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Author Topic: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress & Adventure [DF 0.47.05]  (Read 72943 times)


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #60 on: August 26, 2022, 11:45:00 am »

This could be more fun, if migrant waves are being buggy and makes a migrant wave more personal. Also did you try to force a migrant wave to see what would happen?

Also I will happily take another turn
« Last Edit: August 26, 2022, 11:53:04 am by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

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brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #61 on: August 26, 2022, 03:53:24 pm »

Yeah, the original intention was not to have any migrants, but hey, six capybaras won't be enough to breed enough to fill a fort (if they even will make babies), so this is sort of a backup plan to bring them in via adventure mode.

Didn't try for said reasons to force migrants with dfhack.

But if this method works out without too much of a hassle, we could have others bring capys the same way. Or we could maybe even send individual capys on solo "missions"? (Before that, I'll have to think of some quite strict rules, though.)

I'll add you to the list.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #62 on: August 26, 2022, 04:06:49 pm »

True, well it could be also they are incompatible, so perhaps some new capybaras will sort that
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #63 on: August 26, 2022, 05:26:21 pm »

Part II:
...and the giant coyotes said, “Are you going to eat that?”

Nininimo, the Unspeakable Pits. A cave far in the southern regions of Minbazkar, in the Blizzard of Brushes just off the coast of the great ocean surrounding the lands, the Gulf of Liberation. A barren, freezing tundra with scarce vegetation and covered in snow and ice for most of the year.

This cave, in these lands, is where the West Councils of the Deified Band - a group of human bandits and outlaws of the Cobalt Empires - made their home in the year 325. It was as far from the reach of the so-called 'justice' of the law-givers and nobles as one could get. Any further and one would be crossing into the territory of the goblins of the Hell of Miseries.

This chapter of the story begins here with a group of five animal people who have decided - each for their own reasons - to head north to more civilized lands.

Edu Sandtick is a hard-working, impolite and inconsiderate capybara man trapper who likes excitement and dreams of falling in love. He has a tiercel peregrine named 'Gili Stormgroove' as his pet.

Ceru Sweptslops is a loyal capybara man drunkard, prone to start fights for no apparent reasons. Though he has an overbearing personality, he is quite a humble fellow in the end.

Esala Famecult is a curious fellow, a muskrat man who is offended by proper behaviour, which might be due to his own sloppiness. Despite this, he is quite polite and calm, but stubborn. He seeks knowledge of the world. He has an elk named Tuxum Sweatmouths traveling with him.

Mame Daledoor, a skunk man scoundrel, hails from the elven lands, or more precisely, from Glittersprings, an elven forest retreat not so far to the west of Waterlures.

Mame is a rather passive skunk, easily changing his mind when others are of a different opinion. Despite liking a harmonious existence, he sees violence and war as a useful means to achieve one's goals. He, too, has a pet: Rayali Nightrain, a raven.

Suwu Cleanmusics is a trusting capybara woman huntress who loves merrymaking and partying. Often nervous, she gets somewhat uncomfortable around those who are different from her.

Galena 1st, 331

The late night sky was clear that day when Edu, Ceru, Esala, Mame and Suwu, along with their pets, were about to leave the cave they'd called home for a several years. A cold breeze blew from the west, deeper from the frigid tundras. No matter how long they had lived here, none of the animal persons got used to the cold - maybe Esala's pet elk, but since none of them knew how to speak with animals, it wasn't possible to know.

As a farewell to the Otnge, Edu told a joke to make the moment a bit more relaxed. Otnge had tried to persuade Edu and the others to remain, but their minds were set: they would head north to warmer climates, far away from the cold south.

Besides, it was only a matter of time when the Hell of Miseries would take note of the folk living in the Unspeakable Pits: war had been brewing between the goblins and the dwarves of the Fence of Amusement for several years now. The extent of the clashes was not known to the capybaras nor the humans of the cave, but one thing was certain: war creates opportunities.

