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Author Topic: Museum III, adventure succession game (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 431571 times)


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1290 on: November 18, 2021, 11:51:47 am »

First however I briefly stopped by in Newworld for a royal inspection of this fortress that was founded only months ago.  There was not much to see yet besides a hastily dug stairwell with several very large bedrooms. The locals were friendly and showed proper respect during my visit.
Argh, I failed hard to impressed. It was not much built and a rough start, lots of alligators attacking left and right. It might take a few decades or more until I made the place fitting as the center of the world.

The king was too harsh in his assesment! He only quickly stopped by while on the move to Stockadeoutrage. For the limited time spend in dwarf months the fortress was certainly looking better than the fortresses I create in the same time. Those are usually just a hole in the soft dirt with some haphazard storage piles.
Also, I should add that I did not yet read your letter from Clearmasters when I started my adventure so I did not visit the site! I am looking forward to doing that in the future.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1291 on: November 18, 2021, 11:58:44 am »

Thank you for the kind and Kingly words, Your Majesty, but I know what I built. The Overseer's only accomplishment with Newword is the tomb just above the lava flow and actually reaching semi-molten rock, then branching into the caves and promptly dooring them. But don't worry, I have plans.

On the other hand, while Clearmasters might stagnate, as it is now it's much more advanced than Newworld. It has some roads built, at least whoever arrives actually finds stone roads, walls and doors when they get close to it. But while Clearmasters is mostly exhausted in resources (at least I feel so compared to what I found in the beginning), it's meant more to be Kikrost's and Lurker's appanage for storytelling. I want to make the center of the world epic.

Also take note I updated my previous post several times, so you might want to reread it.
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1292 on: November 18, 2021, 12:42:13 pm »

I know that I shared my journey with many different travellers, most of them goblin adventurers. But there was a cat too. I fear I struggle to recall their names.
Cat's name was Cog "Ironpath" Datannimar. The goblins, eh, who cares? Good for canon fodder, I guess. They'll have their names immortalized in Bralbaard's article for the only reason to be fortunate enough to be chosen by the Immortal King as His companions.
The woods were full of wolves and bandits [...]
Actually, (a literal) dingo ate your cat. Your memory's real bad, old man.

Actually it is worse and I am a really bad pet owner.
I adopted the cat (or did it adopt me?) when it bumped it's head against me in some random town.
It then took me over a week to notice the cat was gone.
I actually thought the thing had wandered off, chasing mice or something.

Dingoes and wolves are all the same, nasty dog-like hairy things. I vaguely remember killing a named one, I thought it ate one of the goblins.

Thank you for the kind and Kingly words, Your Majesty, but I know what I built. The Overseer's only accomplishment with Newword is the tomb just above the lava flow and actually reaching semi-molten rock, then branching into the caves and promptly dooring them. But don't worry, I have plans.

I might actually have missed half the fortress then, I do not remember seeing a tomb, magma or caverns. I thought the stairwell stopped earlier than that. Looking forward to those plans...
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 02:04:21 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1293 on: November 18, 2021, 01:37:12 pm »

OOC: Here's the final part:

I travelled south to the museum, unaware that I was to receive yet another life changing experience. I stopped at a monastery to roll the dice expecting nothing in particular, but then suddenly I felt my body shrink and change.

I had somehow been turned into a small rodent, a naked mole dog. The experience was profoundly strange. My small paws were useless as tools, and I was unable to speak, but.. but..
No longer was I hampered by my missing shield arm.
Using my small rodent paws, I could weave patterns that created a thick ominous fog. I could conjure magic that would throw the strongest foes away from me with an unstoppable force.
I was a small rodent, but I was also death itself. Raw unstoppable power coursed through my veins. 

What I experienced over the next few days is difficult to describe. I had originally been transformed into a small rodent, but soon I felt my body change once more. I was a dwarf again, but whole. No missing limbs, and able to cast terrible spells. The lure of even greater power beckoned me. I had visions of Ceshseduja, the slab that I carried out of the museum 125 years ago because I wanted to destroy it. The powers that came with my resurrection were still limited, but the road to learn necromancy was now open. Everything was possible.
For a week I pondered my path forward.  Though I was a dwarf again, I felt strange, as if I was still part rodent. Indeed, deep animal instincts urged me to take action. Ruling would be so much easier as a necromancer. With such power at my disposal, certainly none would object to my just rule? There could be no doubt that the dwarves of the Staff of Kissing would have to bow to the rule of the Walled Dye. The dwarven race would finally be united and that would only be the start..   

