And anyway, not to mention the big reveal of there apparently being a devil in town. Either
- There is a devil and we now have 3 third parties, a 3-person scum team with a new convert i.e. 7/13 players in the game
- As above, but scum team is dark magus: 5/13 players in the game, or two-person team: 6/13.
- Lucky is lying, is on the scum team, and is just seeding chaos.
- 4mask is the devil and so 4-6 non-town player.
I'll have to take a look at the old setups to see what would be normal numbers here...
I looked at the previous setups:
1- 13 players: 3 werewolves, 2 third parties (Wererat/Necromancer), 8 town
2- 12 players: 3 cult killers, 1 third party (Ghoul), 8 town (one revived as Demon)
3- 13 players: 2 vampire cultists, 2 third parties (Wererat, Necromancer), 9 town
4- 14 players: 2 vampire cultists, 2 third parties (Guardian Angel, Devil), 10 town (1 revived as demon)
5- 14 players: 3 werewolves inc priest, 1 third party (wererat), 10 town (1 revived as lone vampire)
6- 11 players: 3 cultists inc converter, 0 third party, 8 town
7- 13 players: 1 dark magus, 2 third party (Werebear SK, Necromancer), 10 town
8- 14 players: 3 cult killers, 2 third party (Guardian Angel, Necromancer), 9 town
9- 9 players: 2 cult killers, 2 third party (Devil, Ghoul), 5 town
- While more can be created in-player, there has never been a game started with more than 2 third parties.
- The maximum number of non-town players for 13 players is 5.
- If we assume all claims are true: 4mask is a wererat and we have a devil and a revived lone vampire, then we most likely have a one-shot charismatic cult team and the killing will begin from the scum team on N2.
All to say, we should be very suspicious of existing claims if there are more than one deaths in the night on N2.
TricNQT could just be setting up to vote you off despite your towny-ness.
I think there's at least a 25% chance Toony was converted, yes. Do you deny that possibility?