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Author Topic: FBYOR 5 - Game Over - Learning From Disaster, As All Ends In Fire And Darkness  (Read 58873 times)


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #735 on: October 19, 2022, 08:06:25 pm »

The other issue I have is that Knightwing also has a doublevote.  Of the two, Knightwing is 100x more likely to be Town, since he assumed that he redirected the kill.  I say that knowing full well that I called Knightwing scummy Yesterday, but I think his actions make him very likely to be Town.  NJW2000 being Town is also possible given his action, but I'm not entirely sure just yet.  As scum, his action is inherently positive looking, and he knows for a fact that the Mafiakill is aimed at Maximum Spin, so it's inherently null, and I think he knows that I don't kill Jim Groovester.

This is where my logic is stuck at.

NJW2000 <=== This is a blatant OMGUS, I'm only voting him because he voted me, I want that to be 100% clear.  I'm making it clear this is a scumtell, and that I'd actually only like to bandwagon this vote if possible.  Also, I'm lying about all of this, and I'm going to vote out anyone that gets near hammer, that's why I asked Max about it yesterday, I'm gonna hammer everyone I get the chance to.  Watch me!


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #736 on: October 19, 2022, 08:13:26 pm »

... To check others, is it webadict meta to shoot the person with the double vote? < Just to be sure.
Definitely, if it is someone Web can't easily manipulate.
I don't think it's alignment indicative. Web would shoot the double voter regardless of alignment, I wager.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #737 on: October 19, 2022, 08:20:30 pm »

NJW2000 not believing the kill was redirected is nonsensical.  I claimed having a Kill.  I claimed several potential targets.  I claimed where it was going.  I see that as extreme evidence that scum kills me, regardless of player meta.  I'm basically setting myself up to be killed/roleblocked/redirected.

He's still got to be under the belief that I either don't have a kill, and I killed Maximum Spin, in spite of having two confirmed Actions, OR that ToonyMan and I are scum together, OR that I do have a kill, and did everything I did as scum, including making myself easily trackable, explaining how my action would fail beforehand, and also getting a list of viable targets for some reason.

His reasoning is flawed, though I'm about to espouse WIFOM:  Why would I claim my extra kill as scum?  Why would I advocate for a mafiakill on Maximum Spin?  I think that Maximum Spin is a terrible kill for me as scum, since it only makes me more likely to be found out, especially since Max and I look exactly the same.  The only factor that goes against that is that I kill Maximum Spin because it makes me look innocent by association.  That's a really dumb play, but it's a valid explanation.

I think he definitely is pushing that ToonyMan and I are scum together, though.  He's made that abundantly clear.  So, he's probably thinking that I'm covering for ToonyMan being Blocked.

I'd just like to hear his theory on that, since it's reasonable to suspect that he believe this in spite of how dumb it is.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #738 on: October 19, 2022, 08:22:37 pm »

... To check others, is it webadict meta to shoot the person with the double vote? < Just to be sure.
Definitely, if it is someone Web can't easily manipulate.

...True, but rude.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #739 on: October 19, 2022, 08:28:42 pm »

Hua... Unvote.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #740 on: October 19, 2022, 08:51:02 pm »

NJW seems very willing to die if they can take you down with them Webadict.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #741 on: October 19, 2022, 08:56:44 pm »

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I kind of wish a helpful Pixie was in this game to sort claims.

If something is wrong please let me know and I'll correct.

If you want to add something to what I've said feel free to, I encourage it.

D1 claims:

Knightwing claims SK-miller right away.

I made Jim have to target me, Web, or Jack on N1.

Juicebox full claims here
Juicebox targets himself with Pot of Greed which allows him to draw cards from his deck to do two more actions
Juicebox targets NJW with Now I Explain What it Does and learns one of NJW's abilities
Juicebox targets Nakeen with Banned in Competitive Play which roleblocks them if they use multiple actions.
Note: Nakeen acts like they were not roleblocked on D2 when they claim to have delayed me and that it was successful. Nakeen would not know about Juicebox's action, therefore we can reasonably conclude that Nakeen did not perform multiple actions on N1 as they were not roleblocked.

