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Author Topic: Migrursut: What Comes After The World Ends? [Epilogue] (A Community Fort)  (Read 385240 times)


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1125 on: October 11, 2008, 02:59:54 pm »

Long time reader, first time poster (actually, I burned through the earlier pages xP) and I do like your writing style. The character development is pretty sweet to boot.

I was wondering if I could get a dwarf named Kivish Inkedwalls who is a architect/(mason?/miner?/engraver?), or anything else you need. If you want him as military, I'd prefer...the spear corps! :D
He would be fairly spastic, and like colors. I'm talking everything is random colors, lacking any kind of pattern or reason to the madness. xP (of course he would like art too)
I have no preference for deity, although I would prefer just a casual worshiper.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1126 on: October 11, 2008, 04:43:27 pm »

The events of the 21st of Malachite, 1066

The merchants were busy packing their goods up, absolutely ecstatic at the sheer volume of profit they had pocketed this season.  Nationtempted was off trying to find an increasingly erratic Aryn, and the majority of Dwarves were spending their time inside away from the heat, or out toiling unfortunately on Stravitch's bizarre demand, or Dodik-Come-Lately's renovations.

Glacies, looking over his shoulder, entered the court yard from the south.  Not seeing Stravitch, the book keep wiped his brow and straightened up a little, walking towards the covered depot.  He spotted Jack Talkedspiders hefting up a large barrel of trinkets, and gave a wave, making a bee-line over to him.

"I'm sorry to see you go, Jack," he said.  "But, I know how the trading life is."
"Yeah, the trading life..." The Goblin said dismissively, "This isn't anything like the life I once had..."

Glacies went silent, and after a moment decided the best course of action would be to ignore the complaint outright.  Reaching out, he clapped the goblin on the shoulder in a friendly gesture, and smiled, "I want to thank you for the information you gave.  It's more than I expected, now if only I knew the best way to act on it."

Jack nodded, and tossed the bin into the back of his wagon.  Brushing dust off his palms, he turned to look at the book keep, and offered a faint smile - the first in his stay there.  "Of course.  Good luck with that."

The uncomfortable silence that followed was broken when Jack cleared his throat, saying softly, "You need to stay away from Stravitch."
"...It's kind of difficult to do that, when he has his mind on something.  I'm supposed to be helping coordinate his building."
"Yes, I understand that.  Coordinate his plans away from him," Jack looked over his shoulder, gnawing on the inside of his cheek.  "He's in a lot of danger, and anyone who's near him is libel to be hurt by proxy.  I'd feel terrible knowing you got The Red Smile just because you had the misfortune of standing too close to that poxy bastard.  Keep safe Glacies.  Keep constant vigilance."

As Glacies watched the goblin, confused, Jack climbed up onto his wagon and took up the reigns.  Letting out a cry, he snapped them, setting the oxen in motion.  Before the dust clouds grew to hide them, Jack raised his three fingered hand and gave a small wave, quickly vanishing in the growing dust.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1127 on: October 11, 2008, 09:12:13 pm »

Long time reader, first time poster (actually, I burned through the earlier pages xP) and I do like your writing style. The character development is pretty sweet to boot.

I was wondering if I could get a dwarf named Kivish Inkedwalls...

Glad you're enjoying the story!  You get the same speech burst though, blah blah queue blah blah :D  You'll get in sooner than later, I've got an idea for Kivish.  That may be good or bad, take it as you will.  Mwhaha....

Also, I found out today Rice went and nominated me for a Community Role Model over in the Various Nonsense section.  Thanks, Rice!  According to the polls, I'm tied for fifth with a whopping two votes.  I think that means that I'm this forum's version of Ron Paul.  That rocks my world, because not only is he awesomely insane, he's an OBG/YN so he gets all the ladies.  Double-score!


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1128 on: October 11, 2008, 11:00:20 pm »

Seriously man, your writing is awesome and you are always so polite to people on the forum. So personally, I think you are definitely one of the people to be considered a role model here. I meant everything I said in the post there also. You are one of the only reasons that I frequent the forums now. Cause I don't need to be here to play DF


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1129 on: October 12, 2008, 03:33:38 pm »

You know, I recently reread this from the begining....I'da never thought Stravitch would get as far as he has. He's like the 'true evils' loyal henchman only he isn't a henchman to anyone, and seems to have replaced loyalty with blood lust.

I'm really excited to see how it comes out.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1130 on: October 12, 2008, 04:28:16 pm »

The events of the 27th of Malachite, 1066

Valania, Sgt. Pepper and Likot all loitered outside by the edge of the magma pit, throwing rocks and scorpions over the edge to watch them sizzle and puff up tendrils of smoke.  They talked, and occasionally laughed their terrible hollow laughs, and ignored the occasional admonishments from Soldiers and Guardsmen as they passed that more training should be done, and less goofing off.  The trio would have ignored everyone for the rest of the day, had a wail not risen from behind them, by the trade depot.

