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Author Topic: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom  (Read 39390 times)

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #315 on: April 03, 2024, 02:14:29 am »

Feels like this might be one of the longest running battles I've heard about in a DF game.

I should check out Gateheaven as I'm running low on forts that are still running to read.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #316 on: April 08, 2024, 05:13:53 am »

Tumam rested through the rest of the afternoon into the late evening. His injuries were mostly healed although they would surely scar including a wicked one across his throat. His new strategy was to wait for most of the defenders to be asleep. By the time they awoke he should be able to turn the tide in his favor.

His band of surviving zombies were small, but conveniently they were mostly the veteran heroes from the last stand of the Silver of Staves so each one had a very powerful body.
They crept into the fort as stealthily as possible. The defenders had only had a few hours to try and ready themselves while most tried to rest.

They had no time to repair the gates or clear out the dead bodies. Who could blame them? What army could return in mere hours restored and tireless to begin the killing again?

Tumam quietly flew above and ahead of his forces as they swarmed over the few night guards. It was critical that Tumam get inside the main building quickly before the sounds of battle woke up his sleeping foes. This was delicate as that meant he had to enter the building alone and vulnerable.
He floated in with his feet not even touching the floor and saw the many sleeping figures scattered across the large hall. Safety in numbers was surely their thinking when it came to sleeping in one giant room like this.

Tumam pulled out his morningstar and set to his dark work.

As quietly and surgically as possible for a Morningstar he set to work killing those who slept. This was neither a quiet nor surgical weapon and so loud cracking or squelching could be heard after each blow and the sounds of combat outside were growing closer. Tumam had to put off raising the dead for as long as possible for the moment zombies began fighting inside here everyone would surely waken and so he continued to kill people alone. One after another died.

Finally, a dwarf sentry fell back from the outside into the main hall with a zombie on top of him trying to tear him apart. The sounds of the other zombies roaring and screaming outside was now completely unmuted and the hall erupted with shouting as the living jumped up and readied for battle.
They looked around to find many of their company dead in their sleep and the terrifying White Stork, the very deity known as the Spry, floating above dead comrades. Tumam mercilessly glared at them as he lifted one hand and every dead body in the room rose to kill for him.

The odds had shifted moderately in Tumam's favor now as the defenders had enemies attacking from all sides and had lost a fair number of fighters.
Tumam was also now the most vulnerable he had been and the enemy knew that killing him was there only chance of surviving past this night.

Tumam began bashing away at one small group of defenders as his horde set upon most of the rest. He swung, dodged and blocked. He did his best to only hit critical areas such as the head in order to preserve the bodies for the next battle. This made it harder as enemies dodged or blocked him, but even one swing to the chest could leave them partially mangled and thus unusable.

Meanwhile a human high executioner with blade in hand and hood upon his head cut through the horde heading towards Tumam accompanied by an elven artist and goblin warrior. This trio brought bloody ruin upon the horde, but could not easily break through to Tumam.

The White Stork man saw the fearsome group, but also saw beyond them that the bandit chiefess had been knocked unconscious and was being protected by her vassals. Tumam skirted around the warriors, who were unable to disengage to pursue him, and the white stork man neared the other group.

As he approached he resurrected one corpse in particular: The famous moon woman Skullash the Dead twilight!
As Tumam flicked his finger the night creature rose with its bloodlust intensified in undeath.

The trophy Kanil had brought back to his leader all those years ago to prove his worth was now their very undoing!
Using this distraction Tumam floated above the unconscious chiefess and killed her. Without their leader the defenders fell into even greater confusion and chaos!
Tumam then set to work killing her cohorts as well as the terrifying trio began to finish the zombies they fought and work towards him again.

Skullash should have attacked them for him, but even as a mindless zombie the creature was impossibly murderous. It attacked Tumam and he was forced into a duel with his own creation!
It's superhuman speed was amplified in death as the two dodged each other's blows again and again. They moved at lightning speeds and despite the shortness of time the two had already swung at each other many times before Tumam's blow hit her in the chest and the mutilated corpse was thrown aside newly killed again.

