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Author Topic: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library  (Read 90139 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #330 on: August 22, 2021, 07:28:00 am »

I've started implementing some of the changes we're discussing, though I'm holding off doing too much to the professions until you've formed some more solid opinions. You can pull the updated files from:

I'm just having my coffee and I suck at multi-quote anyway, so hopefully this is intelligible.
Great! Downloaded the BP so I don't have to do it myself. I'm glad we could fit it. I think it looks nicer too.

Startmanager - still deciding what to do with this guy, honestly until we have someone to actually do a job do we really need their workplace built? he will never do 90% of these labors. Probably just going to dump him.
If we can cut the number of professions down, I'm for it. The potential drawback here is that a workshop that is planned but not built ties up an item with TSK. In this case, the items are likely to be blocks and they're likely to be inside the surface starter mason's workshop. I wrote guidance on how to "safely" decommission those workshops, but for players who don't read/heed the guidance, the longer we let TSK blocks stay in those workshops, the more likely it will be that the workshop will get deconstructed, the item will get scattered, and the unbuilt workshops will get canceled and disappear. This is a bad player experience, and is really the whole reason for the StartManager to exist.

Good point. Even knowing all this I still run into self-inflicted task cancellations lol. Could probably trim him down a bit though. I'd likely still do it by hand (DT) but I can see the need for it for others.
I remove refuse-corpses from that pile; early surface vermin corpses not a concern.
Is this just for this embark, or would you always remove refuse/corpses from the cloth stockpile? I believe I added it at your request : ) I'm fine with removing it or keeping it. The corpse/refuse quantum stockpile on Farming gets set up so quickly anyway.
I did ask for it yes, just need the useful refuse products though, in case of surface butchering (which I am probably no longer doing). The main things on surface piles are getting stuff that will rot (food) if you yoink the wagon and/or create them (butcher, cook, fish, etc) and a stone pile with wheel barrows. Everything else can probably just sit where it is until you can get it underground. Granted if you let it sit out too long a winged demon from the deepest pit of hell kea will come fly away with it *shakes fist* It's a rage-quit inducing experience when that item is your anvil! (yes, this actually has happened to me)

Since I was too lazy to pull the new files, I have to run orders 1 by 1. I actually prefer that anyway since it seems like otherwise construction bogs down and I run into hauling issues.
you mean with the "preloaded" orders? I actually thought these were quite minimal. what do you think we could improve here? Maybe move orders for /services2 later?
Yes. No, services2 is fine where it is. I like to get the hospital started sooner rather than later, since it takes some time to stock. What I usually wind up doing if I queue all those orders (which I often do anyway) is add order conditions to each set tied to the last set (usually the blocks being done) so that stuff gets done in sequence, but that is a real PITA. Still I find a hard pause in between useful, so that some hauling gets caught up on. Especially since mason cancellation spam is a near constant thing until 2nd migrant wave for me (I force workshops to get from piles). I think just chaining them individually with their run command is probably best like "quickfort run,orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /services2" although possibly chaining the next one with the prior may work in some cases. Like surface2 orders won't get done before workshops are built, the blocks are redundant at that point and I remove them, but those 2 wheelbarrows are absolute top priority. Up to surface5 I may want the orders done before designation. surface6+ I don't (they are larger and more complex and tie up significant labor at that point).

I like a bigger guard dog pasture, I delete the existing and make it 5x5, removing the 2 stairwell tiles.
The only reason I didn't do this by default is because I use those adjacent gate control levers during sieges *a lot* and clicking on them with the mouse is the fastest way to use them. if there's a dog on top of it, a click goes to 'view dog' instead of 'query lever'.
Excellent point. I'll just go back to moving the puppers to the main pasture when they are born.

I'm really not sure about the autohauler and alchemy, although it at least isn't assigning the miners any hauling jobs, it did remove their assigned ones (remove/pull lever/vehicle) from DT.
I expect you probably don't want vehicle hauling labors on your miners. since "store item in vehicle" jobs get their priority boosted, your miners will constantly be abandoning their mining to go put things into minecarts.

Well, yeah. Probably don't want deconstruction either. I want those levers pulled though. I still don't know why alchemy isn't working, when I added the farmers, their hauling labors went poof too (I added alchemy to them as well...I removed furniture/items/stone/wood hauling, left everything else)

I think food-hauling needs to be made high priority. Can it be done?
it probably *can* be done, I just need to find the time to dig into it. I believe I can get a reference to the item being hauled, and if the item is a food, I can likely deduce that it's a haul food labor. I might be able to use this same technique to identify tanning jobs. Then I just need to expose this feature in the prioritize script so it doesn't look like the hacky wart I expect it to be.
Yeah, after perusing the prioritize list, I saw how the hauling is handled. Probably going to be a lot of work. Right now I am opening up the list frequently and looking for store in cookable food orders and manually prioritizing them just to try to get it done. Oh, also saw clean self in there, might be a good idea. Infection is forever in DF, and leading cause seems to be untreated minor wounds because the dipshits won't go to hospital to get them treated.

I suspect because I turned off global planning momentarily to do some manual construction and it lost the settings for the floors?
buildingplan shouldn't lose material settings if you just disable and re-enable planning for floors. It *will* lose its config if you quit and reload, though. I have it on my backlog to persist materials configs across reloads. It's relatively easy to do, if anyone reading this wants a starter project.
I am not really sure what happened with the build orders. I know about the non-persistence, but I don't think I reloaded at that point (It was a long day so I can't say for certain). I know I did specify walls, levers, trackstops, even the ramp. It is still possible I skipped the floors I guess.

I was going to relocate the kilns up top right, but decided the complexity of stone distribution wasn't worth it, besides I may want more masons and probably jewelers up there. Also some wierdo may come along and want a kennel to train vermin pets, and that would be the last spot left.
eep. I just did some redesign to get another two craftsdwarf's workshops in the industry level, and I ended up moving the siege workshop to the upper right. Feedback on the new layout would be appreciated.
Lemme look. Yes, that works. We can just as easily put more jewelers/masons on the now vacated west side. If the kennel ever became relevant there's probably a better place than industry for it anyway. Dunno why I didn't think of moving siege. Actually, I'd add 1 more next to the dyer as the catchall. Make next to the loom bone only. So we've got stone/wood/bone/everything else. I could see paper/bookmaking becoming busier late fort (the earlier bugs with libraries being a major reason I stopped playing for a bit...the endless pick things up and put them down cycle), and possibly more instrument making. This way they don't have to contend with ammo & pots for space.

Oh, also move the quicklime pile over there on that wall. It is made at the pottery kiln and it's used for parchment in the workshop(cardinal storage rule, inputs near workstation)
Can make the lye pile smaller. Also, I'm still bewildered by why "lye" works for me but not you. In my last fort the new orders actually screwed me over, because I have like 11 lye in a barrel and "lye-containing" only sees it as 1 of course. Being as a barrel probably holds 30 (we know it holds 30 booze) that is a real problem. I haven't done any parchment making yet but I imagine it will be plagued with the same issues.

It's time to orders import basic and also...
"quickfort run,orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface5   # Run when all marked trees on the surface are chopped down and walls and floors have been constructed, including the roof section over the future barracks." Would have been more concise to say after surface4 is completed :P
I might be able to trim this down a bit, but it's important to call out the roof over the barracks. If /surface5 is run before that section is complete (and it's usually the last to be completed) then the barracks beds can't get placed. the blueprint won't fail, the beds just won't show up. It's an easy mistake to make.
Lol, no the job itself is fine. I was poking fun at the description. Literally it would be easier and less open for interpretation to say finish the job before queing the next one. As you have it, I start looking around and then realize by the end of reading that it all needs to be done anyway.