Duke Bomrek stood in the heat, his face drenched with sweat and red with rage.  Beside him stood Glacies, looking uncomfortable as ever, and Stravitch, grinning a huge wolf's grin.  The wail had come from Mayor Ineth Orbsbarb, and beside her Miner Matchedcities looked pale and terrified.  Mayor Ineth wailed again, lifting her hands up and backing away, "No!  NO!  This isn't right!  THIS ISN'T RIGHT!"

"Isn't right?" Duke Bomrek shouted, his walrus mustache flapping in front of him as he blustered.  "Of course it's right!  I asked you to NOT sell ANY flutes to the traders!  Flutes are a fortress NECESSITY!  And what did you do?"  He jabbed a finger at Ineth, "You ordered that miner to bring a barrel full up here, and then you signed the sales order!   Glacies, how many flutes did we lose?"
"twenty two."
"TWENTY TWO!" He shouted.  "For that you both get a month in the black cells.  I say, maybe that will teach you to disobey my orders, my ONLY orders!  Stravitch, put them under arrest."
"Right away" Stravitch said jovialy.  Ineth turned to run, and was brought down to the ground with a clothesline from behind.  Grabbing her by the ankle, and Matchedcities in a headlock, the Captain of the Guard began dragging them towards the steps.

From the cliffs edge, Likot laughed even louder, the sun glinting off the green glass of her goggles.  Cupping her one good gloved hands over the respirator, she shouted out hollowly, "HA HA, IF YOU WEREN'T THE MAYOR, YOU WOULDN'T BE GETTING THROWN IN THE CLINK!  REMEMBER THAT WHILE YOU'RE DOWN THERE, YOU BITCH!"

Duke of Nawn

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1131 on: October 12, 2008, 06:33:25 pm »

Vetek's Notes, 27 Malachite

Mayor Ineth Orbsbarb has been sentenced to one month jail time for violation of a no-export mandate, as is proper under dwarven law. Captain Stravitch himself detained the Mayor, though he... enjoys his duties more than is proper.

I have been unable to fulfill my own duties as a guard for some time now, as the Captain requires my vigilance at the site of his construction for reasons unknown. I attempt to mollify my conscience with the thought that he suspects the workers of a pending mandate violation, but I know him too well. I hope the new construction of Dodik's is finished quickly.


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1132 on: October 12, 2008, 08:26:33 pm »

Diary of Zako:

I'm still stuck in bed. Still!

I've heard news of the mayor going to the jail cells because of a tantrum from the Duke not getting his way.

It appears that nobles are more dangerous than they seem, if they have control over the justice system. Which is Stravitch.

Good god...

I'll have to watch myself when I recover so I don't get crushed by a certain mace used by a certain dwarf...

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1133 on: October 12, 2008, 10:15:48 pm »

The events of the 1st of Galena, 1066

"Ohhh, no, please.  You NEED to be careful with him," Dojango said, dismayed.  He stood in the barracks, ringing his hands while Maggarg held a struggling Zako in a headlock, grinding his knuckles into the top of the Dwarves head.  While the roughneck laughed, Sparrow and Adol, grinning, came towards the once-again-released recruit with a thick roll of cloth and a barrel of cotton. 

"This bugger's fine," Maggarg shouted, laughing as Zako finally managed to pull himself free.  "Look at 'em, made'a rubber he is.  Watch.  Likot'll have his head popped off next, and he'll be here in a month carryin' it in one hand, and his shield in t'other."
"Aye, Master-Chef," Adol said pleasantly, "We'll make sure he's perfectly safe.  That's what this cloth and cotton is for."

Dojango groaned, and covered his eyes as Adol started wrapping up Zako's chest and stomach with the cloth roll.  Sparrow came in behind him, stuffing in wads of cotton, and soon Zako was puffed out like a marshmallow, his arms held out in a T-shape beside him, unable to go down any farther.  Laughing, Maggarg started punching the recruit in the stomach, who laughed and stumbled backwards.

The revelry was broken up by shouts from outside.  One of the doors to the barracks slammed open, and Stravitch stormed into the barrack, laughing so hard tears streamed down his cheeks.  behind him, tied up in a half-hitch, was a cursing Glassmaker that he was dragging.  As he entered the barracks, yanking on the rope to drag the Dwarf behind him, Aryn stormed into the room screaming. 

"Captain Fillwhip, LET THIS DWARF GO!  I NEED him to make glass blocks!  It's IMPERATIVE!  The welfare of this fortress DEPENDS on this mans work!"
"This Dwarf disobeyed production orders," Stravitch said cheerfully, "and for that, he goes to jail.  That's fair."
"He disobeyed the orders of The Mayor, who is already locked up!  She demanded the impossible, crystal glass!  This is madness."
"Madness?" Stravitch said, turning to look at Aryn, "Madness?  This is Justice!"
"No it isn't!" Aryn screamed at him, the veins in his forehead pulsing so hard they looked as if they would burst.
"You're right," Stravitch laughed, and turned to begin dragging the Dwarf once more. "This is just so much fun.  Come on, Glassmaker.  Aryn Got you another month in the slammer.  Ha ha!"


