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Author Topic: [IC] Remembrance  (Read 52521 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #525 on: January 27, 2021, 11:37:33 am »


Rest was limited, even in a time of empty sadness. It wasn't long before Eilyth found herself on the battlefield once more.

Defending wasn't exactly her expertise, but that was the assignment she was given. It was an unusual situation, much more akin to the fishing trips that now felt so far behind. Her battalion needed beefed up by reinforcements, so it was just her and a few of her meisters holding a small outpost set up to prevent any enemy sneak attack from getting behind the main force.

A boring assignment for the time being, it could prove to be the first action Eilyth had seen in ages if the enemy actually tried something. but until then, her squad was just trying to pass the time.

Leah and Brigitte were talking with one another, their happy pairing almost convincing Eilyth that she'd imagined everything with Leah. Patricia was keeping watch on the roof and toying with her knife, building up a large amount of power that would no doubt prove invaluable when the time came. And Naomi was being herself, trying to lighten the mood by alternating between targets to attempt to drive absolutely mad. It grated on Eilyth the most, of course, and Patricia calling out that trouble was on the way was a huge relief.

Rather than the small force that Katria might have sent, the enemy's ambush was comprised of a mere three women. They didn't seem to be attacking yet, just approaching. Eilyth recognized Jane of Purgatory, she'd forced Regula to retreat earlier in the campaign. There was also a woman carrying what appeared to be a large log who could only be Dame Geni Whaiflit, her weapon was hard to miss. Eilyth recalled that it created splinters of ice when she slammed the ground with it that would numb whatever the touched, completely killing all functionality after enough exposure or when piercing. The third was a woman in a golden gown that Eilyth didn't recognize.

"We'd like to talk." Dame Geni called out, "Maybe even avoid a fight, if you're willing."
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #526 on: January 27, 2021, 12:09:33 pm »


"Hm, it appears as if there was" Monika agreed, bringing a hand to her chin as she did so, "Hm... This is an odd predicament. As quick as our work would be, it is important that we get to it as soon as possible" she commented, before flicking her gaze to the two guards, before ultimately letting out a sigh, "Well, certain regulations have to be followed until they're fixed. Do you two have an idea on where the Director is? I doubt we'll get anywhere unless we speak to her."
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #527 on: January 27, 2021, 12:29:25 pm »

Eilyth gritted her fangs as she scanned the three arrivals. Something deep within the reptilian part of her brain screamed caution about the situation. That same reptilian instinct had beckoned her to don her scales before she even went out to inspect the situation, and she could understand why now. 2 confirmed Dames and an unknown warrior. She was not the apex predator here, not any longer. Her gaze lingered on the one in the golden gown the longest, certain she had never seen her before, yet just as certain that she was the one who made her the weariest of all. She cast a quick glance back at the others, her nod imparting one simple instruction to all of them:

Be ready. Shit would hit the fan at any moment.

"Oh, you want to talk, do you?" She replied to Geni, her voice amplified far and wide with little effort. "I'm intrigued. What would three Tyranian Warriors have to discuss with me? You're not here to demand a surrender are you?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #528 on: January 27, 2021, 01:01:45 pm »


"That's precisely what I was planning, yup." Geni responded, "Give yourself up, Dragon, and we'll leave. Or we can fight, kill you all, and complete our mission. Things go bad for you either way, but you can win the battle and save your comrades if you surrender."

"Your time approaches, Lady Eilyth." Eilyth knew the voice was Cath-Helel, yet it came to her as her own internal voice, "Know this: is the key."

The woman in the golden gown stepped forward, prompting a look of surprise from both of her comrades. Leah stepped forward to meet her. The two faced off between the opposing sides, crafting a war of their own with gazes that sparked with anticipation and hatred.

"Is it time to play?" Leah asked calmly.

"I thought you had quit." the woman in the gown answered, sounding none-too-pleased about that fact.

Leah shrugged, "It might be fun to give it another chance."

"Erina, what the hell?" Geni demanded, stomping forward to restrain her subordinate.