!!!***!!! prioritize CustomReaction !!!***!!!
guess who that be, I mean tan a hide is the only reaction missing from the entire friggin can even prioritize beat a prisoner, I love it!
I should run a fort with CustomReaction just always prioritized and see how that goes. Maybe using that sledgehammer to prioritize tanning jobs is good enough.
Considering I didn't lose any of the 7 hides although I did lose a lot of food, I'd say the customreaction is working well. I added it to my config.

Autobutcher is a fucking disaster! It butchered everything so fast that half the shit sat and rotted, even with me manually running do now when I could.
I've been running into this as well. Maybe this problem will go away when I figure out how to prioritize hauling food. Otherwise, we could maybe shift building the butchery until later when there are more haulers.
I think we have to suck up and deal with it. We still want to get to butchering before 1st caravan or we are in danger of running out of meals. It was the timing for me; I got 5 large animals plus the 2 I already had. That is a ton of meat. It's also not the typical 1st or 2nd migration wave. Cookie was also busy updating stockpile records or likely would have flowed into kitchen better. In hindsight I should have temporarily disabled autobutcher and probably bookkeeping as well. They just came off migrant status when all this happened.

Oh, here are my current professions in DT export form.

Also, I am having issues with trees. I designate a tree to be chopped, at pri 1 and they ignore it, I know because I keep getting cancellations on beds. Sometimes they just need to be forced by turning off all their other labors. I've been using the autochop plugin for some time without incident so I don't think it is that. I want to blame herbalism, which is when I started having the trouble. Granted the 2 of them are very busy, mechanisms and spiked balls right now.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2021, 08:32:39 am by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #331 on: August 22, 2021, 09:30:32 am »

So back to it. 7-19. Caravan has arrived. Depot was done the first few days of the season so we are golden. No liason, which is odd. He has come on this embark before, although I did a fresh gen of the map as opposed to restoring a backup. It happens. He'll probably show next year. Is annoying since I can't ask for things.

We got what meat we could out of the butcher, honestly didn't lose too much, mostly organ meat but at least no big stacks of generic meat. Bridges are built, surface5 is done except we are backlogged on mechanisms. The aquaduct almost all smoothed and at least I had the foresight to get the levers done and linked for it already so we will have water soon. I went with a bridge seal and a wall grate behind it to keep fish out, it's linked to a lever for emergency access. Smoothing is a real time waster this early on but it has to be done before adding water. On the other hand there is already so much unhauled stone lying around anyway. We'll get the top and right rooms of the guildhall dug before we turn on water (what's under cisterns), otherwise the cancellation spam will annoy the fuck out of us. Might be a good suggestion to add about digging that out first, maybe even bump their dig priority to 3 in the plans (the stairs 6 above will still preserve level integrity).

Replaced our apartment dig designations. I like this look much better, the 2 tile wide corridors transition much better from the 3 wide. I think this is really good.

I remember why I abandoned this embark, the lava may be shallow but the flux is deep. Marble below 2nd cavern is our only source. We have to dig a quarry. I'll have to buy steel items and melt them to get our first steel minecarts and anvils. Parts for 2 glass pumps are made. I use the pump and dump method. We'll dump the steel minecart into lower pump output, run lower pump a second, then run upper pump to pump the lava out. Cart is hauled and dumped into the channel, rinse and repeat. 3 trips per smelter/forge but never having to worry about fuel is so worth it.

Actually the caravan brought us 4 steel anvils, how nice. We'll melt down 2 for the steel for our minecart and we can use the other 2 until we can make more. Otherwise there is a crossbow ,buckler and xbow bolts, we'd have to melt just 5 bolts. Maybe we'll do that instead. I think I have to trade for the bolts 1 by 1 though, which is going to be too much hassle. The rest of their steel stuff is too expensive to trade for right now. Ahh! Actually they have a bunch of nickel cages, cheap and magma-proof. 1 cage is 1 bar. We'll use them for a minecart and save our steel.

They actually brought us 2 bins of leather for a change. This along with what we have should tide us over until the geese start maturing (provided the kea don't murder them all). We "seem very happy about the trading" after that so we'll need to do some more trading to bring them to ecstatic! Ecstatic means larger hordes of freeloading cheesemakersmigrant waves and more useless crap goods. There's no books :( I usually like to start buying whatever written works I can so that when we establish our outhouselibrary there is some TPreading material. We'll grab some fruits and veggies to give our surface crops (and booze) some more variety. Definitely any cheap bags, full or empty. Can always use more bags. Fill out with some odds and ends like metal bars and cloth and then send them on their way. That only took 15 spiked wood balls. Not bad. I started crafting 25 sometime last season, but we came into this one with only like 10 ready. Obviously you need to get the construction stuff done first, but it's good to queue these up right after. They can be started in the fall and completed before the caravan leaves if you clear the carpenters other work.

Queueing up order surface6. So is there any real reason to wait until the bridges are linked? Oh, right, the traps. We want the bridges linked before we start building traps. We wait. Possibly I should have made the carpenter a mechanic as well, and let them both practice mechanics/carpentry. Maybe even not put points into herbalism. Mech 5/Carpenter 3 for both (I still like discipline and swimming on the miners and outdoorsdwarfs). Or maybe just 1 and the other Carp5/Mech3. Mech4/Carp4. I dunno. The shortage of haulers and labor in general early game is just not really something you can do anything about, other than making sure non-essential jobs aren't getting queued.

I remove metal furniture from the goods feeder and add it to the ore feeder; metal furniture is heavy and we want it picked up by wheel barrow. Actually most furniture in general is. We probably want to do some tweaking on this. Possibly split a strip off the goods feeder and assign 2 wheel barrows.

So juggling workshops around, I think even better would be move the bowyer up next to the wood/carpentry craftshop, put the misc craftsdwarf shop where the bowyer was (it is more central to cloth and metal piles)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Copy paste messed it up a bit, but you get the gist. I wouldn't place all those extra forges and kilns of course, but they're just there to show where I was going with it right now. They'll be glorious magma of course! Shifted the dye maker next to the loom too, and then we could even get 1 more craftsdwarf down below if we felt the need. And the jewelers, lol I can't stop myself. 3rd mason up top there, stone being heavier than gems. We could squeeze 2 more masons in if we really wanted, and I'd probably do a QSP encrusting pile of some sort by the jewelers. That's the reason for 2 shops, 1 for cutting, 1 for encrust. I've used a bastardized version of in the past.

8-12 our 2nd wave has arrived. 8 and 2 reindeer calves (non-pet). So glad to not get pets, I really resent not being able to get rid of them being as FPS death is a thing. Although cavys have been known to spontaneously teleport into volcanos...No one impressive as a soldier, but then we're not ready still, and probably not even until 4th wave. woodcrafter 6, craftsdwarf. glassmaker 10 (FFS! always, always, always if I bring a glassmaker on embark I get a high-legendary skilled one without fail)/armor 1/fishing 10 bow/1 suture, not sure, he's lvl 1 axedwarf too...maybe he will be our 3rd outdoorsdwarf (can finally get those 2 fucking trees cut down). bone carver 6/glass 1/mechanic 1, craftsdwarf. That gives us 4 now. Completely unskilled but very weak...while I really need another laborer the 10 str, another farmer wouldn't hurt either...farmer. carpenter 6/bowyer 6/wood cutter 6, what is it elfday? this is the type of dorf that gives me a boner, all the skills in 1 profession group, smith 1 and strand extractor 5 too...obvious outdoorsdwarf #3. Ugh 16 str, well he will toughen up. I guess our 2nd useless fucktard bowyer will be a laborer. The 2 of them can chat about crossbows while they make soap :P Gem setter 1/butcher 1 probably laborer. Wood cutter 6...LeSigh...too much of a good thing. I think laborer too. We still need a dr and clothier. /me facepalm...I think we'll make the bowyer 10/suturer 1 the dr because I'm sure there will be injuries before the 3rd wave. Winter is coming! Not great, but not horrible. It would have been nice to get a clothier and maybe another smith but I can work with this.

