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Author Topic: Dark Designs: Turn Two-Battle Phase  (Read 12201 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #105 on: November 23, 2021, 09:12:07 pm »

1. It's not about making Matilda a minor champion, I am assuming outright that if she's a Hero we won't be casually turning her. 2. It's not about denying the enemy a Hero or narrative weight (while we're close to playing by APTGE rules I don't think we're actually using them, at least narrative weight and tropes and whatnot haven't been mentioned), it's about taking out the Duke and his successor and possibly making him surrender.

Also, no, we are probably not going to lose our entire design over a failure. Remember that not every member of the Silent Hand is, y'know, an active member of what is effective a commando team. Many of them are just casual information-gatherers and spies who will never be seen. Unless they fail and die, anyway.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #106 on: November 23, 2021, 09:17:52 pm »

What's APTGE?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #107 on: November 23, 2021, 09:51:58 pm »

A Practical Guide To Evil, a really awesome novel series (it's on wordpress or something) that basically asks "What if a world was ruled by fantasy tropes?".
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #108 on: November 23, 2021, 09:56:39 pm »

I will point out that we'd be betting a minor champion and potentially all infiltration assets in a bid to possibly gain a minor champion and deny the enemy a hero with narrative weight. I would not be surprised if a major failure here would require us to spend an action to reform the Silent Hand.

Just want to reassure you all even with a total loss of a unit you would not have to spend an action reforming it. By the next turn you can recover all losses from a battle, and grow with the access to resources that victory grants.

Of course if you don’t win here the Dark Council will be killed and the Dark Lord sealed for another thousand years, so no pressure.

Also, let’s aim for the strategizing and voting to be done by Friday, and I’ll try to get update out by Monday or Tuesday (Not really sure how much writing time I’ll have over the Thanksgiving holiday.)
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #109 on: November 24, 2021, 05:57:14 pm »

Quote from: BoxedElections
Precision Strike: (1) Nirur Torir
I'm going for it. It should be solid enough to win even if the infiltration fails, the bold infiltration stunt should teach us something about the game, and a good infiltration roll has a chance to get us some goodies.
My plan is safer with the minor champion, but is boring.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #110 on: November 24, 2021, 08:57:26 pm »

Quote from: BoxedElections
Precision Strike: (2) Nirur Torir, TricMagic
I'm going for it. It should be solid enough to win even if the infiltration fails, the bold infiltration stunt should teach us something about the game, and a good infiltration roll has a chance to get us some goodies.
My plan is safer with the minor champion, but is boring.
Make sure to add Fire. A nice bonfire for the victory feast. drools


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #111 on: November 24, 2021, 09:04:35 pm »

Quote from: BoxedElections
Precision Strike: (3) Nirur Torir, TricMagic, Glass
Make sure to add Fire. A nice bonfire for the victory feast. drools
Just, please make sure not to damage the city itself any more than the battle will have already done. We rather need this location to be a suitable base of operations, not a pile of rubble or burnt-out husk.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #112 on: November 25, 2021, 04:42:40 am »

Quote from: BoxedElections
Precision Strike: (4) Nirur Torir, TricMagic, Glass, King Zultan
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #113 on: November 30, 2021, 09:43:23 am »

Battle for Ur-Garoth

   The stars twinkled overhead in the black sky, joining the moon in bathing the training yard in a pale light, highlighting the two figures sparring there. Duke Arnhold smiled to himself and turned back to his room. He couldn’t sleep, some itching in his back kept him restless. Maybe he would go spar with his daughter, put some of this energy to use. He went to his rack and grabbed his sword.

   He heard a grunt and a thud outside, and even more faintly some whispers. His hand tightened on his sword and he quietly drew it from its sheath. If the Barnharts sent an assassin. . .
   Luc opened the door. A longtime guard of the family. Arnhold let out an inhaled breath, he was fine, his daughter is safe and -

   Luc’s hand was covered in blood.

   Sparring in the dark, Matilda Arnhold swung her training sword. It was met by the shield of her sparring partner. Taking advantage, she swung down on an exposed thigh and got a nice thwap and a groan of pain in return. She took a few steps back, a smile of victory on her face. Dark locks and blue eyes, she was lean and tall with a wiry strength.