In a single smooth motion, Erina turned around and shot her. Geni didn't even have time to register that her ally had turned on her before her brains were blown across the rocky ground. It was only Leah's quick intervention with an orb of water that cause the second shot to fly wide of Jane. The Dame didn't waste any time joining in, she pulled card #6 and launched a whip of water towards Erina while Leah pelted the rogue Lady with weak orbs.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #529 on: January 27, 2021, 02:10:56 pm »

Allia? ALLIA!? What the actual fuck!?

It all made sense now though. The weird ciphers, the visit in the nightmare realm, the cryptic way Leah had regarded her ever since. What had Cath-Helel said again? Yes, right, she was just a servant of the estate to which Leah was a steward. To which Allia was a steward. But if that was so... then the church's dogma wasn't simply a fabrication after all. Somehow, someway, her former captain had been a physical goddamn goddess this whole time. Which raised the question of what possible connection she might have to this 'Erina' the Dames had brought along them-play and quit what? What bizarre game were they up to? Who the fuck even was this woman-

Wait... that golden gown... the ribbons... those fire motifs accompanying it... the apparent history and beef between them. If Leah was really Allia all this time, and the church claims all of them will return... No, don't fucking tell me...

The sudden deep-sixing of Dame Geni by the very same woman in question helped to dissuade whatever denial lingered in her. Whether she was truly the second coming of Katrina or not, she had quite clearly established herself as the greatest threat present. And regardless of Leah's true identity, it had been her who had come back for her in her darkest hour.

A Dragon never forgets. It's friends especially so.

"Brigitte, Caddal," She shouted as she began charging, wings unfurling and the scales on their outermost layer writhing as if alive, standing up on razor-sharp ends. "Stay back! Patricia, with me! We're backing up Leah, focus on the golden girl for now!"
    Her current path saw her circling around to 'Erina's flank, intent on capitalizing on the pincer attack already underway from Leah and Dame Jane. Skidding to a halt just as she got into position, she turned her body to face the rogue Lady and flapped both her wings with monstrous strength, producing winds in the area immediately around her that were like a nigh on hurricane. Dozens upon dozens of razor sharp scales detached from them as they did, sent hurtling towards Erina with such explosive might that they effectively became stone shrapnel ready to shred flesh and shatter bones.

Even if their combined onslaught missed, it would hopefully isolate the directions the Lady could dodge in, in turn potentially giving Patricia an opening...

of course, that plan made a horrible number of assumptions, given she had fuck all idea what this being was even capable of.
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #530 on: January 27, 2021, 07:09:39 pm »


In response to the stream of attacks, Erina launched herself into the air on a pair of blazing wings. An escape that helped her easily avoid danger, but also left her exposed to the next round of attacks. But she wasn't going to wait for that. Sneering towards Leah in particular, she unleashed a wave of golden light. As it washed over Eilyth, she felt an unspeakable pain, like her entire mind was filled with a brutal white-hot scream. Everyone save for Leah and Erina started screaming, their voices merging with the pain to form a horrific chorus of agony. The crack of thunder rang out above the cacophony as Erina fired three more shots. Eilyth could only hope they didn't also herald three more deaths.

Leah acted quickly, charging up two more powerful blasts that she used to destabilize Erina, knocking her from the sky and disabling whatever ability allowed her to inflict such awful pain. With her head cleared, Eilyth was able to realize that Naomi was now a corpse. Further instances of that pain ability would likely result in further corpses, her own eventually among them.

Jane drew card #1 and fired off a blade of water towards the falling Erina. She then quickly drew another, retrieving card #7, which allowed her to close in on the Lady by riding a wave of water.

Brigitte finished checking over Naomi in the hopes she could save the other healer, shaking her head sadly. She started running towards the fight, knowing the danger was the same regardless of where she positioned herself.

Patricia was nowhere to be seen, but Eilyth doubted that meant she was dead. Patricia was just looking for the right opportunity to strike. She'd been building up her power for hours, if she could just get her knife into Erina then it was almost certain to inflict a fatal heart attack.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #531 on: January 27, 2021, 08:21:50 pm »

RRRRRrrrrrr, you cheating bitch! Of course you would have both Fire and Radiance. God damn that hurt...