And there were no opportunities here at the Unspeakable Pits.

Dawn began to break when the group finished saying their farewells. Quite a few of the humans and dwarves tried to dissuade them from their journey, but their efforts were fruitless. In fact, one of the dwarves, Id, decided to accompany them: she was rather impressed by Edu's singing when he had sung to the prophet Kûbuk a goodbye song, and on a whim joined them.

Maybe she too was tired of the place, and singing was as good an excuse as any to change scenery?

As sunset drew closer, the traveling companions reached the Shady Forest far to the east. The dense pine forest was a welcome change to the bleak, flat tundras that they had gotten so used to in these last few years.

While walking through the forest Id spoke of a group of outlaws who had holed up in Bentdent, an old tomb in the Contained Field. Id couldn't say much more about it, and she began to waver about her decision to accompany the capybaras.

...But that was mostly because of Mame the skunk man: Id and Mame were constantly bickering, threatening each other and demanding the other to yield.

It didn't take long until the bickering turned into a fist fight between the two.

Edu intervened and yelled at Id to stop when the dwarf threw Mame on the ground and was about to jump on him to give a good battering. Id yielded, Mame got up, and demanded Id to drop her pouch and knife. Id did as ordered.

The situation calmed.

Edu collected Id's knife and put it away in his backpack.

They made camp at the summit of a volcano for the night. Or for what was left of the night: climbing to the top had taken them more time than expected. It didn't help that Mame and Id had continued their bickering, dragging Suwu along into the mess.

If this keeps going on and on, Id has to leave. Edu thought as he huddled next to the campfire, preparing to sing a song before sleep.

Galena 2nd, 331

In the morning, the companions looked at the map that they had 'borrowed' from the Unspeakable Pits: according to it, they were at the easternmost volcano of a cluster of three fiery mountains. Mame was thrilled about these 'great natural places' and insisted that they visit each and everyone of them.

When they came to the Murk of Seers, just a short distance from the volcano, snow gave way to greenery. The lush forests were a welcome change after all the snow and ice that seemingly continued on and on without end.

They visited the other volcanos. It was a short detour, so not much time was lost, but then again, the companions were in no hurry to reach their destination. Which wasn't yet decided upon, except that the direction was north into the dwarven lands.

When night began to fall, an ominous twisted tower was seen thrusting into the skies through the heavily forested, hilly region.

It was Mutetorch, a dark place inhabited by practicioners of foul magics - if the stories were true. Truth be told, not much was known of the place, and it picqued the curiosity of Esala, the muskrat man.

It was his turn to insist that they go and take a look.

Begrudgingly, the others accepted.

At the outskirts of Mutetorch's grounds, Esala decided to venture alone into the tower. It was not a good idea to go with a large group and risk being noticed: who knows how the inhabitants (if there were any) would react?

Esala was confident that, if alone, he would fare much better than with these blundering oafs.

Around the tower were many small ziggurats. Most of them had been empty, though in one Esala had found some armor and other equipment, which looked like they could fit the capybaras - for him it was too large.

However, the fourth ziggurat Esala entered had a nasty surprise waiting in one of the siderooms: a rotting goblin standing in front of display cases, moaning with a hair-raising voice.

Undead. So, the stories are true! It hasn't either noticed me or doesn't care. I should turn around, but those bags lying at its feet... Esala was tempted to go for the loot, despite his mind warning him that it was a terrible, terrible idea.

And indeed, as he snuck to grab the bags, the corpse shuddered and tried to attack him!

Fortunately, Esala was quicker and managed to dodge out of the way, preparing to make a hasty retreat - for he had no equipment whatsover with him to fight off the shambling corpse.

Esala ran back to the others, certain that the corpse had lost his trail in the dark.

That was not the case: the darkness didn't hinder it and it charged through the snow - if you can call sluggish walking charging. Fortunately, Tuxum, the elk, was a hardy and large beast, and it rushed into the fray before the others knew what was happening.