And my laborer lost all it's skills. Odd. I'm seeing the custom profs lose their icon (I assigned them icons) but this is the first time I noticed skills gone. I'm waffling on the dr or another laborer. We're going to ramp metal production up real soon. Actually we're going to make that woodcrafter a Dr. I'm likely to get a steady stream of craftsdwarfs and we don't want every Tom, Dick and Urist being a craftsdwarf, only the 4 best. Elfcrafter mostly going to be making wood bolts for training and nothing else anyway. If she wasn't so weak I'd make her a miner, artifact stone furniture would be better than an artifact wood trinket. So the former dr bowyer will become smelter or miner. We need more of both right now. Smelter. We're going to make the woodcutter a miner though. Annnndddd, I think we'll make the bone carver a smelter for the same reason as the wood cutter; we really only care about bone bolts.

I think it's better to make these kinds of "sacrifices" and try as hard as possible to keep dwarves in their assigned profession. If we made them craftsdwarves and then switched them out next migrant wave, the skills they started developing only to abandon for another profession have denied the other 2 the chance of becoming more skilled and well-rounded in their profession, and given us more low quality crap valuable trade goods to get rid of.

1 Chef, 2 Craftsdwarf, 1 Doctor, 3 Farmer, 3 Mason, 4 Miner, 3 Outdoorsdwarf, 4 Laborer, 2 Smith. I'm satisfied with this.

8-14 we've breached the magma, without losing any limbs, always a plus. Marble quarry being dug out now. I've already quarried quite a bit of iron (and platinum too) while I was digging aquaducts. Pumps are being built, nickel minecart ready, channels dug and trackstops built. We are ready for magma and steel!

LMFAO! We've had our first idiot in a long while go swimming in the river. Urist McDumbass cancels install colony in hive: dangerous terrain. I find him bobbing around. I'm going to watch him for a bit to see if he recovers on his own before I teleport him out. Of course it is the new guy, and he didn't have swimming skill, but he is learning fast...hmmm...I think we are finally going to drop it from the embark profile. Discipline too for all the good it is anymore. I think it's actually broken, or maybe personality has more effect now. Some civilians don't give a fuck and they will go fisticuffs to the death, others run at first sight, doesn't seem to matter if they have discipline or not. And he got out; the river is shallow where it exits the map, on the other side. Let's see if he can get back.

8-22 and finally running surface6. The extra mechanics to do the linking while the main one keeps making mechanisms really paid off, otherwise we'd still be waiting. I'll be a lot happier to have surface defenses done. Especially before the dead of winter arrive, because I'm sure there will be necromancers.

9-15 First miner hit legendary, 2nd is not far behind. Filling the first smelter up. Walls are going up nicely. Queue orders for surface7.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2021, 02:36:14 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #332 on: August 22, 2021, 05:14:02 pm »

I love the playlog! I'm tweaking things as I read through.

I've made progress (that is, I've succeeded) in prioritizing just food-related StoreItemInStockpile jobs. As a by-product, I've identified a bug in the DFHack hauler_type enum value definitions. The enum was defined more than 9 years ago, so it's likely that the values have changed over the years. PR here.

I haven't finished testing the new prioritize script, but I put it up here if you'd like to give it a try. The command to run would be:

prioritize -a --hauler-type=Food StoreItemInStockpile

but since the enum values are incorrect, the command is currently:

prioritize -a --hauler-type=Bin StoreItemInStockpile

Once the fix is made to df-structures, hauler-type will be "Food" as expected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #333 on: August 22, 2021, 05:33:10 pm »

I love the playlog! I'm tweaking things as I read through.

I've made progress (that is, I've succeeded) in prioritizing just food-related StoreItemInStockpile jobs. As a by-product, I've identified a bug in the DFHack hauler_type enum value definitions. The enum was defined more than 9 years ago, so it's likely that the values have changed over the years. PR here.

I haven't finished testing the new prioritize script, but I put it up here if you'd like to give it a try. The command to run would be:

prioritize -a --hauler-type=Food StoreItemInStockpile

but since the enum values are incorrect, the command is currently:

prioritize -a --hauler-type=Bin StoreItemInStockpile

Once the fix is made to df-structures, hauler-type will be "Food" as expected.

Glad you're finding it useful!
Sweet! I'm testing it out now, it just prioritized 3 jobs, so so far so good. I hope that foul word (bin) is just the description lol

I also imported the new orders and whatever settings I hadn't already. Finally grabbed the PR for the orders so I don't have to futz with the mead and soap orders anymore.
More bags is good for sure. The furnace tweaks seem sensible too. I have to look at the rest.

So my current lack of a clothier is a good argument against putting tanner on them. It's a low priority profession until clothes start wearing out and/or we need leather goods for militia. Tanning on the other hand is going to be done sooner rather than later since it's not sensible to delay butchering. Wtih the prioritization tweak it is working well on the farmers, even as busy as they are with just 2-3 of them.

I still don't know WTF is wrong with tree-chopping, they still would rather do anything else right now.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2021, 06:33:27 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #334 on: August 22, 2021, 07:37:11 pm »

Winter. Was hoping to have our 1st magma smelter done before now, but waiting on track stop removal.
It has been very slow and painful filling, there's just too much going on in the fortress still. I should probably make a couple more carts to speed this along, but I tore out all the smelters and forges so I'll have to get the 1st magma forge up and running, but then will need time to melt the rest of the cages down anyway.
The manager needs a kick in the arse too, he isn't keeping up on validating orders. Dunno WTF he is doing. He isn't THAT busy with cooking, which is why I made him the manager/bookkeeper.

Surface6, about a dozen traps left to build. 1/3 of the blocks for surface7 are done, I guess it's time to run it. Even with whatever screw-ups, we're still right on schedule for 3rd wave. Although we're not in the greatest shape for a siege, we can hole up at least but not enough cage traps are loaded to win it.

Goblets need to be removed from the goods feeder. It's best to let them get left lying around in the booze piles and/or stored in tavern chests, otherwise a lot of drink job cancellation spam happens from mugs being scooped up. I also tend to trade out the non-masterwork ones and it creates a constant tug-o-war.

No one coming to remove the track stop despite "do now" is irritating me. Like if I had a hammerer someone would be getting the shit beat out of them irritated. I guess it doesn't matter, everyone is at least doing construction, sooner surface is done, sooner we can relax and focus on things like magma. I toggled the manager again in the nobles screen and he started working again (manage work orders is an actual job in the job list, but it wasn't showing up). Think I'll toggle wood cutter assignments while I'm at it and see if that fixes them.

10-8 First magma smelter built. 2nd miner made legendary. Manager got 5 levels from validating basic orders re-import. He's also level 4 record keeper, reminds me I should probably kick bookkeeper too.

