Here's the embark That's public.
The directory I forgot I had shared with you when we started working together, orders files have my latest changes (discussed below).
So how do I build lua stuff? I've used gradle for java (minecraft shit) on git, which is surprisingly incredibly easy, but I tend to shy away from stuff that needs to be compiled generally (just lazy like that).
OrdersBasicchange unrotten cookable items from 15 to 20 on lavish meals (I got spam frequently at 15) probably because of large stacks of qb leaves.
both brew drink jobs, do we want to go with large pots instead of food storage item? it is available, I usually link the brewery to the pots (as well as plants, kitchen & jugs piles) since I try to get rid of the barrels eventually.
make cheese, 2 milk (from 5)
press honey, 2 jugs (from 5) probably enough, only this and oil use them and both tend to be infrequent
make mead, 2 honey (from 5)enough
process plant to bag, 15 (instead of 20) is good, it is only qb and qb isn't used for anything else
press liquid from paste, if we've bothered to make paste (only happens when we are loaded with rock nuts), might as well press it, remove soap condition
spin thread, 2 (from 5)
dye jobs, I'm a bit torn but since there are 2 and we could have 12 dye in a bag probably bump dye items up to 15
make rock pot & jug, do we not think 10 rock is enough? granted I tend to set them to specific materials (usually jet when available for light pots, gypsum surprising 2nd choice, microline jugs because why not) maybe do them like the military jobs
wooden bucket, 50 is fine for generic I think, I usually do 10 and specify willow (habit), although buckets weight laughable, all same for crutch/splint, yes I was gonna suggest making less since hospital stock doesn't count, this is good
soap! hmmm, this time it imported w/o error, maybe my copy paste job was bad last time although I couldn't for the life of me find what was wrong, just the blank item conditions, which are fixable at least (oh yeah, mead had blank item of course too)
Furnacelarge batch charcoal, I like 0 coal/lignite better, although I guess if you are reliant on this job you need some buffer...but we know I'm biased since if I don't have magma smelters running before 2nd caravan I am likely having too much !fun! granted it's probably a non-issue, I mean I embark with 20+ coal anyway
small batch charcoal, could arguably go into basic, would make sure there is some for people who aren't ready for furnace/military but might need the odd weapon/anvil/minecart/etc
plaster powder, lol, like the crutch/splint 1 is plenty...the 5 bags of plaster in the hospital will likely last forever anyway, hospital defaults are enough to survive a
zombie HFS apocalypse.
smelt adamantine, granted it has been a long time since I've had candy (I just get bored/annoyed around the end of year 2 lately and start a new fort) but why a ceiling on wafers? or do you need strands still for cloaks and robes?
SmeltingAll good here.
MilitaryMostly good across the board. Is the overlap with smelting going to cause us job cancellations?
Conditions changes we've thrown back and forth, actually 1 I don't think I mentioned I've been mulling; instead of checking for bars of the higher grade material, check for the items? So if we have a few (not the full 10, I think just 2-3 is good) platinum maces in stock, we probably don't want to make silver ones. Etc, etc.
BP & greaves should also check for the full stock of mail shirts of that material (if I wasn't lazy I'd do all the set pieces but I think this will suffice, if we've got 10 mail shirts, we've probably got full stock of the rest too), I must have uploaded the wrong one. My reasoning is it makes sure everyone has full coverage first and then they get the heavy over pieces when available. Otherwise when equipping a squad or 2 (I have dumped entire migrant waves of useless sods right into the military) rapidly we get the first few guys full kit and the rest half naked. I keep at least 2 forges now, 1 for weapon 1 for armor, since metalworker/smith are usually low volume (at least until military crafting is stabilized) I let them do at both. I know you want to keep industry from sprawling more so there is room for customization but there's a few shops need extras pretty much guaranteed. Forge of course. 2 more crafters (over by cloth). I restrict original to stone only, another for bonecrafter, and 3rd for everything else. Otherwise it just becomes a total bottleneck.
Oh! Crossbows, wood, again I like willow/saguaro/featherwood (to reduce the amount of teeth lost from beatings) but at a minimum stock check needs to be for wooden xbows since we want both wood and metal, although wood is only for the 1 squad really, I dunno. Some people may prefer to issue them to everyone instead of weapons grade ones I guess, the platinum ones are fucking heavy. Yeah, check for wood. Argh! and of course wooden is not a selectable trait
Hey! What else can we do with that custom reaction wrapper? These are my ancient custom reactions that I got tired of having to modify raws for every new pack version, but I believe they still work. Could we import them into an already existing game? Doing them by hand involves editing entity_default.txt, editing entity_default.txt generally results in having to start a new game/instability/corruption in your existing one, especially if you try to change graphics packs.
[NAME:brew dwarven ale]
[FOOD_STORAGE_CONTAINER] barrel or any non-absorbing tool with FOOD_STORAGE
[NAME:brew dwarven beer]
[FOOD_STORAGE_CONTAINER] barrel or any non-absorbing tool with FOOD_STORAGE
[NAME:brew dwarven rum]
[FOOD_STORAGE_CONTAINER] barrel or any non-absorbing tool with FOOD_STORAGE
[NAME:brew dwarven wine]
[FOOD_STORAGE_CONTAINER] barrel or any non-absorbing tool with FOOD_STORAGE
I couldn't be bothered to do individual fruit jobs. Too much work for too little gain. Too much clutter in workshop interface too.
Also from the old modest mod (which was how I learned it was even possible to do this)
This file is by Igfig, and is from the Modest Mod. ALL HAIL.
[NAME:mill flour-producing plant]
[NAME:mill sugar-producing plant]
[NAME:mill dye-producing plant]
[REACTION:EMPTY_BUCKET] added by Crypto with thanks to Meph
[NAME:empty water bucket]
[NAME:hull edible seeds]
[NAME:hull edible seed]
I think the empty bucket was for a bug that has been long fixed (buckets of water being left lying around rendering them unusable) and I really can't be arsed to collect deez nuts, let alone process them but the milling jobs are pfm! If we can import these and the job manager works with them that could reduce spam too.
Oh an unrelated note, have you ever had success on a 1x1 embark for Dreamfort? I cannot find one that meets my requirements that isn't littered with ponds, and I gen worlds with max metals so it opens up plenty of possibilities even for someone as picky as me (on default I can barely find a standard size embark that pleases me, forget the 2x2 I prefer).