Sorry for double-posting, had a thought for a god, so I just wanted to get that out.
Storvar: god of civilization, trade and law. Keeper of the oaths and the dealer of just dues, Storvar is a popular patron of all moneymakers, travellers and is invoked as the judge of disputes. Vaults of Storvar are often commerce courts, treasuries and trade exchanges all rolled into one. While the Keepers of the Vault serve the deity by offering sacrifices and blessings and receive donations, their supposed incorruptibility is often used as a guarantee of executing wills or trade contracts. This can sometimes rival with the royal power that was considered too weak with the decline of the old High Kingdom.
In the older days, the god used to be invoked as an oathkeeper and bloody avenger, but with growth of civilization, blood pacts and retributions became more civilized and monetary in nature, hence the shift. Old Stones of Storvar, precursor to the Vaults, are still sometimes used by vengeful men and women as invocation and sacrifice spots to make their personal wrongs right.
Book of Storvar is a common law guide for mercantile and commercial affairs, compiled from various records and precedence judgements of Vault Keepers, which was seen as a necessity after the failure of High Kingdom and the desperate need to preserve some stability. Expanded with appendices and added to with landmark cases, it is an ever-evolving compendium of common law for the lawless and king-less regions of the old monarchy.
The greatest Vault in the land can be found in Risfurt, opposite to the City Hall. While useful in preserving the prosperity of the place, the independence of the Keepers is slowly clashing with the ambitious Riskovs and the slow resurgence of royal power.
Yay, nay?