So I turned off autohauler, set everyone back to full manual. Except the miners (lever) and the farmers (lever, food). Then I turned it off for the outdoorsmen, they still won't cut the trees. I undesignated all tree-cutting, turned off auto-chop, re-designated the ones I want done. They still won't cut the fucking trees. They are also annoying the fuck out of me now spamming unable to install colony in hive pathing issue. To fucking where I don't know. 11-5, someone finally cutting a fucking tree. 1 of the others seems stuck on gathering plant stupidity, yeah, fuck herbalism! It's a broken piece of shit still.

11-8 One of the miners mooded, at least it was a low-skill new one instead of the already legendary. I mean god forbid my weaponcrafter could mood for a change.
11-13 Magma forge completed. Getting the rest done will go slightly faster with 3 carts (or at least it will feel like it, less micro) In other news our miner made an artifact :P
I toggled all the hives and they started behaving again. Always something with this game. We got the trees cut so turned hauling back on, and herbalism for now, although we are done hand-designating plants. I'll leave the zones in the pasture and farming (I always create a zone for the entire farm level, for gathering once caves breached and usually sand collection). Herbalism on underground plants never seems to cause an issue at least. It's good to zone any controlled cavern areas as well as exposed soil levels you create. On deep soil embarks I like to create my own underground tree farms and pastures. Might as well import furnace orders now, will have new glassworks up soon too.

12-3 Slow but steady. Construction being done. Fucking hauling magma still slow as shit. I have never had this much trouble. I tried semi-automating part of it even, where they move the carts to piles with wheel barrows, all the construction going on is killing me though. We might as well run farming4 now, we've got lots of potash. Queing up guildhall orders too. Get some of this crap out of the way. Get some smoothing done too. We've got all the way through suites dug, and half a bedroom level (out of 2 designated, we're down to the top of cavern1 so we'll have to work out a plan for the rest).

It appears you can't dump items out of a workshop. They just sit there. So much time wasted. Going to fill the first glassworks the rest of the way (was at 2) with liquids and then next stop will be 1 shot with 3 minecarts whenever the fuckers get around to it. Really tired of this shit and it's about bedtime. Want to finish the year out.

So the year ended without any major mishaps. Surface7 construction still ongoing but at least all the blocks are done. Farming4 doors all built. Guildhall doors up next. We'll have a magma kiln in soon, so at least all services restored. We'll get suites queued up next since 3rd migrant wave will turn leader into mayor and I don't want to hear the bitching. Dorm rooms are actually fine for a while for the rest.



Aaack! Didn't realize the stupid tooltip popped up. Anyway, nothing to see under there I swear. These are not the dwarves you're looking for.

So yeah, lessons learned. We're going to ditch herbalism, swimming and discipline across the board and have 2 mechanic/carpenter 5, miners will be miner/engraver 5, masons already mason/architect 5. Stonecrafter....I'm not sure anymore, the cook might be useful because it is a bit slow, and good cook migrants do seem rare. Considering we made only 2 pumps so far glassworking didn't really get a lot of bang for the buck. The 3 farmers can barely keep up still, which is odd because I've had it better under control with 1 starter plus an unskilled helper out of migrant wave. They are getting there though. So still debating stonecrafter/glass or stonecraft/cook (and let him be chef w/stonecrafter as opposed to craftsdwarf). Another possibility is stonecraft/grower (so farmer w/stonecrafter). Which would let us get the butchering/tanning/brewing out of the way. We could do grower/cook too....My skills recommendations are coming closer to yours. Of course if I don't bring a glassmaker I won't get one lol.

It was probably too ambitious to start the magma so early. It didn't set us back anything really, other than me being aggravated beyond belief in addition to all the other aggravation going on. So yeah, surface7 done before we worry about other stuff too much.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2021, 10:56:43 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #335 on: August 23, 2021, 02:03:08 am »

What I usually wind up doing if I queue all those orders (which I often do anyway) is add order conditions to each set tied to the last set (usually the blocks being done) so that stuff gets done in sequence, but that is a real PITA.
the technique I've been using is to set the mason workshop to only accept 2 orders at a time (down from the default of 5). This makes them focus on the blocks and other "long tail" orders more without having to do too much manual poking.

Oh, also saw clean self in there, might be a good idea.

Actually, I'd add 1 more next to the dyer as the catchall.

Oh, also move the quicklime pile over there on that wall.
That pile is milk of lime, not quicklime. Quicklime is stored in bags in the furniture stockpile, and I'm not sure we can separate them out easily.

Also, I'm still bewildered by why "lye" works for me but not you. In my last fort the new orders actually screwed me over, because I have like 11 lye in a barrel and "lye-containing" only sees it as 1 of course. Being as a barrel probably holds 30 (we know it holds 30 booze) that is a real problem.
"lye" works fine as a stop condition. I was using "lye-containing" as an assurance against potential cancellation spam (all lye in one barrel means that if it gets hauled back from the shop while the next job is starting, it's not available for the job and the job gets canceled). In my first tests, it looked like each barrel could only hold 7 lye, and I thought 3*7 = 21 wasn't so bad. My current fort shows a barrel with -- let me double check this -- *98* units of lye! I have about 200 units in those three barrels together. That's..too much.

Now I know you're very conscious of cancellation spam, and if one barrel isn't causing trouble for you, I'm probably being too pedantic about this theoretical issue. I'll adjust the orders to count lye instead of lye-containing.

maybe even bump [the guildhall sections under the cisterns] dig priority to 3 in the plans (the stairs 6 above will still preserve level integrity).
good idea. done.

I use the pump and dump method.
I'm going to give this a try. I've been growing frustrated with 100+ z-level magma pump stacks. They're finicky to build. One out of order and a whole section of the stack can deconstruct, leaving parts in inaccessible tiles. They also take a lot of power. I've built windmill farms on the roof of the surface fort and routed power down through the pasture. This last fort I built 10 dwarven water reactors. They certainly look cool, but they take forever to set up.

I didn't see a wiki article on the pump and dump method. Is there a writeup on this somewhere? Can it be automated?

So juggling workshops around, I think even better would be move the bowyer up next to the wood/carpentry craftshop, put the misc craftsdwarf shop where the bowyer was (it is more central to cloth and metal piles)
done. I also swapped the wood craftsdwarf's workshop with the soaper's so the craftsdwarf's workshop is in the "main" cluster.

Goblets need to be removed from the goods feeder.
you know, I've been doing this manually every game and I didn't think about adding it to the blueprint for some reason. done. but this required a new alias to be added to aliases-common.txt, so be sure to pull that from the PR if you use the updated blueprints.

My changes to the prioritize script need retooling. I was using the wrong enum for interpreting the hauling type -- that's why "Food" mapped to "Bin". Unfortunately it's not as easy as a name replace. There's more logic that needs to be updated to get it to work with the correct enum. The version you have will work fine if you keep calling it "Bin", but I'll post here when the script is working with the correct names.

edit: new script with correct enum and where Food means Food is up
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 02:23:25 am by myk »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #336 on: August 23, 2021, 06:37:52 am »

You forgot "prioritize -a CustomReaction" I'll put it in my override for now.

Sounds good on the masons, a lot less work than what I do.

Sorry, yeah, I meant milk of lime. Quicklime being the input for that and used at the ashery it is in the right place.
Both stockpiles should be 1 tile. Having not made parchment I can only guess, but I imagine it is going to work the same as making soap and have more or less the same caveats as lye.