I believe Juicebox is being fully honest with their role-claim.
Note: Juicebox found it extremely amusing when I claimed The Forceful Sentry, this is because they submitted Pot of Greed as their role and would have made for an very crazy coincidence. This kind of reaction would be difficult to fake if Juicebox was not who he said he was.

TolyK claims Miller very late into D1 after becoming a lynch candidate. They spill that they're a Fake Devil and are a miller, so town but inspect as mafia I assume. They also claimed a disable very early into D1.

Tric claims their Dragon stuff here. They started by grabbing a cop ability for D1.

1. Knightwing seems town to me.
2. Juicebox seems town to me.
3. Nakeen probably did delay me on N1, but because I was role-blocked nothing happened.
4. Nakeen could not have performed multiple actions on N1 unless working with Juicebox.
5. TolyK claims miller really late, but I can confirm they aren't lying about at least parts of their role. I feeeel like TolyK is town though, maybe this is because of Knightwing being town in Supernatural.

N1 claims and general D2 thoughts in order:

#548 - I claim I targeted Web and that at least three players targeted me.

#552 - Knightwing claims they made everything that targeted Web, target Max instead.

I strongly believe this claim.
I believe Knightwing suspected Max, and thought Web would be the mafiakill target, so they redirected people from Web to Max.
This comes off as a town mindset to me.
Note: NQT and Webadict confusingly start saying that Knightwing swapped Web and Max like a bus, which is extremely annoying and misleading. NQT and Webadict are unable to read or are being scummy on purpose.

#554 - I claim I watched Webadict and may know everyone who targeted Max.

I have no idea who targeted Max thanks to the roleblock. It's pretty annoying since I would have a list of players that could have killed Max otherwise. I said my claim in this way because I was somewhat confident that mafia roleblocked me and wanted to see if I can get genuine town reactions out of people, since other town players wouldn't know I didn't actually have watch results.

#555 - Nakeen claims they targeted me.

This claims feels very genuine to me, although we know a bit from now that they delayed me so why the FoS on me since Max died? They know their delay was performed on me so I probably couldn't have killed Max in that case.

#557 - Webadict claims their action succeeded and that NJW should have died but didn't, so either someone targeted NJW or NJW is immune to being soaked.

More on this later.

#559 - Nakeen reveals they targeted me with a delay.

#560 - Webadict claims they soaked Knightwing, Nakeen, and Jim, but not Jack and Tric.

This is an interesting post. Webadict is saying they also soaked Jim here.

Isn't that weird? We know in the future that NJW claims they bussed themselves with Jim, but...Webadict shouldn't know that.

So why is Webadict not surprised Jim is soaked instead of NJW? They don't make any mention of this oddness in this post.

The Soaked status works in some way I don't understand, or Webadict is being suspicious here.

This is also the beginning of Webadict intentionally or accidently creating confusion by saying they can't believe someone would try to shoot them, when that's not what Knightwing did. Web may have been the kill target, but Max could have as well.

#562 - Vector claims they inspected Web and got a town result.

If we believe Vector they actually inspected Max and got a town result.
I can't confirm this unlike in Supernatural. :(

#566 - Jack claims NQT did not perform a kill action last night. Jack claims NQT is basically a gunsmith that can find third-parties as well. Jack claims his ability is associated with Robot so the Robot stuff is true.

Jack backs NQT here. NQT is unlikely to be mafia unless both NQT and Jack are mafia together.

#567 - Tric claims that NJW is town and targeted Webadict last night.

Tric claimed a cop inspect on D1 so this checks out, it seems like it also tracks the target?

Tric actually inspected Jim here if we believe NJW, which means Jim is town and targeted...Webadict?

Nothing about that statement makes sense. Jim targeted me, not Webadict (or Max). I can confirm somebody gave me Dragon Deez Nuts.

Is Tric getting caught in a lie here thanks to NJW's claim?