OOC: Zako, turns out you've been healed for <x> number of days, I just got caught up building a ton of stuff and forgot to check.  So, errr, story wise, you just got out of your sick bed again.  Heh.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 11:53:56 pm by Heavy Flak »


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1134 on: October 13, 2008, 12:44:24 am »

Good to know that hes ok!

Now for more training and perhaps a talk with the new major for some combat tips? *hint hint*


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1135 on: October 13, 2008, 04:21:07 am »

I am gona express my opinion here *protects face and crotch*

I reckon that this thread has a better character developing storyline than even Nist Akath(which of course was revolutionary in it's own right and still holds it's own in pure badarseness ) So keep up the wonderful writing  ;D  *Runs out of the thread still covering vital areas.*

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1136 on: October 13, 2008, 10:39:58 am »

Diary of maggarg
Zako healed, so we wrapped him up in six inches of cotton just to be safe.
He still managed to dislocate a finger and get a gash on his knee though.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1137 on: October 14, 2008, 02:12:45 pm »

OOC Notes:

Just a quick update while I've got some downtown.  With the forum currently experiencing... uhhh, "frequent outages", I'm going to shift some of my efforts into completing the third, and final, revision of my book.  After that, it's the grind of trying to find an agent or publisher to take on a book that's so foul, my uncle (A retired bishop) said it "made him sick to read" and my aunt thinks I'm a potential sociopath and is scared of what might be in my shed.  Then they took me out to a nice seafood dinner!

Uhh, what was I talking about again?  Oh yeah, with the efforts shifted, that doesn't mean I'm going to totally drop this story, but I am going to put it off for the day if my "play dwarf fortress" time falls into one of these Forum Dead Zones.

Also, I want to thank Rice and his feel-good post for warming my cold sociopaths heart.  Thanks for the kind words :D

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1138 on: October 14, 2008, 07:01:14 pm »

The Events of the 10th of Galena, 1066

Down time, once again.  Vash had left the fortress proper to wander down the road, taking enjoyment in watching the Dwarves hard at work building.  Even if he was against what they were building, the expertise with which they did it was awe-inspiring.  As he enjoyed his time off, he found himself wandering from build site to build site, eventually finding himself along the same stretch of fresh-paved road leading to Dodik's. 

He loitered for quite a while, but eventually curiosity got the best of him.  Smoothing down the front of his coat, Vash ambled towards the same olivine pillar as before, waiting before he leaned down, peering into the unfilled hole in its side.  Even in the darkness, he could make out a faint flat shape, and his heart stopped for a second.  Reaching in, Vash pulled the folded sheet of paper free, staring down at the simple wax seal keeping it closed.  Breaking the red wax, he opened the paper and read:

Make another wish

Taking in a deep breath, he pulled out his charcoal pencil and wrote on the back:

Give me a giant leopard.

Exhaling, he folded the sheet up and slipped it back into the pillar.  He walked away, his hand stuffed into the pocket of his suit coat, softly running his thumb along the edge of the steel coin he kept. 


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Re: Migrursut: Of Glass and Steel (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1139 on: October 15, 2008, 02:28:06 am »

OOC Notes:

Just a quick update while I've got some downtown.  With the forum currently experiencing... uhhh, "frequent outages", I'm going to shift some of my efforts into completing the third, and final, revision of my book.  After that, it's the grind of trying to find an agent or publisher to take on a book that's so foul, my uncle (A retired bishop) said it "made him sick to read" and my aunt thinks I'm a potential sociopath and is scared of what might be in my shed.  Then they took me out to a nice seafood dinner!

Uhh, what was I talking about again?  Oh yeah, with the efforts shifted, that doesn't mean I'm going to totally drop this story, but I am going to put it off for the day if my "play dwarf fortress" time falls into one of these Forum Dead Zones.

Also, I want to thank Rice and his feel-good post for warming my cold sociopaths heart.  Thanks for the kind words :D

OOC: This totally reminds me of when I was asked in like, oh, grade 2 or something to write a scary story for Halloween. Well, needless to say, the story I handed in prompted the teacher to become scared (Success!), so scared in fact that she called my parents in and said I was a sociopath in need of psychotherapy. Funny thing is, I still remember that story, it was a simple thing where I combined features I had seen in Disney movies, Indiana Jones, and a Vampire Lord villian - basicly, it was a three kids, who try to figure out the mysterious disappearances and murders in their town, the clues lead them to the cemetery where they discover maze like crypts full of traps that they make their way through to confront the Vampire. I don't completely remember all the gory details but it certainly was more than what that teacher was expecting from a kid when she gave us that assignment.
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