Actually, I just made up pump and dump (outside of it's traditional slang meaning) although it is pretty accurate. Design 3: Minimalist magma moving. Don't bother with a magmaproof wheel barrow since there is no way to specify wheel barrow to pile I know of, just make a few extra wood (they will wear out). You need to make a stop next to each channel, obviously only add 1 to hauling route at a time. Don't fill them past 6 (since it's 2 per cartload). One of the other methods could probably be automated, but considering it is a 1 time operation I wouldn't bother. I make a pump stack for obsidian farm, but I hear ya, getting them built and powered is a pain.

Dreamfort specific the ore/clay feeder will get the empty minecarts (or was that my edit for metal furniture?). I set the pile next to the dump zone (don't forget to disable the services level dump for the time being) to take from the QSP.  So it goes: Dump cart & pump magma, once cart is filled pump magma out & unforbid cart, when cart gets hauled up reassign to hauling route, magma gets dumped/unassign, it will go back to feeder. Obviously the whole process requires babysitting at every step of the way, otherwise the pumpers will never stop pumping and the full carts will just wind up at the lower stockpile. It's tedious AF, but once it's done you don't ever have to worry about it again.

Read the discussion about the hauling. Glad you got it figured out. Grabbing the PR and script.

Updated jobs, good thing too, I have a barrel of 23 lye currently! Farming done. Placing guildhall doors & statues. Queue suites orders. Built pottery kiln. Still trying to get the other 2 minecarts out of the forge, along with some bronze weapons. I keep prioritizing the hauling jobs to those 2 piles but those items still not shown up. Maybe because there is so much stone to haul and a lot of bars too. Going to set the miners to smoothing/engraving suites in prep for building, that'll give it time to catchup.

1/23 I got tired of them dicking around with the roof so I prioritized construction jobs and it's done. Now we can focus on magma if I can get the damn carts.
Random thought, hatches on the down stairs on each level for containment. They actually can't be broken by building destroyers on the level below them.

2/1 Has brought us 21 migrants! Now we're getting somewhere. I'm not going to enumerate all of them, just the highlights and summary. Wound dresser/suturer 10 will be our doctor and the old doctor (who never saw any action or skilled) will become something else. Gem cutter/setter 8, the mason pool is full (and then some, got 2 more highly skilled masons) but I can't see wasting this guy, I kept the jeweler profession and will use it I guess, considering it seems I always get lots of jeweler migrants but they don't usually have masonry skills. I'll remove it from the masons and just assign a couple jewelers. More blacksmiths but no armorer/metalsmith and still just the 1 weaponsmith, good thing we are cross-training, it's going to be a slow road to masterwork gear. Some low-skill leatherworkers and full range clothier (1/1/1). The leatherworks will be our tailors, the other guy going to militia. An 8 grower is a nice addition to farmers. Some low level miners, etc. Nothing really exciting but enough to fill out most of our professions. They brought us a couple llamas, bunny, horse, reindeer, duck pet and kitten pet (at least he is male)

Decided 7 of them would make good soldiers based on their stats/lack of other skills. Unfortunately most of them are female. Even worse the pick of the litter (93/43/73/59/60/47 those are pretty awesome raw stats) dreams of raising a family. Which means she'll have baby meatshields for sure. I'm going to live dangerously and make her militia commander lol! 5 melee, 2 archer. That'll be a decent starting militia. The kea will pay now!

So our new count: 1 Chef, 4 Craftsdwarf, 1 Doctor, 4 Farmer, 1 Jeweler, 6 Laborer, 2 Marksdwarf, 4 Mason, 5 Meleedwarf, 7 Miner, 3 Outdoorsdwarf, 4 Smith, 2 Tailor.

Happy to report the new food hauling priority is working.
Oh, something I keep forgetting to mention, and maybe I'm the only one who runs combine-plants/combine-drinks constantly. Actually starting to think combine-plants not so smart, more jobs means more skill gains. Combine-drinks otoh, is priceless. It would be great if it could run on booze piles automagicaly.  I set "local max = 60" (from 30) in my file since we use pots. Granted it will put 60 in a barrel as well (which doesn't cause any ill effects) but the script is  too complicated for me to figure out how to distinguish barrels from pots.

Importing military and smelting orders. Replacing leather shield with wood. And of course "wood" is not a selectable trait. The crossbows I specify willow. Shields...well round lime seems like a common enough local wood here (I don't care about weight, all wooden shields are 1u IIRC anyway)

Found the secret sauce to get the minecarts out of the forge quickly; assign them to hauling.

FFS, overlooked one of the leatherworkers being a higher level mason, and guess who moods. I fucking hate this game. Always the useless twats are the first to mood. It's 3-9 or I would savescum I'm that annoyed over it.

Suites furniture done. Going to hold off on installing, need to do more smoothing before I let them engrave because of all the noobs. I wish there were a way to restrict engraving to higher skill levels.
Might as well start queueing up for apartments. Season is going to finish out pretty uneventfully I think. I'll be lucky to get 1 more smelter done.

Keas in cages. That'll learn'em. Bastards made off with a mastercrafted willow minecart from trade depot QSP, probably last season, I just noticed all the totems piling up. Soon we'll have marksdorfs to shoot them from the skies. We got an artifact hatch cover, at least that's useful, we'll put it on the roof.

Really gotta keep empty cages around, the fucking cancellation spam trying to reload trap w/o a cage. FFS shutup already! Should probably add that into basic.

1 more smelter done as the season ends. The stockpiles really aren't working out. I have done this before but I guess not with all the contention for labor going on. Leaving the stockpiles out gets it done faster, even though they have to carry them w/o wheel barrows it isn't horrendously slow, and we're not going that deep. It's also not like the old days, where they would suffer burns carrying it w/o a wheel barrow.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 12:29:35 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #337 on: August 23, 2021, 01:25:42 pm »

So other than a major mishap dumping magma it has been a quiet spring.
Someone must have dropped something into a channel and I didn't see it, because I had cleaned and smoothed them before setting up trackstops.
If an object is destroyed by lava it will cause an explosion and kill anyone nearby. This is what happened when the cart went to this trackstop.
Completely unacceptable. If it was my fault it would have been 1 thing, and I would just roll with it (even though it was my prize future militiadwarf) , but I know it was clear when I designated it. full-heal -r to the rescue.

Otherwise spring has been fairly uneventful. Usual lack of stone spam. We aren't getting anywhere on the apt furniture, I may suspend it since I'd like to get services3 rolling and I'm using different material for it. Suites are smoothed. I still want them to get some more experience before letting them engrave so I can place the furniture.
4-26 the first of our goslings have matured. We'll start geting a steady flow of meat, hides and bone now. New dogs to train should be close behind.
Everyone's just slowly building their skills and cranking out items.

5-12 Forgotten beast in cav1. That's a first in a long time, I was just wondering if they were a thing still. I remember the days of forgotten beasts and titans (water titans the best, so scary, but you hit them and they pop like a water balloon). Hopefully he's not magma-proof or a building destroyer (the drainage pump is vulnerable to climber/flyers in theory...but it can also spray magma)

And now 2 of the minecarts are stuck with some unknown task on them. FFS! This fucking game! /facepalm
At least we've got 4 smelters, 2 forges, 1 each kiln...still to fill and build 2 smelters, 2 forges, 1 each kiln.
Slowly but surely.

6-1 The FB is having a grand old time rampaging through cavern1, but he can't get to us which is good. Started suites build. Smoothing apartments. Still waiting on furniture for apartments and service. About to get another smelter down.

6-3 Migrants. 8 + 2 children (who I think will become militia when they growup, but are haulers for now). 10 tailor. 13 engraver.  Nobody really exceptional otherwise. 13 stonecrafter but we don't need another crafter.

