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Author Topic: Dark Designs: Turn Two-Battle Phase  (Read 12208 times)

Nirur Torir

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Revision Phase
« Reply #90 on: November 16, 2021, 09:34:24 pm »

What else are they going to be doing? Darkbolt can't pierce armor, and while it's well and good to deal with a bunch of rabble, if scouting is so important why not dedicate a spell to help.
Darkbolt does pierce armor, and if we get Piercing Darkfire, they can group up to cast it.

Dark Bolt: A bolt of pure Darkness. Does damage to one’s spirit, enough to kill an average human. Ignores physical armor, but will gradually weaken over distance( and more so through physical barriers).


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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Revision Phase
« Reply #91 on: November 17, 2021, 11:31:29 am »

Alright let’s aim to have voting complete by the end of the day, and I’ll try to get the results out and next phase up by Thursday or Friday.

Feel free to make adjustments or propose new revisions, and let me know if you feel you need more time.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Revision Phase
« Reply #92 on: November 18, 2021, 11:03:59 pm »


Orcish Officer Corps (Tier 3)
Our present legion unit is suffering a bit from a lack of leadership that leads to it being inflexible on the attack and our rabble is, well, a rabble, so we're going to search the legionary ranks for capable Orcs and raise them to officer positions. The qualifiers will be ingenuity and tactical acumen, granting the heavy-infantry Deeping Guard or any other forces we field a substantially increased capability for flexible operations such as what we expect to see during dynamic attacks or defenses...especially those with a possibility of random divine intervention. With Orcs being plentiful, we should be able to find more than enough Orcs with such qualities for our purposes, letting us raise Orcs to all command positions within Orcish units. They will assume leadership roles even within the Rabble, though with many, many rabble orcs per officer since we don't have that many officers and only need to give the rabble general directions. Any other units we field composed of Orcs will likewise get Orcish officers as they need.

Orcish Officer Corps: Normal (roll:5) Tier 3
   After passing the grueling battery of tests to join in the Deeping Guard, some were chosen for a further test. This was a challenge of intelligence, given a wooden triangle with 15 holes and 14 pegs. A peg is removed after jumping over it with another peg. The fewer the pegs left, the higher the score. A passing grade was leaving two pegs, if three or more were left the Orc was considered to be just plain dumb and passed over for an Officer role.
   The Orcish Officers form the leaders of your army, leading blocks of units. They are generally capable warriors, being chosen from the Deeping Guard, but selected more for their intelligence than their combat skills or personal charisma. They provide a bonus to the adaptability and flexibility of units they are attached to. Due to a more uniform leadership structure, units they lead are also more resistant to loss of leadership than they would otherwise be. They are found in all Orcish units.
They tend to be more effective when put in command of light and mobile units, allowing them to use their initiative more.

Legion Auxiliaries (tier 1)
With most of our effort focused on recovering the Wall-Breaker, infiltrating our enemies, and reviving our core heavy infantry force, we didn't have time to get serious ranged firepower going. The rabble that still composes most of the orcs has some ranged weapons, of course, and we've got mages, but we still need some guys to go out and sling some stones and throw some spears and shoot some arrows and to scout for our main forces, so we're going to raise some of the more promising orcs who remain in the rabble, selecting them based on skill with ranged weapons and ability to move in the open field. We'll equip them with said ranged weapons and the gambeson in use in the Legions and a simple round helmet, and a simple warhammer (They're easier to use than swords, thematically appropriate, and cheaper. What? We're operating on a budget right now!) in case they get into a melee fight.

These auxiliaries will be a scouting force and will form a large portion of our army, responsible for everything from scouting to foraging and will also shoot things during battle. They definitely deserve some more armor and better weapons but, well, they can get in line. We'll get to them when we get to them. We aren't asking them to be the first up the siege ladders in a few days, now are we?

Legion Auxiliaries: Normal (roll 3) Tier 1
   Those orcs who are skilled with a bow, sling, javelin, or just generally nimble or sneaky are recommended into the Auxiliaries. These are light infantry and skirmishers, well suited to harassing enemy units and scouting ahead of an army. Armed with a ranged weapon of choice, gambeson and round helmet, and a trusty warhammer, they form a dedicated skirmishing core they can also fight in melee if needed. At this point they don’t have much more training than your average rabble, but they take to their givin role well. Scouting wise they are passable, relying more on their numbers to screen the main force than any particular wilderness skill, but better than the chaotic rabble and slow heavy infantry.
   In particular the Auxiliaries performed significantly better with Officers attached.