Tumam's other zombies had worn the trio down now and he approached them to fight himself.
Blades met morningstar and one cut a gash into Tumam's wing preventing an easy escape if things went wrong, but the three had already been worn down! They were covered in scratches, bruises and sweat.

Despite best efforts they each fell as wraiths, zombies invigorated by sufficient killing, fought them. Tumam slew the elf himself. A martial artist wraith-goblin delivered a kick to the high executioner and crushing his neck completely.

The goblin was punched in the head by a wraith with such force that it rendered him unconscious despite wearing a helmet. The horde descended upon him.

The battle continued well on into the gruesome night, but the living were unable to sally enough force to break through to Tumam.

As the battle ended Tumam raised his new army - Kanil Inchwhip's tribe and family

They did not tarry there either, but the force immediately marched to the last stronghold of dwarfkind in the world: Whisperletter

We now have many wraiths, as I call them, the named undead seem to fight substantially better and so I really do think they become better fighters overtime like living counterparts do.
One battle left!
Also someone had an artifact crossbow, but they got it kicked out of their hands as the fight started so they never accomplished anything with it.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 05:19:35 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #317 on: April 10, 2024, 04:31:52 am »

The campaign against the dwarves seems to be going quite well, who you going after once you finish with the dwarves?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #318 on: April 18, 2024, 01:32:07 pm »

We'll get the updates out relatively soon :)

Tumam's war totaled around 1800+ casualties. Which is a phenomenal scale for adventure mode.

I have encountered a problem I want to gather some thoughts on though...

As you can see we've actually achieved equilibrium in species rather than purging one. Problem here is though that goblins and dwarves have a couple hundred survivors each yet almost none of these survivors are present on the map in its different sites.

Is this the population glitch? If so, how do I fix it?

I'm inclined to think it isn't though. Here's why:
When you are in adventure mode near an enemy civ it sends out generated patrols to try and kill you. Also despite wiping out the sites new dwarves emerged to take over old noble positions. These dwarves are historical figures, but had no locations they lived in before they took those new positions.

I surmise that the game keeps a population of off-screen people for use in invasions, patrols, taking over positions, etc. If I continue to farm kills from nobility and hang out around pits and hillocks until they send out patrols I think I may be able to whittle them down?
I've also contemplated unretiring every single dwarf still living and leading them on an invasion of hell lol. I could also see if it is possible to change raws to embark as humans and try to purge everyone that way, but that defeats the spirit of the challenge I gave myself.

Goblins: 234
Dwarves: 348

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #319 on: April 19, 2024, 01:33:13 am »

Dang that's gonna be hard to all those randos out in the world, can't think of what you could do besides search every site and look for all the blips on the map.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #320 on: April 23, 2024, 05:50:01 am »

Whisperletter was to be the location of the last stand of the dwarves. The fort was built originally by worshipers of the death god: The Spry, who was also Tumam. They fled persecution and later it would be inhabited by refugees with the war against the forces of hell. Then later by even more fleeing the war against Cor and her undead armies. Finally, it took on a large goblin population. Survivors of the Plagues of Forking and its most elite warriors came to this fort for employment. They found they preferred the anarchy of these tribe and bandit filled plains over orderly human or dwarf lands.

Once a dwarven lifetime ago the dwarves had waged war against the Plagues of Forking and drove that particular goblin kingdom into non-existence. Tumam's actions had also driven the dwarven kingdoms into non-existence. Both races were now kingdomless, but Tumam was not satisfied with merely destroying kingdoms. In this final battle the best of the dwarf and goblin kingdoms were lined together. Both had armor encrusted with the finest of gold and jewels. It is hard for a non-goblin to comprehend the thinking of the evil race or what might motivate them into a last stand like this, but one thing is for certain: Whisperletter would become the site of one of the greatest battles to be fought upon this planet.