Chef 2, Craftsdwarf 4, Doctor 2, Farmer 5, Jeweler 1, Hauler 2 (yeah, I exploit child labor), Laborer 9, Marksdwarf 2, Mason 4, Meleedwarf 5, Miner 8, Outdoorsdwarf 3, Smith 4, Tailor 3 and 1 baby lol (we had a birth, I dunno last season of the smiths). I'd like to activate the militia, but I don't really want to lose 8 haulers right now. Maybe when the magma is all done. The mystery tasked carts seem to be able to be manipulated at least. I've tried forbidding them, dumping them, etc. I even restarted the game. It's just wierd. If I autodump them on the track stop they will dump their contents. If I dump them in the fill, they will get lava. Maybe I'll delete the useless lower pile. That didn't work either. I'm not amused. At least 1 cart works properly. Hopefully I can smelt the others down or something.

Our new doctor was elected mayor. Interesting our old doctor at some point remembered he is suturing and wound dressing 10 (he had 0 skills when assigned) I been seeing a lot of this "remembered" skills lately, I think it is a new(er) thing. I made the 2nd chef bookkeeper, so the original is just manager now (legendary at that).

Awesome! Now all 3 carts are fucked up. I'm done. Cheating the rest of the magma in.
Giant bat was fucking the FB up, but then webbed, head bitten off and poisoned to boot. Very dead bat.

Here is our forge extension:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

We made it til fall. Again no major incidents. FB is still rampaging through the caverns. I've designed a fortified entrance for the caverns, although I don't think I'm going to breach until that thing is gone, or at least I have squads ready.

Still facing stone shortages, so finishing up services (mostly tables & chairs) & suites (just some doors) before we throw down apartments, although I guess I could place the beds. Turning autohauler back on too since we're out of the magma nightmare.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 11:28:43 am by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #338 on: August 23, 2021, 10:09:53 pm »

7-12 Caravan arrives. No liaison again. I got a bad feeling about this.

Our FB died, I'm not really sure when, sometime between now (8-2) and the caravan arrival.
I guess all the little injuries finally overwhelmed it, last thing I saw it fighting was a magma crab, which it killed.
Hmmm...little guy spit magma at him before it ripped it to shreds. The FB actually bled out on it, a bunch of ash around the vicinity.
I think he got a good 30 kills or so though (I have them wiped seasonally, only 5 for this season)

Noticing a lot of fuckery with the orders this run. Manager not working again. Other things not getting queued (like the jobs just don't ever show up in the list). Felling trees seems to be back to normal again at least. I am turning autohauler back off, I just don't trust it.

We got 2 bins of leather out of the caravan again, and then just traded for some aluminum bars and crap to make them leave happy. Had to queue up some spiked balls quick, other than that I just had some of the cheaper quality misc shit I wanted to start getting rid of, and the usual trade goods (totems and wax crap).
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 10:32:38 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #339 on: August 24, 2021, 01:51:09 am »

You forgot "prioritize -a CustomReaction" I'll put it in my override for now.
This was intentional, for now at least. I want to run a few tests to see what else gets lumped in. I added some help text to the prioritize script to explain why prioritizing CustomReaction might be a good idea, and what the caveats are.

[lye and milk of lime] stockpiles should be 1 tile.
Is this to save on the unused pot? How about if I just set the number of pots on that stockpile to 2? That has the nice side effect of creating manager orders for a few more pots when quickfort orders is run on /industry2.

Quote Design 3: Minimalist magma moving.
Nice. I'll give this a try on my next runthrough.

Random thought, hatches on the down stairs on each level for containment. They actually can't be broken by building destroyers on the level below them.
I had that in one of my early versions, but I thought the hatch covers clogged up the early game too much. We could potentially work it into a later stage, though.

Happy to report the new food hauling priority is working.
Yay! I'm looking forward to seeing this in action.

Combine-drinks otoh, is priceless. It would be great if it could run on booze piles automagicaly.
I don't see why this can't be done. Iterate through all stockpiles and combine. Maybe file a feature request? This would be a good starter project for some aspiring new contributor.

Should probably add [cages] into basic.
I'm going to have to test this. What happens when a low-volume repeating order for an item is at a higher priority than a one-time high-volume order? Will they get in the way of each other? My fear is that the low-volume cage order in basic would take precedence, create all needed cages one per day, and then deactivate, allowing the high-volume order for 40 cages to make...40 unneeded cages. Like I said, need to test to see what actually happens.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #340 on: August 24, 2021, 06:38:49 am »

You forgot "prioritize -a CustomReaction" I'll put it in my override for now.
This was intentional, for now at least. I want to run a few tests to see what else gets lumped in. I added some help text to the prioritize script to explain why prioritizing CustomReaction might be a good idea, and what the caveats are.
I can't imagine there are any other jobs on that, the list is so comprehensive. So far no issues, but it could still happen. Worst case though, we're talking some rare niche jobs that would it be a bad thing if they got prioritized?
[lye and milk of lime] stockpiles should be 1 tile.
Is this to save on the unused pot? How about if I just set the number of pots on that stockpile to 2? That has the nice side effect of creating manager orders for a few more pots when quickfort orders is run on /industry2.
Yes. I hate the unused pots. They were a pointless idiotic design choice that creates more problems than they solve.
Like we really only need 1 for lye, because we don't even need 60 (or even 30), let alone more. Now I have a second barrel floating around, because it was out for soap-making and more lye got made.
And that 2nd will float around yes, but a 2nd tile wouldn't alleviate this because we would still have an empty and 2 barrels. I guess a 3 tile pile would work. No real need to be bigger.
I haven't looked at what you did with it with the last move. Oh, yeah, actually you need to move it since you put the soap-maker up there. And the milk of lime on the east wall.

Quote Design 3: Minimalist magma moving.
Nice. I'll give this a try on my next runthrough.
Curious how it works out. Hopefully you don't run into the issues I did. I have done this on many forts and never had a problem.
Random thought, hatches on the down stairs on each level for containment. They actually can't be broken by building destroyers on the level below them.
I had that in one of my early versions, but I thought the hatch covers clogged up the early game too much. We could potentially work it into a later stage, though.
It's only 2 hatches per level(4 for services because the well maintenance level) per level. It could go on the later stages for sure. They become more important when you breach the caverns or go to the circus. It can't go on the stairwell dig itself because you need an adjacent tile dug out to be able to place a hatch (they need room to work), otherwise you get no access message.
Should probably add [cages] into basic.
I'm going to have to test this. What happens when a low-volume repeating order for an item is at a higher priority than a one-time high-volume order? Will they get in the way of each other? My fear is that the low-volume cage order in basic would take precedence, create all needed cages one per day, and then deactivate, allowing the high-volume order for 40 cages to make...40 unneeded cages. Like I said, need to test to see what actually happens.
I don't think it would be an issue, the low-volume order should get finished and the high-volume order should start. It isn't going to cycle fast enough to keep going, especially if we just have it make 1 at a time. I've still got surface8 to do, so I'll let you know how it works out. I think 10 empty is a reasonable start.

***Make gypsum plaster is an issue***
Default condition not detected, neither are any of the plaster traits. Job needs to be removed until you can figure it out.

Looking through other new jobs, everything else is behaving.

Much as I like glass, I think 30 bags of sand might be excessive for only 1-2 kilns. It is a non-issue now halfway through 2nd year but earlier, I was very short on bags. Granted I had screwed up and set the clothier shop to skilled+ and the 2 tailors only knew leatherworking and we only had so much leather. It might be fine.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 07:11:36 am by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #341 on: August 24, 2021, 08:52:54 am »

8-28 Migrants 7. A fairly skilled hammer/marks dwarf (his agility sucks though, so melee it is). Another doctor. Rest are useless twats. I'm starting to actually assign haulers now. An alpaca and a peacock (pet, I hate you people, it's going in the siege bait pasture).