She took stock of the battle as her senses returned. Caddal was... dead. Lovely, a rank 5 healer and damn powerful trench all in one package...ironically struck down by a cheap shot from the goddess of love and faith. Fuck, she should've told her to put up a barrier instead of just staying back. Such were the mistakes made when fighting a deity, she supposed. But she couldn't afford many more. Patricia was nowhere to be seen, but that in and of itself was likely a good thing. If Eilyth could just find a way to buy an opening...
    Unfortunately, it wouldn't be as simple as luring the Lady into a trap and pinning her down, as they had with the Dame Supreme. Such were the woes of wearing armor that doubled as a stone oven when exposed to extreme heat- a nicety in the winters and on rainy days, a pain in the ass during the humid summers... and a virtual death sentence when facing Flame powers carelessly. Assuming she actually survived the initial grab without being crushed into a fine red paste, Eilyth didn't much appreciate the idea of trying to hold down an entity that as far as she knew, might very well go supernova in her arms. That's not even considering that she might just use the pain blast to break free again.
If holding her isn't an option, then we're gonna need to figure out something else. But either way, I can't do much unless I get closer...

New scales were already growing to replace the ones used in her last attack. Eilyth folded one wing close to her side as she set off towards the falling Erina. The other one flexed in a powerful, windmill-like motion that sent yet another volley of scales-turned-shrapnel hurtling towards her foe, anticipating that she might recover in time to avoid Jane's water blade and intent on adding a few more projectiles into the mix to complicate that recovery.

Scale shot was a technique she had always been proud of, and rightfully so given the time, sweat and energy that had gone into developing it. But for all that pride, she also knew she was going to have be more conservative in it's use; until she got a better idea of what the Lady could do, her wings and tail would be her most valuable tools for keeping up pressure and blocking hits, if only because of their fully expendable nature.
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #532 on: January 27, 2021, 09:47:23 pm »


Erina managed to use her flame jets to dodge most of the attacks, although some of Eilyth's scales managed a glancing blow that sent her spiraling to the ground in a heap. Leah chased after her, but Erina was too quick to recover, sprouting her wings and preparing to take to the air once more.

Leah and Eilyth both saw her at the same time, Patricia closing in from behind. Leah acted fast.

"You know you can't win, right?" Leah said, stalling, "You're a lone Steward, we're evenly matched on that front, but I have a Knight."

Erina sneered, "A fraud like you wouldn't understand. The others may have chosen to forget, but you weren't there, you never had the ability to know in the first place." She pulled a small piece of square paper from one of the folds of her outfit, its yellowed surface indicating its extended age.

Leah seemed legitimately confused, but she didn't have time to ask what Erina meant. Patricia made her move, thrusting her knife between Erina's wings and into her back. Overconfidence, it seemed, had taken its toll. Erina coughed, her breathing suddenly shallow, Patricia's power at work.

"There was once a time when we were not Stewards," she choked out, "but Queens."

Patricia chose wisely to stand back as Erina raised the paper up to show Leah. It's surface was blank, and that blank was power.

{i am your goddess}

Before Leah's eyes, four words slowly burned their way into the paper's surface, four words of immeasurable power. A mere scrap of toilet paper, it heralded the end for all foolish enough to challenge its words. Leah didn't waste time charging up any orbs of water, she just unloaded her pistol toward Erina's face. A golden barrier of light not unlike those crafted by the late Lt. Naomi deflected them with ease. A golden glow began at Erina's feet and traveled up her body, transforming her. Her legs darkened and her poofy skirt was replaced by free-flowing ribbons. Her torso was no longer covered by a backless dress, but instead a strange dress made of further golden ribbons. Her eyes and hair both turned gold, the latter growing much longer. Six wings of blaze sprouted from her back, once more lifting her into the air.

"Cower, worthless wretch." the goddess demanded, "I am Kallisto, Goddess of Faith and Love. And I refuse to be forgotten!"