When Tumam raised every corpse in the fort a pillar of necrotic energy rose into the air. His powers were nearly unleashed in their full and an unintended consequence came to pass.

As Tumam's horde approached Whisperletter within the very same night, intending to find a sleeping fortress like before, instead they found a pitched battle.

Every corpse in Whisperletter had already been resurrected and was now locked in fierce battle against the living. Among them was the zombified forgotten beast that Tumam had lost track of some weeks ago; Perhaps drawn there by the vast quantities of necrotic power in the area that also fed its own existence.

This was a mixed blessing. On one hand his forces were now massively amplified, but on the other his strategy was now entirely thrown out the window. The undead had awoken every single dwarf and goblin the fortress and they were now all fully engaged in combat. Tumam surveyed this all from the front gate and decided he didn't have time to mull over on what he should do. He looked to his horde behind him and then the one battling inside the fort's main hall and then he charged ahead into battle.

By the time he reached the battle half of the new undead force had already been slain and the forgotten beast that destroyed a city in life now lay slain again upon a small pile of dwarf corpses. This was no hold of farmers or gaggle of useless nobility! These were the greatest warriors left of goblin and dwarfkind, and they were proving that in the slaughtering of an entire horde within the minutes it took Tumam to reach them!

The necromancer understood the odds were now firmly against him, but he was now fully committed to the battle. He raised those who freshly died and were still in usable condition and charged the front door with his nearest zombies behind him.
The dwarves had created a wedge formation around the door. The moment one walked in they were surrounded on all sides. The defenders had also packed so tightly together that the moment a zombie entered the wedge formation they would find themselves attacked many times over within the span of a few seconds.

It was a kill zone of most devious creation, But Tumam's horde did not posses the intelligence to resist the call to battle and would charge regardless of his commands. This was his second severe miscalculation.
His third was with the number of dwarves and goblins. His horde was outnumbered now! Severely outnumbering the enemy was the only advantage the zombies had and they had lost it entirely.
All Tumam could do was keep swinging his weapon and pray, to himself he supposed, that the defenders would become exhausted enough to turn the tide upon.

He continued to raise the dead behind the wedge formation, but there weren't enough usable corpses to distract a meaningful number of defenders.

Again and again death was traded with the undead taking the majority of it, but now and again a defender was picked off or claimed by Tumam's morningstar.

A goblin spearwoman encased in gold encrusted armor danced along the line and slew zombie after zombie. It was only as she wandered too close that the horde tried to grab her. She pushed a living dwarf in front of her and dodged back as the zombies ripped the man apart! She laughed and continued her lethal dance.

In another area of the line an axedwarf passed out finally after killing 12 zombies! A goblin zombie that had just hours ago killed many zombies himself before succumbing now picked up a pair of copper chain leggings off the ground and beat the dwarf in the head over and over until it exploded into gore.
The goblin zombie turned wraith kept the leggings in hand as a blunt weapon and would kill several more defenders before dying again.

Pictured: Iron cap from earlier turned into an improvised weapon

There were no corpses left to reanimate behind the defenders and the zombies behind them had all been slain and rendered useless, but Tumam held out hope! The defenders were weakening and falling over in exhaustion.
His excitement was short lived as the defenders shifted attention to him. Within the space of a five seconds 30 attacks flew to Tumam! He had never swung his morningstar and shield so fast in his life. Parrying and blocking at speeds he did not know he could do, but unable to dodge due to the sheer mass of zombies behind him.
Unfortunately, blows did find their mark and his wing was cut open, his arm and head bashed upon. He was forced to drop his shield, and he knew in another five seconds he would be dead if he didn't do something.

It was a risk, but the white stork man decided to turn his back to the enemy and press with all his might through his own horde and escape back to the outside world. As he escaped he sucked in fresh air and tried to reorient himself.

