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Author Topic: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control  (Read 14877 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2018, 03:30:20 pm »

Chapter Five: This is not a clue for investigating, this is a clue for laying down and avoiding

We've made our decision, and slammed our skill points down on the table for their reckoning. We then quietly pick them back up off the coffee table and put them where they belong, because it wouldn't do to have a messy safehouse.

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Or, well, any messier than it already is... Geez, you call this place a safe house? There are fire hazards everywhere!

Focusing on SMGs, we've bought pretty much every accessory and attachment possible, for reasons that will become clear later on... For now, we're packing total weapon buffs in the range of +25% accuracy and +22% critchance for our primary rooty-tooty-bang-and-shooty, while our sidearm is just stuck with the +25% accuracy. We had pretty considerable burst damage before, but now it's gotten even crazier. Hopefully enough to help stop the merciless destruction wrought by the unchecked wombat and emu populations.

We've also cleaned out our ammo box and added in a bunch of new ammo types! This isn't particularly interesting just yet though, since none of the ammo types do anything different to the usual critters and spooks we'll encounter on a raid.

Basically, we've bought everything there's any sense in buying, and even a couple things there isn't any sense in buying, and we've still got $6000 left over.

Let's go see how Zoe's doing.

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Zoe: "Ken! I've got excellent news!"

Ken: "What's that, Zoe? Have you found an invasive species we could introduce to control the wild emu population?"

Zoe: "I... What? No. What? ... Anyways, I wanted to tell you, I'm finally relevant to the plot again!"

Ken: "That's great news! And just in time too, my nightmares were starting to get even worse than before... It was so bad, I never told anyone about it or mentioned it in any way, and I honestly didn't even notice it myself until I started talking to you just now!"

Zoe: "That'll be the plot relevance kicking in, Ken. I've done some digging on some of the other disappearances around the time of your losing your memory, and I think I'm on to something that will make sense so long as I never describe it in detail... But first, I need you to bring me a couple EVP recordings from your parabolic microphone."

Ken: "What? Why? Just any of the countless tapes I've been selling to Redback for cash? The ones I record from screaming lamps and giggling fridges on the job?"

Zoe: "Yes, exactly those. I need two."

Ken: "Just... Two tapes? Recorded from any of the random places I go to?"

Zoe: "Precisely. It's absolutely essential for moving this investigation, and thereby the plot, forward."

Ken: "I'll be back in two shakes of-... Err, I'll be back soon."

As it happens, there's been an update to the game recently, where they added a new mission type: Forensics. This is now the lowest difficulty mission available, even lower than the lowest-level scouting missions, and serves as a place to begin for those who want a smoother introduction to the game... So that when the later portions open up and the difficulty spikes like mad, they can feel even more shocked and confused.

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Forensics missions are pretty much just less-difficult scouting missions, and they don't have EVP clues at all, but they are the only mission type so far to provide slightly different terrain features on the mission map! As such, we're going to be checking one out just to gawp at the sights.

"Authorities have issued a contract for forensic specialists, to collect evidence from a crime scene, note some areas are off-limits". Because of course, when manpower is low, you put out open contracts for forensic analysis of your active crime scenes. Yep. Definitely no problems there. Especially not when you actually give the contract to some galah in a baseball cap with dirty boots and an old fish finder from the bait shop with the words "fish finder 2000" scratched out and "GHOST HUNTER" painted on top.

Let's go solve a crime, shall we?

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Ooh, it looks so fancy now doesn't it! I actually really like the look of the forensics missions, they look like they could've come out of a game that was actually about finding clues and solving mysteries... A better game.

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Here we see one of the blocked-off areas, as well as the entrance to the house. The tape hanging from the railing is constantly drifting in the wind, and it looks really nice and would really help add to the spookiness of this whole situation if I didn't already know the game as well as I do... Which is strange, because this is the only place in the game where that effect is ever used, and it's only on a patched-in extended tutorial mission for beginners. Huh.

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Here's another chalk outline, and one of the very few clues we can find on this map. These maps are limited to just two types of clues; blacklight clues (which makes sense, sorta) and EMF reader clues (which... doesn't make as much sense, unless the crime we're investigating is their power bill), and the bloody pawprints leading away from the outline are an indication of a hidden blacklight trail leading through the house.

The pawprints lead to a chair in the kitchen, where we find... A pig mask? Did we stumble into CSI: Hotline Miami? No, no... That would be entirely too awesome. What we're probably looking at here is a hungry dingo attack, where the dingo was wearing a pig mask.

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A single rat is startled by our investigation, and leaps out of the chandelier. We fire at it a few times, putting several 9mm rounds into the surrounding walls and furniture, and finally crack its gooey abdomen open on top of some forensic evidence. I'm sure ballistics will understand that we were just shooting at a rat, and that we weren't here during the murder.

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This lamp is giving us a powerful reading on our EMF reader, which means... Well, it means that the lamp is connected to electricity, and that the wiring is probably kind of shitty and poorly insulated. So, pretty much like every house in suburban Australia.

Inspecting the lamp, we find a statuette. I'm... I'm not sure where the statuette was, but unless it was just taped to the inside of the lampshade, it's not unreasonable that the metal statuette could have touched on a couple poorly-insulated wires and made a short circuit, which could easily explain the EMF readings.

With our second clue discovered, we're... Well, we're done. That's it. That's the mission. We could stick around and check the other rooms to see if there's another rat to kill, and that's in fact exactly what we do... Inside the guest bathroom, an eight-legged rat tried to leap out from behind the mirror and ambush us, but due to the close quarters of the bathroom it ended up just flying inside the wall and dropping outside the map instead. After a few moments of scurrying around in limbo, it was respawned in the hall outside and ran up to attack us from behind. But like any good paranormal investigator, we shot it to pieces with high-powered ballistic weaponry.

Compiling the evidence and cleaning some of the rat ichor off of our pants, we head back to report our important findings and help bring this... *checks notes* ...quintuple homicide case to a close!

Police Chief Wallace: "Well Mr. Ham, what have you got for us? Do we have a lead?"

Ken Ham: "Better than that, chief! All the forensic evidence points to only one conclusion!"

Chief: "Yes? You've identified the suspect? Can we bring this monster to justice!"

Ken Ham: "I've checked with the book, and there's only one logical deduction to be made... It was ghosts."

Chief: "...what?"

Ken Ham: "Ghosts, sir. Ghosts did it."

Chief: "..."

Ken Ham: "I'll be taking my contract fee now, thank you!"

Chief: "...fine." *pulls out wallet* "Here's, eh... Seven dollars. Job well done. We'll be contacting you in the future if we need to arrest any more... Ghosts."

