was traditionally a female with the strongest limb muscles. The fastest of them all. Her words were clicks of energy, messages only the Shrike could understand.
"The Hunt. Now, East. We go, hunt good."
Now was the traditional eldest fish who could still hunt rebuttal. This guy had strong body muscles, while his limb muscles were somewhat suffering. Many scars on his flesh betrayed his age.
"What if hunt bad? We go bad hunt?"
Now keep in mind generally they take turns through the traditional speakers, 'till eventually the Shrike are all allied with one or two. This was one of the few where it ended quickly. This time by the third speaker, the one with the strongest shock. His barbels were larger and longer than the others, large enough to move in the flow of the waters. His 'voice' was very loud, betraying his power. He could not do silent, he was a powerhouse in the hunt.
"We go. Above would not stay."
The elder did a laughing-like message here and spoke back.
"Above? What Above?"
Now you must understand at this point that despite these being fish, the one with the large shock did something like a grin to the fish world. Did he know something was happening?
It was then a great pillar of light crashed down from the skies, a resounding sonic boom heard many miles away. It came and was gone in an instance, striking the shaft of lit water. All members of the gathering were incredibly disoriented. They got this feeling from being near too many Shrike shocking, known as Shock Sickness. Of course, none of them had ever felt something like this. It was as if some great Shrike just sent down a pillar of electricity, showing his might.
Despite being the one most disoriented, the Good Shocker was the first to speak up through the now-dark meeting.
"Now you see. Above. Master. Master of the Hunt!"
Alright, time for OOC stuff! I invest 3 into the Hunters Organ, because they always need to develop that. 3 more goes into language, as it is more needed to hunt. One goes into spirituality, just a basic idea that there is something up there. They don't know what, but Lightning is new new God. The last one goes into the limbs.