The battle was not lost. The rest of his horde was still streaming in and the defenders would be worn down. As they did he would reanimate those and it would turn to his favor!

These are all things Tumam thought, but reality would deny him.
For behind him a great horn blew and as it did a great chorus of goblin and dwarf voices roared together. The defenders were charging and they would not permit Tumam to escape!

One of the most common complaints about fortress mode military is how squads don't use tactics and just run straight at the target. Here was the most coincidental use of tactics in the most epic way.
In real life ancient military this kind of a wedge formation would actually be just as lethal as we are seeing here. It creates kill zones that funnel the enemy in and limit their movement while allowing the maximum amount of your own people to strike out.
I literally had zero dodge options, because the amount of zombies all around me crammed into that small space prevented the game from offering dodging as an option.

This is either gonna be a two part or three part battle. Like I said the scale was unbelievable! I've never had an adventure mode battle get this crazy and it took a solid minute for my computer to load even one action in this game, because of the sheer amount of stuff happening within one moment.

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #321 on: April 24, 2024, 01:44:48 am »

The game works in some pretty cool stuff every now and then, and it seems Tumam's story might be coming to an end soon.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #322 on: May 01, 2024, 04:46:55 am »

It seemed difficult to imagine how the situation could become worse for Tumam until he heard his living opponents roar and begin to charge.

Despite having quite a few wraiths and zombies lodged into the doorway continuing to fight many dwarves bashed their way through and suddenly Tumam's forces were surrounded on all sides and he was now vulnerable to attack again. His only saving grace climbed up the slope from the north:

Nearly a quarter of his initial invading force had been side tracked chasing down a fleeing dwarf. Zombies aren't smart enough to perceive where the most lethal part to attack is so they were relentlessly beating the man this whole time until only just now killing him. These zombies attempted to join the rest of the horde and so now the dwarves who had broken through his forces were also surrounded themselves.

The white stork man was injured and couldn't hold a shield. He doubted he could fly either, but had no time to test it. He swung his morningstar endlessly and dodged constantly.

Swords, hammers, and axes rang throughout the night brutalizing his forces. The living died horribly as wraiths used improvised weapons or a dwarf who had been punched in the head for the 20th time finally had his skull cave in. The sheer bloody ruin that was many dwarves bodies was remarkable to see! How could these stout folk still fight so viciously when half of their face was torn off? Tumam continued to pick off enemies as he was able, but within short order the defenders had successfully routed and wiped out his horde in the doorway leaving only the ones that had just joined to aid Tumam remaining.

Now there plan was apparent: Recognizing that their own people were passing out from exhaustion, the defenders had decided to charge to push up the line of battle and protect the exhausted. Through the doorway Tumam could see many passed out dwarves and goblins resting from the battle.

Between that and being outnumbered the defenders had entirely countered his main advantages in combat.

Combat was so intense and so fast that Tumam also had no chance to escape. Any attempt to run or to see if he could fly would be ample time for several enemies to reach and grab him. All he could do was reanimate as many corpses as he could to keep the pressure on, but there were still over 100 defenders left living!

and then...Tumam was surrounded.
Before he knew it there were only a few zombies left and there were many dwarves between him and them. The mad goblin spearwoman still danced and laughed as she killed as many other legendary warriors continued around her. There were almost no usable corpses left.

Was it over? "No, no no no no. Not when I'm so close! Not here! Not now!" Cried Tumam
Tumam summoned the full capacity of his necrotic powers, now fully returned to him, and unleahsed a great pillar of the dark power upon the area.

Great power seized the mangled and broken corpses of the slain undead and it filled them like never before. They glowed with light and began to rise en masse. Some of the undead began laughing or screaming, a skill they never had before, and coated with new power they began to immediately destroy the defenders.

A dark mist filled the area cutting visibility to near zero. Fell Zombies

Now the tide turned. The horde had not only been restored, but even though their bodies were near useless they were filled with supernatural strength that overcame armor and mortal speed.

