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Author Topic: MOOK: Such sights to see  (Read 484375 times)


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1695 on: January 10, 2020, 09:57:22 am »

Tara had some questions relating to whether or not Mr Friend can percieve what his puppets are perceiving, and whether Mr Friend can see/alter his puppet's memories


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1696 on: January 11, 2020, 02:32:07 am »

Calling him Mr. Friend is dumb.  I'mma call him Derp.

Are controlled subjects dumb, or just as clever as they always are?  If someone is controlled, could they be asked about their opinion of Derp, and deliberately lie about it to fool their former allies?

Does visualizing Derp count as perceiving him?  Does remembering Derp count as perceiving him?  Does being tricked into believing that one is perceiving Derp count as perceiving him?

Is memory retained normally during and after the control?  Can a person who was controlled, after being separated and quarantined, describe everything that happened to them during the control?

Can perception of him be drowned out?  For instance, if there's an immensely loud siren going constantly, loud enough to drown out his voice, would a person still get controlled if he spoke to them from a short distance away?

What is the cost of failing our mission parameters, by accidentally killing Derp?

Am I required to join this mission even if I'm suffering from crippling indigestion which renders me nearly useless and basically confined to the bathroom?

Will we have any kind of mission control during this?  Some kind of external commander who can make decisions about which security members to shock into unconsciousness?  Or would we have to choose one of our own people to stay back and act as mission control?

Is there a maximum amount of time that someone can be controlled after being quarantined from Derp?  Like, will everyone always be completely back to their senses an hour or so later?  If so, is it a short enough time period that we could reasonably capture someone, confine them until they're free, and then interrogate them?

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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1697 on: January 11, 2020, 02:52:03 am »

Because others are bolding questions, I will do so too.
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I am also curious, does Mr. Friend perceive what his puppets perceive or are are his senses limited to his body? If Mr. Friend was controlling me right now, would he see and hear everything I’m seeing and hearing right now? Does Mr Friend have the ability to view and alter memories of people he is controlling?
ask some questions of my own
Does Mr. Friend perceive what his puppets perceive or are are his senses limited to his body? If Mr. Friend was controlling me right now, would he see and hear everything I’m seeing and hearing right now? Does Mr Friend have the ability to view and alter memories of people he is controlling?


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1698 on: January 11, 2020, 12:42:40 pm »

Buy myself one Intellitooth remote activation unit (200), ear and eyeplugs (3), and a taser (100) with 2 cartridges (6).

"Can I have more blindfolds. I want to wear extra."

"Also, is there anymore free stuff. I want to have as much as it as possible."

Spoiler:  Charon (click to show/hide)

Okie Dokie.

The vending machine denies Charon's attempts to weasel extra free goods out of it.

"So, shoot everyone dead, stop perception, and shove a taser down his throat? Sounds easy enough."

"Killing him or causing harm that ruins his value as a test subject will unfortunately fail the mission. Also keep in mind the people he's controlling are still alive and not in control of themselves. That part doesn't matter for the rules seems a bit inhumane to just kill them."

give 20 omni back to Tara(?), buy blindfold, earbud, and, like, some cologne strong enough that I can't hear anything. get a cognition copier too.
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"some cologne strong enough that I can't hear anything"

That would be very strong cologne, wouldn't it? 6 Omni for the lot.

Хуи, wish I had the money to buy a threat sensor.
if noseplugs are free grab them, as well as a couple spare blindfolds, and a map of the area if the Apes are willing to give me one
(Firstly, can we modify implants like weapons, and does their relatively unique function mean we can "stack" mods?)
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Blindfolds are one free per person.  The vending Machine beeps angrily at Anya.  3 Omni for the nose plugs.

There is currently no map available, but you may be able to download a local map from the area servers when you get there.

(Maybe. You'd have to give me an example of what you mean.)

Buy a brain copypasta.
Would you give me a melee taser for the same cost as the ranged one? The prosthetic taser costs 4 times as much and might use implant skill.

Spoiler: Character Statistics (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Make Numbers Go Up (click to show/hide)
A melee taser thats that same as the ranged one? Sure.

Is there a way to build a backdoor into my mainframe? (Or any robot for that matter) That way my team could easily hack me and remotely take control? Additionally, would they be able to set up a striped down interface, with no direct audio/video display, and would they be able to effectively control me using “suggestions” and such, as apposed to the direct video game style control that would be more normal.

