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Author Topic: Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-Event Phase  (Read 12394 times)

King Zultan

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Well now that you mention it the bed is the easy part, and unless the expedition can get us a working engine and transmission I don't think we'll be able to make trucks, but that potential dilemma gave me an idea, our island has a rail system on it, what if we commandeer a train and some boxcars to help with our logistic problems?

There is also the possibility that we could forgo the the combustion engine and go for steam powered trucks, which might be easier because the technology's already on the island and we wouldn't have to figure out how to make gas or diesel.
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Well now that you mention it the bed is the easy part, and unless the expedition can get us a working engine and transmission I don't think we'll be able to make trucks, but that potential dilemma gave me an idea, our island has a rail system on it, what if we commandeer a train and some boxcars to help with our logistic problems?

There is also the possibility that we could forgo the the combustion engine and go for steam powered trucks, which might be easier because the technology's already on the island and we wouldn't have to figure out how to make gas or diesel.

I would love to, and I'm sure it'd give us a massive boost to logistics, but I suspect that in order to achieve this Aseaheru would require us to build an expansive rail network directly to or at least relatively close to our armies and wherever they deploy. This would be time-consuming, but not necessarily unwelcome. If we can ship troops and equipment in large quantities very quickly (compared to traditional land methods, like farm carts :P ) we'd be at a great advantage.

I looked around at some videos of steam trucks in action, and I was actually quite surprised at (seemingly) how well they performed. I think you may be right here. Creating a steam-powered truck would reduce the difficulty of the design overall, since we're probably more familiar with steam technology given that our main ship utilizes steam engines. This means we'd only really have to worry about the transmission and other vehicular.. stuff. So we'd be able to get some practice in those regards so that we can focus the most of our effort on gas/diesel engine in the following generation of trucks, if we get there that is. A steam truck would definitely fill that gap until then though, and maybe even allow us some sort of motorized force?

Unless we want to pump any more tokens into our current in-progress machinegun design, I think we'd have 6 tokens in the upcoming design phase to design both our uniform w/ helmet and a steam powered truck.


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 Without specialist equipment, armies would indeed be dependent on pre-existing rail infrastructure to exploit their logistical and mobility advantages. It would also require the railway being functional again.

Something something fieldbahn, something something dragon-pulled wagons.
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King Zultan

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It would also require the railway being functional again.
How much would it take to make at least the major parts of the rail system functional?

This means we'd only really have to worry about the transmission and other vehicular.. stuff.
There's bound to be examples of steam powered tractors on the island, and we could use those to figure out the transmission and other such parts, or we could look to how a train moves its self with steam and replicate that, but that'd still leave us to figure out how the make a steering system.
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This means we'd only really have to worry about the transmission and other vehicular.. stuff.
There's bound to be examples of steam powered tractors on the island, and we could use those to figure out the transmission and other such parts, or we could look to how a train moves its self with steam and replicate that, but that'd still leave us to figure out how the make a steering system.

Still, it'll be easier than starting from scratch.

Has the other team finished their turn? Because I think we're ready.


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How much would it take to make at least the major parts of the rail system functional?
Owning and repairing the rail depot or designing(and building) your own equipment.

Turn soon.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Warm Season, 1921, RE Phase

 With much fanfare, the newly renamed Erste Mondwächter has embarked on the still un-renamed SMS Aspern, bound for the British Dominion of Australia, there to search for naval vessels and armories. From what was said, they will also be working mightily hard to locate coal, given that Perth, their goal, is just about at the limit of the Aspern's range. Due to lack of radio equipment, they will be out of contact until their return.

You are now waiting on myself and the other team.
(lets be frank, you are waiting on me)

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From what was said, they will also be working mightily hard to locate coal, given that Perth, their goal, is just about at the limit of the Aspern's range.

Welp, best of luck to them. It was either Australia or Madagascar. Not much else to visit in the south Indian Ocean.

King Zultan

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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Warm Season 1921-Turn 1-RE Phase
« Reply #83 on: September 01, 2019, 03:01:43 am »

I just realized that sense we sent the Aspern on the expedition we don't have a navy right now, but for now that shouldn't matter.

We should work on some two-way radios at some point, but the helmets and trucks are more important right now.
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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Warm Season 1921-Turn 1-RE Phase
« Reply #84 on: September 01, 2019, 11:44:10 am »

I just realized that sense we sent the Aspern on the expedition we don't have a navy right now, but for now that shouldn't matter.

Yeah, I doubt their navy is powerful or extensive enough to really cause us any major harm yet.

