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Author Topic: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10  (Read 41659 times)

Man of Paper

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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #600 on: December 15, 2020, 09:28:51 am »

No worries, I wasn't talking about DBD. I didn't really mention it because I'm not sure where I stand on it yet.


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #601 on: December 15, 2020, 09:49:30 am »

To MoP, I do not write out such amount of words. Fine, Ambassadors being a new unit type is fine. Combat is lagging however.

... We are not fighting in the Plains. We are fighting in the Rice Terraces, and the River Crossing. So by that, your reasoning is wrong, unless it's a total GM error that the angels overturned a combat advantage and pushed us completely out of the mountains. Which also makes me want to Rant about the fact their healing has been killing us over and over and overoverover againagainagain. It's simply, but it is freaking effective, and it was shown in full force where Magoc had to retreat due to a lack of ready healing once fatally wounded. The same trick won't work twice, but if we never develop a counter of some sort to constant steady damage that hero is a counter to Magoc, which is unacceptable. Heliel meanwhile can heal damage giving them an edge against Magoc as well. Magoc stealing the lifeforce from our enemies to heal(and allies when needed) would be a great boon in combat for him. Not to mention a healing spell that can remove strain from the march and heal wounds that would force retreat or kill.

Hua... A healing spell is something you are completely against, but I have seen time and time again how it turns tides. Just look at Iqua in that AR. Without their healing stuff, they would be a lot weaker. Access to healing is a force additive, allowing troops to reenter the fight rather than be removed from it. So that's my point on getting a healing spell.

For offense, our warcasters are still stuck with the basic form of magic missle, even if improvements have been made to it. Either change it to an element like blue-hot fire(thematic), or a spell that will weaken our foes, or anything else that our heavily developed warcasters can use to bring their power to bear. That Magoc can use to change the tide with magical might, rather than just martial. An AoE cold spell seems like it would fit the bill. And as a result of having healing and an offensive spell, the influence in the towers will advance, and our forces will be much stronger for it.

As an alternative to an offensive spell, the giant bows idea from a long time ago are still something that can be done. Far greater draw strength, and arrows like ballistae shots through enemy lines. A magic barrier isn't a physical one, and vice versa.

For revision, a healing spell that can affect age is ready made for political use. Offer our services to those who want to be young again, all for the small price of some peasants and blackmail material on you. In return, we get benefits, like more stringent law on lawbreakers like those investigators. You need a warrant to search, what's that, you can't get one cause the judge is crooked? So some proof. But you need a warrant? Get one. You broke into the judge's house and found proof? Obviously you planted it when you broke in you crook. Throw him in jail Judge. There are many who would give things to be young again.


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #602 on: December 15, 2020, 10:18:58 am »

... We are not fighting in the Plains. We are fighting in the Rice Terraces, and the River Crossing.
MoP mentioned this in Discord, but just to be clear, the main fight this month in the River Crossings will not actually occur at a river crossing, but rather in the plains between them.
Quote from: The Battle Report
They relinquish the field to the angelic army, ensuring that next month's battle [in Xa-Nam] will once again take place in open fields.
Long Live United Forenia!

Man of Paper

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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #603 on: December 15, 2020, 11:10:53 am »

Because some people here don't go on discord and I already responded to tric there because they also brought up the same general points (can we please keep to one place or the other, tric?), here's a copypaste of my response in there. Tric said some things a little different, so it doesn't quite fit the post, but it gets the general point across.

Why do you constantly paint teams as doomed unless they do the thing you want? Not having healing isn't helping us, sure, but just like any other field in any arms race, things will appear more dire when you compare something one team has progressed in to the other team's lack thereof. In other words, just because we don't have one thing doesn't mean we lose. I bet having magic casters all throughout our forces seems bad when compared to the Angel's limited range of casters, but they're not going to lose just because we have an extra trick up our sleeve.

What makes you think armor will be next? Have you read the BR yet? If so, what points towards them wanting to make armor? My glaive proposal was a guesstimate of a potential action based on the GM explicitly telling us the battlefield will be open ground, not just baseless assumption.

Get out of here with the "hurr durr immovable wall unstoppable object" shit because that isn't even a point for any argument, it's just you saying words.