As for actions. Pay back Shark-Man (-400), then immediately take out another 400 and buy a brain backup. How much would the medical bill to repair the leg cost? If less than 100, do it, if more, take out up to 100 more on the loan to do it.

Spoiler: Ji (click to show/hide)
Technically you can already let people do that if you just allow them to connect to you. Though...there is some mild danger in that they might accidently turn things like breathing or temperature control off if they're really bad at their job.

Alright. 50 credits for the leg.

Would a picture or video of Mr. Friend be enough to cause the effect or does it need to be a live feed?

How do the Friendzoned know what Mr. Friend wants? Does he have to tell them explicitly or do they magically just know?

Is the OMNITECH Occult Dampener capable of stopping the Befriending or the transmission of orders?


Images that are sufficiently spaced in time are not dangerous. His handlers used a combination of motion tracking and cameras which took pictures roughly every 5 seconds as a method of observing him.  However, any faster and even a series of images appears to be enough.

We aren't sure. They seem to have some idea without being explictly told, yet he also commands them verbally or through gestures when he is able to. We believe whatever perceptual quirk creates the hypnotic state also conveys some degree of his desires, but that he refines the exact actions to perform via verbal commands.

No. Whatever the effect is, it does not seem occult in nature. It can be replicated using video footage of the subject so it appears to be something intrinsic in his being.

"This whole mission sounds like its going to end poorly. Its also kind of weird that we can kill everyone in there that isn't Mr. Friend."
Go get a blindfold and some ear plugs.
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Grab a free blindfold and buy a Mental Purgant for 350. How many uses does the purgant have?
Spoiler: Elen (click to show/hide)
Single use but activates automatically. Its a sort of electrode cap doohicky that sits on your noggin and keeps track of your brain state. If it goes nutty, the Purgant force restarts it and resets it to an earlier state.

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I am also curious, does Mr. Friend perceive what his puppets perceive or are are his senses limited to his body? If Mr. Friend was controlling me right now, would he see and hear everything I’m seeing and hearing right now? Does Mr Friend have the ability to view and alter memories of people he is controlling?
ask some questions of my own

He does not. As far as we can tell, aside from his perceptual threat he's an entirely mundane human.  He cannot alter memories or anything about the person; in fact people under his control completely black out and remember nothing of their time as a puppet.

Buy a Mental Purgant as well and make sure to ask if it has any side effects or downsides.

Spoiler:  Wyatt Baker (click to show/hide)

Other than having your brain force reset to a earlier state? Probably not. I've got a 50 page disclaimer packet here if you want it but it lists things like "Foot fungus" as a side effect so it might be a bit broad. The good lads in legal have to keep us covered.

((Little time so this post might be a bit haphazard, sorry. I tried not to have any duplicate questions though. If it's too much just stop whenever you grow too annoyed!))

1) What does he look like, or how can we recognize/identify him for sure? In case he tries to pretend to be a puppet or has a puppet pretend to be him.
2) Can one be influenced without actively knowing/being aware that it is happened or happened?
3) Are there physical changes to puppeted people? Perhaps altered brainwave patterns? (Assume any scanning would be done with those portable scanners we can buy from the armory, the one my class starts with).
4) What were the original containment procedures and countermeasures?
5) Any testing data we would be allowed to look into?
6) Can he stay in control by making people e.g. hear recordings or view photos? What about radio transmissions? And could he e.g. Tape a small piece of fingernail to a person to permanently stay in control?
7) Can we get a big ol’ box to transport the subject in?
8) Does his power work on animals? What about artificial intelligences?
9) How did omni originally capture/receive him?