The Strategy/Battle Phase:

                So we finished the Revision Phase, what now? Now we have the Strategy/Battle Phase . Later in the game, you will decide what fronts to focus on, where you are sending your champions and such. But for now, your options are more focused on the battle itself.
                In this battle you will be attempting to regain your fortress at Ur-Garoth from the forces of the Duke of Arnhold. They have grown somewhat lapse in their care of the wards around your tomb, and thus you will have the element of surprise in your attack.
                Due to your Infiltrators, you can take up to 3 Infiltration Actions. You have a total of 3 Infiltrator Points you can use to indicate how much effort you can spend on each action. You can use any stealth champion on any Action to lend their skills and abilities. You also spend any Darkness Points on these. Actions should have a “title” and a one or two sentence long description of the action.
Example: “ 2 Points: Seize the Gatehouse: Infiltrators will use their disguises to gain entry into the gatehouse, kill those inside, and open it for approaching forces.”
Artifice of Darkness:
                As an Artificer Dark Lord, you can spend Darkness to create great, unearthly machines and devices. These are unstable constructs, and only reliable last as long as the battle generally. These  constructs can have magical effects or construction, and can be made to do a wide variety of purposes. There may be additional restrictions which I will think of later, but for now you can’t target individuals (So no sniper rifle picking off heroes), and no broad general enhancement of your units ( so you can’t be making a device that emits waves that empower your orcs or what have you). This is your time to make cool, impractical machines that you wouldn’t dream of wasting a design on, like a giant tunneling machine or a flying autonomous dragon.
                Keep in mind that you should keep some Darkness in reserve to help counter any uses of Light by the Three, or to adapt to the changing situation in the following phases. However, don’t hoard all your points! A good offensive is more cost effective than a good defense.
                You start with 5 Darkness.

 You can spend (and should) spend multiple Darkness points on an action to increase its effectiveness and its scale. The more points you invest, makes it harder for heroes and the Three to take it out.
-1 Darkness: Effective vs 1 or multiple units.
-2-3 Darkness: Effective on a front.
-4-5 Darkness: Effective across whole battlefield.
Your Forces:
5 Warbands of Rabble (each roughly 200~ Orcs)
6 Companies of Auxilia (roughly 80~ Orcs)
4 Cohorts of Deeping guard (50~ Orcs)
4 Squads of Acolytes (5-6 cultists)
 (Size and number of units will grow as you gain more territory, this is just for a rough idea.)
Dark Lord’s Avatar.

Minor Champions:
The Shadow Walker (II)* (Stealth champion)
Siege Overview:
There are two main avenues of attack. First, from inside the citadel deep in its heart. The Dark Lord and his forces must break through the great stone seal blocking him in. There is a defensible position that the forces can take to protect the fortress, but it is generally left unguarded. They will be alerted by the attempt to break down the wards.
The second avenue is from outside of the city. The outer wall is lightly defended, concentrated at the two gates to the south and the east. Most of your largest tunnels lead to outside the city, making that the easiest route for the majority of your forces.

In between the outer wall and the fortress itself is a settlement, with few notable defenses. There are a few tunnels here, but they are small narrow ones, limiting the number of troops you can funnel through here.

 The fortress of Ur-Garoth has five towers, connected by a strong stone wall, and each tower connects to the central keep, which is squat and box-like. The Keep of course contains the main Armory where the Runed Arms and Armor are vaulted, and the household of the Duke.

Duke Arnhold is respected as a capable and honorable knight, but no measure to the heroes the Dark Lord once faced. His household is made up of dutiful knights and their retainers. Your forces will easily outnumber his. His only heir is his daughter Matilda, his wife having passed several years ago.

The enemy numbers somewhere between 450 and 500 men and women under arms.


So make your plans. You do not have to be overly complicated to be successful. A simple, well thought out plan will work well. Things to keep in mind:

-Vote by PLANS! Feel free to discuss individual parts at will, but when it comes to voting, vote by PLAN NAME versus voting for Infiltration actions, Darkness usage, and tactics individually.

-And so, when making you plan you want voted for, do include Infiltration actions, Darkness Usage, and your operational plan! Please feel free to cooperate in making this, but when presenting for a vote present it all in one quotebox. Again, feel free to discuss things as you like, just applies when presenting a votable plan.