Ken Ham: "What should I do with the spectral evidence? Do you want it in those little baggies like on TV? I think I may have sat on the one, but it's still pretty good evidence!"

Chief: "No, that's... That's fine. You can keep them. Just go. Please."

With a fresh $7 burning a hole in our pockets next to the forensic evidence we stole from an active murder investigation, we head off to find some EVP recordings for Zoe.

Now, all the clues in a given mission are randomized, so there's really no telling how, when, where or what will turn up an audio clue. There will generally be at least one or two on the larger missions, so let's go to one of the upgraded scouting missions and have a little look-see.

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Shortly after entering the house, we pick up an audio reading. What luck! Investigating the signal, we find some shrieking shelves guarded by an emu who somehow managed to get the drop on us before we obliterate the birdy nuisance. Making a quick recording of the shelves, we earn ourselves a "Tape #2", because all EVP tapes are numbered according to their general rarity and value, and #2 is a fairly standard, common-level tape to find.

It's either that, or the shelves were singing about airline dentistry. It isn't easy, but nothing is.

In the bedroom down the hall, we find another emu and shoot it to death while it's hiding up on the wall, causing it to ragdoll its way through the bed and onto the ground beneath. Because as we all know, memory foam isn't a real physical object. Taking out our microphone, we discover that the bed is yelling at us. Looks like we've got our second tape!

Terrifyingly, the physics updated upon collecting the tape and caused the emu's corpse to come flying up from out of the bedsheets and actually bounce off the now-physical bed before wiggling to a standstill at our feet. First legitimate scare of the session.

This tape is an "evidence" tape, as opposed to a "clue" tape. As such, it is simply named "EVP", and we'll have to accurately categorize it in The Book in order to identify what's haunting this location.

After finding a Ouija board in a potted plant and a mysterious amulet in a cast-off hoodie, we have enough clues to decipher and categorize the EVP. Because you can't do that until you've reached that point in the clues checklist.

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Luckily this turned out to be a "whispers" haunting, which is the easiest to identify offhand. As you might imagine, the other types of EVP recording are... Just a teensy bit difficult to differentiate at first glance.

Now at this point, we're honestly done as far as Zoe is concerned. But we're nothing if not greedy little bastards, so how about we clean this house out for some more precious swag clues?

Checking out some suspicious temperature phenomena, we enter a room and are promptly attacked by the furniture. An upholstered armchair commits itself to a suicide attack and shatters against the floor as we sidestep it. Due to its noble sacrifice, its soul ascends to paradise where it will be lavished with 99 coats of virgin olive oil.

Enraged, the bookcase launches its own attack.

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The bookcase manages to connect with our face due to the fact that I was busy taking a picture of it. We inject some bandaids into the wound.

By the way, if you think things are difficult to see in that picture, it's a hell of a lot harder when the event actually happens... First the lights get significantly dimmed down, then the screen starts ripping itself up because VHS camera effects are totally hip in every situation, and then you're somehow supposed to notice the furniture which has levitated up into the total darkness located on the ceiling of each room (no ambient or carried light sources project at an angle that would light them up normally when they're that high up) before it comes crashing down on you. Also I'm pretty sure there's some motion blur happening, but it's difficult to tell with the general "soup" nature of the image at that point anyways.

Turns out we were in the wrong room anyways, and the thermal clue was in the kitchen. Namely, the sink. However, the sink and its accompanying counter are a bit too large to entirely fit inside the thermal scanner's screen, so we need to do a little tippy-tappy dance and move it around a bit before it registers that there's a clue you're taking a picture of.

This is particularly nasty because it's possible to find fake thermal clues, which are just random areas of heat that show up on the scanner... These are not counted as clues and never will be, but you can't really tell the difference except by how the thermal scanner reacts to trying to take a picture of it. And if you happen to know this and take a "bad" picture of a real clue, you can end up roaming around the house on a wild goose chase.

But we happen to know better, because I learned from experience that the thermal scanner is an absolute bodger and not worth a zac.

So instead, the lights started flickering and the wild geese came to chase us around. A couple spooky wombats show up and start mooing, and in my stupidity I moved into the other half of the living room in order to outmaneuver them... Which, seeing as that portion counts as an entirely new room, another encounter gets spawned while I'm dealing with the wombats and suddenly I get some kebab needles in my backside. The combined assault leaves me needing to jam some drugs into my knee, especially since my vision has been severely reduced thanks to...

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...nightvision goggles! As you've somewhat seen before, spooky wombats are nearly invisible, their location given away only by their glowing red eyes and a faint shadow passing through the air. This is compounded by the fact that whenever there are wombats around, all the lights in the area get a lot darker, so they have a lot more background darkness to blend in with. Nightvision goggles are the prescribed remedy for dealing with wombats, as stated in their Cryptonomicon entry. And indeed, turning on the NVG will cause them to stand out as solid, defined blocks of darkness against the backdrop of slightly-less-dark-ness! You see that sort of extra-dark mass to the right of the potted plant? That's a wombat.

You may notice, however, that the rest of your vision gets absolutely buggered by using the goggles... Despite the fact that womnbats do in fact have better contrast and are easier to spot when you're using the goggles, that only applies to things that are in front of you. Everything behind your back becomes a complete blur, and it's actually harder to spot one sneaking up on you for an ambush when you've got the goggles on.

And don't even think about toggling them on and off as needed, because like any good piece of visual enhancement, it blinds you for a moment whenever you activate it.

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After shooing off the wombats and their cuboid shadow poop, we go back into the wrong side of the living room and shoot the needle dispenser that I couldn't see because my vision was too enhanced.

We get lucky and find the end of a blood trail without having to find the source (which is usually guarded by an event or critter encounter), and round out our clues for the mission. Leaving a few rooms unopened because we don't need to fight every damn thing in this house, we finish up and get paid for doing the scout work. The money isn't enough to matter much at this point, but it's something... Now it's time to go to Zoe and drop off our findings.

Finding Zoe at the bar, we're told that these are in fact the wrong kind of EVP evidence, and we need to get better ones from the actual Hunting job areas. Welp. I guess we're going hunting?

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Hunting missions are the hardest of the hard, and pose a bunch of new and unexpected dangers for those wishing to stay alive. We don't even care about "investigation" or "clues" at this point, all we care about is triggering the rooms and then surviving the inevitable consequences of doing so... Then we can talk about clues.

Steeling ourselves, we kick in the door and-

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-immediately get sucked into a portal to the shadow realm. Bugger.

So, yeah, this delightful place that we first saw in the tutorial is what's referred to as the "shadow realm" or "shadow dimension". There's a chance that doors in these missions will instead trap you inside the shadow realm when you try to open them, rather than actually, y'know, open... And you're stuck in there until you kill off the 4(!) wombats who immediately show up to disagree with you. The door still exists as an object in the shadow realm, but it's locked.