   Bruce winced dramatically and rubbed his leg, “You really went for it there,” he complained with a good natured grin. Bruce was a stablehand, dirty blonde hair on top of a strong and fit frame.

   “Well we got to tighten that guard up, you can’t be leaving openings like that,” she said with a shrug and matching smile.

A smile that faded at the sight of Sir Alaric striding towards them.He gestured curtly at her. “Please come with me, my lady. Your father requests your presence at once,” the knight commands. Matilda frowned. Why would her father send for her at this hour?

Bruce apparently had the same thought, “What's happening, Alaric?”

Alaric glared at the stablehand. “Watch your tone, peasant. What the Duke wants is none of your concern.”

That had them both frowning. Alaric was one of Bruce’s friends, he never talked like that to him at least. Seeing their hesitation, the knight grew irritated and grabbed Matilda by the wrist and began to pull her away. She resisted, and felt a frisson of energy through her hand.
Sir Alaric’s face evaporated and changed into that of an unfamiliar man with a sallow appearance. He jerked his hand away from her wrist and to his sword, but Matilda was faster. She lashed out with her sword twice at his head, and he dropped to the ground insensate.

She did not see the arrow fly towards her,

But Bruce did, and with a cry interposed himself between the arrow and her, his shield catching it. A darkened figure scurried off along the wall, and Matilda and Bruce both began crying out in alarm. A horn sounded from the keep, and seconds after a horn sounded far off in the distance. Too soon to be in response to their alarm, they both realized with horror.

   In the bowels of the earth, where the Dark Lord lay imprisoned, he crafted a tool meant to finally tear apart his prison. Forged with cunning and enchanted to overcome the warding enchantment placed over the seal of the tome, the Dark Lord set aside his hammer for the time being and took up the great knife, and began to gouge at the Great Seal. Though bright lines of fire lit upon the stone, there was no great alarm or shriek as the stone was worked through, crumbling as the magic and light became undone.

   Though the ceremonial guards saw the light of the Great Seal flare, and sent for the captain of the Watch to be roused, they were more curious than alarmed. That quickly changed as the tip of the great black knife poked through the seal, and the great cultural artifact of their people literally crumbled before their eyes. They did not lack bravery though, and sounded the horns and charged to stem the tide.
   The Deeping Guard were the first through the breach, and slammed into the ceremonial footmen. The fighting was short and brutal, for the footmen were quickly overwhelmed by the orcs' numbers and warhammers. They retreated to the gate guarding the way into the fortress of Ur-Garoth  itself, where the captain of the Watch rallied his men and led a counterattack while the inner defenses were prepared. They were not prepared for a golem made of scrap metal charging into their lines and crushing their captain in a single blow. This broke the counterattack, sending them fleeing into the keep with dark bolts harrying their retreat.
   The Deeping Guard pursued, and so began a hard fought advance into the depths of the fortress. The Dark Lord remained behind with those he chose to guard the tomb, methodically destroying the last of the seal and the strictest of bindings placed on him as the his enchanted knife began to break down from the forces it was exposed to. But soon, his Avatar at least would be free.

   As the Dark Lord began his work on the seal, from the darkness of a dozen tunnels the horde emerged. Led by their officers, the Auxiliaries led the advance, throwing grappling hooks and ladders against the outer wall. Roused by the sight of hundreds of orcs invading their lines and vastly outnumbered, they clustered around the gatehouses and towers. This worked for a time, but the sight of the 30 foot tall Wall Breaker striding towards the main gate broke their spirits, leaving little resistance to the giant tearing apart the gate and letting a cohort of the Deeping Guard through, followed by the horde of rabble while the Auxillia spread over the walls.
   Marching through the city, they faced little organized resistance due to the speed of their assault. Many of the Duke’s forces  fled to the walls of the fortress for safety, only to be thrown into the defense of the assault from the dungeon of the Fortress. The orcs advanced down the main through fares, easily crushing through ramshackle defenses made of overturned wagons and scared townspeople. Most of the rabble obeyed the order of no looting, but some slipped free to chase down rogue archers and cause a little mayhem of their own.

   The horde reached the wall and begun raising ladders to the walls under sporadic arrow fire while the Wall Breaker continued to make his trudging advance.