-Give orders by your operational fronts. In this battle you have the assault from the inner fortress and the attack from the outside, but you can also open up other fronts. No need to be splitting up your orders unit by unit. A perfectly workable order is “Assault and take control of the outer wall, then advance through the city to attack the walls of the Fortress.” You can add more details, like if you want the light infantry to focus on clearing the settlement while heavy infantry to focus on the walls, but you can expect them to act somewhat intelligently.
Champions you can give more detailed orders to, if you want them to seek out enemy heroes (none are present that you are aware of) or assault specific points. Just keep in mind that Minor Champions can die.

Quote from: EXAMPLE PLAN
Infiltration Actions: 2 points to Securing Outerwall Gatehouse- Silent Hand agents will use disguises to infiltrate and take over the Outer Walls gatehouse.
   1 point and Shadow-Walker to Eliminate Mages and Priests: Silent Hand agents will attempt to kill the priests and mages of the enemy.

Darkness Artifice: 4 pointsDeploy a giant spinner from the outer walls to slam into the Fortress, causing a giant hole. Once inside it will start shooting lightning.
1 point in reserve.

Operational Plan:
From Dark Lord's Prison: Deploy 3 Cohorts of Deeping Guard, 1 Horde of Rabble, and 2 Squads of Acolytes. Dark Lord’s Avatar will lead assault.
   -Wait for assault on Outer Walls to finish, and for assault on the Fortress to begin. Then begin breaking down the Stone Ward blocking you in. Then proceed with the attack from inside the Fortress.

From Outside the Walls. Deploy rest of the army. Wall-Breaker will accompany assault, led by Captain Gugbit (Fronts not led by a capable champion can be lead by a “random” champion. If they survive and do well they can be promoted into an actual Minor Champion.)
   -Focus on entry through the walls. Gatehouse should be open by Infiltrators. If successful, send light infantry through to rush through settlement and clear the way for the heavy infantry. Send Wall-Breaker to focus on opening a hole to the inside of the Fortress, and focus on overwhelming the defenders and capturing the fortress.

Unless your plan is wildly, incredibly successful (or disastrously poor), there will be a second phase where you can adjust your plans. This is a lot, I know, and rules can and probably will be adjusted. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 06:36:08 am by chubby2man »
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #93 on: November 19, 2021, 01:37:01 pm »

I'll start, with a modified GM plan.

We have five darkness, and should probably hold 1-2 in reserve.
We have around 1270 troops, against 450-500.
The only heir of an ancient line of guardians of the dark lord's prison is here. No points for guessing where the hero is.

Spend all darkness on a ring to corrupt Matilda before the Light empowers her into a hero.
Quote from: Standard Assault
1 Darkness: Build a silent lethargy bomb to help take the north gatehouse
3 Darkness: Build a basilisk golem capable of drilling through stone, that leaks darkness fog, to help on the Dark Lord's front.
1 darkness in reserve

1 Infiltration + The Shadow Walker + lethargy bomb: Seize the Gatehouse: Infiltrators will use their disguises to gain entry into the north gatehouse, kill those inside, and open it for approaching forces.
2 Infiltration: Pretend to be soldiers in the keep, to be assigned to the front fighting the Dark Lord. Stab them in the back at an important moment in the defense. If discovered early, try to take down as many priests and mages as possible.

Front: Inside the keep
3 Cohorts of Deeping Guard, 1 Horde of Rabble, and 2 Squads of Acolytes. Dark Lord’s Avatar will lead assault.
Strategy: Fight for your freedom once the assault on the fortress begins. Basilisk will either drill around the defensive point or serve as a heavy assault unit at Dark Lord's discretion.

Front: Outside the walls
Everyone else, led by captain Grok.
Strategy: Focus on entry through the walls. Gatehouse should be open by Infiltrators. If successful, break off half the rabble and skirmishers to clear the city and hold the north wall, while the rest rush the fortress, screened by auxilia. Send Wall-Breaker to focus on opening a hole to the inside of the Fortress, and focus on overwhelming the defenders and capturing the fortress.
The Shadow Walker will take command of holding the north wall after the army splits.

The infiltrators inside are on a risky mission that's not really necessary. I'm very tempted to switch them to killing Matilda before she can reach the armory to gear up, with 1 darkness to cloak the attempt from the Light.
I don't expect this to be popular, since it relies on a few points of out-guessing the GM. (Matilda being marked to be a hero, that the Light wouldn't be able to spend the hero empowerment resources elsewhere if we kill her right at the start, and that we can be rewarded for guessing how the Light will react.)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 05:49:51 pm by Nirur Torir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #94 on: November 19, 2021, 01:50:37 pm »

I'll start, with a modified GM plan.

