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Author Topic: Re: AIAR-The Fraternal Order of the Silver Moon-Cold Season 1921-Event Phase  (Read 12334 times)


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 Some notes:
-Armies may be assigned to expeditions
-Extra equipment may be assigned to expeditions. On their return the extra equipment will be returned to stockpiles if not expended in combat.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Army 1 and Army 4 are almost exactly the same with the exception that Army 1 also has some pistols available to light machinegunners. I think we should send Army 1 on the expedition.

Also, on an unrelated note, I'd like to propose we rename the armies for ease of designation, and establish whether we want them to specialize or remain general. "FOotSM Army 1" is quite cumbersome, and pretty lame :^)


King Zultan

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I forgot to give army 4 pistols are we able to add them to what they already have now or do we have to wait?

I say we name one of the armies The Protectors of The Moon, and have them stationed to defend our HQ and give them access to immobile artillery pieces other armies can't use.

We should also have our expedition team look at any trucks they see, so we can try to reproduce the vehicle or make some of our own.
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 If army four is the army for expedition you can still issue them sidearms.

 We currently have no single set HQ.

 The area of the world explored must also be mentioned. As a note, New Salsburg is located in the far south Indian Ocean.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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We currently have no single set HQ.

 The area of the world explored must also be mentioned. As a note, New Salsburg is located in the far south Indian Ocean.

I figured HQs were sorta abstracted? Or do we need a set headquarters "army"?

Hmm.. I suppose we could try Australia then? It's relatively close, and given it was a british colony at around this time there's surely some British equipment or vessels there that we could make use of.


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 No set HQ army is needed, but a specific HQ building may give bonuses, depending...

 Australia is a dominion, technically.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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No set HQ army is needed, but a specific HQ building may give bonuses, depending...

 Australia is a dominion, technically.

Understood. Maybe we'll look into building one in the construction phase.

Regardless, surely they'd still have some sort of force projection in the region.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 12:10:30 am by coleslaw35 »

King Zultan

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If army four is the army for expedition you can still issue them sidearms.
I think we're sending the first army on the expedition, so I guess the fourth army will have to wait for there pistols.

There should be some useful stuff in Sydney at the port.

Also I think we should send enough Rast & Gasser M1898's for everyone to have one with our expedition

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Also I think we should send enough Rast & Gasser M1898's for everyone to have one with our expedition

I don't think we can due to supply limitations. Adding that many of them to the army would bring it well over the supply limit. Each "unit" of revolver is 2 logistic points each, and each "unit" brings it's availability in an army up a level. The most we could get into Army 1 (27/30 LPs) is an extra unit of Gassers, which would bring it up to Regimental Equipment rather than Divisional Equipment.

King Zultan

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Wasn't thinking about the logistics, that seems like something we're gonna have to work on sooner rather than later.
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Wasn't thinking about the logistics, that seems like something we're gonna have to work on sooner rather than later.

I think, currently, we can just spam out farm carts until we can get ourselves a decent logistical design in place. Maybe after the machinegun and the uniform/helmet design we can try to develop a truck of sorts?

King Zultan

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I was thinking that sense trucks will be something that's going take a bit to get, what if we made bigger carts pulled by horses I'm thinking something similar to covered wagons.
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I was thinking that sense trucks will be something that's going take a bit to get, what if we made bigger carts pulled by horses I'm thinking something similar to covered wagons.

If that can be done with just a revision, then sure. But if that would require a design, I would oppose the idea because it'd just be a dead-end technology-wise. Even if we design a truck, a shitty truck would be better because at least then we'd be making progress in a field that can branch out into so many other different possibilities. From normal trucks and cars, we can go to armored cars, tanks, etc. With a horse-drawn cart... It just kinda ends there.

By the way, unless King Zultan objects:

-Send Army 1 on an expedition to the British dominion of Australia, primarily in search of naval vessels, but also inform them to keep an eye out for colonial weapon stockpiles/armories/vehicles.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2019, 06:38:06 am by coleslaw35 »

King Zultan

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-Send Army 1 on an expedition to the British dominion of Australia, primarily in search of naval vessels, but also inform them to keep an eye out for colonial weapon stockpiles/armories.
I'm good with this, the only thing I could add is that they look at vehicles while they're there.

If that can be done with just a revision, then sure. But if that would require a design, I would oppose the idea because it'd just be a dead-end technology-wise. Even if we design a truck, a shitty truck would be better because at least then we'd be making progress in a field that can branch out into so many other different possibilities. From normal trucks and cars, we can go to armored cars, tanks, etc. With a horse-drawn cart... It just kinda ends there.
I don't think a covered wagon is dead end technology because we could use it as the base for a larger truck, we could achieve this by taking the front end and the cab from a car and adding it to the covered wagon.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
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I don't think a covered wagon is dead end technology because we could use it as the base for a larger truck, we could achieve this by taking the front end and the cab from a car and adding it to the covered wagon.

Sure, but when we design a truck by itself we're not going to have any trouble with the truckbed and the frame, what we're going to struggle with is the engine, driveshaft, transmission, etc. The thing we put the truck ON is going to be a gimme. At least I think so.
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