Random thought, what about Forester instead of Outdoorsdwarf? Rolls off the tongue easier.

Annoying weasel keeps getting caught in my traps. I let it go and it winds up back in a day or two. I should probably just kill the little guy, although it is free mechanics practice.

9-3 Time to build 1st apartment level. Really past time, but most of the furniture still being made, beds all in place and everything smoothed, not going to hold off for engraving (although we will order it done for the visible areas). I prioritize the married couples (of which there are only 3) nearest the center; I reckon the double occupant rooms should have the shortest walks. Sleeping done once per season not a big deal but every little bit helps.

Cavern barracks and traps dug out and being prepped. I simply re-used the barracks designs along with a trap corridor and bridge seal. Plenty of doors and hatches too. I wanted to work a depot area in too (cavern embark intrigues me and is something I want to try someday) but decided not to bother right now, I just wanted to get it done. So there is a bridge gate then snaking corridor of 18 cage traps, anything that gets past that will go into barracks with guard dog pasture, above that is a marksdwarfs barracks, with some fortifications cut for shits n giggles. Only after passing through all that can we enter the main stairwell.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I'm still not really sure if there is any advantage to the training ammo pile or if it is an antiquity (ammo bugs were fixed some time ago) but it probably can't hurt. If anything it keeps additional training ammo nearby which is always a good thing.

I just noticed the nickel minecarts finally became untasked from whatever it was, maybe they will get around to melting them this year. Melt piles are way jammed up. I'm not melting the steel/bronze yet (want to get squads equipped first) but we've got a ton of iron as steel production is behind. It's fine though since with the new profession strategy they need to skill up. If we were running on coal then I'd stick with specialized smiths and probably not bother melting.

We got a petition for farmers guild hall. Also neglected to mention craftsdwarf prior. So we designate them and start smoothing and engraving, see what I need to provide for furniture after that.
Well that didn't take long at all, my engravers are getting good. Actually it provided enough value. Excellent! It wouldn't cut if for a temple but a few gold statues will take care of that when we need to.

Seeing a lot of people fucking off when there is hauling to be done. Maybe I will try autohauler again. So I have realized with the alchemy it just disables hauling altogether, I guess that is working as intended. What I had been expecting it to do was respect the job settings but I guess it can't do what it is designed to do like that. With your override for feed/recover patients it's acceptable though.
9-23, almost seasons end. Time to queue services4 orders.

A little more profession tweaking. I brought the melee and marksdwarfs into alignment with yours; while pump operator is a good way to build strength, and it makes sense to turn it on for dorfs earmarked for militia service before you actually draft them, it isn't what we want them doing when deactivated in normal use for this profession and they'll gain strength on active duty. I'll leave it on the haulers since they are mechanics anyway (engineering group) and str building for haulers is useful, and I don't think they gain strength just hauling (or do they?). So far I am satisfied with the rest. I should probably get the jewelers cutting gems or something, right now they are basically haulers. I think refuse hauling should go on farmers along with food. Besides the fact that most refuse is created on their level, if didn't have the miasma vents it would be much more important getting it done asap. 

One of the smiths just mooded, he could be either armorer or blacksmith (both 6) I'm going to be pissed if it isn't armorer.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 02:42:37 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #342 on: August 24, 2021, 01:48:19 pm »

Winter has come. 10-4 and we have a legendary armorer! A pewter helm. Decorated with an image of...our last dwarf making an artifact lol! Nice I guess?
I realized I never specified materials for services4, just let them do wtf they want. Unusual for me, I got distracted by mooding smith, but whatevs. It's not a lot of stuff.
The statues will all be replaced later with metal anyway. Actually everything will eventually be replaced with more valuable stuff anyway, other than the blocks (because I want the surface fort homogenous) I need to just stop obsessing over this shit. It would save time, aggravation and job cancellation spam. Just need to restrict the jet for pots/jugs (because I run out frequently). I wish there were exclude filters, I could exclude my willow from being made into charcoal and xbow bolts!

Guilds! Ugh! Already I've got someone giving a spinning demonstration to a laborer. Why? Because laborers are part smith/part(mostly)farmer. While I have no issue with a dozen furnace operator/haulers, I don't think adding the 4 wood burning related labors to our 5 farmers is a great idea. In fact if not running magma, it would be a terrible idea, because they'd be busy making charcoal and not getting their farming done. Just something we have to deal with.

Running services4 build. I'm seeing just as much fucking off with autohauler on as off. I guess it's just the delay between jobs being created and assigned. I'm still not a fan, I think crafting jobs are higher priority (unless we prioritize) than hauling jobs in general anyway, so not really sure if we gain anything from this plugin. Am I missing something?

Restricting 2 forges from weapons, 2 from armor. We don't do enough smithing right now to worry about them, but I need to get more work distributed, the manager doesn't do a good job with onesies and assigning large batches of weapons/armor is somewhat impractical.

10-22. Wow! Burned through all my flux, no wonder I can't keep up on steel. Need to quarry out more marble.

11-28. Been pretty quiet I guess. I have added a melting job on repeat to each smelter until we get caught up and it cancels itself. Services is done. We've got 10 more coffins to make and 1st apt level is done. I think I will queue surface8 up and then the remaining 4 apt levels. The Dreamfort is almost all built, of course we've got lots of smoothing and engraving left to do. I think I'm going to add a surface9, ring of fortification around the upper level. Mostly to prevent climbers getting on our roof, but also as somewhere to shoot from for SnG if I feel like it.

Ok, so maybe the autohauler is worth using. Noticing my mechanisms not getting crafted without kicking the job in the ass. I shouldn't have to do this. We'll give autohaul another chance, and it did get the mechanic out of hauling. I also noticed I locked him out of carpentry, I had set a lot of the shops originally to skilled+ and forgot to change some of them back to normal (besides the mechanics). I'm kinda toying with the idea of the forester(outdoorsdwarf) not being engineer. So basicly woodworker/ranger hybrid. We've got so many mechanics with the haulers (not to mention the part-time troops), possibly just making the dedicated mechanic a hauler too isn't such a bad idea. Ehhh, but then it is really useful having 2 of them off the rip, and we'd lose that. Not to mention like you said, late carpenter not so important. Crossbowmaker really unimportant, if they made bolts and metal crossbows at least they'd be good for something. The crossbowmaker really should just be rolled into the woodcrafter skill. Anywho...yeah, maybe it is best leaving the profession as is.

12-17 surface8 walls and floors built, just waiting on traps. Run/order 2nd apt level. That will get everyone into their own room. I just realized we can smooth under existing furniture, can we engrave too? Certainly make life easier.

I want to activate the militia but I'm not ready to lose like 25% of my hauling labor right now. Maybe once all the new cage traps are loaded.

