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Author Topic: Mostly Vanilla Mafia: Gameover. The Smoke! It's In The Smoke! Was It Worth It?  (Read 91842 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • It’s shite being Scottish
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Bish bash, and as they say, bosh.

Was seriously considering shifting my vote at the end heh.

We got rather lucky with that game I think. Moony was not acting very well on D1, so we lynched him. RGU got a 1 in 5 hitting scum on N1, and I groped the right person in the dark on D2, and enough people spread their votes I didn’t feel compelled to move my vote.

I didn’t do much mentoring toward the end there. My bad.

I guess if anyone has questions..?
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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So you know, I was this close to switching my vote to Hector, which would have ruined that ending.

(By elimination, you'd have been the Self-Reviver, though? Not sure how I'd have handled that.)


  • Bay Watcher
  • It’s shite being Scottish
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I was the self-reviver, and I’m pleased I figured you were a self-watcher.

RGU was presumably going to be alright for another investigation on N3 anyway, so we probably would’ve won in the end if we hadn’t lynched MM D2.

I really wanted to claim unlynchable, just to see how IcyTea, MM and RGU reacted.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm wondering -- if the scum doctor had died first, would juicebox be a second town doctor? Or could there have been an alignment switch?

That was my idea toward the very end, that maybe Max Spin and I both had anti-swing protection (mine was the vanilllaizing super saint) but somehow neither got to be used.

PPE: Yeah, I even said in the chat I didn't see any realistic way to come cleanly through the next night.
I had to assume that after all the suspicion over two JOATs RGU would investigate me.
And the town doctor if he had any sense would protect him so there was nothing I could do to stop the result.

I nearly put my vote on hector at the end – I forgot TM had voted and that would make it a tie, I just thought of doing a last stand, maybe even use my Gladiator just for kicks even after I said I wouldn't – but it was a fairly busy day in real life and when IcyTea's vote dropped off me I was worried that interfering would stop people from talking themselves out of looking at me.


  • Bay Watcher
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When talking of my Modifiers, BTW, I said:
Modifiers here. Not saying how oppressive, though somewhat extra-limiting function.

I had resolved to not Watch on N3, assuming that if it went to N4 I might need it again.

Not that I felt it was strong enough a skill to confirm without a lot of aftertalk about motives. I was, as I said af the end of the final day phase, planning on being a decoy Power Town to save someone with a more active adpnd immediate role. Didn't quite go that way.

(@MM: Imagine I'd have voted Hector, following Tric. Again! At least it would seem that way. Tric-Starver scumteam 'confirmed'?)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Or could there have been an alignment switch?
No hidden mechanics.
You know, everyone had a personal extension. Both scum could have delayed their lynch by 24 hours. That might have made the difference.
It could have swung the other way, too.

After all, Darkwarlock fell in love with the guy who killed him.


Maybe including an SK with some kind of kill limitation would have been a good idea. Might have given Spin's protection more meaning. Oh well.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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  • Bay Watcher
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No switching Nurse. Well, darn, it was such a tidy explanation for the abundance of healthcare roles on both sides relative to the number of kills.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Don't outguess the mod.

Imagine if you ended up lynching juicebox because of his doctor claim.

Three doctors? Impossible!
The funniest thing was Darkwarlock using Romance on Maximum Spin and then protecting him night 1. Guess who shot warlock? Max. Spin.

You'll notice in the flavor that it said the bullet was lodged in Darkwarlock's broken heart.

How was the flavor, by the way? Tried out a new style.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • It’s shite being Scottish
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Oh, why were people thinking I was scummy? :( people never think I’m scummy.

Flavour was good. Not a flavour dude myself, but it was more interesting than “well you can’t do anything so here’s your entirely uneventful night”, so the Alice in Wonderland-like tone was enjoyable.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh, why were people thinking I was scummy? :( people never think I’m scummy.
You were... 'off'. I expected Scum!You to act very similar to how I expected Town!You to act. And you were distinctly Other!You.

That's what mostly kept me from voting upon you, thinking you'd be a game-ending Jester that'd leave everyone else losing immediately. Or maybe a Death-Cultist of some kind.

(From seeing your role, I guess I was reacting against your reaction upon your Revival, or something. Maybe.)

