That's correct. Income gives you money every other turn.
This occured to me awhile back, but... maybe you should refer to turns, and pairs of turns, or "every other turn", by different names. The language you've written can be confusing in places, since some things happen every turn, while other things happen every
action turn.
I recall thinking that you made a typo where you wrote "every turn" instead of "every other turn".Perhaps it would be better to call every pair of turns a "cycle", with individual updates being the only thing called turns? That way, you could say "you get paid income at the start of every cycle", and there's zero confusion about what that means, or when pay will come. Other things that
do happen every update, like mad science, can then be said to happen every turn without confusion.
Private message to ADD
I need to figure out how deadly my toxin is. Below is the experiment I’m performing this month as a start to figuring out the best dosing method. This will not be the only experiment I’m doing, just the first. Maybe eventually I can create proteins that produce this toxin, genes that produce the proteins, creatures that can dig inside Kaiju and release the toxins into their bodies. They can reproduce within the Kaiju until the toxins kill the hosts, then we can collect the parasites in the Kaiju parts, so we can give them more hosts, more Kaiju. But there must always be a first step, the first question is what is the best way to give the toxins? This will influence the traits I will select for in the future Parasite Breeding program.
figure out the median lethal dose (LD50) of my new toxins, on the largest species of animal I can get 300 of. They will be divided into 3 groups of 100. Group A gets 10 mg ingested, group B gets 10 mg inhaled, group C gets 10 mg absorbed through the skin. If no deaths occur within a day, add 10 more mg to each group the same way as before, A always ingesting the toxin, B always inhaling the toxin, C always absorbing the toxin. Continue waiting a day before administering 10 mg. Record the amount of deaths by day and dose for each group. Each group getting a line. Dosage on the y axis, percent dead on the x axis. Continue until 50% of deaths are reached in each of the three groups. Compare LD50 numbers for each group to determine which mode of dosing produced the lowest LD50 and which produced the highest LD50.
Best regards, Ashley Flare
1. It's not a private message if everyone can see it.
2. My faction gains extra information on the effectiveness of weapons and technology, due to my unique proving grounds building. I will of course share any information gained from this, but I don't believe it works on materiel used by other players.
Gimme dat toxin!3. I
really understand the desire to be extremely technical and proper in experiments--just ask Piecewise about my rigorous penetration testing, it probably left him with permanent mental scarring--but it's a bad idea in a game like this. For one thing, how much is 10 mg in a functional game context? I can guarantee you that Dev will never give you a specific measurable volume of toxin that you can buy for 1 currency, and even if he did, you have essentially no way to measure how much toxin can fit inside your delivery methods. Even if someone specifically tinkers up an artillery shell that has a specific payload measured in milligrams, Dev will likely say that the finished product does not fit the initial specifications
perfectly, for good reason!
I recommend that you make your orders a bit more flexible in interpretation and specifics, and that you clearly state
exactly what you're testing for, and why. Remember, you're not actually a scientist, you're just a player asking this world's god a question, and said god is ad hoc defining the answer based on a die roll. Creating a proper scientific test to ascertain the answer is, in practice, just making it harder for Devastator to understand what you're even asking, and making it harder for you to interpret his answer.
...Though, knowing Dev, maybe he won't react like Piecewise. Just don't blame me if he writes your character's death warrant out of terminal annoyance.