   The Fortress of Ur-Garoth was falling.

   The Duke kept his face still as Harrin worked his miracles, healing his side where the dagger went deep, and the various other wounds he received while fighting for his life. He supposed he was lucky they weren’t too skilled with a blade, especially when their target had a blade of his own. He was able to hold them off for his real guards to come and finish off his attackers. He was lucky in avoiding the dark curse of magic being sent towards him, instead killing one of his attackers. The caster fled into the castle before they could be captured or slain.

   He spat to the side, a bit of blood still in his mouth, “Finished yet?” He had to get back into the fight, his people were dying out there.

   Harrin grimaced, “Just one more. . . Okay. I would say rest for a bit, but I don’t think that is what fate has in store for us tonight.”

   The Duke stood to his feet, and his squires rushed to put his ancestral armor on. The sigil of Arnhold, a swallow surrounded by lightning, shined as much as the day it was forged and enchanted. In his hand he gripped the sword of Nalia Darkstrom, slayer of monsters, and blessed by the warrior himself. The last of the runed armor they possessed.

   He turned to the small group of knights, veterans of dozens of small wars and skirmishes, but nothing like this. He may have lost his fortress, but he will not lose his people if he could help it.

He turned to his youngest knight and grabbed his  arm. “Alaric, find Matilda, get what horses you can and ride out. Someone has to know what happened here.” Alaric began to protest, but the Duke quieted him with a glare. The Duke would not stand to be the one who faltered in his duty and flee. 

   He would lead his knights on one last charge into the deep, and pray it would be enough.

Your forces are on the verge of victory, with the fortress teetering on the brink of falling. Matilda Arnhold will attempt to lead a breakout attempt, and get word out of the Dark Lord’s return. Duke Arnhold leads a last counter attack with his blessed sword, which could severely damage the Dark Lord’s true form if not stopped.

   The Avatar has finished breaking the last of the wards binding him to the tomb, and so is now free to move around freely. The Avatar can most likely take the Duke in a fight.

Two questions for you to answer:

1.Do you send the Avatar right away to fight the Duke, or let himself wear down cutting through your forces first. Or perhaps gamble and send the Avatar to stop those who are fleeing?

2. How hard do you fight to keep Matilda and her breakout attempt contained?

½ Cohort of Deeping Guard.
½ Company of Auxilia.
Most of the Silent Hand.

Darkness Points: 4 used, one remaining.

Your victory is pretty much assured unless you let the Duke destroy your true form. Your Avatar is still in the tomb at this moment, having to completely destroy the seal before being completely free to move (which he has just completed.)

As always let me know if you have any questions, noticed any mistakes, or want anything cleared up!
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #114 on: November 30, 2021, 10:11:52 am »

Can we use a Darkness Point to transfer ourselves out and intercept Matilda?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #115 on: November 30, 2021, 10:20:41 am »

Can we use a Darkness Point to transfer ourselves out and intercept Matilda?

Yes, you would need to come up with a “plausible” artifact to do so though. In universe you can have prepared it before the battle, just bringing it out when you need to.

You won’t be able to transfer back though!
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #116 on: November 30, 2021, 12:06:56 pm »

Meanwhile outside the keep, Tim is putting together a summoning circle with a bunch of cultists.
"Shouldn't be too much difference between summoning demons and summoning gods. Especially if said god is already on the plane. Hey, get the sacrifices ready!"

1 Darkness Point: Sacrificial Summoning Ritual
Using prepared regents and the blood of animals/undisciplined-new Orcs, Tim is preparing a bonfire for the Dark Lord to use. She'll prepare the summoning, and the Dark Lord has an artifact circle on his end ready and synched. From there he can strike from without to prevent any runners from making it through. The forces he leaves behind will bleed the Duke of his strength.

If we capture Matilda, the battle is as good as won.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #117 on: November 30, 2021, 01:17:57 pm »

It looks to me like the duke avoided a major wound that would weaken him over an extended battle. So it didn't do much, but it spent the Light's resources safely and we kept our minor hero alive.

I think we might want to keep 75% of our heavy infantry, half our mages, and the avatar, to fight the duke, while all our lighter forces and scattered groups of heavier infantry try to stop the breakout attempt.