But then I thought of the elven book, and the words of the queen that reached me from beyond those pages. What does it mean to govern, and what unethical sacrifices do we make in pursuit of such power? It was then that I banished the dark thoughts from my mind. Like Vafice, I had been brought back from death to life, but we should not pull the rest of the world down into this unnatural state. Life is worth fighting for, even if I myself will never again be truly part of it.

The dark cloud that had enveloped me dissipated.
I found myself lying on the grass in my old broken body. My powers taken away from me. My arm was gone again, my head was the disfigured mangled mess it had been since my resurrection.
Had all of this just been another strange vision? I knew better than that.

The last part of my journey was without incident. I gave the remains of Arcturus a decent burial in Herograves, hoping that would prevent him from rising again. I put a unicorn horn trophy that I found in his shack with him in his grave.
The book was entrusted to the museum. Let it be a warning, or guidance, to others that seek the power of government.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That concludes the summary of my journey in the summer of 825. For context I should note that I only learned about the uprising in Treatyseed when I arrived at the museum. The impact it would have on the monarchy, and on my reign were not yet known, but it presented a difficult problem: Should I reclaim the crown, governing over a city filled with undead nobles fighting for power? That would make me an undead ruler governing an empire of unliving abominations like Oddom Girdergrove and her army of the dead had been. Unless I could control them.. or would that make no difference?

I decided I had to reread the elven book one more time.


OOC: Ok that was interesting. I thought I was permanently healed after I turned back into a dwarf (that happened after the first time I travelled). There were some weird things with my stats though, so I decided to wait out the full week it should have taken to wear off the transformation. And then I was broken again. It does make for a better story though.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 05:23:34 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1294 on: November 18, 2021, 04:53:48 pm »

An interesting artifact with many seeking to possess it themselves. Including a recent plot by a to steal it from Sealsabres which was thwarted by the blind sadist himself. Since then no one dares to claim the artifact or seek the wrath of The Ardent one himself.

What on Orid Xem is the Blind Sadist doing in Sealsabres? I hope he is still alive when my next turn comes along... I have plans.

Great story Bralbaard - I am confused at how you were deposed as king while still alive. That's a new one on me.

Seems that is quite hard to find Vafice the Elf Queen. She last pops up in Legend's Mode as being in the keep of Trammeledjudges but that site has no listed elf inhabitants. I am not sure if she even exists in-game any more...
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 05:03:56 pm by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.

Lurker Z

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1295 on: November 18, 2021, 05:19:20 pm »

What on Orid Xem is the Blind Sadist doing in Sealsabres? I hope he is still alive when my next turn comes along... I have plans.
You/We'll have to delve deep into Legends Mode/Viewer to discover that, after a cursory glance I have no idea. Or ask Brit what he's talking about.

I might actually have missed half the fortress then, I do not remember seeing a tomb, magma or caverns. I thought the stairwell stopped earlier than that. Looking forward to those plans...
Technically, this is completely true... but "half" of the fortress was just winding downwards staircase. I actually hit semi-molten without hitting anything else, caves, magma, anything.

As for the magma you didn't see, I didn't feel I had time to branchmine to the caves, so I just
Code: [Select]
reveal-allput some straight corridors to open up the caves, then
Code: [Select]
unreveal-allI also used the opportunity to find a relatively "flat"/diggable place where I wouldn't run into anything to make a tomb. It's at the bottom, doored off, to the extreme north-east. So the magma doesn't show (unless the caves I opened leads to it).

Ah, you also missed the (thankfully slow-dripping) aquafier that's been literally muddying the whole fortress. I'll have to do something about that one too...

Interesting sub-plot with Vafice. Just out of curiosity, did you know of her affliction from Legends Mode or the wiki?

This... this took a turn towards the bizarre, and was so unexpected, yet wholesome, yet it was well integrated into the overall plotline. I loved it.

Wow, that got dark towards the end. If that was the point, the corruptive energies of undeath are trying to nudge the good King towards Oddom and Cog's paths.

Keep strong, My Liege. There are examples of Orid Xem necromancers and night creatures (possibly undead too) who stayed by their moral fiber and compass, at least as much as they could.

I am confused at how you were deposed as king while still alive. That's a new one on me.
I strongly suspected taking over a noble will lose their titles. I was right. Again! The way I stayed Lord with Lurker was to return half-way to the Mead Hall and be proclaimed as such in Adventure Mode.