We manage to do good work on the wombats and take them all out in just a couple clips... You may notice that the shadow realm also happens to be as dark as the inside of an aborigine's arsehole, which means you're basically forced to rely on the nightvision goggles. Which means you can't see anything on your flanks, so you basically need to just start running immediately and try to gather all the wombats on one side of you.

After killing the last wombat, we're unceremoniously dumped right outside the door as though nothing ever happened. We manage to open it properly this time.

We pick up a lead on a nearby audio clue, but end up going through a bit of a loop as while there are indeed two clue hotspots that responded to the microphone as being clues, the real clue was apparently causing false positives by being located directly behind those two clues, isometrically speaking...

So we check out a plant, it's not the clue, go into the hallway and check out a painting, it's also not the clue, then end up circling back around into the living room we just came out of in order to find the real location of the clue, and-

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-are immediately ambushed by another group of four wombats, as signaled by the telly going a bit mad.

We take a couple hits because the things are right and proper bastards to dodge properly thanks to their massive size and nebulous telegraphing, but we manage to put them down... Finally, a moment of peace to bandage up and check for clu-

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-bugger. That's the ghast alarm.

Since this location is an "active" haunting, a certain spectral fragment of the resident poltergeist is actually awake and moving around. This fragment is known as the "ghast", and it's effectively invulnerable. After exploring a couple rooms in a hunting mission, the ghast will become alerted to your presence and start snooping around... It's difficult to determine exactly when the ghast is going to find you, but it seems to be determined by number of rooms explored as well as time elapsed.

The only way of dealing with the ghast, beyond letting it run a ghost train on you, is to purchase an EMP countermeasure tripwire for $75, set it up in a doorway like so:

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...and then pray to the big man that you're going to be close to that doorway when the ghast finds you. Once the ghast has locked on, you've got a brief window of time to run back to that door and charge through the tripwire before the ghast hauntingly informs you who your daddy is.

Countermeasures are another one-time usage item, so once it's burned out from deflecting a ghast (it doesn't actually kill the ghast, it merely sends it away for a while. Long enough to finish the mission completely) it can't be recovered. That's fine enough, at this point $75 isn't much of an issue, but...

You can only have one tripwire at a time. In order to place another one, you need to first dismantle the first one you placed (you get the whole mechanism back, so you at least don't waste it and have to buy a new one), and then hope really hard that the ghast doesn't appear while you're moving to set up the new one. This is because of "conflicting EMP frequencies" or some nonsense.

Anyways, we've got our countermeasure set, and there's not a whole lot more we can do other than keep close to this location for a while and hope for the best...

Checking out a couple more rooms, we nab ourselves some choice clues and, troublingly, don't spark any more hostile encounters. We find a key, which lets us unlock a locked door at the northern end of the hallway, which is useful since we happened to pick up some more EVP traces coming from that room. Poking our heads inside to make sure there's no event associated with the room, we whip out the parabolic mic and-

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-promptly shit our pants. That's the ghast. You can't see it very well, because it moves around your character extremely rapidly and also the entire screen goes black and doesn't go back, as per usual, but you can see the red lines from where its eyes are repositioning. The fact that an alarm horn blares in your ears immediately upon the ghast's arrival doesn't help you keep your focus either.

I mentioned there were two ways of dealing with the ghast? Yeah, well, thanks to our inability to run when carrying any kind of detective equipment, and the fact that this event doesn't automatically stow them like many other events will do, we can't make it back to our tripwire in the 3 second grace period the ghast provides us, and so we end up getting smacked way the way down the corridor to the tune of about 80% of our health. Ghost train goes "boo, boooo!"

Now the little cunt is happy and will bugger off to wherever he came from, letting us continue with the investigation. He's not actually intent on stopping us from doing anything, he just wants to pull our pants down violently and then spirit himself away like the foggy hoon he is. No longer needed, we recover the unused tripwire and continue our investigation.

And what would you know, the EVP clue wasn't even in that bloody room! Instead we find a clock on the wall that starts chiming and then vomiting blood onto the floor. This is the game's way of telling you that a portal to the blood dimension has opened, and you're about to get swarmed by creepy crawlies. I didn't manage to get a shot of this as I was busy not dying, but suffice to say that about 14 centipedes splashed out of the floor and wanted to have a bingle.

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Still not having found the audio clue, we check the next room over... Therein we find a corpse lying on the ground, and- wait, the body! It's moving! Is this another kebab victim? No, this is... Oh god, are those eggs?! And they're getting bigger! What could-

EWWWWWW. A bunch of centipedes burst out of the egg-like structures on the person, spewing forth another writhing mass of angry, biting, slippery arseholes.

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Wait a moment... Angry, biting, slippery arseholes? Bursting out of eggs? Long, writhing creatures that are generally unpleasant? I do believe I've been mistaken! these aren't centipedes at all!

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With our biology lesson for today complete, we continue snooping around for clues.

Turns out we're in luck! Not only was the tool cabinet whispering plots of violence, but there were some shards of glass on the ground that proved to be concealing a haunted amulet! I... I'm not sure how you hide a shiny object underneath clear glass, but I suppose that just adds to the incredibly spooky nature of it all!

We do a little quick deduction, and find out that we're not far off from having actually found all of the clues at this location. Happily, we open the door to another room and as the bulbous rat-creature descended from the ceiling, we immediately regretted our decision to do so.

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The rat-mother pushed us back through the hallway and landed a good couple king-hits with her projectile acid spray, but her fat arse proved too easy of a target to hit and we ended up bringing her down after losing not entirely too much health.

And then all her kids popped out and started running around. Lovely.

After that whole fiasco, we're down to the last 26 healing points from our starting 390. I'd like to mention that our entire health bar, when full to its maximum capacity, is worth 120 hitpoints. Yeah. We've technically died more than three times from all this punishment.

We check our sensors around the outside of a couple more rooms without actually entering them, and since we couldn't pick up traces of either EMF or EVP activity, nor any blood trails leading into those rooms, we decide to give them a pass... But there are still two clues left unfound. However, sorting through the clues from earlier, we find information stating that there's another type of critter at this location, one we haven't seen yet... And that sort of gives us a hint as to where the final clues may be. Namely, outside.

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Yep, I was right.

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And now we officially meet the dirt kebab... A group of 4 tentacles that pop out of the ground and try to give you a good slappin' while dirt and dust obscure half the screen and shaky camera movements obscure the other 65%. Even in our weakened state, they're not nearly as dangerous as they look. They're incredibly bad at hitting moving targets so long as you don't move in a straight line directly to our from them, because then the massive reach of their slappin' end will hit you and plant you face-down in the dirt looking like a fool. But even then, they don't actually hurt as much as, say, having 14 angry snakes suddenly appear in your pants.