Soon, the goblin corpse lay unmoving and dead for good.

It was decided that no more venturing to the tower should happen. Esala agreed, still a bit shocked about the encounter.

Galena 3rd, 331

The next day they continued their journey, this time heading directly to the north. No more detours. Not this day.

However, things didn't go as planned when they noticed too late a pack of giant coyotes stalking them down the slope, hidden by the dense reedgrass and trees.

Edu leapt downhill as fast as he could, his copper spear raised ready to strike...

...but he was too late.

Esala was the first to fall.

None of the companions were prepared for this.

Edu was soon lying on the ground, bleeding from multiple bite wounds, trying to desperately scramble to safety. Panic set in. All he could was roll away from the charges of the coyotes, stand up, dodge, get knocked down, stand up again, try to run.

It went on and on for some time before Edu realized he was running east through the reeds after losing his spear. Then he realized it was not the only thing he had lost and left behind:

He had left his companions to whatever fate the coyotes had to offer them.

Edu lost track of time as he continued his flight through the forest and brush, it was only when the ground became wetter and the underbrush thicker that he realized he had reached the Helpful Swamp.

He sat down by the bank of a river confluence, made a campfire and sat down.

One of the coyotes had bit him good: his right forearm was gashed and his head was still bleeding. Had he not picked up those steel gauntlets Esala managed to 'retrieve' from one of the ziggurats, he surely would've lost his arm.

Edu prayed to Githu, asking mercy for the soul of the muskrat man.

He prayed to Githu to spare the rest of his companions.

A few hours later Edu heard something rustling through the brush: Suwu and Gili, his pet falcon.

They were alive!

Forgetting his thirst, Edu rushed to them.

Concerned about Suwu's well-being, Edu asked how she was feeling. She seemed shocked and showed her right paw: it was missing the second finger. But she was lucky to be alive. Id, Mame and Tuxum had all died along with Esala. Of Ceru's fate she was not certain. But it was unlikely that the drunkard would've made it.

Saddened by the death of their companions and friends, the two continued their journey. Their spirits were low. They should've listened to the folk back at the cave who tried to talk them out of their foolishness.

Galena 4th, 331

The next morning they arrived at the hillocks of Takenmines.

There they headed to the drinking mound, the dwarven equivalent of a tavern. It was crowded with smelly, bearded drunken dwarves. Edu expressed his emotions about the loss of his companions, but the dwarves were not interested. They did, however, enjoy when Edu began to sing 'Amethysts' and joined along.

In fact, once again, one of the dwarves, Inod, was so impressed by the singing, that she decided to tag along with Suwu and Edu. It was probably not so much due to Edu's skill (or more like, lack of) than due to her being, drunk.

They continued their journey. Now it was becoming clear that they did not have a clear destination: they had reached the dwarf lands and were just wandering aimlessly, from hillock to hillock, and passing by several hillocks, which had, according to Inod, been overrun by goblin-kind.

Though they mostly tried to avoid these places, they did stumble into a camp sheltering refugees of the war. They didn't linger there, and continued after exchanging a few words and hearing some rumors.

Eventually the towering Incidental Points grew larger and larger in the horizon, and they arrived at the capital of the Fence of Amusement: Inkedwhims.


Well, that didn't go as planned (when does it?).

Again I tried to do something nice and peaceful, but since this is DF, stuff happens.

We'll see if any of the two survivors will make it all the way to Waterlures. I'll "recruit" a couple more capybaras from the fortress where they arrived tomorrow when I continue.

I'll do the promised dorfings when we reach Waterlures. Don't want any named characters dying before arrival.

(Also, notice the Ñ in the last screenshot. We'll see if it's the Unaging King himself...)

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #64 on: August 27, 2022, 03:18:52 am »

Well dang looks like their journey isn't going to well so far, hopefully they make it to our fort.

when new capybaras get added can I get one?