More on this later.

#568 - Jim claims the action I used on them D1. Jim claims they were Soaked and On Fire at the same time.

Jim confirms they were soaked by Web...but again NJW bussed Web with himself so Web would have soaked NJW, not Jim.

Who set Jim On Fire? I don't actually know while typing this.
It was Tric. Somewhere on D1 Tric claims their target gets On Fire I think, I'd have to find the post I can't be bothered currently.

#577 - Webadict claims they're out of bullets (their super soaker?) and responds to Tric saying they tracked NJW to Webadict. Web thinks NJW is probably town since they gave them "this status".

I think he's talking about the revive that FoU may have given Web by accident?

The whole revive claim thing is not clear and detracts from the game. If FoU screwed up then for shame.

#580 - Vector congratulates Web for getting this status from NJW and wants to know what that mystery status is...

Okay so Vector is clearly hinting that they gave Web a status here, but that's not what happened since it went to Max instead who died.

I think we can safely assume that FoU did in fact screw up and had Web get a revive status from Vector, when Vector in fact gave this revive status to Max instead. Max somehow died while getting a revive, that's pretty sad.

#583 - Web confirms it was a mod error and that it was a free revive.

#588 - Jack lists things he wants to wait and see for, but doesn't include my watch results so I remind him.

I don't like how passive Jack is being here. They also don't seem to have any care that I claimed watch results on Web/Max which would be very useful information. I could speculate that Jack doesn't list my watch results as something to wait for because he already knew I had no results somehow. Jack couldn't be mafia here without being partners with Webadict though.

#589 - NQT arrives and accuses Juicebox of trying to murder someone. They're also a pirate now. Thinks there's scum or third-party for sure inside NJW, Nakeen, Knightwing.

#591 - TolyK arrives and asks me if I got the choice and what exact info I got.

It's true, I got a choice from someone last night.

I think I'm going to pick the funner option even if it's not the correct one, sorry guys.

#596 - Nakeen confirms they successfully performed their action to delay me.

I'm kind of curious what would have happened if I wasn't role-blocked. Obviously I still don't get my watch results on N1 which is really annoying, but what happens on N2? Do I get my N1 watch results or does my watch "trigger" on N2?

#599 - NQT confirms with me that he has...4 personality modules? If I'm reading that right. NQT also continues to dunk on Juicebox and saying they're the murderer.

It becomes clear later that NQT misread their role ability...please read better NQT.

#600 - Knightwing is happy because they think they protected Web from dying. They also claim they obtained an extra vote.

How did Knightwing get an extra vote? Can you elaborate Knightwing?

Again, I don't see mafia!Knightwing telling us willingly he got an extra vote as that is crucial information to break lylos.

#605 - NJW claims someone used magic on them D1. They also claim they bus drove themselves with Jim.

This is a very big claim.

The magic on D1 would be because Juicebox used their role-cop ability on them, correct? Can this be confirmed?

The bus is huge. NJW and Jim swapping places makes claims before this point very odd for Web and Tric especially.

NJW wanting to protect Jim I guess makes sense? Although then NJW would have died if mafia tried to kill Jim.

#609 - NJW further adds that their bus only effects single-target actions. NJW would also love to thunderdome with Webadict.

NJW wanting to thunderdome strikes me as extremely townie. I really think a town!NJW would want to die if they could take down a mafia!Web they're confident of.

The bus only effecting single-targets could be why Webadict's super soaker ability hit Jim like he expected? I talked about this earlier but Web was very assured his Soaked effect hit Jim (and we know Jim got Soaked), so the super soaker must be multi-targeting. This gets more interesting because Webadict says that NJW should have been soaked, this contradicts what he said at the start of D2. Which is it Web?

#610 - NQT starts posting charts at this point. Every single chart from this point forward has "N2 claims" on it even though they're N1 claims, but I wasn't around to correct him so he kept spamming charts.

He doesn't mention my watch claim either which is annoying. All his other points are fine.


At this point Webadict and NQT start posting a lot of nonsense. I'll try to filter it down for the reading audience.