With Kebabthulu out of the way, we help ourselves to the rope hiding under a knocked-over mailbox. Or maybe it was inside the mailbox? Difficult to say... Mail-order rope? "Drop us a line, we'll send you a rope"? Who knows...

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8 out of 9 clues, still one to go... We're out of medkit bandages by this point, but still have our stims and a reasonable amount of health to go on. Still, doesn't hurt to employ a little more caution in the final stretch... After doing a cursory check of the outside, we head back into the house and start checking doors again to find stray emanations, and sure enough there's a signal coming out from behind a bathroom door hidden inside one of the bedrooms. We set an emu trap, just in case, and gently smash the door open to get a peek inside.

No emus, no rats, no fountains of blood... Just an ordinary dunny, all things considered. Checking our EMF reader again, we find that the signal is coming from... The toilet. Because of course it is.

Rummaging around in the porcelain kingdom, we find... Uh... In the toilet, we find a scorch mark. Yes. We find a "structural clue", some sort of indication that a conflict took place at that spot.

Inside the toilet.

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...fuck it, let's just analyze this thing and get out of here.

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Structural clues are, in my opinion, the dumbest clues of the lot... Nevermind the fact that you find them inside of books or toilets or whatever, or that you apparently don't care about how incredibly decrepit and run-down the rest of the house is, but just look at the definitions! "Would you say what happened here was a clash, or a struggle? What about a battle? This is important!", and it really is important, because if you identify it as being an "encounter" instead of a "conflict", you may completely misidentify the type of poltergeist haunting the area.

And it's not that hard to misidentify something when you see the teeny tiny differences between the different types of signs! I mean, look at those examples! You're supposed to identify something by eyeballing particle sizes? Pull the other one, it's got bloody bells on.

Anyways, we've gathered all the clues at this location, including the two EVP clues that Zoe needed, and successfully identified the haunting ghostie down to the third and most detailed degree, so let's get out of here before more wombats show up.

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So, yeah... A slight economic upgrade from the scouting missions, clues from hunting missions can be worth upwards of $500 per each. This makes it so that money grinding later in the game is less about successfully completing higher-level scouting missions, and more about starting a hunting mission, grabbing one or two clues, and then just leaving before anything kills you.

Hilariously, we forgot to pick up the bear trap we put down... So despite the fact that it never triggered, we're still out the $12 expense. But as you can probably guess, we're not exactly strapped for cash at the moment. Let's head back to the bar.

Zoe: "Did you get the recordings?"

Ken: "Yeah, here you go. You making a mixtape?"

Zoe: "No, I'm going to cross-reference these with some other EVPs that have been recorded by previous hunters. All I need to do is load up the central database and compare these recordings to the ones on the website... The WiFi's pretty good here, so it shouldn't take more than a day or two for the page to load in. Come see me after an unspecified amount of time has passed and I'll have something interesting for you!"

And with that, Zoe gives us $1,100 for the tapes and goes back to being a background ornament. We're a few grand richer, as well as having earned another level!

At this point we're at level 15, which means we're only two levels away from the unannounced maximum level cap. We can't grab all the skills in the book, but we've got enough to get the most important ones sorted. There's one extra skill I'd like to try getting my hands on, but we'll see how everything pans out in the end.


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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2018, 10:06:58 pm »

I was already chuckling the whole way through (the "First legitimate scare of the session" was amazing), but the scorch/skid mark in the loo friggin' killed me. This is great. I'd kinda forgotten how much fun it could be to poke fun at dodgy videogames whilst playing through them. I wish I'd thought to back up those 'free browser game reviews' I did back in the day on the forums for some now-defunct MMO before they were purged from existence.   

Also, I wouldn't be bothered by them borrowing my name and likeness, but did they really have to give me such a ridiculous hairstyle? Good grief. At least my NPC self hasn't been gruesomely killed off yet - I was fully expecting to see him cark it in that first intro mission, to show how dangerous these spooky fellas you're dealing with are.

Heh, it's almost like these people don't even really understand how guns work or someth-
Hey, give the fellas a break, gun licenses are rare as hens' teeth down here ya know.
...Although the obvious lever action on that shottie was pretty amusing. Have they never seen/read a western? Well, I guess the "read" part was a given considering the number of spelling and grammar errors throughout.

Also, I intend to read all posts now and in the future in the voice of this guy.
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Spoiler: What, not this bloke? (click to show/hide)
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I like to eat small children.
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2018, 04:06:08 am »

[random interjection]

I love how none of these games consider the installation of superbright UV LEDs inside a normal flashlight.

Seriously-- white LEDs are INNATELY UV. They have a special phosphor coating that makes them RE-emit white light, after it absorbs the UV emitted.  Those super bright LED flashlights?  what they REALLY are, is re-emission devices, powered by UV generation.

Those mult-element super bright "I can be used as a damn searchlight!" ultra-power flashlights?  Yeah. Those LEDs can totally be replaced. With real UV ones.  Ones powerful enough to cause blindness in people that dont wear eye protection, without them knowing it, because "Real deal invisible UV light".

These settings really dont like the idea of making a vampire destroying super torch for like, an extra 10$, and some downtime.

[/random interjection.]


  • Bay Watcher
  • Olive oil. Don't you?
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2018, 05:01:28 am »

[random interjection]

Yeah, that's bugged me for every example of UV bullets/grenades (hello, Blade) I've seen... Nobody wants an easy solution.

Oh, but here's the really fun part... There actually is a UV lamp in the game! It's a floodlight you put on the ground, and then you can turn it on via remote control to blast UV light in a cone in front of it. It will instantly kill any wombats in the beam.

What's the catch? The bulb "burns out"... After one second of usage.

And then it's done, finished, irretrievable. $125 down the hole. And of course using it is a bit tricky, since it needs to be set up and in place before you can turn it on, and if you set it up just before entering a door and get sucked into the shadow realm where all the wombats live, it's not coming through that portal with you.

Other than that, it's used to temporarily stun one of the boss monsters... Namely, the one you need to shoot with UV bullets.

Oh, yeah... And while several people on the Steam discussion boards and community seem to be confused about this, UV rounds don't do anything special to the wombats. They're only vulnerable to the lamp, not the ammo.

Because consistency.


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2018, 06:42:17 am »

Seriously?  that's like... an arc flash.

You know old fashioned polaroid cameras? the ones with the single use flash?  Yeah. That's basically all that is.  Modern (like, from the 90s with an actual charged flash) cameras would do exactly same thing, be reusable, and would double as documentation evidence gathering in the same click.

Jesus, just a little knowledge in this game universe would make you so OP. lol.