Sure, consider it done. Any preferences on the capy's profession, skills or whatever, or maybe even an animal that they like?
I haven't got any preferences so go with whatever the fortress is in need of.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #65 on: August 27, 2022, 06:13:00 am »

Well dang looks like their journey isn't going to well so far, hopefully they make it to our fort.

Yeah, and if they make it, how emotionally scarred will they be?

"Good" thing though is that the remaining citizens were doing quite well after we lost the two severely stressed dwarves, so there shouldn't be any immediate tantruming happening from their part.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2022, 05:50:01 pm »

Part III:
New Companions

From the journal of Edu Sandtick
16th of Galena, 331

“We have been staying now for some time in the Honeys of Paint, a small local tavern near the entry gates. Me and Suwu have managed to 'acquire' quite a few items of interest that were laying unused at the temple. This place is loaded with wealth and the dwarves barely keep an eye on their precious goods. It's as if the fate of a priceless artifact didn't mean anything to them! With these items, me and Suwu are set for good. We even had to go to a nearby hillocks to 'buy' a pony to carry all that stuff! No more poverty. No more hunger. No more hoping for good trapping fortunes. We're rich now!

We only have to leave this place, and go somewhere far enough where we won't be found.

And I believe we have a plan...“

“Surprisingly we met capybara folk within Inkedwhims. One of them, a chubby, lovely lady, was Kasat Waxedtiles. She apparently is the baroness of a capybara settlement far to the northwest of here, deep within old elven territory. She had come all the way from there to Inkedwhims on a mission: to gather more of us capybara folk to move there! What a stroke of luck! She thought that we were treasure hunters (I think she might have caught a glimpse of stuff poking from the bulging saddlebags of my new pony), but we said that we were just a simple trapper and huntress from the cold south... And that Inod was just traveling with us for the time being.

This Kasat, she asked us to join her and come with her and a group of other capybaras she had managed to round up from Inkedwhims and the surroundings. We agreed and met with the group. They seemed like a cheerful bunch of folk - honest, hard-working. But I read between the lines that they were deeply afraid living under the absolute rule of king Såkzul (who me and Suwu actually saw walking in the fort halls several times!), or the Unaging King - as they call him. Seemed like they were more eager to just get away from this place, no matter where, just as long as it was far, far away.

And me and Suwu are fine with that plan.”

Ilral Begunbridges, a spinner with some skill in shearing and weaving. Not fond of commerce, she insists on maintaining dignity and observing decorum, though her self-esteem is somewhat lacking.

Kudpa Towerfrenzy, a potter whose origins are in the Cobalt Empire to the north. A dour, negative capybara woman who doesn't see much value in being stoic.

Led Winetheaters, a carpenter and woodcutter who knows which side of the axe to hold when you swing. A pessimist who is pleased by his looks, doesn't really appreciate the law (now who would appreciate it after all that the Unaging King has done!) and enjoys being in company.

Vucar Scorchlancers, a soap maker who knows a thing or two about bees, honey and making mead. Interestingly, he absolutely hates nature and outdoors and despite not caring about fairness, he still wants to head away from civilized lands - maybe due to the fact that he hates being confined by obligations.

Kumil Goldenclashed, a faun who used to be a miner, but decided to become a sellsword. No wonder, since he respects martial prowess and sees war as a necessity, though he does prefer a humble, peaceful day. Happy, optimistic and scatterbrained, yet still a pessimist.

He travels with a two-humped camel, Domas Gearcovers.

Cañar Spiritcoal, a huge elephant man mercenary from the north. A loner who rarely asserts himself in discussions. Despite his intimidating size and large maul, he tries to avoid physical confrontations and dreams of bringing lasting peace to the world.

Shebi Veilsavior, a badger woman scribe who follows Cañar, chronicling his adventures. She is a compassionate and calm woman with a strong sense of duty. She shares Cañar's dream of peace in the world.

Ube Glenshower, a kitten, accompanies Shebi wherever she goes.

Together the group begins their long trek towards Waterlures, braving the many dangers of the wilds that lay before them...


