Here is the first part of my adventure from a few weeks ago. Under the spoiler there is a short recap of Bralbaard’s history that may be needed for context.
Bralbaard was the founder of the museum in the year 700, He started out as a historian, but after his initial adventures he was made a baron of the walled dye, and later, the king. (If only temporarily)
He was murdered on one of his adventures by a Charcoal Brute known as Pis Meadowshaft the Mucuses of Raunch. This started a long series of tragedies, where other adventurers fought over the parts of his body, and where Bralbaard, or parts of him were resurrected multiple times, as is detailed in other stories.
This was finally ended when Bor Mazeconstruct, a necromancer from Eldergrave managed to find a method by which the corpse of Bralbaard could be resurrected by the secret of life, as a truly living being. This method that can only be performed on reanimating terrain. A side effect is that all of Bralbaard’s skills and traits were reset, and he lost his beard, somehow. But he is alive, again.
A reflection on history. Time is subjective. When I started my job as a historian, a century of history felt like an infinite amount of time, filled with stories and secrets waiting to be unearthed. Back then, I was in awe when I uncovered stories about ancient kings and queens, and battles long forgotten.
That was when I was young, but I am 372 years old now and my views on time and history have changed.
When I look at the historians of today I recognize much from my younger enthusiastic self in them. However when these historians write about what they perceive as “ancient history”, they write about the time of my childhood. When they write about the great heroes of ages past and gone, they write about people I have known personally, some as friends, some as enemies.
It is therefore often that I have to correct my younger colleagues for mistakes when they go too far in embellishing a story, or when they get a character trait of a historic figure wrong. As a result I have gained a deserved reputation to be old and grumpy. Nevertheless, this work is needed.
A case in point; during one of my journeys in the year 995 I ran into the following statue, and it still angers me:

My students insist that I should be flattered that the creator of the work saw me as capable of taking down a demon, but to me this work is a travesty, a disgrace.
In fact just thinking about how wrong the creator of this work has gotten things has convinced me to pick up my pen and paper again. The journey I was on when I discovered this statue has not yet been been written down, and I swear I’ll write it down properly before someone else does and gets it all wrong.
Bralbaard the Beardless