After a little research, not even THAT would produce appreciable amounts of UV light.  This would be more like what gets produced from an arc or tig welder, rather than a xenon flash lamp. Even a mercury flash lamp would only make tiny amounts of UV.   

Well, at least we know that there will be no wombats in a welding shop! (snicker)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2018, 06:54:16 am by wierd »


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2018, 01:31:06 pm »

Chapter Six (Six Six): We're gonna need a bigger van

With Zoe hastily waiting on the high-speed fiberoptic dial-up internet access, we turn 40 degrees to the left and talk to Redback about selling some more spooky fruit and haunted rope to the black market.

Redback: "Where the fuck have you been? I've got a job for you!"

Ken Ham: "Uh, I've... I've been working."

Redback: "Doesn't matter! I've got a mysterious client who mysteriously needs the house at this address cleared of critters before he can put a mysterious shipment through and conduct his mysterious business."

Ken Ham: "Sounds straightforward enough. Anything else I should know?"

Redback: "Nope, that's it. I've got a lot of money riding on this, understand? A lot. So don't cock it up! Heh heh heh..."

Ken Ham: "You sure you're giving me the good oil on this? This sounds a lot like that last job you gave me, which didn't go over too well if you'll recall."

Redback: "Not my fault you got locked in the shadow closet. Now get going! $900 for finishing the job!"

Ken Ham: "Wait, $900? That's less than you pay me for two signs these days, why am I supposed to care about $900?"

Redback: "Just piss off and shoot some rats, or whatever it is you do. Come back once the house is cleared."

So, yeah, we've been "asked" to do a sweep of this house. The job's technically classed as a Hunting job, meaning it's the spookiest and dangerousest of the bunch, and I'm guessing there are going to be a couple surprises that we're not getting told about.

The game's text helpfully informs us that Redback will probably be annoyed if we take too long completing it. Or die, presumably.

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As is standard procedure for these sorts of haunts, we take a few steps in through the door and get immediately attacked by something nasty. This time it's a new face in our chronicle of assholes!

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This is a tentacle painting, one of the hilarious pranks that haunted houses like to play on hopeful hunters. It's identical to a normal painting, sitting patiently up on the wall until someone enters its range, at which point a cluster of spindly tentacles ejects forth from the diorama and start slapping everything in sight. Or they would, if the animation team were doing their job... Mostly the tentacles just pop out and lazily drift in the air for a bit.

Standing in that area of effect does MASSIVE amounts of damage and will happily kill you inside of a few seconds. Even just the initial triggering of the painting can result in taking one third to half of your healthbar away through your armor. So, how do we combat the threat posed by this World Champion of Waving? Do we just "tentacle-check" every painting with a couple bullets to see if it says "Ow!"?

No! Because that doesn't work. Tentacle paintings are completely invulnerable unless they're active, at which point you've got to shoot at the painting's teensy little hitbox and hope to kill it. Buuut... The tentacles are only "active" when you're within range for a good slapping, and quickly retract back into their shell of invincibility as soon as you leave.

Yeah. It's unpleasant. Enough about that.

Not ones to miss going to an asshole party, a couple emus leap out from behind a potted plant and attack us. Now, we're actually in an excellent position to take them on, with a bear trap hooked up to some explosives and clear corridors to fire down on them... Except that they somehow whip out some ridiculous emu magic and cause the sprint button to glitch and lock up alongside our aiming, so we take considerably more damage than we had any business taking. Blah.

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Using the parabolic microphone, we locate a screaming key in the toilet. Giving it a quick dry on our trouser leg, we put it in the pocket labeled "Unsanitary" and carry on with our extermination proceedings.

The telly activates and starts emitting Spooky-wave radiation, which as we all know is an irresistible attraction for wombats. A small herd of them arrives in the doorway and starts phasing through walls and objects. Meanwhile, the spook-o-meter pops an alert that there's a ghast incoming.

This is a bit unfortunate, as we're not in a particularly good doorway-accessible part of the house... Since the ghast's arrival is determined by how many rooms you've entered, it's advisable to set up the tripwire in a forward location so that you can just slam open a few doors, deal with their critter triggers, and run back to the countermeasure to see if you're going to get ghasts in the ass. But we'll do our best at running like a coward when the time comes.

Opening another door, we spot a momma rat hanging from the ceiling. She comes down to give us a stern telling-off for disturbing her ugly sleep, and we responding by detonating some explosives under her abdomen. Unimpressed, she gives us a good slapping and hurls us into the wall, causing debris to rain down that would probably kill us instantly.

A couple SMG blasts later and she curls up into a furry little ball and explodes into a new clutch of baby rats who immediately start swarming... We deal with the first waves with a few concentrated blasts of automatic fire, but 30 rounds is nowhere near a large enough clip to take out this many squealing rodents... Luckily, we've got a new weapon in the war against extremely mobile annoyance hordes!

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Yes, the BOOT KNIFE! The description is slightly unclear, but what this does is deliver 6 points of damage to any critter making an attack on us which connects but is negated by the dodge I-frames. Curiously this includes ranged attacks such as kebabs or mother rats, where successfully dodge-blocking one of their projectiles on the complete other side of the room will cause 6 points of damage to the launcher of said projectile. By stabbing it with our interdimensional boot knife.

How is this an anti-rat defense mechanism? Well you see, there's this book rats like to bunch up into little piles that all attack more or less simultaneously, meaning that a well-timed dodge can have the I-frames cover attacks from 5-6 or even more of the little bastards, in which case the boot knife will deal exactly 6 damage to each and every one of them. Rats, by nature, have only 5 HP.

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Carefully checking out a nearby bedroom, we find a body that patiently waits for us to fully enter the room before erupting into three kebab tendrils. Unfortunately for it, we happen to have enough firepower to put down these blatant Dead Space ripoffs in just slightly less than a second of sustained gunfire. The tendrils collapse without having launched a single garlicicle at us...

Doing a cursory clue check of the bedroom, we find nothing of interest. ...until, that is, I notice an ever-so-slight hiccup in the interior decorating.

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And no, none of those are hidden wall-tentacles or anything, they're just perfectly normal doodads... If perhaps a little bit confused.

While we were standing around admiring the aesthetics, the ghast spawns. Trousers summarily crapped, we break into a headlong dash to try and make it out of the room and around the corridor to free-... Wait a minute.

Right, so... When the ghast first appears, it likes to bounce back and forth a bit and trail its glowing red eyes around spookily. It does this at extremely high speed, careening through walls and solid objects to show off just how frightening it is.