A blazing circle cast itself into the sky behind Kallisto, its light like that of an angry sun beating down on a weary desert. Several weapons launched out of it, and Leah had to jump aside just to avoid being impaled by a golden spear. Three gigantic rings engulfed Kallisto, spinning around her in a patternless cycle, eye-like constructs crafted from light adorned their surfaces. A shield leapt forth as well, its surface alight with a beautiful flame. It welded itself to Kallisto's right arm, taking its rightful seat as her true weapon.

"Eilyth, I'm sorry." Leah's voice echoed inside the Dragon's mind. Suddenly, a stream of black erupted from Eilyth's chest, turning her inside out...
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #533 on: January 27, 2021, 10:21:30 pm »

The dragon practically held her breath as Leah bought them just enough time for Patricia to go for the kill. She had never been happier to see her partner shiv someone than in that moment, but that joy soon turned to horror when it became clear the bitch was still standing.

What? Are you kidding me, why isn't she keeling over? That burst should've killed anyone...

Things only grew steadily worse from there. Not only had she proved resilient enough to survive the biggest aura Eilyth had ever seen Pat build up, but just for added insult it looked like she had also absorbed Caddal's power. Or maybe she had always been able to make such barriers, and had simply been holding back until now. Either way, the thought sent a shiver down Eilyth's spine and set a cold sweat upon her brow.

And then everything went to absolute shit.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck...

A storm of golden weapons, an unforgiving sun sitting in the sky, and the spitting image of Katrina, calling herself Kallisto, ready to massacre them all. For the first time since she had faced the Dame Supreme, Eilyth felt genuine terror overtake her body. But a different kind of terror. Not the one experienced by a woman staring her own death right in the face, but the type that flares up the instincts of beasts in the presence of things that just aren't natural, aren't right, and beckons them to get away from it as fast as they can. Eilyth could feel her legs shaking, body fighting to give in to the instinct. But she resisted, willing herself to step between Leah and this... goddess before them.

There's was no doubt in her mind that they were infinitely outmatched, but she'd be damned if she abandoned any of them, or died a coward. But even as she made that resolution, she heard Leah's voice in the back of her mind. That wasn't the first time she had said those exact words. What she'd been told both at the wedding and not too long ago finally clicked. But before she could even process the full implications...

something erupted from within her. An attack that had apparently came from inside the armor. Her world quickly began to fade into oblivion, her mind unable to even guess at what had finally killed her after so many years spent struggling.
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #534 on: January 28, 2021, 09:39:00 am »


The deepest blackness. Suffocating. Insane. A single point of light. A spark of hope.

White and black all at once, a mindless contradiction designed to crush the mind.

Who was she again?

She was contradiction and insanity. She was chaos. She was the last resort.

"You have a choice, brave Knight." Eilyth said to her, "How much of yourself are you willing to surrender to me?"
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #535 on: January 28, 2021, 10:32:23 am »

The young dragon could barely process what was going on within the madness around her. But she registered enough of the question asked by her own self to know her answer. Nothing of worth came without sacrifice in this world, she knew that. The power required to prevail here yet eluded her as she was and had been. But through an unspeakable cost, it might be acquired now.

It was a cost she was more than willing to pay for them.

"Enough to keep my friends safe," She answered, "So long as you can do that... then you can take as much as you need."
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 10:34:15 am by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #536 on: January 31, 2021, 08:28:56 pm »


People, of course, was the obvious choice, but Silvia had said her part on where she thought they'd have the most luck.
"I'm going to look through the events section, if that's fine."


"'God', eh? Well don't you have yourself some Ego." Jessie chuckled. "Well, little godling, you can call me Alice. I've got to ask, how'd you get your nickname?"
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #537 on: February 01, 2021, 09:02:23 am »

Writhing, wriggling, wrath

Lady Astarte. That was who she was now. After so much bullshit, she had finally been given her chance to shine.

And they'd told her to stay home.

She'd been given a holy weapon pretty quickly, but not to use in battle. She had been tasked with peacekeeping right back where she started. It remained to be seen whether or not that would prove worth her abilities. Nyna being gone left Hell open to lawlessness, but few would dare incite the Dame's wrath for fear of being hunted down when she returned. That left little to do.