So, a bit of a shorter one today.

Didn't get so far as unexpected real-life stuff happened (and I also botched my first try in making new capies to join Edu and Suwu, so had to do that anew).

It was funny, though not entirely unexpected, to meet Kasat at the fort. I was already wondering how I'd get Edu & Suwu to head for Waterlures without making it too forced, but our obese baroness gave a good opportunity for it.

And yeah, this time I made two characters who are (semi) well-equipped and skilled (used DFHack liberally to boost their points - didn't want heroes or demigods) to give a slightly better chance of surviving the wilds. I'm counting the faun and (sort of OP) elephant man as NPCs, so they'll probably eventually be "sent away" from Waterlures (assuming they make it there alive).

Also, I put Kasat into the group to get her back home. (I love/hate it when citizens live their own lives during fort retirement.)

Gonna try to get them safe (fingers crossed) to Waterlures tomorrow. Then I'll fix the unretirement stuff the best I can and prolly run fort mode for long enough to have the characters from other civs to petition for citizenship.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #67 on: August 28, 2022, 02:07:37 pm »

Part IV:
With the Ferocity of a Kitten

Galena 16th, 331

It was a gray and wet day when Edu and Suwu left with the group of capybaras that baroness Kasat had gathered. Rain poured down, soaking each and everyone of them wet. Edu, who was more accustomed to snow, was annoyed by being caught in the rain. He wrapped his llama wool hood and cloak tighter around him, though they offered little protection from the downpour. The others, they too, seemed to be grouchy and in a sour mood.

Off to good start. Of course it had to rain the day we leave. I sure hope this doesn't continue for long, Edu grumbled.

Fortunately the rain turned to a trickle within a few hours and by the time they reached Relicstaves - the last hillocks before the vast wilds - the sky cleared and the sun shone from high in the western sky.

In the Hill of Sweetness, a short distance north from Relicstaves, they saw something that Edu had only heard of in tales: feather trees!

He rode his pony to one of the trees, picked some soft downs and tasted one of the eggs, which appeared to be ripe. It was an odd taste, the texture like that of a hen's egg, yet the taste was... Edu couldn't really describe it and wasn't sure if he liked it or not.

By the time the dark of the night crept in, it was raining again.

Edu dismounted Olum, his pony, and made a fire under the canopy of an oak. The roof of leaves didn't help much, but at least it gave some kind of protection from the weather.

Galena 17th, 331

Before the sun rose, the companions rest was interrupted by a couple of giant great horned owls. Kumil put them down easily, Edu butchered them and so they had some owl meat for an early breakfast.

The moon was still visible in the western sky when they decided to continue. They had bedded early the previous evening, so they were rested enough to continue the voyage.

It's a good thing we came along with this group. Baroness Kasat was right to hire some guards. If it would've been just me, Suwu and the others, I don't think we'd managed without losing someone, Edu thought, munching freshly roasted owl meat.

They passed the Solitary Teeth, a small cluster of low mountains, traveling through the Plain of Corridors, which led them to the Ochre Hill. From there, they'd follow the river north: it'd eventually lead them to the southern shores of the Lakes of Saturnity. But since there wouldn't be any passage over the lake during this time of the year, they'd then have to go around it to reach the northern shore where Waterlures was.

Baroness Kasat had assured that the trip was an easy and safe one - she had, after all, traveled alone to Inkedwhims with no problem. The hired guards, they were only there to play it on the safe side, she had continued.

Well, if it's only giant owls that we have to face, I'm certain Kasat's hirelings will be more than enough safety for us, Edu thought. I hope she'll stay safe, since she'll be joining us later due to having to take care of some things. It seems that duty calls even the nobility. Don't understand why we just didn't wait for her, but she wanted to see us off as soon as possible.

(OOC: Okay, I either forgot to add Kasat to the group or she and several others got left behind at one of the hillocks, since they're not anymore in the companion list. Damn.)