Tumam's final desperate gamble paid off in that Fell Zombies, Cold Hunters and other forms of sapient and super-powered undead kept the soul of the original inhabitant usually. Technically, if Tumam raised a dead defender as a fell zombie the newly formed undead would likely join the defenders and try to kill Tumam!
This is where the gamble came in: Most of the horde that was here as he arrived were actually his old army of skeletons from the dark pits. They had sat down there for generations. Over that time the attachment the souls had to those bodies disappeared entirely. There was no soul to reconnect to this army.

Instead, lacking an original soul, the spell attached the wraith identity as the new soul of the corpse. The new Fell Zombies remembered the defenders and having been killed by them, and so despite no longer needing to murder all living beings on sight, they still possessed intense hatred of those who had killed them.

When someone dies you see their body and it says something like "Urist mcpoophead's corpse"
Many of these corpses had no name just "Goblin Skeleton" or something so I surmised that they didn't have an ID in the game anymore, or soul for an in-game use, that meant the game would use their zombie status from earlier for their new status as intelligent undead.
Basically still my zombie horde, but super powered now.

Two real life minutes passed between every tick of this battle if you're wondering why it took so long. Added to the fact that there were over 150 defenders at the start causing this to be my biggest battle on this world ever
« Last Edit: May 01, 2024, 04:50:57 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #323 on: May 02, 2024, 04:06:56 am »

Dang that's a lot of bodies, pretty amazing that you managed to survive that whole ordeal.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #324 on: May 08, 2024, 06:07:27 am »

At this point hours had passed since the start of the battle.

The defenders had spread out in multiple directions to pursue Tumam as well as to engage his undead coming from the north and so when Tumam raised Fell Zombies the defenders were cut off from one another and surrounded from all sides.
The fell Zombies were in devastated bodies, but this was balanced somewhat by the fact that their new powers and intelligence gave them overwhelming strength and agility.

Another downside as the battle continued though were that the fell zombies were filled with such hate and rage that they rarely killed dwarves quickly. They'd grab a dwarf by his limbs and pull each one out of its socket slowly to cause most agony. This slowing down usually gave other dwarves opportunities to kill the zombies.

Finally, at this point having hours passed every single defender was exhausted and one could see them haphazardly swinging their weapons or fists as exhaustion neared.

Tumam had never fought so hard in his life and he imagined this was a worse battle than the siege that originally destroyed his tower. At this point there was no dirt to stand on, but only the broken bones of countless dead bodies with a layer of blood and viscera beneath that. Every one was coated in gore.

Swing, swing, swing and the crunching of bones and squelching of brains as his morningstar struck out again and again. He fought the urge to swing wildly and desperately as he sought to preserve enough of the enemy bodies to raise as zombies, but even then after so many hours of combat most of the defenders had some broken bones somewhere or another. Many of them were useless after death even with his careful killing.

His fell zombie trick would not work on the dead defenders. He had already raised one by mistake and had to kill it quickly after it was able to jam a fist through Tumam's breastplate.

A child might ask "How many punches to the face does it take before someone's face explodes?" and one would normally consider this ridiculous, but here in this field this question was explored many times as repeated blows caused parts of the defenders to entirely break or bend out of place.

Finally, the laughing goblin spearwoman lost her weapon. She'd die very soon without an ability to defend herself.

Tumam was distracted watching her take that hit and didn't notice as the crowd of dwarves around him took advantage.

Another rain of countless blows like earlier flew at him. Again Tumam dodged like no other day in his life, but without a shield he was significantly more vulnerable and he was hit many times over. His spine was damaged as well as his arm causing him to drop the morningstar and fall to the ground unable to stand.

This was a deathknell as he was surrounded and had no way to defend himself now. Tumam knew there was no way out, and so summoned all his powers and rage and let loose one final burst of necrotic power raising more fell zombies as well as reanimating every severed body part from the smallest hand to the largest severed head to fight. This included everything inside the main building were the exhausted defenders were huddled trying to keep safe.