OMG! So y'know that discussion about possible unforeseen custom reactions...coke, pig iron, steel...those are custom reactions. I am loving it!
Looks like all the alloys (raw/objects/reaction_smelter.txt) soap and...a lot of stuff....hmmm...(reaction_other.txt which is where tan hide is). Lot of the newer crafting, pottery, bookbinding, etc. Not the most important stuff but not horrible, a lot of it we either don't do or wouldn't do until the fortress is mature, at which point who cares really. Brewing, milling, etc. Make mead. Bone and wax crafts. A lot of carpentry stuff, mostly crap we don't do (reaction_adv_carpenter.txt). Of course not wood cages or bone/wood bolts, mostly useless bone/wood crafts. I still think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

I remove exceptional from the bronze/steel meltables. I actually often do this while I am ramping up so that I can actually equip a squad while my smiths are still skilling up, right now it seems essential. I had some non-willow items slip in, like cages & buckets. The differences in weight are so minimal as to be not worth aggravating oneself over. Things like buckets/splints/crutches we are talking the difference between weighing 1u and 2u. Willow cage 11u, finger lime or round lime 17u, guava wood 18u. We probably don't want to use super heavy wood like glumprong or blood thorn, but most wood it really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things. The same for trying to get heavier wood for bolts. Back in the day I used to make separate piles and shops and supply the shops so they could only take from the piles they were supposed to, but then assigning the jobs was a pain (this was before work orders was integrated). I been doing it out of habit and wondering why I make more work for myself.

Speaking of stockpile linking, I did link the smelters from all the relevant piles, which was a hassle but I was catching too many hauling up marble by hand. The masons and stonecrafter I already did. I should do the mechanic really but you have to link all the piles, or when you go to make traction benches you'll get cancelled.

1-24-1052 WinterSpring has been fairly uneventful so far (I somehow forgot the seasons rolled over). Surface8 cage traps slow going. So has waiting for the beds for that 2nd apt level, I think they are all in, time for next phase. Everyone's got their own room now. Flux & coal cancellation spam driving me nuts now, it's always 1 thing or another. Someday I will set up a minecart system, I thought about it, but the marble quarry was already well dug out. I also am still not sure how useful it really is by the time you get it built. Starting an archery barracks on the roof too. If we rotate squads seasonally we can prevent cava adaptation. I will likely wind up with 3, the city guard and 2 regular. Probably only cut infantry by 1 to 4 though. 

1-26, Migrants 17. None of them anything to get excited over, but still we need the warm bodies. And what is up with shitty attributes? I swear they used to be more "normalized" the numbers are all over the spectrum, although usually on the low side. I mean I have someone who looks like they'd be a decent militia and then they have 0 agility or toughness. And a bunch of useless pets, a bunny, a goat, male & female keets...I swear I am gonna teleport all these cunts into the volcano yet. You want a fucking pet? Get a dog! /facepalm

I don't know why, but I just remembered how bad the default metal uniform actually is, we want helm, gauntlets, high boots not headgear, handwear, footwear. Normally I have 2, steel melee, and steel xbow and then I go assign weapons manually anyway (because otherwise we get dumbasses who think this is fucking WWF) although I like to see what they pick sometimes. Since I'm going live and I've got a mix of iron & steel at the moment, going to go with metal instead of steel. Probably doing everyone a favor to just put a note in how to set up proper uniforms and tell them to delete the default ones. Even the leather I'm sure needs to be scrapped. Going to let the archers go without the rigid armor (bp & greaves) for now because I don't have enough.

And the game crashed and I am back to the begining of the season. I think it's time to call it a night.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 09:53:18 pm by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #343 on: August 25, 2021, 08:35:39 am »

1-26 again, we got 20 migrants this time, and a shit ton of pets. A few decent soldiers. We'll fill out laborers to 12 (1 more) and then the rest haulers and militia. We could use another doc and a couple miners but we'll hold those slots for migrants with actual skills. I swear DT roles are fucking worthless, outside of already skilled, which I really don't need an analysis to tell me the dwarf is suited to the skills they already have. I imported some old custom recruitment view with custom roles and professions for militia too, even supposed to let you assign them from that screen (doesn't work) again worthless. I've tried messing with custom roles too, just not getting desired results. Settled on my own custom view with the attributes that matter (because the default military screen leaves a bit to be desired, especially focus/willlpower/kinesthetic and spatial senses missing, they're actually important). Sometimes we just have to use the good old mk1 eyeball to aid us in making decisions. And we are dumping the pets in the volcano because my displeasure is that great and Armok demands sacrifices!(we'll save first because that caused our crash last night).

Found another needed profession (for DT users at least), FNG (fuckin new guy). As population grows, it becomes more a chore to see who is doing what. Traditionally I make a lot of use of the "migration wave" sort view, but since we're assigning professions now we want to see who still needs a profession. It also helps to see what professions you've already got assigned so you can see where you are lacking. Then we will probably want to switch back and forth between military and roles screens as well, and that is where it gets messy. The default professions of course will spread the migrants all over so we need to assign them a single profession that lets us know we need to reassign them. There are custom filters, you can even save them, but it is a lot of work to set them up, and I don't think the condition we would want to test for is there (traditional filters for this purpose look at things like assigned hauling/labors, to key in on the defaults, this doesn't work with auto-hauler, and it's more suited for a skills-based vs profession-based approach). So sort to migration wave, assign them all FNG profession, sort by profession and then start evaluating and assigning.

It seems we have stopped updating stockpile records. The new bookkeeper has not leveled at all. Stocks screen continues to work, it's a semi-bug I guess, I mean if it failed in between bookkeeper updates it would be useless (unless it was seasonal). I'm not sure about the auto tailor plugin though, since that event is its trigger. Manager is still working at least.

After they are all assigned we've got 7 Haulers, 10 Marksdwarves, 15 Meleedwarves. I'll let them get settled in (out of new arrival mode) before I start setting up squads. We are almost there.

Armok approved of our sacrifices this time, he revealed the adamantium to us. Pets reduced to 1 puppy and 2 kittens. Much more acceptable. Fuck you people who think livestock are acceptable pets!

So I don't get what's up with the lack of lethal combat (for civilians and dogs) these days. A marksdwarf (not activated) was out hauling in the caverns and beat the piss out of a giant olm, but lost interest after it was unconscious. The dogs constantly getting into fights with whatever I release right now (mostly falcons who keep getting caged) but besides a little scratching that's it. Same for the stupid keas that they will knock out, and then the kea will get up and steal something eventually (I let them out in the siege bait spot when the caravan came, guards took them out).

Since we started letting them use whatever stone, we ran out of jet as expected. I mean there is plenty more to mine, but we ran out of stock, which ran us out of pots again. Setting jugs back to generic (they weigh less than 1) pots I am debating. Jet pot weights 6. Going by density on wiki, for average non-economic stone we're looking at 2-3x the weight. 12-18u is still not very heavy. A rock pot full of booze is 35u. Would hauling a 47u pot be any worse? Probably not unless the dorf is very weak. There's really no more data on encumberance since speed was removed as a stat, even though it's obvious that encumberance will slow a dorf down.

Got 2nd apt assigned. We're actually 4 short (plus the babies, but I don't think they need their own rooms until they are at least children). Made sure the soldiers all have rooms so when they start flinging their clothes around there is somewhere for them to go. Cleanowned will strip the shit from them between seasons but I'd prefer it not thrown on floor to rot in between.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 10:07:58 am by ldog »
Quote from: Dirst
For example, if you wanted to check if a unit was eligible to be a politician or a car salesman, you'd first want to verify that there is no soul present...

Quote from: gchristopher
The more appropriate question becomes, are they awesome and dwarven enough.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: DFHack: quickfort | buildingplan | blueprint | blueprints/library
« Reply #344 on: August 25, 2021, 10:00:58 am »

Since uniforms are so important, yet so hard to script with quickfort, I'm thinking we need some new tools. Maybe a "uniforms" plugin that can import and export JSON, like the orders plugin. Maybe also a script that can assign minecarts to routes. What other manual steps could be solved with better tools?
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