Galena 18th, 331

The companions spent the rest of the day in the Ochre Hills. They erected a small hut next to a waterfall and a river confluence, which they named 'Lonelycanyons'. Half-jokingly Edu claimed himself as 'lord' of the place.

It had been the wish of baroness Kasat that they build shelter half-way between Inkedwhims and Waterlures. She said that it was for the future, when next time folk from Waterlures had to head for the capital. A shelter where one could bed and be protected from the possibly harsh weather.

As the sun began to rise, baroness Kasat arrived with Vucar. She had completed her 'duties' quicker than expected - the companions had been prepared to wait for several days.

So they continued their journey.

They began to near the Lakes of Saturnity when heavy rain began to pour through the thin mist that enveloped them. The sky was dark and gray, with the occasional rumbling of thunder carrying from afar. Travel was slow through the thickets of arrow bamboo and dense reedgrass growing at the borders of the Forest of Constructing.

Once they had reached the river Swayedcrypt, they had to move east to find a suitable crossing. The river was too wide and the current too strong. None wanted to risk being swept by it and drowning while swimming across.

The rain gave way to a clear sky, the sun high in the west, but the capybaras and others didn't get to enjoy it for long before a ferocious, rumbling growl was heard:

A giant grizzly bear - a beast many times larger than a normal bear!

As the giant bear charged at Vucar, knocking him over, Cañar swung his maul in a fell swoop, hitting it on its back with a sickening crack. The bear was taken by surprise when all of the capybaras swarmed it, punching, kicking, biting and scratching like rabid animals. Even baroness Kasat joined in and punctured the beast's side with her bronze pick, lodging it firmly in the wound.

Panic set in for the grizzly and it tried desperately to scramble away from the ambush-gone-wrong.

The companions gave chase to the fleeing grizzly that did not seem so scary anymore.

Kumil's camel, Domas, led the charge and was the first to catch up - the rest soon followed. Even Ube the kitten joined in...

...and her ferocious scratching was enough to knock it unconscious!

Cañar finished the bear by crushing its skull with his maul.

They had reached the Dune of Influencing, a rocky wasteland, when weariness from the day kicked in.

Though it was not a long trip to the Lakes of Saturnity, the companions decided to call it a day and set camp. Tomorrow they'd be at Waterlures, fresh and rested.

Galena 19th, 331

Early morning they continued their journey, following the river all the way to the Lakes of Saturnity.

It was a particularly cold day of late Galena: the lake and river were frozen. They didn't dare step on the ice, since it certainly couldn't be thick enough to bear their weight.

They were very close to Waterlures when they noticed movement in the distance, heading towards them.

Perhaps it was the denizens of the settlement, coming over to welcome and greet them?

However, the moving figures turned out to be a flock of giant peach-faced lovebirds. The savage wilds were full of many a large and wonderful creature.

At least these ones were not a threat to the companions.

And finally: Waterlures!

They had arrived. Their harsh trek had ended.

For Edu and Suwu it was time to rest, settle down and begin life anew far from the freezing tundras of the south.

Edu looked at the figurine in his hand he had carved from the bones of the giant grizzly: it depicted Esala, the muskrat man. He put it in his pocket and sighed: We'll make this all worthy of your death, dear friend.


Got the companions safe and sound to Waterlures.

Adding the couple of "hired guards" to the group was probably unnecessary, but I wanted to play on the safe side, since much of the surroundings are savage and didn't want to risk having most of the group eaten by giant beasts again.

I retired them at Waterlures (took a backup before it) and unretired the fort.

It looks like there's not many issues with a quick glance: there was only one visitor on the border of the map who was listed hostile. I used make-citizen to make the human bard one of the fort. Should I expel her or let her stay?

The other problem I noticed isn't a big one either: Kasat isn't a baroness anymore and the civ screen doesn't list any baron/baroness for Waterlures. Legends doesn't say anything either about her not being the baroness anymore.