Tumam rolled out of the way of one dwarf's stomping foot and would've fallen off the edge of the hill, but his flapping wings saved him. Despite his earlier fears his wing was in good enough condition to carry him and so the bird lifted off and up to gain height advantage on his hated foes.

Utter carnage had ensued. The main building had become a charnel house as weakened defenders could not hold back the mob of fell zombies and were being massacred.
Outside the tide shifted to Tumam: Defenders were collapsing in exhaustion to be killed by the undead and the only defenders surviving were those who were close enough to others to form some united defense. Small islands of life in this sea of bones.
Despite being only made of bones the fell zombies who had been reanimated a second time had evolved further. More muscular might be how some described them: Bones thickened and grew into plate-like forms as necrotic energy seemed to form a sinewy like flowing muscle shape around their forms. They looked nothing like their original skeletons now.

Tumam's rage would not allow him to stay out of the fight. He flew in and would kick and bite his opponents. He tore out and stomped in several throats dooming these people.

His rage blinded him though and a macedwarf struck his unprotected head. Tumam fell to the ground unconscious. Concussive knockouts typically only last less than a minute, but Tumam did not have that long.

Within seconds he was swarmed and the defenders stomped and smashed his head. One dwarf stabbed him in chest over and over, but it was the repeated blows to his head that caused it to be smashed into a bloody pulp.

The first necromancer had finally fallen.

The defenders cheered for the salvation of the world and vengeance against a hated foe, but the tide of death continued.

The last defenders of dwarf and goblin kind fought heroically in one of the greatest battles of Adelaathira's history, but despite saving the world they could not stop what was left of Tumam's army and as the dawn came and the sun rose almost every single one died.

The last defenders outside the main building, for all inside were dead now, bought time for a few dwarves to run including the dwarf who had killed Tumam herself!

Dwarven civilization has ended, but despite his best efforts and maximum power Tumam was not able to destroy the entire species. Heroes of the greatest legend were made in the last battle as the death toll reached several hundred at bare minimum with some reports saying over a thousand deaths total.

Dang that's a lot of bodies, pretty amazing that you managed to survive that whole ordeal.

I was waiting until this post to respond to that lol

Man I am so thankful this battle is just over including writing it. Actually playing this battle took multiple irl weeks as each movement took minutes. Anytime I rose an undead the game would freeze for about ten minutes.

UGH! Still most epic thing I have ever done in adventure mode. Still brainstorming how exactly I am gonna finish off the dwarves. I see why no one else has really done a story like this where they try to reach fairy tales.

Also the list of kills above isn't anywhere near a comprehensive list.
I screenshot weapons that I could see and their kill count, but many dwarves and goblins were killing using their feet, fists, or teeth. Or clothing items, or pieces of armor.
My legendary zombies aren't listed either, but legends is now coated with entries of legendary zombies.

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #325 on: May 09, 2024, 03:00:43 am »

I'm pretty sure that was the biggest fight I've read about happening in game as far as I can remember, also the fact that it took weeks to reach the conclusion is probably why I haven't heard of another fight of this size.

And dying in combat feels like the end Tumam's story was working towards and as such feels like a fitting end to his story.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #326 on: May 09, 2024, 02:35:27 pm »

I'm pretty sure that was the biggest fight I've read about happening in game as far as I can remember, also the fact that it took weeks to reach the conclusion is probably why I haven't heard of another fight of this size.

And dying in combat feels like the end Tumam's story was working towards and as such feels like a fitting end to his story.
The battle of Silentthunders was larger - 1700 besiegers.

Still, quite the battle! I bet it was fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #327 on: May 10, 2024, 06:15:39 am »

Honestly, it wasn't fun lol

It lasted so long and so much time passed in between actions that it was a chore.

I'd load up other games or computer work or youtube videos and watch them while I waited and then tab back over to do the next thing.
Raised abunch of undead? Okay I'll come back in thirty minutes.