@Fallacy: the flavour was flavoursome, but I didn't personally get a handle on what it meant to me. Which I put down to distraction on my part rather than failure on yours.


  • Bay Watcher
  • It’s shite being Scottish
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T’be fair, I was wanting to get night-killed before D4, but I’m not really sure how to do that. That was part of my reason for my “RGU is scum!” post at the end of D2.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Bonus 1: Starver's journals.

My thoughts: Hector is being really odd. Is it just my resignation to the fact that I'm least likely to find scummy evidence upon him that is keeping me from voting Hector for being downright not Town-looking (though not how I'd expect him to look in Scum form, either, which is so similar!), and am I therefore giving him a free pass?

SFAICT, Hector hasn't given any alibi ("nope, didn't do nuthin' last night" is the gist of things).

And I could still be wrong (currently) about assuming good motives to the Gaoler/etc (really, fairly likely to be scum-Roleblocker, that one in particular, in a normal game) but unless there's compound abilities (in a single turn) we are, as I said, looking for someone else as killer, and right now (excluding Hector, as explained above) it's Juice who is the best chance for that.

But Hector really troubles me. The point-by-point arguments are even getting a little TL;DR;...  I might have even missed something said in them that I oughtn't!
(Second attempt to write. Forgot it forgets my entry if I go off-tab!)

I'd like to pre-book, should it come to pass as useful, to not use my final Self Watch tonight. Obviously if I change my mind, but I want to put it down there anyway.

Of any remaining Town-Investigative roles that it might intercept, I don't see it being useful to know about a visit. Ditto any Scum-Investigative roles, especially as it's not the most obvious functional use of the presumed mini-pantheon of choices, they'd probably just like to kill me (if I've put shade on a wrong party, just now).

If there's anything like a Watcher-Killer ability (and it's not sent against Tric, but against me due to working out my fullest hidden claim) then I want to avoid it.

If I yet survive to see D4, I may be glad enough to get a N4+ Watching for reasons as yet to be discovered.

As for IDing the remaining perp(s), right now Juice is leading the pack (by mostly trailing it, and the ogher things). Though I have most prominently a sneaky suspicion that our Town-Jailkeeper is just a common-or-garden Mafia-Roleblocker making the obvious counter-claim. Depends on how "Jaily" you might make your Mostly Vanilla Jailkeepers (often it's just a normal-kill-stopper, doesn't do anything as fancy as interfere with an investigation result, with or without Delay functions tagged on).

Aaannnddd... I've had the bag packed and by the door for seven hours now, while finishing off various other business. One plan had me leaving more than four hours ago and then having time to sit down properly at tonight's staging point by about this time already.
Prior to properly reading my notes, just from immediate memory/reading:
Tric claimed checked RGUN to claim innocence, yet I saw Tric (according to you, and ignoring Insanity on my part or bussing on theirs), making the visit that I think Tric claimed to have done yesterday, but was claimed delayed (whilst I was blocked from my semi-passive skill).

RGUN is asking about blocking. I forget now what their skill was (that's odd-night only), which I'll need to review, but one way of knowing about being Blocked is actually being a Blocker (odd-night Blocker, but trying to make it look like an every-night skill?). Which would nicely match with a team-up (in private) with Tric, who claims a visit to me when imagining I was Blocked from anything useful.

Or Tric's attempt the previous night was genuine and genuinely delayed (caused by/causing my overt skill-blockage) or I was delayed in hearing the result. But then how was I genuinely blocked-off (delaying Tric) and RGUN was genuinely blocked (not delaying Tric) unless it's two different skillsets (block vs guard?), two different people or just a product of who was the target of who/the order in which pairings were specified in soke weird mad bus/block combo.

Note, by the way the word "blocked" squirreled in the quoted D2 post and "Tric visited me" embedded in my first D3 post, ready to be revealed. Another far too trivial a breadcrumb, I tried not to overuse the same system, but might be useful to show forethought (if not foreknowledge) if I get challenged about making things up on the spot. (There's a chance RGUN spotted my "blocked", and my D1 statement, and is throwing shade.)

It's actually gone 4am (busy busy, prepping for this weekend.when I may have me off-line for some time - may even use my Personal Extend if the timing of my return to civilisation might be awkward) so I'm going to mull over these things after some sleep. But I reckoned you could do with the laugh, first! How wrong/missing the point I am, etc!
Your plan is simple. Attract, then watch.

