Capital: Atlantis, the City under the Sea.
Apă: The Miner's City reaching into the Seabeds
1 Warrior
Creştere: The Observatory City floating atop the Ocean.
3 Warriors, 3 Archers
Etapa: The Trade City within the Forest Shores.
1 Warrior, 1 Mage.
Kinda wonder if this was against me specifically.
In Atlantis, something strange occurs, as the seeming dead rise from the local plant-yards. The Royal Catacombs have also been infested, and the Royal Guard deals with them, leaving the Civilians to either fight back themselves or hide in their homes.
Apă doesn't see much, though still the dead rise, only to meet many a forgesmiths' hammer. The Local Militia assigned to keep the peace pitch in to stomp them out.
Creştere is quiet.. Not a Zombie to be seen, as the Local Militia has already wiped them out as they formed, and business continues as usual.
In Etapa, the Zombies have more variety, but the local Mages have made some basic talisman for cleansing the grounds they come from. The Local Militia does the rest.
Atlantis: Local Royal Guard and Civilians deal with an infestation.
Apă: 1 Warrior Unit along with local Forgesmiths quickly stamp out the sudden appearance of waterlogged zombies.
Creştere: All Units quickly deal with the problem.
Etapa: Local Mage Unit deals with their spawning, and 1 Warrior Unit does the rest with the help of local police force.
End of Report.