#621 - Juicebox confirms information about their D1 actions on NJW and Nakeen. Juicebox knows their action on Nakeen failed because "the conditions weren't met".

#626 - NJW confirms the D1 magic was from Juicebox.

#627 - Juicebox full-claim.


A lot of bickering between Webadict and NJW.
A lot of bickering between NQT and Juicebox.

#641 - Webadict says they know why Jim didn't die when Web targeted NJW (which went to Jim) because Tric ended up targeting Jim instead of NJW. Webadict claims the other thing their action does if it doesn't kill is roleblock the target's target. Webadict knows Tric ended up targeting Jim because Jim became On Fire.

Did Tric ever state his target also becomes On Fire? I think he did on D1, NQT missed this earlier in one of his chart posts.

Jim can confirm he became On Fire so Tric did end up targeting Jim.

Earlier, Tric claimed they targeted NJW and saw them visit Web but that doesn't make sense even if they really targeted Jim (which they did).

Webadict is confused how he got targeted by Jim.

#643 - Tric retcons their claim and says NJW was town and they visited ToonyMan. Tric confirms that Jim being On Fire does mean they hit them last night.

Okay, so now Tric changes who their target target'd, from Webadict to me.

I find this extremely annoying and I'm pissed if town!Tric just completely misread their night results.

I feel is town Tric though? Jim claims they targeted me literally 2 minutes after Tric gave their results the first time, and it would have been very late for Tric when he posted. I don't really think Tric gains anything from lying here, so it seems like an honest mistake I GUESS.

#646 - Webadict realizes he roleblocked me.

I'm mad about this, but even if I wasn't roleblocked I would have been delayed by Nakeen so I never would have gotten useful information.

#651 - NQT realizes they misread their role ability and apologizes to Juicebox.


#654 - Thanks to the mod error, Web thanks Vector hands out free revives when their inspect target is town.

I can agree with this, although I don't like how he got there.

Why wasn't Max revived though? Max got this revive instead.

#663 - Web thinks NJW is suspicious for thinking Knightwing's action was a redirect and not a bus.

I...what? It was so fucking obvious Knightwing's action was a redirect. It was immediately the first thing I recognized in my brain when I read Knightwing's claim at the start of D1. Nakeen and I even reiterated it and repeated that Knightwing redirected players from Web to Max. You cannot suspect NJW for this.

I can't believe how full of sand your face orifices are.

#668 - Juicebox nods along with NQT that Vector or Nakeen are the only ones that could have killed Max. They vote Nakeen over Vector since they found Nakeen's D1 suspicious.

Meh. I don't feel Juicebox is applying themselves very much here.

#669 - Webadict vouches for Vector due to MOD ERROR.

Is it just me or does this game have a ton of inspects?

Vector inspects Web (really Max), gets town.
Tric inspects NJW (really Jim), gets town.
NQT inspects Juicebox, gets non-killing town or third-party.

Out of these, Max is dead but we can probably say with confidence that Jim and Juicebox are not mafia.

#671 - Tric gives a very enlighening post about how people got Soaked by Webadict.

Did Webadict actually specify how their super soaker worked? Because Tric is making logical leaps here which I feel is way too smart for Tric.

Basically Webadict claims they Soaked Jim, Nakeen, and Knightwing (not Tric or Jack).
This action was multi-targeting which is why NJW's bus didn't work and explains my confusion earlier in this post.

Tric states here that they got soaked because they ended up targeting Jim.
This also means nobody targeted Nakeen or Knightwing on N1.

I genuinely don't understand what Tric is saying in the latter half of their post about Jack and NQT.

I think Tric is saying that NQT may be hiding the fact that people that target him get Soaked, or something?


It only took Knightwing soft-quoting his PMs again like in Supernatural.

#677 - Juicebox pursues a case on Nakeen.

I like the effort...

#679 - NJW doesn't seem to think Knightwing was talking about a redirect either until the mod error, wtf?