Suffice it to say your night did not go as planned.

Reality conspires, the night howls, the dark beckons.

Your attempt to watch does not work, it does not fire, it doesn't light up the dark.

Your power is voided. For this night, at least.

You have been... roleblocked.
Tried a bit more baiting, even tried a careful amount of furtiveness. Though I'm unsatisfied with my general performance. Too much movement that I haven't had anything useful to say about. I may have bet too much on being a magnet on N1 in a way that was more obviously useful.

Best of all worlds, I was marked for death N1 but also covered by a general smear of amnesia that both protected me and denied me the knowledge of the aborted death-blow. But that presuposes far more role variations than I credit to your Mostly Vanilla setup.

Anyway, in for a penny...  Might as well try the second self-watching. If I get the same again then I'll have to consider some hidden Insanity to my own skill, but (again) that's hoving more off into Bastard territory than I credit you for.
I'm not so sure I've attracted the attention of those that I was best trying to attract, but let my first Watch commence anyway, cheers. ;)

(That shore wuz a doozey of a role, there, just gone and got dog-gang lynched! Them thar mafia fellas are gunna be kickin' themselves if they're endin' up thinkin' that they played a big part in it!)
Being too clever for my own good, probably.
Modifiers here. Not saying how oppressive, though somewhat extra-limiting function.


(Couldn't maintain the staccato brevity when trying to use the initials "T h r e e" instead of the generic "N"! Which is good, as I may need to not show when I'm out of 'ammo', later. Still, I think it rolls off the tongue, as is, fairly naturally and inconspicuously.)
You'll appreciate the highlights in this more than anyone else.  8)

The chances of being right, there, are practically zero, unless someone thinks I have N0 knowledge at my disposal. And never mind whether there's a chance I'm being dishonest for my own (howeversoaligned) purposes.

Hey, here's something fun.

Everyone post your read on yourself. Like, your objective opinion on what we should think of you, from an outsider's perspective.
Town thinks me borderline non-Town. Scum (if I'm not one) provisionally thinks I'm a Powertown or Powerother or Powerfaker of whatever hue. I'm too quiet, yet when I speak up I usually promise I won't be too much. I am in no mood to share thoughts or join in active hunting (with the excuse that I'm passively doing it, whether or not that's true). I'm not denying any of the mild suspicions raised against me. I have mot made any (easily discoverable) breadcrumb trails so far. I'm either going to be considered as the first night target (if non-scum) or ought to be investigated (in case I am). I'm actually unlikely to be 3rd-party, because I already 'jokingly' made that claim. Or I've just used this reply as a perfect opportunity to re-reverse whatever depth of bluffing I was previously maintaining and totally obfuscate any subtle messages I've unconsciously or accidentally let slip already.

(But you'll 'appreciate' my pair of "pair most likely to be"s, also in that message even more than me. Truth be told, I don't want to mention the obvious people because I don't want to give them the credibility of my dount, so it ended up, being the 'middle four' as likely as not arbitrarily assigned to scum/town pairs, rather than the other six who are actually more likely to consist of the three scummiest and three towniest (and excluding myself), but indeterminably so.)

Loads of words. Sorry.  It's how I am, you'll recall!  Oh, and I haven't breadcrumbed anything. But I hope to raise the possibility in people's minds. (Nearly added "congratulations if you think you've found one", but there's already enough mud in these waters. And what if I've accidentally spelled out "I AM SCUM" 'cleverly'? An infinite number of monkeys, and all!)
For you(/posterity) only, the Read I avoided putting up publicly (as it helps nobody, and if it touches on the truth then it might even hurt to publish)...

Hector is way too good to try to read, at this stage of the game.  If anything, though, he seems slightly more muted than I've had him be in the past, but still active against Tric for reasons I could easilh go along with. (Which is a dangerous path for me to blindly follow, so I may be crediting Tric with more Townieness than otherwise.)

(I'm all over the place, when Reading myself with a critical eye. As usual. Until I lock my radar onto someone, I'm sure I'll just continue blathering. Can't be helped!)