In doing this, the ghast launched itself straight through the western bedroom wall, and directly into the tripwire we'd set at the entrance to the living room. Countermeasure activated. *Poof*

...with the ghast having gleefully removed itself from our hair, the rest of the mission should be much more manageable. Sure, there's still the risk of wombats, and we've already burned through more than half of our 390-point bandage reserve, but the ghast is dangerous because it's an unpredictable surprise buggering, and until it's been dealt with in one way or another it will hang over every other thing you do in the house, making you nervous and sloppy.

Moving on, we disturb a couple emus making use of the guest bedroom down the hall, and may possibly have blown ourselves up slightly with some explosives. Not to worry, there's a gauze for that around here somewhere... We also find a few more clues for our trouble, and uncover more knowledge about the specter infesting this location.

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Now, due to the specific terms of our contract ("Kill Everything"), we do have to carefully walk through every room and partition in the house, to make sure we've gotten everything. This meshes fairly well with clue hunting though, so it ends up working out alright. We do a quick runthrough of the house proper, make some deductions, and then head outside to quickly patrol the edge of the property.

We end up running across a body outside with another nest of trouser snakes, and despite completely losing our cool and rolling around like a complete idiot we manage to clean them up without too much detriment to our overall health.

Of course, while "Kill Everything" is technically what we're supposed to do here, the mission is still treated like a normal hunting mission. As such, we're not going to get a "Mission complete!" status until we summon and destroy the poltergeist. And since we won't be getting that message, we have no way of really knowing if we've actually completed our objectives. Surprisingly, not a single door ended up catapulting us into the shadow realm... I really was expecting some sort of plot device to come around and kick us in the seating area.

With nothing else to really do, we double check the surroundings and pack back into the van.

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Aaand the mission summary:
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Oh yeah. Definitely making the good motza now. Screw Redback and his $900... Oh, right, Redback. Should probably go see him now.

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Redback: "Oi! You actually managed to do a simple job without taking a 3-day siesta! Bloody proud of ya mate."

Ken Ham: "Yeah yeah, place was a bloody mess anyways... So what's the deal with this fella who needed the house? You said he was moving goods?"

Redback: "Hehe, sure was... Artifacts, ancient manuscripts, arcane diagrams, all the good swag! And as thanks for my facilitating this deal, I've been generously granted a portion of the shipment... Anyways, here's your money. $900, as agreed."

Ken Ham: "Always a pleasure doing business with ya... Well, when I don't get killed that is."

So, yeah. Redback's stock of super-secret artifact creation manuals has been expanded, but since we don't have the appropriate skill(s) on account of wanting to actually survive, they're all pretty useless to us. Even if we did have the skill, most of them are rendered outright harmful by the extreme penalties they offer to balance out their middling efficacy. We'll buy them anyways though, because why not?

And that's pretty much it! I checked out Guns n' Baits with a hopeful heart, but sadly our "reputation" hike from completing another plot mission apparently wasn't enough to unlock any new usable purchases.

We've just reached level 16 though, meaning that we're at the "soft cap" for the game. While it's technically possible to reach level 17, it requires over 20 times as much experience as it took to get to level 16, so it's... Not particularly feasible.

It's at this point that we really come to see how limited you are in building your character. We don't have any of the sidearm skills, we don't have any of the armor or dodging skills, nor do we have the gambling/luck skills, nor any of the medical skills beyond "can use bandages"... And yet we're still a couple points short from being able to actually properly counter specific poltergeists, which is all-but-necessary when trying to take one of the big bads down.

There's a little bit of shuffling we can do, such as removing our ability to throw bait and grenades, and since neither bait nor grenades are particularly useful it's not a bad adjustment... But we're also stuck with a maximum of 5 re-slotted points; after we've unlearned 5 skills, we cannot reconfigure our character ever again. Which, all in all, I think is another candidate for the slightly-overflowing "bad design choice" bucket over in the corner there.

Anyways, we plug in our pretty-much-final skillpoint, restock our ammo reserves, and get geared up for a nice sit-down while figuring out our next move. The endgame draws ever nearer, and with it, the answers to all our questions...

Well, I mean, most likely not. But there'll be bullets involved, so who cares?


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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2018, 04:47:07 am »

Ken Ham, Spooky Fruit salesman
Love, scriver~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2018, 12:09:29 pm »

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...this game and playthrough is a candidate for the Mystery Science Theater of video games.  Well, I guess Dwarfy Play with Your Buddies Forum is close enough.


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2018, 01:36:30 pm »

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
and other science facts
(na na na)
just repeat to yourself, it's [Austrahlia Hell]
I should really just [buggah off]

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« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 02:07:12 pm by Dunamisdeos »
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2018, 03:43:12 am »

That's... that's just... bonza.     
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2018, 01:34:31 pm »

That is, indeed, pretty fukkin amazing.

Now, unfortunately, I was going to try and squeeze out an update today... You know, for old times' sake. Like we used to do.

However, it's now a bit late in the evening and Christmas isn't always the most lenient time of year schedule-wise. Especially when combined with how much the game wants to be a tit in the final stages... We're sizing up against the biggest wigglers on Knob Mountain, and our climbing gear is made out of Styrofoam. The slightly fiddly combat system combined with the fact that my mouse gets performance anxiety and suffers from stress-related narcolepsy... Well, it doesn't make for the best experience, even the times when we survive.

So there's gonna be a slight delay before the next update. I must meditate, focus my qi on the barby, and summon the will to fling dakka at poltergeists.

In the meantime, we'll be calling in some support from the New Zealand Paranormal Exterminator division. I'm sure they can keep things under control while we're on holiday!

It'll be fine.
No, actually, I don't know how to embed gifs. Why do you ask?


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2018, 05:22:39 am »

The best part if that is where his little crickety friend comes running.

Anyway take care and rest well Kagus.
Love, scriver~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2018, 07:22:12 pm »

...I'm surprised you've given this game as much as you have.

Er, I mean, please keep playing!  ;D


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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2019, 03:15:54 pm »

Chapter Seven: That's not a ghost, THIS is a ghost!

A new year dawns. A coming storm darkens the horizon, the sound of rolling chunder thunder bellowing across the rooftops of so many nearly-identical suburban houses. Novelty "frog-child hanging from noose" lawn ornaments swing gently in the warm breeze.

It is January in Australia, and other places as well.

Ken: "The ghosts are coming. I must shoot at them with my bullets!"

Indeed, we're in the endgame now, and the endgame is all about actually doing our damn job... Namely, bustin' spooge spooks.

"But how do I busted ghost", you ask? Well, young Hamawan, first you need to go to a hunting mission, because that's the only place that poltergeists actually exist. I mean, lore-wise I think pretty much ALL of the sites we've been to have had poltergeists, otherwise the rest of the rats and emus and whatever wouldn't congregate there... But who the bloody hell even knows anymore, eh?

