It's been weird here. It's extremely rare that I have hand sanitizer in my stash, and this was no exception. As such, without that or disinfectant wipes, I haven't been able to keep a good barrier going (especially since I, like so many others, didn't think much over taking things particularly seriously until a few days ago). There's only so much washing my hands will do, when I can't exactly put stuff like my phone under the faucet and give it a good scrubbing (closest applicable thing I have to disinfectant is window cleaner, and... Yeah). So if I've come in contact with something that had covid-19 on it, I'm probably already infected.
And trying to buy new disinfectant/sanitizer now is... Not ideal.
I had to go grocery shopping today. I don't really have the storage or the wherewithall to have a stockpile of dry food, and my freezer is about the size of a car door pocket. I tend to live 2-3 days at a time. I've got food for another week now or so, but that's still only a week, and I still had to go to the store now in order to eat the next few days. If the grocery store even had sanitizer to begin with, I certainly couldn't find any now. But I'm close to needing a trip to the pharmacy soon, so... Provided I'm not showing any signs, I guess I can do that?
I think that's one of the worst parts, the concept that you could be sick and contagious for two weeks without so much as a tickle in your throat. There's a local Facebook group of uninfected people offering to run errands and help out folks in quarantine, but how can any of us really know if we're clean?
I'm not in any high-risk brackets; I'm not diabetic, I'm young, non-smoker, no outstanding (physical) health issues... Worst mark on my record is a history with pneumonia. I'm not scared of this thing killing me. But the idea that I could potentially be spreading this thing around to people who ARE at-risk, even through just contaminating some object in the environment and having someone touch it a couple days later, is horrifying. And death or no, getting heavily sick isn't exactly desirable most of the time.