#680 - Woah it's Jack...with a very chill normal post confirming their action where they got info about NQT. Then votes Vector because??

I don't like any of this.

#686 - More NJW and Web bickering. Webadict claims NJW has an ability related to Soaking and that maybe they soaked Jack.

I think Web is making this assumption because NJW claimed they were aware of On Fire/Soaked during D1.

#688 - NJW denies the accusation that they Soaked Jack.

I mean...I think a reasonable guess is that Webadict is lying and also soaked Jack but isn't claiming that he did to cause confusion.

#692 - Tric votes Webadict for being suspicious. Webadict says his actions are confirmed and also that him and Tric both targeted Jim.

Webadict could be telling the truth for why I was roleblocked. I think it's possible but zany.

You could just as well speculate that mafia used a day ability to block me the following night (similar to Juicebox's but more powerful), or Web just straight up roleblocked me as their other action while an ally kills Max. Webadict doesn't mention anything about a roleblock until after NJW claims their bus. Not sure how much I believe this.

#694 - Webadict and Vector hop on a Nakeen wagon.

This is like them voting Roden and I don't like it.

#701 - Vector doesn't admit about their revive to Web. Web claims they have two protects to presumably keep Vector alive.

Meh. I don't like it. If Webadict and Vector are acting like this I think at least one is mafia.

#708 - Nakeen comments on the game.

My day ability and night ability are two different things. You would not be able to delay my day ability here, but you could effect my night ability. My night ability ended up getting messed with.

#711 - Webadict claims they have a Super Soaker and a Track. The Soaked kills if combined with the Shock which is some other thing? Webadict also mentions Poison and that one of their two Protects mentions Poison as something to protect against.

Webadict says Super Soaker here so this must be where I read the name from in the earlier parts of my post.

I assume the Shock is what roleblocked me?

"I assumed that juicebox would potentially give me another shot, so I Soaked some viable targets."

First, Juicebox claimed on D1 that they were using Pot of Greed on themselves! Reading comphrension fails again, are you even trying?

Second, your Soak targets were TERRIBLE. You admit to soaking Jim, Knightwing, and Nakeen. Why?? Didn't you townread Knightwing and Nakeen? I could see maybe Jim since you like to suspect Jim even though I find him town, but Tric inspecting Jim as town rubs salt in the wound doesn't it? Then there's Tric and Jack which you don't admit to, but those are also bad players to soak from your POV?? Assuming you're hiding it for those two.


And then I got home.

There's been new posts since then but whatever. Web claimed an ability that may negate day abilities or something.

Bonus Content
Sometime during N1:
Max is killed by a crossbow. They did not, or were not able, to use their one-shot Heartthrob on someone as only they died.
We don't know who Max used A Fair Arbiter on, it's almost certain he used this ability.
TricMagic, Knightwing64, Nakéen, Jim Groovester, and EuchreJack are all Soaked.

Next I want to go over what seems to have happened last night (bleh) as well as which players I think are town and which are suspicious (yay!).


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #742 on: October 19, 2022, 09:17:01 pm »

Hmm do I have time tonight to sort the N1 actions...hah no fuck that.

Reads are way funner, and more important.

Day 2 Reads

Likely Town
Jim - I think they're town, gave me deez nuts, Tric inspected them as town
Juicebox - roleclaim feels very honest, reaction to me claiming Forceful Sentry looks very genuine, their cases have been weak though, is cleared by NQT as either non-killing town or third-party
Knightwing - very town, claimed SK-miller, seems to be thinking for themselves
Tric - general behavior, claimed early, don't really feel like they're lying even with the D2 mess up
Nakeen - I really think they did try to delay me N1, actions seem to make sense, looks like they're acting alone
TolyK - I feel like they're town, gave me a choice last night, claimed miller only under pressure on D1 which isn't great, but I want to like them
NJW - probably town? I mostly liked them on D1 and they really want to thunderdome Webadict which I respect

NQT - is playing like complete poo poo, could just be town!NQT on a really really bad week, has misread the game at least half a dozen times it's kind of insane, is putting in a lot of effort even with the wheel spinning
Vector - not sure