I don't hate healing, I just see other ways to victory that don't require it. Our army is achieving strategic parity with the angels while individually being better in most combat-related cases, and if we press that then it doesn't matter how well the Angels heal when they're being slaughtered where they stand. Yeah, there's some trickleback, but if we can solidify our battlefield position and bring about a swifter end to our opponents, not only will dudes being healed be less likely to return to a losing front (instead they'd fall back and perhaps slow our progress, but not push us to a loss), but swifter, more brutal battles give the enemy's superior ranged units less time to harass our forces from afar.



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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #604 on: December 15, 2020, 11:54:49 am »

(can we please keep to one place or the other, tric?)
Actually, while Discord discussion is a good way to work through ideas faster, I encourage you to not neglect the thread entirely. Not only for the sake of folks who don't want to use Discord for whatever reason, but also because it can be useful to have a record of the reasoning behind decisions, and reading through the thread is easier than scrolling back up through Discord.
Long Live United Forenia!

Man of Paper

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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #605 on: December 15, 2020, 12:01:51 pm »

Aye, I'd much rather be salty on the forum than discord.


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #606 on: December 15, 2020, 12:35:58 pm »

My main reason I want healing is to have it as an option for our more useful troops. Such a spell also helps in influence lanes to keep assets alive after they are stabbed, and can potentially be leveraged for influence gains. OU would be happy too with more magic. It's not super-innovative, but it is useful. Without it the angels wouldn't be able to push forward as much as they do, able to recuperate and continue onward after a battle. It isn't innovative, or martial, but it gets the job done. Like proper supply transport with wagons.(Which has been done with better organization of troops.) I've been advocating for healing for a while. And don't really see why two spells, one support and one offensive, is a bad thing to make to take advantage of the various advancements our magic-users have undergone.

Also, have an old proposal. Bit simple, but nice and useful.

Dimensional Spirit Shift

DDD has a lot in common with incorporeal spirits. Magoc decided to order the creation of an amulet that could be filled with the caster's blood, and changed the spell so that it could be cast to turn oneself into a spirit state, or revert back to a corporeal state. The amulet serves as a focus for the spell, and while the cost is higher, once in spirit state the caster can remain in that state indefinitely should they choose, or cast the spell again using the focus to revert back to normal.

While it requires someone with at least a Warcaster's skill to cast, and can't bring other people into that state, the ability to become as a ghost is invaluable for murder and theft alike, though it takes some getting used to. And it does not preclude the use of magic in that state either, making it quite valuable. The use of Ethereal Armament in this state allows them to target corporal beings, and traditional magic is still available to cast.

Where is that old spider design by the way? Here we go.

I'm very much of the opinion that Cavalry would be quite useful for us right now. Mounted troops are excellent vanguard forces as the extra height gives them a better view, and the speed means they can range further and pick their engagements.

This would allow us to shutdown sunbow units much more rapidly than a CHAD can run, as well as strike less protected targets such as logistical elements or outnumbered scouts.

Thus, have a few suggestions (cos regular old horse bois are boring):

Quote from: Huntsman Harriers
Deep within the jungle lives an ancient breed of tyrrano arachnid, the Greater Huntsman. The typical adult attains a legspan between 5 and 6 meters (16.5 to 19.5 ft), and lack other Huntsman spiders, they are capable of aggressively pursuing their quarry across broken terrain for several hundred meters. Their carapace means they are able to result resist glancing blows, although having long, spindly legs still poses risks versus a determined opponent. Like the majority of spiders, they possess venom that can cause severe pain and rapid local paralysis. Whilst not enough on its own to kill a target, the debilitating effects are bound to cause havoc. Their silk is comparatively anaemic, useful for binding prey for later consumption, but not suitable for webs or acrobatics.

At the cost of only a few lives, several eggsacs have been procured, allowing us to hand rear these specimens in service of Magoc. A training regime and ample food supply ensures that they are strong enough to bare a rider, whilst a specially designed saddle/harness ensures the rider will stay on whilst the spider climbs up, over and underneath various surfaces.

Specifically, this harness allows the rider free use of their hands, as well as strapping down the various tools and belongings attributed to a cavalryman in the field. Huntsman riders are all capable archers, with training in spear and sword to hold their own in Melee. As such, they are equipped with gambesons and helmets but no maille (although the war masks are typically somewhat arachnid in design).

They will never deliver a line breaking charge, but the ability to traverse broken and impassable terrain, a good sprint speed and a ranged attack makes them effective ambushers and light cavalry, if a little slower than horse on the march.