Anyways, I'm just waiting on the turn summary to finish before we go any further.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 01:29:31 am by coleslaw35 »


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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-ABC Phase
« Reply #85 on: September 06, 2019, 08:05:13 pm »

Cold Season, 1921, Event Phase

 In the wilds of the central forest the first major fighting since the Battle of Neu Salsburg starts up, with the 7th Garnison finding itself attacked by the Seventh Army Seeking Providence(Hereafter referred to as PS7, as shall all Providence Seeking units prior to something less unwieldy). Restricted by the dense forest, fighting starts at intermediate ranges and with small groups fighting one another. The battle raged for near on a week, with units colliding, retreating, dying, and generally not accomplishing much. Lack of signal equipment on both sides, along with lack of proper uniforms, only adds to the difficulty. In the end, PS7 falls back, more or less orderly, leaving behind their dead.
 The main cause for the defeat of PS7 is their lack of ability to handle autorifles at range or the Rast&Gasser revolvers used at closer ranges.
 Equipment used consists of the CSRG 1915, the Rast&Gasser M1898, the Mannlicher-Schonauer, and finally the M1917, the sole weapon of PS7.
 Within Berek, around the mines, the second major skirmish occurs. Both PS6 and the 6th Mondlicht attempted to take the location, and with PS6 securing it first the 6th Mondlicht attacked them. Combat started at long range, with sharphooters harassing the other side prior to combat closing to intermediate ranges. Here, both sides find themselves evenly matched, although it does appear that PS6 are just slighly more powerful.
 Equipment used here includes the CSRG15, Rast&Gasser revolvers, -Mannlicher–Schönauer Rifles, and Berthier rifles.
 Within Sellye what appears at first to be a similar starting position, with both the 4th Mondlicht and PS3 attempting to take the mines and PS3 reaching them first, instantly has a rather different result. The defenders having given time to setup their howitzers resulted in a massacre of the FOotSM troops. If one could quantity power, the PS forces had nearly double the strength. All this means that PS3 has captured, and held, the Sellye industrial works, including the workshop, the blackband iron mines, and the iron forges.
 Weaponry used consists of Berthier rifles, M.14 Feldhaubitze and the CSRG15 from PS, and the CSRG15 with M1917 rifles from FOotSM forces.
 In what seems as almost a repeat of the Sellye battle, the Cigand Falls battle took the form of the 5th Mondlicht and PS5 racing for the falls, with PS5 reaching it first, setting up their howitzers, and blowing away the FOotSM forces when they tried to harass them with sniper fire.
 Besides the artillery, weaponry used includes Berthier rifles and the CSRG15 from PS, and the CSRG15 with Type 30 rifles from FOotSM forces.

 Some comments from our officers:
-Artillery is horrible when we dont have any
-The autorifles are great, but we could use something slightly heavier for defense
-Fragments are the cause of most of our casualties, even where there is no artillery
-Communications suck
-We need some sorta distinguishing uniform feature or something so we can easily tell our troops appart from theirs.
-We need a better method of dealing with their autorifles, currently we can suppress them, but we cant really effectively remove them.

You have six tokens

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« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 06:30:58 pm by Aseaheru »
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King Zultan

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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-ABC Phase
« Reply #86 on: September 07, 2019, 05:08:37 am »

I think we should reverse engineer the M15 Stielhandgranate, so we can destroy the enemy MG emplacements.
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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-ABC Phase
« Reply #87 on: September 07, 2019, 06:10:36 pm »

I think we should reverse engineer the M15 Stielhandgranate, so we can destroy the enemy MG emplacements.

Agreed. It might even help us against artillery emplacements. Currently, however, this is the assigning, building, and producing phase. We go to the design and revision phase after this one, I believe.

So it seems we've had a bit of trouble with a few of our armies, and we have no carts to replenish any losses. Hmm. It appears they've also managed to seize every single strategically important sub-region in the most important regions. Damn. We're going to need to focus fire on one of their weaker points, I think, or else they're going to make too many gains too quickly. I think our best chance is in Berek.

In regards to army movements:

*Assign two units of Mannlicher M1893 6.5x53mmR to the 4th Mondlicht army. Send them to seize the horse ranch in the Northern Swamps, so that we can have an influx of pack horses or even cavalry forces.
*Pull the 3rd Mondlicht army out of Pecs. Assign them one unit of 10 cm M. 14 Feldhaubitze AND one unit of Mannlicher–Schönauer 6.5×54mm (bringing them up to 29/30.) Have them assault the Industrial Area in Berek.
*Assign two units of Mannlicher M1893 6.5x53mmR to both the 5th and the 6th Mondlicht armies and have them support in the 3rd Mondlicht army's assault.
*Pull the 7th Garnison Army out of the Central Forests. Send them to aid in the assault on the Industrial Area in Berek.
*Send the 2nd Bergwanderer army into West Neu Salsburg in order to secure our only workshop.

If we can overwhelm them in Berek, we could manage to get a workshop and valuable resources, which we will desperately need. We can break up our forces afterwards to occupy wherever needed.

As for production:

*Have the first workshop line produce M1917s.
*Have the second workshop line produce farm carts. Spend 1 token to rush this immediately. We're desperate for logistics.

As for construction:

*Spend 1 token to add an additional line to our workshop. Upon becoming available for production, have it produce farm carts.

This will leave us 4 tokens for the Design & Revision phase, which would allow us to design our uniform and helmet along with the Stielhandgranate reverse-engineer.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 06:32:05 pm by coleslaw35 »

King Zultan

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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-ABC Phase
« Reply #88 on: September 08, 2019, 08:58:24 am »

I like the sound of all of the above.
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Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
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Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-ABC Phase
« Reply #89 on: September 14, 2019, 12:38:35 pm »

 So 4 tokens to design/revision, none to research/expeditions?
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