We have five darkness, and should probably hold 1-2 in reserve.
We have around 1270 troops, against 450-500.
The only heir of an ancient line of guardians of the dark lord's prison is here. No points for guessing where the hero is.

Spend all darkness on a ring to corrupt Matilda before the Light empowers her into a hero.
1 Darkness: Build a silent lethargy bomb to help take the north gatehouse
3 Darkness: Build a basilisk golem capable of drilling through stone, that leaks darkness fog, to help on the Dark Lord's front.
1 darkness in reserve

1 Infiltration + The Shadow Walker + lethargy bomb: Seize the Gatehouse: Infiltrators will use their disguises to gain entry into the north gatehouse, kill those inside, and open it for approaching forces.
2 Infiltration: Pretend to be soldiers in the keep, to be assigned to the front fighting the Dark Lord. Stab them in the back at an important moment in the defense. If discovered early, try to take down as many priests and mages as possible.

Front: Inside the keep
3 Cohorts of Deeping Guard, 1 Horde of Rabble, and 2 Squads of Acolytes. Dark Lord’s Avatar will lead assault.
Strategy: Fight for your freedom once the assault on the fortress begins. Basilisk will either drill around the defensive point or serve as a heavy assault unit at Dark Lord's discretion.

Front: Outside the walls
Everyone else, led by captain Grok.
Strategy: Focus on entry through the walls. Gatehouse should be open by Infiltrators. If successful, break off half the rabble and skirmishers to clear the city and hold the north wall, while the rest rush the fortress, screened by auxilia. Send Wall-Breaker to focus on opening a hole to the inside of the Fortress, and focus on overwhelming the defenders and capturing the fortress.
The Shadow Walker will take command of holding the north wall after the army splits.

The infiltrators inside are on a risky mission that's not really necessary. I'm very tempted to switch them to killing Matilda before she can reach the armory to gear up, with 1 darkness to cloak the attempt from the Light.
I don't expect this to be popular, since it relies on a few points of out-guessing the GM. (Matilda being marked to be a hero, that the Light wouldn't be able to spend the hero empowerment resources elsewhere if we kill her right at the start, and that we can be rewarded for guessing how the Light will react.)

I think this plan is actually pretty good.  +1
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.


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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Revision Phase
« Reply #95 on: November 19, 2021, 04:21:32 pm »

Quote from: Massive Destruction
3 Points---Burn The Town: The majority of our infiltration elements will use our spell and their own trickery to gain access to the keep and surrounding buildings, as close to the holy armaments as possible...and set the whole place on fire. And then run away, of course, just like everyone else fleeing the fire.

Acts of Evil:
1 Darkness Point: Summon a massive and very evil beast, all Calamity Ganon style, a few minutes before the attack begins, to destroy any nearby small towns or hamlets, focusing on destruction and obviousness instead of actual deaths.
2 Darkness Points: Construct a massive mechanical dragon that breathes fire and send it boiling (ha, no pun intended) out of a tunnel to set everything on fire even more.
1 Darkness Point: Weave together a hammer designed to shatter the Great Seal and bear it into battle. Or, well, not battle, because it's probably going to break as soon as the Avatar hits the Seal with it. But that's fine.

Send the entirety of the rabble, all the units of the Auxilia, and the Wall-Breaker outside of the walls. Between the Dragon, the Wall-Breaker, and the fires, we should be able to get past the wall quite quickly. They are then to spread havoc and destroy the rest of the city and any military forces left while the Auxilia man the walls (eh, what's left of the walls) and go scouting to await the arrival of any Heroes or last-minute reinforcements and whatnot.

The Shadow-Walker will go spread some confusion by breaking into the citadel via disguise and issuing counterproductive orders and whatnot. I dunno, she can't kill things and this plan is all about killing things, OK?

From below, the Deeping Guard and our Avatar will break out and destroy the Great Seal and then surround the citadel and work to keep it burning until it is destroyed. Renovating is so much easier when the demolition is complete, y'know?

I feel like the above plan, while amusingly cartoonishly evil, is going to be ineffective. However I wanted to finish writing it anyway.

Quote from: Precision Strike
3 points---Grab The Good Guys: The Shadow-Walker and our entire infiltration force will use copious numbers of disguise spells (they can use much of our mage contingent to set this up, as well) to infiltrate the Keep, and reach the Duke and his daughter...and take them prisoner while they're sleeping. Ideally get the Duke to surrender the whole fortress in one go but if not, ah well.