Quote from: Magoc's Raptors
Another creature in the jungle is the Feathered Raptor, capable of both Bipedal and Quadrupedal movement, and sporting an impressive crown of feathers in blue, red and green to match the hues of its scales. These reptilian predators are skilled accent teachers and ferocious pack hunters, capable of bringing down foes three times their size with their sheep teeth and residual fire production.  It's a real shame a fully grown raptor is no longer than a man's forearm.

But then the fire nation attacked Magoc discovered them. He saw their potential in His armies and so wove power into their forms, growing them and shqping them until they were approximately the size of a horse. Still ferociously loyal to their pack, they now considered Magoc to be the Alpha, and His devotees to be loyal packmates.

A Raptor's bite can tear off a man's arm at the shoulder, and if protected by maille, it merely crushes the offending limb into paste instead. Their fire affinity, whilst still not usable as a weapon, as been altered to give it resistance to fire and heat, whilst their scales can now turn aside any strike that isn't carefully lined up.

The Raptor Riders are collected from those Heavy Uruks with riding experience, and they arevgiven training with the lance as well as longer handled/bladed versions of the cleavers, axes and maces they are all ready familiar with.

This results in a solid heavy cavalry unit that can deliver a charge to a battle line, then continue to perform in the resulting melee. They will not be quite as agile in a scouting role, but no one can deny the usefulness of a force of cavalry that can track down and destroy most targets they come across.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 12:38:35 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #607 on: December 15, 2020, 03:38:43 pm »

I'm gonna stick my oar in here, with why I'm voting for TotH and the Jaguars.

Combat is currently operating on a knifes edge, so we need to deploy a Combat focused design. Cavalry is a more versatile improvement there than an artillery spell, as it fills a gap we don't really have anything for. As I mentioned, it gives us faster, more mobile scouts, a more rapid vanguard, extra momentum on a charge and the ability to flank with impunity. All excellent for the between-river pitched battle we'll be facing this turn. However it does little to nothing for our Covert Ops. In comparison, an artilelry spell is an improvement on a niche currently foleld by our various Magic Missile derivatives. A sorely needed one, for sure, but it's an iteration, rather than a new direction.

TotH is 50/50 for Combat and Influence. The super basic version should be a good heal spell, that I believe will be more powerful/cost less than theirs due to a combination of Blood-Drinker experience and that we are consuming blood/life force to fuel it rather than spending the casters magic/evil directly for the benefit. This will obviously give us an influence boost with sick and poor, and it'll give us both tactical and strategic staying power. The BRs regularly mention our soldiers getting worn down with multiple minor wounds, so keeping topped up will let our soldiers endure the enemy longer. The BRs have also mentioned us winning a pitched battle but then not being in shape to take a castle several times, so bringing troops back into action faster will allow us to press the advantage more rapidly. It'll also allow us to outlast the Warden, as our wounded will be getting up just like he does. A lesser effect is the ability for high grade casters/soldiers to buff themselves by sacrificing captives, and and for nobility to buy health, vitality, etc.

Touch of the Hemophile: (3) TricMagic, Rockeater, Kashyyk
Soulfang Jaguars: (2) Rockeater, Kashyyk
Winter's Bite: (1) TricMagic
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 04:32:48 pm by Kashyyk »

Man of Paper

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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #608 on: December 15, 2020, 04:15:49 pm »

That's how you make a convincing argument. I'm not too sure about how much it'll impact the tower dicks, but it is blood magic, which I didn't really think into before you brought it up. I'd really like us to do more with runes (I saw my standardbearer proposal again and I forgot how much I liked that idea), but I can see which way the momentum's going.


Mending Philter

Mending Philters are break-resistant vials capped with cork containing an opalescent red liquid. Our alchemists boiled down a number of relatively common jungle plants and had our casters infuse the concoction with magic and evil as it brewed. The result is a liquid that grants the bearer a very slight regenerative ability when drank for an hour before wearing off, while pouring it directly onto injuries sees the person heal rapidly. Mending Philters don't require additional magical input to achieve the healing effects, allowing our forces to use it without taking up a spell slot as well as letting us sell it to common folk.

Alchemy is magic, it's a forbidden knowledge, so chances are there aren't really healing potions widely available, and the nerds are gonna be really curious due to alchemy's experimental nature. Making our healing a potion lets us get magical healing with whoever we can based on it's expense, and it lets us sell it in the streets without needing to put healers out there to get beat up.