There are other ways to be deposed as Lord/Monarch, by being kidnapped (there's a King of Adilatír who suffered that fate, can't have as King someone who can't exercise their role), by being discovered as vampire (not sure if necro) like Uja, by being killed, even if you are then resurrected, everyone knows you die and everybody forgets your former position. Not really sure how Nirmek lost his position in 699, I suspect the game finally wised up to the fact that cave dragons shouldn't be ruling anything, it's a shame really, if the game overlooked him one more year 3 months (he'd been Lord for decades 8 years), who knows if he'd eventually become a monarch by now...
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 05:45:28 pm by Lurker Z »
Sigtext updated 13-03-2024.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1296 on: November 18, 2021, 05:29:38 pm »

Interesting sub-plot with Vafice. Just out of curiosity, did you know of her affliction from Legends Mode or the wiki?

I actually used "unretire-anyone" on a backup save to see where she was hiding out after I failed to find her in Vacirayali or legends, and saw she was cursed.
Unretire-anyone turns out to be a poor predictor of her actual location, sadly. It puts her in a random elven forest retreat each time. She's probably wandering the wilds, or leading some elven army in the middle of nowhere.

But I must say I've been browsing the wiki quite a lot the last few days. It's a great resource.

There are other ways to be deposed as Lord/Monarch, by being kidnapped (there's a King of Adilatír who suffered that fate, can't have as King someone who can't exercise their role), by being discovered as vampire (not sure if necro) like Uja, by being killed, even if you are then resurrected, everyone knows you die and everybody forgets your former position. Not really sure how Nirmek lost his position in 699, I suspect the game finally wised up to the fact that cave dragons shouldn't be ruling anything, it's a shame really, if the game overlooked him one more year (he'd been Lord for decades), who knows if he'd eventually become a monarch by now...

Becoming a necromancer certainly gets you deposed.
Of topic rambling:
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« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 05:41:46 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1297 on: November 18, 2021, 06:02:36 pm »

OOC: Ok that was interesting. I thought I was permanently healed after I turned back into a dwarf (that happened after the first time I travelled). There were some weird things with my stats though, so I decided to wait out the full week it should have taken to wear off the transformation. And then I was broken again. It does make for a better story though.

Yeah I thought that would heal your body but I guess its only werebeast transformations or healing from the gods. Good thing you got that path open

What on Orid Xem is the Blind Sadist doing in Sealsabres? I hope he is still alive when my next turn comes along... I have plans.
You/We'll have to delve deep into Legends Mode/Viewer to discover that, after a cursory glance I have no idea. Or ask Brit what he's talking about.
So its something DF legends shows but not the legends viewer but from the year of 793, the goblin Stozu Devilsorrow was influencing  the goblin Dostngosp Dirgehated to steal the scholarly scorn on his behalf. This was years of planning with it stopping in 804 with the goblin Dostngosp Dirgehated enacting his multi year plan to acquire the artifact. That is until 807, when Moldath Mournsaints the Ardent cut Stozu down with his steel battleaxe. With this he unknowing not only saved the scholarly scorn but brought down the criminal mastermind Stozu who plots are a web that hasn't been fully mapped out yet.

His most recent history
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Also  im curious if the forgotten beast Zulen Smeareddour is still kicking around poisonuttered. From what i hear he asks alot of questions.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 06:09:31 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1298 on: November 24, 2021, 12:19:14 pm »

How’re you getting on, Unraveller?
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1299 on: November 25, 2021, 02:08:41 am »

No response from Unraveller. We'll move on.

Quantum Drop

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1300 on: November 25, 2021, 02:57:37 am »

I'm going to request that I’m bumped down in the turn list.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1301 on: November 25, 2021, 03:37:48 am »

I'm going to request that I’m bumped down in the turn list.
No problem. By how much?

Quantum Drop

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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1302 on: November 25, 2021, 04:49:05 am »

I'm going to request that I’m bumped down in the turn list.
No problem. By how much?
About 4-5 places; I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks, at least.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1303 on: November 26, 2021, 03:20:48 pm »

Dang. Somehow the game lapsed my mind completely. I'll have to ask you folks to forgive me for holding things up again! Though I will ask to be bumped to the bottom of the list, I'll keep a better eye on things.
I've lost control of my life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Museum III, adventure succession game
« Reply #1304 on: November 27, 2021, 03:35:31 pm »

Dang. Somehow the game lapsed my mind completely. I'll have to ask you folks to forgive me for holding things up again! Though I will ask to be bumped to the bottom of the list, I'll keep a better eye on things.

No worries, hope you are doing well.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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