As long as we don't have any locations that allow visitors and the population remains low, I think swapping between adventure & fort mode is a doable thing. But we'll see if more issues arise when I continue the game tomorrow in fort mode.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #68 on: August 28, 2022, 03:53:57 pm »

Something extra for the day:

(I tried my hands on some pixel stuff and made us a banner)

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2022, 03:24:12 am »

That's a really nice looking banner right there.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2022, 03:33:27 am »

Ube the kitten's legendary takedown! Amazing.

That banner is veeeery nice. really heavy Redwall cover vibes. that series always had these dramatic landscapes and cloak-ed heros.  .
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

now, how much faster would population grow if this adventure mode recruitment method is performed regularly? Is this a new era for Waterlures?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #71 on: August 29, 2022, 12:15:43 pm »

Okay, so I've run into a slight predicament here... Which was sort of expected with all the retire/unretire stuff.

Seems like I'm getting a consistent ctd just a week before winter. Not entirely sure what's causing it, but it might be the make-citizen script I used. I'll revert to a save before I used it and see if it'll help.

Let's hope that's the case and not something else.

But yeah, probably no story update today then.

Edit. Reverting to the save before using the script seems to have helped: just got to winter. Hopefully the issue is solved.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #72 on: August 30, 2022, 05:55:05 pm »

Part V:
Ôsed's Gift

From the journal of Kasat Waxedtiles
5th of Granite, 332

“That damned wombat 'Bob'! I left him in charge of Waterlures during my abscence of a couple of weeks. It was a mistake. During that time - I don't know how it's even possible! - everything had turned into a bloody mess: animals were out of their pens, running loose around the surroundings (oh, the amount of chasing!); books were strewn here and there ('Bob' claimed not to know who had done it, but he's the only bookworm around!); socks, oh the socks - socks everywhere! - and worst of all, where had all the rum gone?! It literally took us the rest of the summer and whole autumn to clean things up and put things back in proper order!

Cursed be that wombat! I bet even now he's made up some excuse to avoid working and 'attend to more important matters'... Pssh, he's just a loafer who pretends to be a chronicler or scholar of sorts. Seriously, has he even written anything since we got here?

Well, it's spring now and we have a whole new year ahead of us. There's been some construction work going on through the winter and we have some grand plans for this year. With all the new folk around, things should progress more quickly.”

Work on several new buildings halted for the last half of summer. It was time to celebrate and socialize, for things were running smoothly. Food was still plentiful: the stores were full from the overproduce of previous years and there was a steady supply of fish coming from the lake.

There wasn't any need to be working constantly: the capybaras were self-sufficient and they were not so keen on trading with the outside world (except, of course, Kasat who liked a good bargain). Overproduction was to be avoided, lest the stores fill to the brim and the excess rot.

For the first time in these seven years, the capybaras felt like they were finally getting to know each other a little better. In fact, many of them had become close friends.

Edu Sandticks was the only one who chose not to mingle with the others: he spent most of his time at the lake fishing, still shaken by the attack of the giant coyotes, which had cost the lives of many of his friends.

From the journal of Såkzul Agebronze, bookkeeper of Waterlures
1st of Hematite, 333

“Our supplies are plentiful. There is more than enough for us. Hopefully we'll get some traders soon. We should get rid of the excess meat. It's summer now, so maybe the tall folk will come by. Last year they didn't come. Nor did the dwarves. Even the elves didn't show up this spring. It is worrisome. Maybe the war from the south has spread? Kasat told much about the outer world when she came back. That odd giant fellow with his swinging trunk, Cañar - he told stories from the north. So much war and death. Death is all around us. Why can't they just exist in harmony?”

(OOC: I've had hermit mode enabled, so that's the reason why there hasn't been any caravans lately.)

It was late summer. Two years had passed since the migrants from Inkedwhims arrived at Waterlures. One by one they asked to be accepted as full citizens of the settlement. It was more of a formality than anything else: for their whole stay, they had been already regarded as part of the group. Kumil, the faun sellsword, was the first one to join the Amazing Bath-Swine, and he was very jubilant about it.

