Used to be most night creatures with their tirelessly strength and agility making them deadlier than a giant but the scariest was boogymen, instead of generating worlds without them I generate them in many flavors. It's definitely better this way and opens up adventure mode for more people I would say. It was almost like the whole world was under scrutiny by a nightmare Deity and anyone with any doubts about themselves and their stoicism was squashed by nightmare fairy gremlins then after that it was a bother, a filler episode in the hunt for great beasts and glorious death. They are perfect episodes in their own now.
All bad dreams pass to unbridled realities as invisible undead generals of 100+ years of undeath are probably it.
Sure i can start a fire and throw things, i can sneak kill them if competent enough but if they have the right powers and are fast enough they are going to kill your begining and mid game adventurer. Eventually not being able to be reanimated and realizing that my soul has been sundered between Shozast and some multiple death gods from different Pantheons. Only my lost pieces of thought scattered on paper to be eventually claimed by ignorant necromancers only to destroy the world.
I hope rest will be granted to me. I fear my following will not survive my slumbers, and my knowledge lost to the gods and goddesses whom posses it, I know they don't fully understand my goals, they like me were dragged into this game for power.
What future will I awake to if anything at all.
Ps please don't whittle my bones into bolts or figurines.