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2. No. You will fall unconcious when the effect begins.
3. Tests do show altered brainwave patterns, but the issue is that they are not altered beyond normal human limits. Instead  they simply appear to be asleep or very relaxed.
4. Originally he was contained within a specially made sensory lockout chamber which was monitored only with still images and motion sensing. Those individuals who worked with him did so in containment suits which used a similar still image and motion sensor mix. Tests were performed in an adjoining chamber. All chambers had airlocks and "decontamination" chambers where the workers would wait for upwards of an hour until it could be certain they were not under control. We do not know how he managed to breach these procedures; we believe it to be due to handler error that he capitalized upon. We do not believe it was planned in advance.
5. What would you like to know?
6. Yes, he can use radio or video to transmit control, though new recordings or transmissions are required to make the puppets continue to behave as he desires. Old recordings carry the same "hypnotic message" and cause repetitious actions. His body parts do not appear to carry the hypnotic power on their own; it appears to be connected to his body as a whole or at least mostly as a whole.
7. We can provide a containment chamber.
8. Animals yes, but pure machine intelligences no. Much as how AI is immune to optical illusions, they are immune to his effects.
9. Originally he was the leader of a cult...or something like eastern europe. OMNI became interested in him due to strange events and stories surrounding him, and the fact that despite being wanted by many agencies and individuals, he was never captured and never seemed to go into hiding. He stood his ground and his enemies vanished or joined him. OMNI managed to capture him only after the loss of three retrevial teams; through the use of containment suits with hard preceptive and memetic lockout protocols. He has been in custody for about 3 years, behaving fairly well and mostly amused, though occasionally highly aggitated. 

Calling him Mr. Friend is dumb.  I'mma call him Derp.

Are controlled subjects dumb, or just as clever as they always are?  If someone is controlled, could they be asked about their opinion of Derp, and deliberately lie about it to fool their former allies?

Does visualizing Derp count as perceiving him?  Does remembering Derp count as perceiving him?  Does being tricked into believing that one is perceiving Derp count as perceiving him?

Is memory retained normally during and after the control?  Can a person who was controlled, after being separated and quarantined, describe everything that happened to them during the control?

Can perception of him be drowned out?  For instance, if there's an immensely loud siren going constantly, loud enough to drown out his voice, would a person still get controlled if he spoke to them from a short distance away?

What is the cost of failing our mission parameters, by accidentally killing Derp?

Am I required to join this mission even if I'm suffering from crippling indigestion which renders me nearly useless and basically confined to the bathroom?

Will we have any kind of mission control during this?  Some kind of external commander who can make decisions about which security members to shock into unconsciousness?  Or would we have to choose one of our own people to stay back and act as mission control?

Is there a maximum amount of time that someone can be controlled after being quarantined from Derp?  Like, will everyone always be completely back to their senses an hour or so later?  If so, is it a short enough time period that we could reasonably capture someone, confine them until they're free, and then interrogate them?

Spoiler: Sheet (click to show/hide)
Mr. Friend is the name he gave for himself. We have no other informatin. His prints, dna, dental records, none of it shows up anywhere. We have no idea where he came from, aside from very scattered and inconclusive events through Europe and Canada, spanning two decades prior to his appearance in Eastern Europe.

They are not mindless zombies, they act with the same intelligence they had before, but they are also not quite right. They seem...euphoric? Drowsy? Disconnected in one way or another. They can lie but rarely seem to, and will almost always profess that Mr. Friend is, well, their best friend. We believe they only lie if specifically ordered to.  Of course our experience with subjects under his control is only in lab conditions and as anacdotes. It is possible he can control them more accurately and subtly than we know.

Visualizing as in imagining him? No. Rememberance, if accurate enough, can cause partial effects but generally only in the very short term. No, outside of extreme cases of self imposed placebo effect such a thing shouldn't happen.

No. Memory is lost. The subjects are effectively asleep. None of them have any memory of the events that occured.

It can be. Someone has to actually percieve him to be effected. If their perceptions are impaired, he cannot effect them. We have documented evidence that a blind man cannot be controlled by him even if his eyes are effectively taking in the signal. If their brains cannot percieve him, he can't effect them.

The Auditors will investigate the mission. If it is ruled a true accident or something beyond your capacity to control...nothing. If they find fault, they'll count it as destruction of company property and then try to assertain who is to blame before handing out punishments on a per individual basis.

No. You will not be paid and this will be counted as unsceduled sick time.

I can act as mission control if you desire; though not all members of the security team are fitted with electrical implants.

The longest recorded time is three days, but that particular individual had been enthralled for somewhere along the lines of 5 years. For anyone under his control now, an hour or so should be enough.


