I don't think anti-town Jim would obviously protect a partner. Well, if the partner had skills/role that was really critical, and if Jim thought the general chaos was enough to make it not at all obvious.
Verm seems 'screamingly wrong' to me. So feeling 'earnestness' in Verm's posts really confuses me.
Also I felt a strong woosh of 'egads ohno'ism with Jim's
If you have a way to grant me items it would be really handy if you could give them to me.
My role is not traditionally powerful but if my analysis about it is correct it's pretty damn good. Having items to burn should help me get my game going.
That was like a solid flashback to how I felt about Web CYOS 1. Far less than how I felt about web, by near end of D1, and I figured I'm being silly when I first read and felt it. But it had and has a 'help me kill you faster read' to my intuition/fears/foolishness, and I didn't think it likely when I first felt it, though it was strong.
but I felt it, and we're close to end of D1, it's maybe say now or never. I am leery about Jim this game, who also seems to be playing 'unusually nicely' for Jim as well. Like, "like me and give me a pass' kind of feel.
That plus my concern he's maybe protecting Verm, and my inability to see Verm as towny with what I see this game, is my concern about Jim.
I'm home!
I'll review my D1s with Verm and see if a review of when I know he's town changes my mind.
I remember finding him as town really early and feeling super comfortable with him, the game where those who targeted me were forced into a chat I wasn't part of, made my agents and various other things changed. I did inspect him N1. For confirmation, not to catch anti-town. I discussed that during D2 and later that game.
Thing is, we were both town and I thought him easy to find and super useful.
I don't feel that here so far. And I saw how well and easily he lied and illusioned as town. This is not a newbie, just less-often played here. This is a real and interesting pro, and likely dangerous indeed if anti-town, is my understanding of Verm.