There was the matter of the mysterious Esteemed One that Solamon had fought, but Astarte didn't have any leads. Looking into it was probably better than doing nothing, and if she did succeed it was sure to earn her a lot of influence. So it was just about the only option she had for the time being.

Guided by the inky black

Shinko looked puzzled for a moment. "What do you- Ohhhh." she smiled mischievously, "You got it Lunete, I'll go help out." Confidently, Shinko walked into the room.

"Oh, Shinko, great timing." Shinko had barely made it through the door before Darva, on of the women assigned to the hellish room, dropped a stack of papers in her arms. "These all need filed, go sort them for me, will you?"

Shinko had no idea how to sort any of the files, but she wasn't about to let Lunete down, so she nodded affirmatively anyway. "I'm on it, Darva." She nearly dropped the entire stack as she clumsily attempted a salute.

What Hope have you?

Farore gave Jessie an annoyed look. "You shouldn't lie, Not-Alice." she said, "I don't mind, because I can tell, but other people might get mad."

Farore ducked into the alley before Jessie even had a chance to tell her where it was. Hellia was waiting there and the look on her face showed more than a little disdain for having to wait so long.

"What took you so long?" she asked. Her words were the verbal equivalent of being crushed by a wall of knives.

What Luck to spare?

"Chancellor Supreme, we have news from the front." a scrawny young man held out a letter for Chancellor Valdati, who took it with a smile and a nod of dismissal.

She read the letter, then handed it to Sola. She would surely have relayed the information herself, but the ugly scar on her throat spoke more than she ever could. It was likely for the best, as even the Dame Supreme was struck speechless by the contents of the letter.

Yava wasn't exactly privy to such correspondences. She was only even allowed in the same room as the Chancellor because her power was potentially useful to foiling would-be assassins. there was, however, one exception.

"I have some unfortunate news, Yava." Sola said solemnly, "It seems our good friend Lady Erina has been felled in battle."

The stench of blood

The stench of vomit mixed with her tears to overwhelm the smell of death. She only wished that had been the cause. She swallowed down another heave of bile as she thought about it. It was horrific, what she'd become. A true monster. Any illusion that she meant anything had been swept away as part after part was replaced with those not her own. How could her existence have any real worth if it could be replaced so easily?

No one else mattered, it had been utter foolishness to consider that she might.

Unprepared, meaningless
Monika and Kirari

One of the guards smiled. "Oh, you must have missed the memo." he said, "Yeah the analysis briefing was gonna be upstairs, but the director moved it into the underground facility at the last minute." he explained, "You should still make it if you run, it's down in, uhhhh... Lab 13?" he shot a glance at his partner.

"Don't look at me." the other man shrugged.

"Right, well, it's probably lab 13." the guard shrugged, "Close by at least."

Chaos squared

"You shouldn't make assumptions." she says. Her words are vague and intentionally confusing. She smiles wryly to herself, knowing full well what sort of reaction they'll prompt. She works hard to ensure that no answer exists without questions, taking great care that even mistakes made in impulse are twisted into further confusion. Perhaps this is the end, or perhaps the beginning. Either way, it won't be long now. "I bet you didn't see this one coming." she says with a mischievous giggle.

O avatar, my Cath-Helel

Ginevra screamed, as one would expect her to, given the situation. It wasn't every day the strongest warrior in the world broke in through your kitchen window. She attempted to ward off the intruder with pots and pans, but they were harmless against Lily's metallic skin. When that proved fruitless, she resigned herself to her fate.

"Have you considered what I said last time?" Lily asked the Katrian girl.

"Of course not." Ginevra answered firmly.

That was a lie, obviously. Even if Ginevra thought Lily was crazy, which she did, you didn't just ignore it when someone claimed to be a goddess and asked you to join them in a game for the fate of the world. Especially not when the speaker seemed so sad and alone. Ginevra felt pretty bad for Lily, the metal girl had clearly been through a lot. Enemy warrior and delusions aside, Ginevra actually thought she seemed rather nice.