Adventure mode battles are not nearly as efficient as fortress mode; at least as far as FPS and processing is concerned

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #328 on: May 11, 2024, 03:21:02 am »

Dang makes me wonder what your FPS was during the battle.

The battle of Silentthunders was larger - 1700 besiegers.
Sounds like I should probably read that one at some point.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« Reply #329 on: May 19, 2024, 06:11:39 am »

Clappedsear: the Loosing and Losing of Peace

Clappedsear is famous to the many scholars of the world. Home and origin point of Kanil Inchwhip, the largest and most powerful bandit tribe of those anarchic days, and a uniter of the many peoples of the land.

It all began with Uja Speakercuddled

Uja was born in the year 64. Although she was too young to be aware, she grew up surrounded by the end of the war against the goblins of the Plagues of Forking and the beginning of the undead invasion by Cor.

Uja was an orphan. She grew up surviving day to day with a group of other orphans from the war, including Kanil Inchwhip.

Despite peace being won with the goblins the encroaching undead and within her own teen years the dwarves unleashed an army of demons upon the world in ignorance. These pressures led to the orphans of all these wars being forgotten.

Starvation was present everywhere and death from exposure, due to lack of shelter, was also common. This initially pressed Uja into uniting and controlling a band of other orphans to claim resources. Although further research would need be done to confirm it; It could certainly be argued that all the bandit tribes that would make up the Anarchic Plains were gangs of orphans initially.

Although her gang would have originally run in the farmlands near Inkyrouts the wars would have pressed the group west to the now abandoned lands outside the destroyed Plagues of Forking.

The future chief worked hard to not only unite her band, but many others as the wars continued and so finally she was in a place to establish her own fort at the age of 31.

Here she built a refuge for all fleeing the wars and created a place that members of very society made up:

-Survivors of the Plagues of Forking
-Human refugees fleeing the war of the undead
-Dwarves fleeing the war of the demons
-Goblins who were enslaved to the demons and fleeing
-Elves fleeing war in the north against the humans and goblins
-Even goblins from the Arctic north found a home there

The culture of the tribe would be very live and let live. Although when conflict would arise, as it inevitably would with so many different kinds of people and ideas present, it was allowed to escalate as far as it needed. The fort never attempted to resist the anarchic tendencies of the land they were in and instead thrived within it.

If there is one thing that was known to all who called her friend or foe, it was how vicious Uja could be. Indeed, it was her, who commanded Kanil to singlehandedly massacre an entire fortress of rivals, although they turned out to be invaders from the north it is difficult to imagine that she knew that as well.
She also played factions against each other. Once a battle broke out she would simply side with the winning side and only grow her influence further. When this wasn't an option she sent potential rivals into doomed situations, such as Kanil being commanded to halt an entire goblin invasion.

Her morals were questionable, but the chiefess craved peace.

Regardless of how historians may look back and condemn her she came the closest of all to uniting the many races and cultures of this world without wiping out any of them.
The descendants of royalty and military leadership in each civilization lived in her fortress

Sadly, her dreams died young, as the invasion of the White Stork Tumam and his undead horde led to her end. The defenders of Clappedsear held out valiantly, but they could not hold against the ceaseless advance of the undead.

Strange historical coincidences surrounding the Fort:
-Uja married late and her husband had several children from a previous marriage, one of whom is the inventor of the fabled and little known, third secret of necromancy
-The granddaughter of the elven princess lived in the fort and was one of the greatest fighters of the final battle
-Members of every religion and many cults were in the fort
-Uja started the trend of putting bounties on wraiths in order to keep morale high with victories and challenges
-Kanil Inchwhip lived and trained here and would later destroy the invasion of the undead
-The fortress would eliminate many regional threats including local night trolls and rampaging predators
-The last legitimate heir to the dark throne of the Plagues of Forking lived here
-In its last days it had a larger population than any city currently on the planet at the time

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