Quote from: Boxbox
Touch of the Hemophile: (3) TricMagic, Rockeater, Kashyyk
Soulfang Jaguars: (3) Rockeater, Kashyyk, MoP
Winter's Bite: (1) TricMagic
Mending Philter: (1) MoP


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #609 on: December 15, 2020, 04:33:09 pm »

Combat is currently operating on a knifes edge, so we need to deploy a Combat focused design. Cavalry is a more versatile improvement there than an artillery spell, as it fills a gap we don't really have anything for. As I mentioned, it gives us faster, more mobile scouts, a more rapid vanguard, extra momentum on a charge and the ability to flank with impunity. All excellent for the between-river pitched battle we'll be facing this turn. However it does little to nothing for our Covert Ops. In comparison, an artilelry spell is an improvement on a niche currently foleld by our various Magic Missile derivatives. A sorely needed one, for sure, but it's an iteration, rather than a new direction.
I agree with Kashyyk on this one.  Things seem stuck in a rut combat wise, and opening up a new theatre might give us some opportunities.

Mending Philter

Mending Philters are break-resistant vials capped with cork containing an opalescent red liquid. Our alchemists boiled down a number of relatively common jungle plants and had our casters infuse the concoction with magic and evil as it brewed. The result is a liquid that grants the bearer a very slight regenerative ability when drank for an hour before wearing off, while pouring it directly onto injuries sees the person heal rapidly. Mending Philters don't require additional magical input to achieve the healing effects, allowing our forces to use it without taking up a spell slot as well as letting us sell it to common folk.

Alchemy is magic, it's a forbidden knowledge, so chances are there aren't really healing potions widely available, and the nerds are gonna be really curious due to alchemy's experimental nature. Making our healing a potion lets us get magical healing with whoever we can based on it's expense, and it lets us sell it in the streets without needing to put healers out there to get beat up.

Fantastic design for post-battle medical care, with a lot of viability in infiltration sales as well. Depending on how we pitch it,  the Philters could be seen as the 'popular' medicine, one accessible for day to day life. Plus, if we pre-dose our Uruks, some of  the 'thousand cuts' issues may be mitigated.

That being said, the BRs  indicate  immediate issues during battles, and we don't have anything to fill that niche at the moment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #610 on: December 15, 2020, 05:15:29 pm »

Touch of the Hemophile: (3) TricMagic, Rockeater, Kashyyk
Soulfang Jaguars: (3) Rockeater, Kashyyk, TricMagic
Winter's Bite: ()


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #611 on: December 15, 2020, 05:18:32 pm »

Touch of the Hemophile: (3) TricMagic, Rockeater, Kashyyk
Soulfang Jaguars: (4) Rockeater, Kashyyk, TricMagic, MoP
Mending Philter: (1) MoP
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #612 on: December 15, 2020, 05:22:09 pm »

Touch of the Hemophile: (4) TricMagic, Rockeater, Kashyyk, Wyrdbyrd
Soulfang Jaguars: (4) Rockeater, Kashyyk, TricMagic, MoP
Mending Philter: (1) MoP


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #613 on: December 15, 2020, 06:35:54 pm »

Cos I had the idea, and by Word of God, fort improvements can't be turned against us for some nebulous balance shaped reason.

Quote from: Fortified Temples
The forts we have claimed from the mortal kingdoms are embarrassingly unmaintained. They are barely suitable to house the cattle we sacrifice to Magoc, let alone our mighty armies.

Thus, the ancient stonework will be restored, returning the central keep and its walls to something worthy of His name. The rotting gate will be replaced with sturdy hardwood banded in steel, and the walls and tower will be draped in banners displaying our Demonic Heraldry. The interiors will be cleaned and maintained, and then filled with bunk beds and chests so our troops may rest and store their personal effects. Beneath the keep, the cellar will be expanded and stocked with food, whilst the well will be cleared and made ready to supply the Garrison.

Finally, the courtyard will contain an ever burning pyre to Magoc, at which rituals are performed and slaves sacrificed to sustain Him, produce an aura of Evil throughout the Temple and maintain the basic strengthening wards placed on the gates and walls to extend their endurance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #614 on: December 31, 2020, 06:04:30 pm »

Demon Team: Design Phase T9
Soulfang Jaguars

Magoc's influence is corruption absolute. Nothing within his realm can evade his twisting gaze and grasp for long, intentionally targeted or not. The latter is the case with the Soulfang Panthers. Magoc's corruptions of the jungle, and the introduction of his cultists, ate away at the natural habitat of the local wildlife. Feeding off of the corrupted land, prey animals found themselves in turn corrupting their predators upon consumption. Prey would not last long in these changing and increasingly hostile environments however, and the jaguars of the jungle, empowered by darkness and emboldened by hunger, struck out at stray cultists. The darkness swelling within these animals was not satisfied, and in turn neither was their hunger, but with the corruption of evil often comes change and opportunity.