"Please listen, I'm serious." Lily pleaded.

"I know you are. It's just..." Ginevra reached out to give her a reassuring touch. She didn't know if she could help, but she felt she had to try.

"Don't touch me!" Lily swatted her arm aside with enough force that Ginevra was spun sideways and fell to the floor.

It hurt like fuck, but Ginevra bit her lip. She knew she had to, somehow she knew. If she screamed, Lily would run. Ginevra couldn't let that happen, not after seeing the panic in Lily's eyes. She had already wanted to help, now she knew she had to help.

"I'm sorry." Lily said, "I just... I want you to decide for yourself. If you touch me, that can't happen."

Still holding back a wail of agony, Ginevra smiled. "I'll be alright. I can still hear you out, okay?"

Lily looked surprised at Ginevra's sudden change in tone. Given their last meeting had ended similarly to how this one began, it was a bit out of the blue for Ginevra to start playing nice. "No." she said as calmly as she could muster, "Not this time. I don't want to make the same mistakes I always do. I hurt you, that's not okay. I want you to hear me out, but not until after I right that wrong."

The time has come

Mirala closed the file cabinet she'd been rifling through, H3, and opened the one immediately below it, F14.

"That's fine." she said with a distracted wave, "Let me know if you find anything interesting."

Files for events were few and far between, and with the utter disarray, hunting them down was a painful experience. Still, Silvia did manage to collect a few she thought might be useful. One file seemed to be about the Katrian storming of the capital, reading the Lanican version of those events would surely be interesting. There was a file that looked to be related to acquiring holy weapons at a glance, learning about Lanican meisters was sure to be useful. And then there was a file on a dispute with the Eden cult that Ishma had mentioned.

It wasn't a lot of information, but Silvia wasn't likely to find much more scouring through the events files. At least with information so sparse, she would certainly be able to get through them all with time to spare, she just had to pick which to read first.

Regret it all

Kallisto fled higher as Cath-Helel transformed. She was prepared to deal with a Knight, but she wasn't about to be an idiot. It had taken her millenia to acquire a mere scrap of unpenned Truth, she would not waste it here.

How many were left? Allia, Cath-Helel, Jane, the bitch that stabbed her, and a healer. More than she would have liked at this stage, but nowhere near enough to stop her.

Cath-Helel lashed out with her tentacles. She couldn't reach Kallisto with them physically, but she was barely a physical manifestation in the first place. Watery extensions exploded from the tips, and Kallisto just barely managed to dodge them. This Cath-Helel was fast, she must have given a lot. There was no point in trying to deal with the oversized octopus, it would take far too long to kill. She would prioritize her-

Kallisto's thoughts were interrupted by a bullet glancing off her light barrier. Angrily, she whipped around to see Jane firing at her. It was enough distraction for Cath-Helel's next attack slammed into her back and knock her from the sky. She was getting really tired of being knocked from the sky today.

"Enough games." she growled. A weapon launched out of her reservoir and she used the momentum of catching it to right herself. A small dagger, it seemed unassuming, but it was actually one of the stronger weapons she'd acquired over the years. All she had to do was drop it at the right time, and Allia would surely die.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
Defile Circles Discord


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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #538 on: February 01, 2021, 10:51:41 am »


"Ah, is that so? That would explain quite a bit then" Monika stated, nodding to herself as she began turning around, only to stop and look back at the two guards, "Keep up the good work you two" she commented, giving them a short wave before finally walking off, Kirari in tow. Once the two were far enough away, Monika let out a breath, glancing over at her partner at the same time, "So, does that map say where this Lab 13 is?"
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Remembrance - Arc 1: The Game
« Reply #539 on: February 01, 2021, 11:16:24 am »


The girl shook her head. "It's a different building on base." She continued to watch their surroundings as she spoke. "If it's underground, it could be anywhere other than here. However. . ." She made a small gesture in the vague direction of the short building they'd seen earlier. "The purpose of every structure here is clear, except for one. That would be the logical place to look."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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