Acts of Artifice:
3 Darkness Points: The Great Seal is going to be a massive problem, so we're going to construct a solution, an Avatar-scale knife capable of silently carving away at the seal without our enemies being able to detect it. Hopefully, the presence of such a tool will make it possible for our Avatar to get through the Great Seal faster, without being noticed as quickly, thus preserving the element of surprise just a bit longer.
1 Darkness Points: A steel golem, a terrifying collection of scrap metal in the figure of a somewhat misshapen troll thrown together a few minutes before the battle by the Dark Lord.

First up will be the infiltration attempt, timed to take the Duke right when the Avatar begins cracking the Seal. If we can get the Duke to surrender if we grant him and his soldiers full amnesty and all that nice stuff, all the better! We will, of course, follow through on this. After all, the Orcs can be as civilized as the Three's preferred humans, and we're here to prove that.

All units of Auxiliaries and Rabble, plus one cohort of the Deeping Guard, will proceed to the surface outside the fortress and begin to assault the walls. The Wall-Breaker will go with them and aid the Deeping Guard in breaking through one of the gates while the rabble scales the walls and auxiliaries suppress defenders and start searching the nearby area for enemy reinforcements and Heroes.

Once they're through, the Deeping Guard and officers will take charge of the advancing forces and keep the rabble in check and ensure that no civilians are attacked and nothing set on fire or looted or anything like that. The rabble will aid in the assault on the towers and then the keep while the Auxiliaries take the walls and hold them against any Timely Reinforcementstm or sudden Heroes. The Wall-Breaker will proceed to the keep and break in to join up with the Avatar.

The remaining three Legion cohorts, the steel golem, and the Cultists all attend the Avatar as he makes his breakout through the Great Seal. The Golem, one squad of cultists, and one cohort of the Legion will remain to guard our sanctum. The remaining forces accompany the Avatar into the keep. The two Legion cohorts in the keep will then proceed to its main door/gate and open it, while the Avatar and the cultists proceed to the armory and the very unpleasantly deadly heroic weapons held therein.

This one, I think, will be better. Hopefully we can slow Heroic response by distracting them with the fire and the carnifex, and a decapitation strike (of a sort) against the enemy's leadership will hopefully prevent any effective response and if we can get the daughter within reach of our Avatar/merely prevent her from reaching any holy Armaments, that should curtail any heroic shenanigans coming from the Obviously Might Be A Hero angle.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 07:59:54 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #96 on: November 19, 2021, 06:38:33 pm »

I don't like Precision Strike as it stands.
It relies too much on infiltrators successfully stopping heroes from appearing. Taking the outer walls will be slower without infiltrators opening the gate house, and you only have 1 heavy infantry cohort and all 4 acolytes on guarding the prison. We'd be in dire straights if the infiltrations, and guessing at how to stop heroes, doesn't work perfectly.

I don't understand what strategy you're going for with the Cloak of Darkness spell on the heavy infantry, and it might be too close to being a "broad general enhancement."

The Darkness is explicitly named as Artifice of Darkness, and called out as being used "to create great, unearthly machines and devices." We might be able to use it for other things, but I'd expect roll penalties if it's not flavored as Artifice.

Fun memey plan:
Quote from: To The Tunnels!
5 Darkness: Build the Rock Crusher, a shambling, creaky monsterosity. With a combination of giant drills and spewing acid, it can burrow a tunnel wide enough for half a dozen men to walk abreast, at a marching pace.

3 Infiltration + The Shadow Walker: Sneak into the fortress and assassinate as many mages and priests as possible, with a focus on the mages.

Strategy: Half the rabble and auxilia surround the outer walls and start building catapults. Their primary objective is keeping the defending army from fleeing unhindered.
Everybody else starts in the prison and follows the Rock Crusher as it burrows into the main part of the town. At that point our forces can spread through the city like a plague, taking the walls from both sides before settling into a comfortable siege against the main fortress.


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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #97 on: November 19, 2021, 06:44:35 pm »

It doesn't rely on infiltrators stopping heroes, actually. They're meant to delay them. The main body of the force needs to get through the wall, and the weakest point on the wall in terms of "things that can be smashed with a large hammer" is the gate. So the Wall-Breaker is going to a gate, and the cohort is going to follow him through. Should get them through the wall in reasonably quick fashion and in good order, while the Auxiliaries clear the walls. Now, the fun part is that the Wall-Breaker is now rushing to reunite with the Avatar, so that when the heroes, hopefully distracted, DO arrive, they're going to be on the wrong side of a wall, held by our guys, with a Champion (well, two Champions, but we're not counting the Shadow-Walker for direct combat) backing up our Avatar.

