"And now we're done, let's go back to ship as I wish to talk with the Navigator to plot a course home!" The Purser and the First Mate look at each other, then back at you.
"Aye, sir."Few minutes later you're back on the ship, as the First Mate starts barking orders to sailors to start fetching cargo out and into the ship.
"Alberto! Alberto de Sota!" The Purser calls, and there's few seconds of silence before the Navigator ascends from the gun deck onto the top deck, a piece of bread in his hand.
"Yes, what is happening?""I need to talk with you and plot a course back to Lusia."
"Already?" The Navigator puts the bread in his mouth and brushes his hands clean against his trousers. He follows you and the Purser to your cabin, and spreads the map of Karibs on your desk:
The Navigator chews and swallows his bread until he has mouth clear enough to talk.
"So, Captain, we could head straight for Saint Maria colony, we would have northernly winds at our back and we could get there in 6 days.""Alright."
"Then, we sail the cape and again north and northeast, to Westeros. That's seven days at the least. And another seven from Westeros to Azuria. Then, about five to Lusia. All the time with winds blowing at our back.""Twenty-five days and we would reach home on 9th Late Winter." The Purser says, smacking his lips.
"Maybe give or take a day just to be on the safe side.""Uh-huh. What if we skip Westeros and sail straight to Azuria, keeping winds at our back if possible?"
"We could save a day, or two, maybe even three with good winds. But the thing is, the waters southeast of Westeros and northeast of Ursinio are very disturbed this time of year. The sea is deep and the currents strong, a freak wave can dwarf and trash the ship if we're unlucky."A) "Thank you, our next port shall be... (insert port name here)!"
B) "Wait, what about... (insert topic here)?"