A number of jaguars, altered by the passive local Evil and their new diets, found their appetites whetted not just by the body, but the mind as well. The beasts fangs penetrated flesh and spirit both, and their saliva containing a toxin that coated their teeth to permit the spiritual assault, with a side-effect not unlike getting shit-faced drunk should it enter an open wound, and a painful rash otherwise. These Soulfang Jaguars were frightening to behold at first, their bodies unnaturally larger and stockier than the natural jaguar's, and these semi-intelligent beasts were rumored to have taken down a number of CHADs before drawing Magoc's eye.

Magoc was not one to practice turning the other cheek, or letting bygones be bygones. It's besting by a lesser being sat as poorly with it as one could ever imagine, and these beasts seemed as good an opportunity as any to bite back.

The Soulfang Jaguars were acquired by cultists and treated with an alchemical bath. Meant as mounts for Uruks, the beasts are quite large and packed with muscle, and it is expected that they will be temperamental but ultimately tameable and trainable.
Soulfang Jaguars: Hard: (3+2)-1=4: Below Average
“He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount", they say, but why would you want to? Riding a tiger is awesome. Nothing could ever go wrong!

The Haunted Jungle has its fair share of deadly fauna, both natural and eldritch. The prowling jaguars were deadly enough before your Evil energy reinvigorated the jungle's corrupting nature- the freshly mutated Soulfang Jaguars were indeed deadly enough to take down seasoned hunters with ease. Fortunately, there is only one kind of animal stupid enough to walk into a demon's lair without invitation, so the ferocious felines did not cause undue disruption to the Forgotten City itself, though they did do a number on hunting parties and other small groups of travellers. Once the threat was identified, you were able to take control of the beasts and summon them before you, their tainted minds naturally following your commands. Unfortunately, the Soulfang Jaguars were not large enough to carry an Uruk. So it was off to the Draughtsmiths with them, where they were treated to a medley of mutative mixtures.
So far, so good.
Except that the already mutated jaguars, when exposed to additional Evil, proved challenging to keep stable even with alchemical assistance. The Draughtsmiths did their best, and were able to alleviate a lot of the issues, but the end result is not everything you had hoped for.
Soulfang Jaguars are big enough and strong enough to carry a rider into battle- albeit a lightly armed one. Their saliva can intoxicate mortal foes, and damage purely spiritual beings as well. However, neither their teeth nor claws are especially effective against armour- they should be able to tear through the angelic gambesons relatively easily, but metal armour probably ain't happening. In terms of durability, their fur and thick skin ensures it will take more than a few glancing blows to take them out of the fight, but they must rely primarily on agility to avoid the enemy's attacks. Most importantly, they are not just a little temperamental. It takes a very strong will just to keep them from shaking off and eating their rider, and a stronger will still to direct them to do anything they don't want to do. So charging into a line of spears- forget about it. Attacking a weak flank, maybe, maybe not, depends on how they're feeling at the time. Picking off fleeing foes, or sweeping through poorly positioned skirmishers, that's definitely doable. At least they have a degree of pack mentality, so individuals usually won't go off on their own.
Riding a jaguar is not super comfortable, requiring considerable concentration- not helped by the poor quality 'saddles' involved. The jaguar-riders will forgo a shield, as they need to hold onto the reins with one hand at all times, using their spear to prod at nearby enemies. Frankly, you don't expect them to do much damage; they're mainly there to control the jaguar itself, to which end they are hand picked for their strength of will. They are put through a 'rigorous' bonding exercise with their future mount, which reduces the chance of the jaguar turning on them in battle to a measly ~10%.

Soulfang Jaguars are somewhat unpredictable, but on balance should serve as passable light cavalry forces, effective against light infantry and skirmishers. Due to a somewhat limited supply of the wild kind (& a slow rate of reproduction in captivity), combined with the alchemical effort and training needed to bring them up to spec, they are Uncommon, and will be deployed in smallish units.

Quote from: Touch of the Hemophile
Our allies in the Fortified Frontier complain about a lack of support. Our colleagues in the Trade City complain about a lack on business opportunities. Our peers at the Scholarly Towers complain about a lack of Magical Knowledge. Let it never be said that Magoc ignores others. Indeed, he always listens. He's just rarely inclined to do what you want unless it also benefits him. Anyway, I digress.