The breakout attempt will likely use sally ports we haven't had the time to find, so I'd propose spending the darkness on either finding the breakout group, finding the likely escape routes they will take, or on slowing and scaring the horses so more forces can join the fight against them.
We could also consider someone in a light flying machine, which could follow them and harass them from range. Our stealth hero is our best mage, and if they're not exhausted, could shoot the most dark bolts and use illusions to either protect the machine or as flares so our forces know where the group is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The dark Knight of Eternity
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #118 on: December 01, 2021, 11:40:59 am »

It looks to me like the duke avoided a major wound that would weaken him over an extended battle. So it didn't do much, but it spent the Light's resources safely and we kept our minor hero alive.

I think we might want to keep 75% of our heavy infantry, half our mages, and the avatar, to fight the duke, while all our lighter forces and scattered groups of heavier infantry try to stop the breakout attempt.

The breakout attempt will likely use sally ports we haven't had the time to find, so I'd propose spending the darkness on either finding the breakout group, finding the likely escape routes they will take, or on slowing and scaring the horses so more forces can join the fight against them.
We could also consider someone in a light flying machine, which could follow them and harass them from range. Our stealth hero is our best mage, and if they're not exhausted, could shoot the most dark bolts and use illusions to either protect the machine or as flares so our forces know where the group is.
Meanwhile outside the keep, Tim is putting together a summoning circle with a bunch of cultists.
"Shouldn't be too much difference between summoning demons and summoning gods. Especially if said god is already on the plane. Hey, get the sacrifices ready!"

1 Darkness Point: Sacrificial Summoning Ritual
Using prepared regents and the blood of animals/undisciplined-new Orcs, Tim is preparing a bonfire for the Dark Lord to use. She'll prepare the summoning, and the Dark Lord has an artifact circle on his end ready and synched. From there he can strike from without to prevent any runners from making it through. The forces he leaves behind will bleed the Duke of his strength.

If we capture Matilda, the battle is as good as won.

If we successfully capture her, i have ... some ideas for using her.
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #119 on: December 01, 2021, 11:59:46 pm »

Quote from: Know When To Hold Them
The Wall-Breaker will enter the citadel and confront the Duke directly, with the Shadow-Walker, golem, and other mages providing magic support from a safe distance. The nonmagical forces accompanying the Avatar will retreat to the Dark Lord's chamber and protect it with their lives.

The Avatar will chase Matilda, and the cohorts of Deeping Guard in the city (not the one in the citadel) will retreat to the walls and hold every possible exit against breakout attempts, while the Rabble (lead by most of the officer corps) secures the city. The Auxiliaries manning the walls will specifically aim to unhorse anyone who attempts to flee, and then mount a pursuit.

Acts of Artifice:
1 Darkness Point: Brought up with the forces outside the city are a set of heavy bolts, chisel-tipped and wreathed in Darkness that will not miss their target, and are difficult, if not impossible, to stop with mortal or magical means. Fired from bows or crossbows carried by the Auxiliaries manning the walls, they will stop anyone who isn't stopped by other means.

Quote from: Know When To Fold Them
The Wall-Breaker will enter the citadel and attempt to confront Matilda, but if she cannot be reached before she flees instead the Wall-Breaker will move to the Avatar to assist him in confronting the Duke.

The mages escorting the Avatar will pursue Matilda in her breakout attempt while the golem and Avatar immediately engage the Duke. The forces in the city will work to secure the whole city as fast as possible with resisting the escape being secondary. One cohort of the Deeping Guard, however, will be pulled back to attempt to stop the breakout attempt before it passes the walls.

The Auxiliaries manning the walls will specifically aim to unhorse anyone who attempts to flee, and then mount a pursuit.

Acts of Artifice:
1 Darkness Point: Brought up with the forces outside the city are a set of heavy bolts, chisel-tipped and wreathed in Darkness that will not miss their target, and are difficult, if not impossible, to stop with mortal or magical means. Fired from bows or crossbows carried by the Auxiliaries manning the walls, they will stop anyone who isn't stopped by other means.

Two basic plans for the next phase, basically "fight the Duke with somebody powerful immediately, and fight really hard to keep Matilda from leaving" and "try for Matilda but focus on the Duke and a safe victory".
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.
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