Jack - very quiet for Jack, has a wait and see approach to the game, passive, I don't think their action on NQT is very strong as a clear even if confirmable by NQT
Webadict - I kept off Web on D1 since I wanted to see if mafia would kill him N1, that didn't happen, NJW really fucking wants him dead, Webadict is doing that thing where he spews a ton of bullshit and I think he's caused more harm than good in this game so far


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #743 on: October 19, 2022, 10:14:30 pm »


Tric mentioned early he's Soaked because he ended up targeting Jim, did I read that right Tric?

Jack could be Soaked because he targeted NJW (which goes to Jim), Knightwing, or Nakeen last night and is hiding it, not knowing how the Soaked worked. This would impy Jack isn't with Webadict if true since Web would just tell Jack how it works in private.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #744 on: October 19, 2022, 10:15:55 pm »

Respect for Toony's suspicions.
I mean, nobody even mentioned my absence at end of day 1.
My explanation for that is simple: I was sleeping and missed it. Sorry!

Working a lot today, so that limited my ability to post. I also didn't want to get in the middle of NJW & Web's thunderdome.

Since I didn't post much, there is no explanation of my vote for Vector, so I'll give that now. According to NQT's chart, Vector visited Web. And Knightwing64 claims any action directed at Web is redirected to Max. Vector was also on the Roden wagon. So overall, I suspect Vector.

@Vector: When you inspected Web and got a Town result, did your ability do anything else? Did you learn anything else about Web?

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #745 on: October 19, 2022, 10:22:35 pm »

blah blah role results blah blah

I gave you DEEZ NUTZ

A classic

Never gets old

Never ceases to amuse me

webadict and NJW2000 arguing

This seems pointless since I think both of you are town.

I have read the thread and my town read on NJW2000 didn't change as a result of the night action discussion.

NJW seems very willing to die if they can take you down with them Webadict.

Has there ever been an instance on this board of a scum player trying to thunderdome?

wall of text

Is this worth reading?

I skimmed through it.

Avast! I should note that it be extremely possible that scum double-act to some extent, given Juicebox (now confirmed by me to not be scum) has claimed an action that only works vs players who act more than once in a sequence.

Web, me hearty, if Vector be not the killer, then it's Nakeen?

I have to mention how much I despise looking for the night killer in BYORs and how much discomfort I have in the approach you're taking to Day 2 here.

Where are your reeeeeeeeeeads?

Fallacy did clarify that for me, the mafia kill is considered a factional power, not part of a role.

Why is somebody who's town and doesn't have a kill need to clarify this?

juicebox, please answer this.

Everything in this post confuses me. The reasoning doesn't for your actions doesn't make any sense.


Tric mentioned early he's Soaked because he ended up targeting Jim, did I read that right Tric?

Jack could be Soaked because he targeted NJW (which goes to Jim), Knightwing, or Nakeen last night and is hiding it, not knowing how the Soaked worked. This would impy Jack isn't with Webadict if true since Web would just tell Jack how it works in private.

I think EuchreJack's soaking is probably something we can't let go unanswered.

If soaking is spread like an infection like TricMagic indicates then EuchreJack could not have gotten soaked by targeting NQT like he claims.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #746 on: October 19, 2022, 10:24:08 pm »

EuchreJack, how did you get soaked?
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #747 on: October 19, 2022, 10:25:42 pm »

I can understand suspecting Vector for the Roden vote. I would like to see more if possible.

What do you think of my theory for why you're Soaked?

EuchreJack, how did you get soaked?

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #748 on: October 19, 2022, 10:28:43 pm »

I'd have to check Day 1 (which I probably won't do) but are there any interactions between NQT and EuchreJack that preclude them from being scum together?
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: FBYOR 5 (12 / 14) - Day 2 - Awakening To Darker Tides
« Reply #749 on: October 19, 2022, 10:31:30 pm »

I reviewed my night report. It appears that a large amount of water hit me.
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