Three cohorts of the Guard are with the Avatar, in fact, NOT one. They should be able to take the Citadel straight out from under the (probably very surprised) noses of the Duke's guards (who have no leader at this point) with great speed.

The darkness thing is a relic from a previous iteration that I forgot about, actually. Hence why it's not mentioned in the strategy bit. Going to work up something else, honestly it might just be to shatter the Seal faster so as to try and maintain the element of surprise.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #98 on: November 19, 2021, 09:55:22 pm »

I misread that, then.

Precision Strike is probably a fine plan, but it sacrifices the gatehouse infiltration in pursuit of elegant objectives that I'm not sure we need. If it works, we have fewer losses, but I don't think casualties for most of our forces will matter much, unless we get a phyrric victory or suicide run our infiltrators and acolytes.

I see the following optional objectives, if we want to get fancy:
1) Stop Matilda from becoming a hero
2) Capture the runic equipment without destroying it in battle.
3) Limit damage to the city

The armory is likely to be guarded and defensible, but they're not expecting an attack. If we don't mind a risky bloodbath, we might be able to try an infiltrator assault, lead by the minor hero, while the acolytes hole up in the empty prison defensive point. Spread Darkness between the two on super units, and charge the armory with our best troops, hoping the infiltration teams can stall long enough to keep the knights from getting suited up.
The acolytes are likely to have trouble on the infiltration, babbling about the Dark Lord's imminent rise to passing servants, but I don't think splitting the infiltrators would buy us more than a few minutes.

The idea might be halfway workable if the infiltration teams instead secure the prison's defensive point. Even if it's only defensible from one direction, spending darkness helping defending it, and on breaking the seal faster, would alleviate that.

GM Question: How long do we expect the Dark Lord to take to break the seal on his own, and how much can our troops help?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #99 on: November 19, 2021, 10:34:20 pm »

GM Question: How long do we expect the Dark Lord to take to break the seal on his own, and how much can our troops help?

The Dark Lord expects it will take roughly 20-30 minutes to completely break down the ward stone and free his Avatar to act. Troops will be minimal help, but they could probably be able to move past the ward stone sooner than the Dark Lord. 
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #100 on: November 23, 2021, 03:06:01 am »

Hey, MM, a possible suggestion to the precision strike plan: why not make the golem look like the Dark Lord, or their avatar?

It doesn't need to be a perfect double or anything like that, but it could sow confusion, draw aggro, and generally be potentially more useful like that than just generically troll-shaped.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

King Zultan

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #101 on: November 23, 2021, 03:16:56 am »

Couldn't that lead to somebody grabbing the magic armour before we're ready to deal with someone with armour from gods?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #102 on: November 23, 2021, 10:05:33 am »

Couldn't that lead to somebody grabbing the magic armour before we're ready to deal with someone with armour from gods?
Yeah this seems a concern.
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #103 on: November 23, 2021, 03:54:39 pm »

Just a suggestion: why not Capture Matilda? Breaking the would-be hero before she becomes heroic could turn her into a powerful champion for the dark lord. Worst case, we keep her away from the dark lord and kill her the moment she shows any signs of becoming heroic.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Dark Designs: Turn One-Battle Phase
« Reply #104 on: November 23, 2021, 05:55:50 pm »

Just a suggestion: why not Capture Matilda? Breaking the would-be hero before she becomes heroic could turn her into a powerful champion for the dark lord. Worst case, we keep her away from the dark lord and kill her the moment she shows any signs of becoming heroic.
It'd be harder, but we probably should at least be able to get a mid-range minor champion who comes with a set of runic armor out of it. I think Madman's plan covers it. If it works, we might get an option during part 2 on what to do with her.

With that thought, I'm almost sold on the latest Precision Strike revision. It's solid enough without the infiltration aspect, and with that much heavy infiltration focus, they should be able to cause enough havoc to change the battle even if they fail.
I will point out that we'd be betting a minor champion and potentially all infiltration assets in a bid to possibly gain a minor champion and deny the enemy a hero with narrative weight. I would not be surprised if a major failure here would require us to spend an action to reform the Silent Hand.
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