Because others are bolding questions, I will do so too.
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I am also curious, does Mr. Friend perceive what his puppets perceive or are are his senses limited to his body? If Mr. Friend was controlling me right now, would he see and hear everything I’m seeing and hearing right now? Does Mr Friend have the ability to view and alter memories of people he is controlling?
ask some questions of my own
Does Mr. Friend perceive what his puppets perceive or are are his senses limited to his body? If Mr. Friend was controlling me right now, would he see and hear everything I’m seeing and hearing right now? Does Mr Friend have the ability to view and alter memories of people he is controlling?

Answered this in another post.

Any further questions? If not, do the whole "Ready to go" thing.


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1699 on: January 11, 2020, 02:32:38 pm »

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Apply blindfold and earplugs


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1700 on: January 11, 2020, 03:27:32 pm »

"So, shoot everyone dead, stop perception, and shove a taser down his throat? Sounds easy enough."

"Killing him or causing harm that ruins his value as a test subject will unfortunately fail the mission. Also keep in mind the people he's controlling are still alive and not in control of themselves. That part doesn't matter for the rules seems a bit inhumane to just kill them."

"I don't see the problem here. They're hostile, and they're preventing us from completing the mission."

Tavik Toth

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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1701 on: January 11, 2020, 04:26:50 pm »

Have mental purgant installed/readied. Once on the elevator down to the level, put on blindfold and earplugs


Spoiler:  Wyatt Baker (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 07:00:26 am by Tavik Toth »


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1702 on: January 11, 2020, 05:14:43 pm »

Question, Do I have to set the mind copier to copy my mind when I die or is it automatic since I have it?
(If not automatic I will edit my action to include setting the copier to upload my mind to a machine upon death, I didn’t put it in the action yet because I don’t want to put unessesary actions


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1703 on: January 11, 2020, 07:41:42 pm »

Heck with it.

Imma ghost. Imma go take a peek at this guy. Feel free to PM me the results of my exploration and discovery. If seeing the guy isn't enough to enthrall Jon, try to lick him.


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1704 on: January 12, 2020, 01:37:02 am »

"ready as I can be, given the circumstances"
buy those noseplugs, equip them with my earplugs, Put the blindfold on so I can pull it over my eyes when needed.
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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1705 on: January 12, 2020, 06:15:54 am »

Does the OMNITECH “Limited Omniscience” Sensor (the one that tracks the location of tagged people) require implant skill? Or can I just tag as many people as I want without having to worry about my head exploding or something?

Is the OMNITECH Motion sensor similar to the one in Aliens? Could I use it to find nearby movement if I'm stationary? Or is it more like the thing people use to turn on lights automatically?

Do we have a way to send text messages to each other? And are there sound-cancelling earphones on sale? I'm thinking everyone can plug their ears with the earphones to block outside noise and then I can rig some sort of text-to-speech device to allow them to hear the messages their mechanical overlords send to them. That way they won't have to open their eyes to read messages and they won't be in danger of Mr. Friend taking over the radio and taking out the entire team.

Try to create two software switches, one for turning off my auditory receptors and another for reducing my vision's FPS to 0.2 (i.e. one image every 5 seconds). Also try to write/download/purchase a speech-to-text system.

You can go ahead and start, I'll probably join once I'm finished with my purchases.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 06:17:58 am by Parisbre56 »

King Zultan

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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1706 on: January 12, 2020, 06:32:04 am »

"I have a bad feeling about this whole mission, and I'm as ready as I'm gonna get."
Equip the blindfold, earplugs, and my trashcan helmet.
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The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

The Lupanian

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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1707 on: January 12, 2020, 12:00:19 pm »

Lock and load. Go ahead and prepare to to turn off all my senses, and reduce my camera eyes to the image every five seconds thing. Would being able to detect vibrations count as sensing him? If not, exclude my feet from the sensory shutdown.
Spoiler: Ji (click to show/hide)
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1708 on: January 12, 2020, 06:40:22 pm »

Leave the blindfold and mental purgant unequipped for now.
Spoiler: Elen (click to show/hide)


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Re: MOOK: Judged, and found wanting.
« Reply #1709 on: January 12, 2020, 10:01:33 pm »

This is going to end horribly! Ready! Put in earbuds, stick cologne in my face, and let’s go.
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« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 07:59:26 pm by Leodanny »
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