Work was progressing well with the new structure of the library that had collapsed a couple of years earlier. This time proper supports were built: it had been risky business, since the foundations had to be laid during winter when the lake was frozen. Fortunately for the capybaras, the ice lasted for the whole of winter, so the founding work was completed within a season. The whole structure, well, finishing it would take a longer time.

In fact, Kasat had ordered 'Bob' the wombat to carve out a massive amount of phyllite and andesite blocks. Surprisingly, the would-be chronicler didn't complain and proved to be quite a worker. Of course nothing compared to 'Quandale', but nevertheless he was the most competent mason around for now.

From the journal of Kasat Waxedtiles, former baroness of Waterlures

“A caravan from Inkedwhims arrived with the outpost liaison Iden. I had a chat with her and I got confirmation about my status among the nobility: I have been stripped of my title and holdings. Waterlures is now under the rule of one Stukos Tadast. I know nothing of him. I met many other nobles in the capital, but not him. I don't recall even hearing his name. Regardless, in a sense, I am relieved not to be anymore involved in all that skullduggery going on: my skills in scheming and politicking are insufficient.

The others, well, they still call me 'Baroness'. It is sweet of them, but surely they understand that I am no proper noble.”

“News from the south was troubling. The hillocks of Entrancedhatchets and Evenplank had been conquered early last year by the Hell of Miseries. They had assaulted several other places too, but they were apparently fended off. Iden didn't go much in to details, but what I found most worrisome was that the Cunning Witch from the far northwest has declared war upon our kingdom and had besieged Violetgems. They were not successful.

Still, I am worried. Had it only been the Hell of Miseries, we would be far from the front, but with the goblins from the north... It changes things. We are almost in the middle of the route their armies are likely to take when they next attack. Or, that is what Cañar and Kumil told me.

It is probably for the best that we begin to think of equipping our militia. I am certain 'Avolition' can forge them proper gear from the iron we have.”

It was Obsidian, late winter and the year nearing its end, when the capybaras once again took some time off. The Fruit of Letters was filled with song and stories, cats running to and fro giving chase to vermin and fairies.

Vucar Scorchlancers, or 'King Zultan' like he referred to himself, was leaning at the wall next to the door. I'd just as soon not have anything exciting happen today, he thought to himself as he eyed the others mingling and chatting. Some were caught in some bickering: the bookkeeper Såkzul looked insulted after a heated exchange with Suwu the huntress. 'Zultan' couldn't make out the subject over all the noise, but probably it was some silly argueing over a petty matter.

Well, as long as it doesn't get more exciting than that, I'm content, he thought before heading off to eat.

So ended another year and when spring and the year 334 had arrived, on the 9th of Granite, the blessings of Ôsed, the Rabbit in the Sky, bore fruit:

Praised be Ôsed!


Holy crap!

I was literally just about to save and call quits for the day when Såkzul gave birth (while making clothes, naturally). Like, only a half hour before I was thinking that the two capies I DFHack married during the start would never get children. Guess I was wrong.

So, looks promising. As long as we get the capies married, they will have offspring. That's good news.

Currently most capies have friends, close friends or kindred spirits in the list. There's some with 'companion' due to adventure mode - I have no idea if those can become lovers and eventually get married. Anyways, now it's just a matter of coupling up the capybaras.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #73 on: August 30, 2022, 06:19:47 pm »

good news ! a small, furry creature has joined the ranks...
looking forward to future updates.

brewer bob

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #74 on: August 30, 2022, 06:44:36 pm »

good news ! a small, furry creature has joined the ranks...
looking forward to future updates.

Yeah, it was sort of an unexpected turn of events, since the capies hadn't had *that* much time to socialize. Let's just hope this won't be the only li'l baby bath-swine.

Oh, and now that I remember, I realized yesterday that I never put you on the turn list when you asked. You still wanting a turn, Salmeuk?
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