Turn 5
Arthur Stanford
"Now, we should take arms so we could defend ourselves and fight back, take whatever you can for The Lord will forgive you for it!" Arthur yelled to the masses. Peasants, scholars, women and even children - everyone prepared whatever arms they had at hand and took their positions. Archers went up the bell tower and each window had its watchman.
Jack Frost
"Thank you a great deal, sir. Where might I be able to find the Bishop?" Jack asked.
"He is on a platform in front of the altar, giving out orders for believers wishing to survive!" the priest pointed at a book holding man wearing tattered clothes.
Nmngubgu Sugnta
Nmngubgu nods in both agreement and understanding.
"Lrf, V nz! Svanyyl, fbzrbar gung fcrnxf zl ynathntr vafgrnq bs znxvat havagryyvtvoyr abvfrf! V pnzr sebz irel sne njnl orpnhfr bs gur yrtraqf bs gurfr ynaqf, juvpu frrzrq gb uvag ng gur rkvfgrapr bs gur zlguvpny perngherf jr xabj nf "Qnrzrv" be qrzbaf. Gur napvrag grkgf sebz gur terng yvoenel vaqvpngr gung guvf jnf gur ynaq va juvpu gurl jrer fhcbffrq gb nccrne, ohg V unira'g frra nal fb sne! Jbefr, V jnfa'g noyr gb nqdhver n qvpgvbanel, juvpu V jvyy arrq vs V jnag gb ernq nal obbx sebz guvf cynpr. Jbhyq lbh unccra gb xabj jung'f jevggra va guvf cncre?" - Nmngubgu kept shouting for a while, took the poster out of his pocket and showed it to the man.
Guvf jvyy fbhaq fgenatr... N terng zntvpvna yvivat whfg bhgfvqr gur pvgl jnyyf unf n qnhtugre jub vf n jvfr jbzna. Bar bs ure erprag ivfvbaf erirnyrq gung lbh jvyy nccrne va Puhepuohel. Gurl obgu nterrq gung guvf vf n irel ener bccbeghavgl gb rkpunatr xabjyrqtr naq qrpvqrq gb cnl nalbar gb oevat lbh gb gurz! V jvyy nvq lbh ba lbhe jnl gb gurve pbggntr, naq vs lbh jvyy cnl rabhtu, V jvyy nppbzcnal lbh ba lbhe geniryf naq genafyngr sbe lbh. - the man replied.
[Sandford: 5, Impling: 1, Undead Soldier: 6, Horker: 6, Brutemass: 1] Sandford hastily peeked out from behind the fortifications and made an unaimed and rapid shot. The bolt hit an impling that was charging energy for a powerful bolt, lodging right in its brain. The demon exploded and chunks of melting flesh and bone shrapnels hit nearby undead and another demon. Confused and blinded, the monstrosities attacked and tore apart an brutemass - a powerful undead composed of corpses fused together.
Reynald Law-Keeper and Iolani
[5] Reynald guarded Iolani while she was unconscious. Luckily nothing approached them.
[4] The unconscious woman tried to connect with some god or spirit through her unawakened willpower.
Wake up! There is no time to waste! - whispered a seemingly malicious voice, and Iolani instantly regained consciousness!
Arror Blazzup
[4] Arror went through the portal and found himself inside The Church of Nix in Churchbury. Peasants seemed to be confused by this sudden teleportation, but seeing that he wasn't aggressive, they ignored him.
GM Notes
It is back!