Leaning on our knowledge from the Blood Drinker Blades, a mage can consume a portion of life force (using blood as a transfer medium) to 'modify' a subject. This life force can be taken from the caster, the subject or even a third party, although in each case the caster will need comfortable access in order to draw the blood and then manipulate it. Thus blood thralls of many stripes are possible, be they slaves, death row criminals, or even captured enemy combatants. It would be substantially more difficult to use an 'unwilling donor' if they are not controlled, so we can't expect anyone beyond Magoc to be able to pull that off.

The simplest form of this spell is to restore the subject to their base state. Also known as healing. Wounds, sickness, mental fatigue, all can be recovered from with a suitably sacrifice in blood.

However, not everyone wants to be merely restored. Some want to be something more. A more talented mage can use life force to enhance a subject's physical and mental abilities, and even restore their youth, although naturally this is more costly, and needs renewal to maintain its affects. You can live forever as the epitome of perfection, if you're willing to regularly sell another's life in place of your own.
Touch of the Hemophile: Normal: (3+3)=6: Above Average
You are not copying Heliel. You would've come up with this idea without her. So really, she's the one who copied you in the past. Shut up.

Your experience creating the Blood-Drinker Blades was helpful in the creation of this spell, as several elements could be reused. Indeed, the Warcasters and OU scholars wouldn't've broken a sweat if you were merely going for a healing spell. Tacking on eternal youth was just the thing to make the project interesting for them. To ensure Acolytes would be able to cast the spell, you made a simpler version that focuses purely on simple healing, and an advanced version that has the complex magical structure needed for youth restoration.

The basic Touch of the Hemophile is a pretty simple case of moving vitality around. As you know, blood is an effective vector for life force, and with a mage controlling the transfer, a high degree of efficiency is possible. The recipient receives about 85% of the life force siphoned from the donor, which is even more effective than it sounds thanks to the caster directing the energy to specific areas of the body (eg highly injured areas, leaving lesser injuries to heal naturally, or prioritising stabilisation until more blood is available). The plan to use thralls as a source of blood on the battlefield hit a slight hitch, that being a lack of thralls- you have slaves, of course, but you lack the means to corral them to the front lines effectively. Fortunately the bodies of the dead or dying usually still have some vitality that can be siphoned (the living move around too much), and in the worst case scenario a caster can sacrifice one wounded soldier to heal several others- or even use the recipient's own life force, moving it from healthy parts of the body to injured areas (though this is an edge case).

The more advanced 'Higher Touch of the Hemophile' ((name can be changed if desired)) has all the functionality of the basic version, adding the ability to target 'deeper' vitality. One can consider things like wounds and most sicknesses 'surface' damage; they are not affected by- nor do they affect- the deeper vitality that governs lifespan. The details don't really matter, though. The point is that Higher Touch of the Hemophile can be used to draw the 'youth' from a 'donor', and siphon it into a recipient, giving them increased reserves of 'youth'.
There is a problem. 'Surface' vitality is easy to get at, easy to move around. 'Deeper' vitality is harder to pry from the body, and harder to add to the body. Consequently, where healing with Touch of the Hemophile is highly efficient, restoring youth is notably inefficient. In fact, in order to cause a noticeable increase in a customer's youth, the donor has to be brimming with it (mid-to-late adolescence, ideally), and following the procedure, the donor... well, let's just say that killing them is a kindness. Now, this is not a moral quandary- you are a demon, this is literally what you live for-, but it is somewhat of a logistical one. Voluntary donors are not feasible, and questions may arise if you just start grabbing them off the street. It is not an insurmountable issue, but it is an extra cost, which cuts into the profits generated by selling the service.
At least the results are pretty good. An ideal donor can knock 10 years off of a customer's apparent age, while the 'surface' vitality provides an immediate pick-me-up. You expect to be able to charge a premium to those with the requisite lack of scruples- be that a premium in terms of money, or in terms of political support.

Touch of the Hemophile is an effective means of providing healing to your forces. The magic requires a degree of finesse, which makes its use by Uruks infeasible, but it is Common so Acolytes can cast it.
Higher Touch of the Hemophile will serve as another source of revenue and/or favours, albeit in a limited form due to the impracticalities of widespread distribution. Due to the increase in both power and finesse required, it is Uncommon.

It is now the Revision Phase. You have two revisions.

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« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 10:59:07 am by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!
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