Things to know in Elona+ when planning to infiltrate a guild that is not yours in order to learn the unique skills from their guild trainers :
- have means to cast incognito (a disguise kit, a scroll of icognito, or the spell itself if you had the luck to find an extremely rare spellbook)
- have means to remove the npc blocking the entrance stair on the surface (teleport other works great by example)
- have enough platinium obviously, it's rather hilarious to get in front of the guild trainer and notice you didn't had enough platinium for all the skills you wanted.
- read an incognito scroll AFTER getting in the guild , if you use an incognito before going down the stairs, the status will be actually cancelled and you'll the target of a giant focus fire of everyone down there, and the guild trainer will be hostile and will not teach anything to you.
- you can bring all your party members without having to cast incognito on each of them, the spell effect is for the whole team fortunately, it's actually a must to bring the
meat walls whole team because of what is following :
- Elona+ also made something new : the guildmaster of each guild is completely aware of you as soon as you enter the map (even if he's in the other side, behind several rooms and walls and can't see you in any possible way), he knows you're there, even if you have the incognito status.
As soon as you're in the guild map, he will run through every walls to your position in order to murder you .
But if you're incognito, it's only him that will act that way, every other guild npc on the map will still ignore you.
Good idea is to teleport away in the hope you're going to land near the guild trainer.
Your npc party members will very likely be one-shotted by the guildmaster (damage output is insane) so you'll need them to take those shots instead of you (as you're not going to survive much hits)
Getting back to the stairs is another story (teleport and luck) due to the guildmaster running completely amok , on my mage guild infltration (i joined the fighter guild), managed to learn 2 skills before having to teleport, unfortunately it didn't worked greatly as the guildmaster still got me.
Fortunately with the item lost when crawling up, i still had kept my most important ones.
if you're someone very masochist that is playing in the game mode that has permadeath, well don't infiltrate a guild is the best solution