Anyways, once you're at a site, all you need to do is collect two standard-issue clues, and you're ready to go! Well, sorta... You *can* technically unleash the ghost with only two clues, but at that point you won't even know what *kind* of ghost it is you're summoning. Two bags of moldy fruit will only get you through the door, it won't tell you which address you're at.

This is pretty much suicide, as the poltergeists are all extremely tough and are classed as the end bosses for this game. Your only hope of taking them down is by using the appropriate ammo type, which deals 3x as much damage as standard rounds (or incorrect type) will do, and they're balanced around you specifically knowing and using that ammo type, not to mention also setting up a bunch of expensive traps that, again, need to be the right type for dealing with the specific  threat.

So, yes, while you *can* unleash them at that point, it's an extremely bad idea to do so.

Further clues (in batches of 1 standard clue plus 1 evidence clue that needs to be deciphered via The Book) will unlock deeper knowledge of the specific haunting, such as: What it is (banshee, kelpie, shadow), what its materialization is (plasma, fractal, atomic, gauss), and what its transfusion is (vampiric, magnetic, sub-sonic, sporadic).

Did any of that make sense? Not for me either. The materialization and transfusion specifications (investigative levels 3 and 4, respectively, requiring a minimum of 6 or 8 clues collected) are just there to give the ghost extra-special weaknesses that you have no way of knowing about without investigating to that degree and getting the popup about it. Supposedly, according to the text in the book, it also changes how they fight... But, honestly, I wouldn't bet the farm on them having properly implemented that in any real way. I might be wrong, but regardless, in the end it all just boils down to "shoot it some more".

Materialization (fractal? Gauss? I have no idea) and transfusion (MAGNETICS, HOW DO THEY WORK?) classifications give you clues as to how you can best exploit the ghost's weaknesses, and what things to avoid. I'm sure this was originally intended to be something cool and meaningful like special rituals or whatever, but it all just boils down to "use these trinkets, do not use those other trinkets". Equipping the proper trinket can give you +10% damage (and all that that entails...) or +10% damage resistance, for example, while equipping the wrong trinkets will apply some sort of malus.

This is fairly bothersome, as trinkets are kind of a big part of customizing your loadout to actually be effective... Like, the trinket that gives you +40% accuracy may be the "wrong pick" for a fight, so you need to swap it out for the one that adds +2.5% damage but reduces accuracy by -20%, otherwise the game is gonna slap you harder than normal. Yes, in order to bust ghosts properly, you need to swap out the sights and muzzle mods on your gun. S'truth.

Additionally, the trinket clues don't even attempt to make sense. Reading up on a classification, you'll find helpful hints such as "Want to look suave? Slap on some glasses!" (no mention of which of the three different types of goggles/lenses/whatever it actually means), or "Make sure to bring your whisky bottle with you" and "For sneak attacks, use the boot knife accessory". Yes, because we are going to STAB GHOSTS with a BOOT KNIFE. While drinking whisky from a hipflask, of course...

Keeping all this in mind can be tricky, so the game helpfully includes a highlighting tool to pick out relevant information. As in, you find the relevant information, clumsily swipe over it with the highlighter, and it gets added to a post-it note on the side of the book. So, you still need to look at the book to find the info that you just found on those exact pages of the book. And it's not like you need to "remember this for later" anyways, the book is always with you and the only time you'll be fiddling with all this customization is when you're at the van after killing everything else and can peek through things at your leisure.

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So, yeah. Basically the only reason this exists is because they showed it off in the trailer a couple years ago and I guess they didn't want to leave it unimplemented. And there it is.

Additionally, the traps you can place (which, barring the UV projector, are almost entirely useless for anything that isn't the specific boss enemy you're up against) can be configured, with two different settings that can be tuned according to what is recommended in the book. Materialization gives you a value for one setting (such as the specific wattage of a UV lamp or the propane PSI for a gas canister), while transfusion gives you another (such as whether you should use motor oil to power the lamp, or what butane PSI should be at for the can).

Note that traps don't actually deal much (if any) damage, not even the explody-burny gas canisters. Traps are basically just there to counter whatever Ace of Bullshit card is hidden up the sleeve of your current spectral rival.

On top of all that, the individual clues themselves can give passive bonuses when they're used to deduce the next level of investigation, if you have the appropriate skills. One skill gives you a large bonus against the specific random mook that was "uncovered" by the clues (due to how the game works, you can very easily clear out an entire house before "uncovering" one of the enemy types you just spent half an hour fighting), another skill gives you a smaller bonus that works against every type of mook, and having both skills together unlocks a teeny tiny bonus when fighting against the boss... Like, a high-quality clue giving you a whopping 2.1785% chance to evade attacks from the boss. The effects stack though, so by the end of your investigation you'll have a whole four extremely minor advantages against your adversary! And yes, it's only four because only one of the two clues needed for each "level" of investigation can provide a passive benefit. The other one just gets condemned to uselessness. You also can't ever change that decision once you've locked in a clue, so if you've been picking clues that grant a higher chance of finding better clues for the rest of the mission, that slot will give you exactly zero benefit for the actual bossfight (that clue type does actually have an effect on bosses, but it's a 5% increase to experience earned from defeating the boss... So, completely worthless for the fight).

To summarize... You need two skill points to unlock investigation levels 3 and 4 so that you can even get this information (or the passive bonuses from clues used to activate those levels on a mission). You need an extra skill point to unlock the ability to use traps at all. You need two more skill points in order to be able to actually calibrate the traps to the specifications revealed by the investigation skillpoints. You need FOUR skillpoints on top of that to unlock all the trinket slots necessary to wear the appropriate stuff. And finally you need yet another two points to unlock the passive bonuses from skillpoints.

So that's 11 skill points dedicated exclusively to fighting the boss monsters, in a game with an effective level cap of 16 (17 is possible, but only after many many days of grinding), and where most of the character classes start at level 2 with both skill points pre-assigned. Oh, and I mentioned the deal about having to pay for your limited (3 skills) rerolling, right? Character customization, ho!

But fuck it, let's go to a house and test out our skills, eh?

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After starting the rounds getting completely wrecked by an ungodliness of snakes (which is totally the plural term, look it up), we patched ourselves up with a large amount of our bandages, and promptly got a nasty spanking from the ghast spawning EXCEPTIONALLY early. To this date, nobody knows exactly what triggers the ghast to spawn, and as such there's no indicator for when it's safe to pick up and relocate the countermeasure.

See, you can only have one countermeasure active at a time because of bullshit magic fiat, but unless the countermeasure is very close to your location you simply won't have enough time to run towards it once the ghast spawns. The usual tactic is to stick the countermeasure on a room's entryway, clear it out, check the surroundings for clues and then pick up the laser and put it on the next door so you can repeat the process.

This is fine up until the point where the ghast spawns immediately after you picked up the countermeasure, and you're suddenly left there with absolutely no recourse except to take an express flight to Brisbane on Bitchslap Airlines, an experience you can only survive if you're at max health and haven't taken any combat healing (which significantly lowers your maximum).

And you can't just sit in the laser and wait, because the ghast isn't actually time-based... There's a slight, random, time delay after whatever trigger gets fired, but you can easily just sit there for hours and the ghast won't spawn. Opening new doors is a quick way of getting it to spawn, but that of course isn't really an option since new rooms are spread out beyond the limited safety range of the trip laser.

So what is a ghost hunter to do? Well, current reports provide two alternatives: The first alternative is to simply get lucky and be in the right place at the right time.

The second alternative is to die.

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Getting royally buggered by that experience, we went to another house and tried a novel approach of not-dying. This worked passably well, but we ended up running into a slight snag involving some particularly uncooperative clues. Specifically, thermal clues.

See, the audio clue types have a rather wide range where you can play "warmer/colder" in order to zero in on the clue's location. This lets you find them fairly easily, even with the EMF clues not having a passive cue to let you know that there's one nearby (which the paranormal audio does). Even the blacklight trails have visible splotches and smears at their starting points, and you can take a quick scan with the cathode around doorways and intersections to see if there are any trails leading in/out of that general area.

Thermal clues? Haha. You get a fairly large zone where you start doing your impression of Puff the Magic Dragon and venting cold/boiling air out of your facial orifices, but actually finding the clue requires you to put that little screen EXACTLY where it needs to be in order to see that specific clue. This is made more difficult not only by the thermal scanner being complete arse and shitting itself the moment you pan it a little too quickly, but also by the fact that ambient light is detected as heat.

Bright/reflective objects will light up on the thermal scanner as though they're generating heat, and since you can't scan anywhere that you aren't also pointing your flashlight, well... Yeah.

Now, normally this isn't too bad, since most clues will light up in an extremely bright rainbow eyesore on the scanner, making it clear that they stand out from everything else. Sometimes though, the object is too small or partially obscured to generate that much of a heat signature... Glass shards on the ground, for instance, lack the central cohesion necessary to generate a bright signature, and will instead just look like they're reflecting your flashlight most of the time.

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Not finding any appropriate locations for the thermal clue, we began looking for inappropriate locations. Jumpers hidden underneath beds or closets (this happens), glass shards on tile floors, individual cans on storage shelving (also happens)... Nothing. No luck. Still the spooky steam of our own breath plumed in front of our mouths and made the thermal scanner go ballistic.

And then, wait... What was that? A glimpse? A hint of color in the corner of our heat-registering eye? Could it be? Had we finally found salvation?

No, no we had not found salvation. We had found buggery.

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Do you see? Do you see this shit? Do you know what's lighting up on that scan?

That's the edge of the map. The freaking invisible wall at the end of the rendered area is a clue we're supposed to pick up.

Since you can't accurately center the entire rest of the universe in the thermal scanner's window, that clue cannot be picked up. Since it can't be picked up, we can't complete investigation level 4 and can't determine the final characteristics of the haunting.

Time for a new house.

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More shooting, more searching for clues... Say, what's this? This bedroom looks interesting, and I'm picking up a faint EMF signal. It's coming from somewhere over by-...



You see, for its menagerie of snakes, wombats, emus, and rodents of usual size, there are no zombies. Ghosts, yes. Specters, yes. Kebabs, also yes. But there are no zombies we may blast with our headshootiness.

No, no zombies... But there are the hands.

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A single low growl, and then a pool of blood begins to appear on the floor, expanding in all directions at a frightening pace. From within the pool rise the hands, grasping and clutching and making rude gestures... Your only recourse is to run as fast as you can, lest you be dragged down and be shown what it is the hands are trying to escape.

Or at least it would be, if the pool didn't sometimes spawn on the wrong side of a room with only one exit. In those cases you basically just have to sprint and dodge-roll your way directly through the hands and hope for the best.

You see my healthbar? That's approximately half my total health. I was at 100% health when the hands triggered, but because of the bed and the location of the exit, I couldn't run in a straight line directly away from the epicenter of the spreading pool immediately upon it spawning. This, thanks to the rate at which the pool spreads, meant that I spent somewhere between 1 and 1.5 seconds inside the pool's zone of damage, which results in that much of my healthbar leaving in a huff.

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At first I was a bit concerned about spending that much of my bandage supply, but afterwards we got rather lucky and managed to actually snag the ghast in that confounded little tripwire. He almost bounced his way around so that he didn't go in, which is one of the difficulties when you try and rig a physical doorway against an incorporeal drop-bear.

With the ghast problem removed, we could breathe a little easier. There was still a good chance of getting through this house with enough bandages to patch ourselves up to 100% again for the fight!

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Of course this game has mimics.

In the end, we did manage to collect all the clues, but... Turned out that the poltergeist we uncovered wasn't one we could properly prepare for, as I'd apparently forgotten to buy a suppressor for my gun (what with it being fairly useless on the SMG I'd been using), and it was of a type that I couldn't calibrate my traps against, since I only have one of the two calibration skills.

Luckily, there's no penalty against just running through houses and leaving them with the spooks still a-haunting, so we can just pick and choose our way around until we find a ghost that panders to our sensibilities. And a house that doesn't completely roon us before we even get to that point.

But that will have to wait for another time, unfortunately. I've been hoping to get the achievement for finding a "rare" clue, but despite all my item find trinkets and clues and the +100% clue quality skill I hopelessly wasted a skillpoint on, I still haven't found a single such thing in the... 40+ hours I've put into this mess. I was planning on redistributing that point so I could unlock calibration of the other two trap types after finding the clue and getting the achievement, but I may need to just scratch it a bit early so I can get around to being effective rather than just an achievement hunter.

I've also taken a shotgun along on my last few houses in the hopes that it would be slightly more effective against snakes, and oh boy, is it ever! It's actually a lot more effective against most of the things I've brought it against thus far, and I don't even have the shotgun usage skill that adds barrel mods and -30% reload time! I'm going to have to try it out on a few more trips, but there's a chance I might be switching over from the SMG to the ol' shotmeister again. Unfortunately, that would likely mean spending another of my 3 skill reallocations... Yippee.

So that's it for this time around, I'm going to hone my bustin' skills and try to prep as much as possible for some proper specter-shooting. Until then; be safe, avoid the kebabs down on 5th street, and don't let the rats nibble your face.


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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellSign Hunters: Australian Pest Control
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2019, 05:18:59 pm »

[actual photo of the LPer during the turn's gameplay]
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
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