BlueTurtle is very active, but I can't work out how much tactics and how much floundering is there. Looking for meanings in your flavour is interesting. I had also considered looking for Breadcrumbs (or, indeed, laying some of my own) but none exist SFAICT.

Tric is just...  Yeah. Some sensible wheat in there, but a whole load of chaffmas well.

I half believe Icy's claims to relative newness. But going along with the poetry phase (assuming I didn't miss a hidcen message!) and trying to get BHK to delurk (originally thought they'd used a Day-skill of Muting on them, but sloppily. Not that, it turns out, unless actually subtly different).

BHK is all business, but started late and hasn't added much. Those two things may be linked. Seems to have the right kind of ideas. Or a good facsimile of right ideas, covering a scummy core. Judgement reserved.

Juicebox has my "funny vibe" senses tingling. As in funny-peculiar, not funny-haha. Closest to maybe-sorta-definitely-scum-perhaps as I can get (assessed in isolation) but there's no way can I act on that yet.

Mooney is, indeed, just too quiet. But (claimed to be) looking for Modly Breadcrumbs, so maybe that's the game at the moment. Meh.

MightyMushroom's approach seems to have a hidden plan behind it. But maybe in the way that I have one, so it's not a scumtell level.

Darkwar is absent. I could imagine (again) a Dayskill Muting, but I haven't yet meta-checked their activity (or lack of it) outside the thread. Could also be a delayed self-gratification/radar-ducking approach to playing the game. Meh.

Max says so much, yet so little. Or maybe I'm just not tuned into him properly yet.

Meta-read; Of your two assigned Mentors, if (at least) one of them isn:t Scumteam, I doubt that you'll have put a relative newbie into the Scumteam. Or, rather, if you've got such a newbie in that then you'll surely have arranged for one of the mentors (or, failing that, a secret mentor, for scumchat advice-
giving only) to prop them up. But that's a whole lotta assumptions on my part. I could be plain wrong about any of it (maybe you're doing the secret explaining!), so I'm not making that part of my 'calculations' at all. Yet. Might tip the balance later, though.

It's now 03:30, local time. Might explain my non-pithyness. Or just put it down to my usual stream-of-consciousness. Probably more the latter.  :P
For your entertainment, as per my usual modus operandii of waffling away to the mod (hope you don't mind!), I shall just say that (without anything else to go on) yes I am trying to grab a bit of attention. If it kills me N1, well there are going to be others not killed who might have a better Town-advantage skill not hit by whichever scum/SK/misaimed-Vig did it in for me.

And, if they don't, I can (hidden insanity of results aside, of course) correlate against the future claims of past actions.

(It could slow down legitimate investigations, by drawing them onto me instead of someone better-to-investigate, but that'd be a long-shot at this stage.)

Oh, and I've nothing obvious to read into any of others' public murmurings. Not that can't be put down to first-day floundering and japes. May change, with more interaction, but I doubt it. N1 and D2 will be where the discoveries lie (at least for me).

While I'm here, can I please pre-book my first of the three Watch Myself actions for N1? There's nothing to lose right now (if I think there is, prior to crunch time, I'll de-book it explicitly, but that's probably not going to happen). Also if I've somehow got something wrong about it, you can tell me straight away and save time scrambling away at night.  ;)
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Studying functions and fiction
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with mysteries now brought to light
I speak now of my stock
and of the secrets of the night
held under key and lock

the starving one I jailed to see
reactions said out loud
the random one behind the key
to protect and to doubt

by day I swung to this and that
for I really didn't ken
who held the twisted, evil hats
or who did what or when

if there be lessons learned or taught
it's not to fear surprise
"could be, could be," but that's not 'ought'
so listen not to lies

I made so many plays so poor
confused, yet hard I tried
in future I'll avoid grandeur
for myself I'll decide
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


  • Bay Watcher
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Bonus 1: Starver's journals.
Scary to see them, out there. But I did agree, early on, to have them published.  ;)

Also weird having to read them backwards.  :P

So much wrong. 'Specially Hector (too vocal! but initially too quiet!)

But (noting that I selectively snip this out and my misimpressions of Juice and Hector stand even this far back)...
MightyMushroom's approach seems to have a hidden plan behind it. But maybe in the way that I have one, so it's not a scumtell level.


Max says so much, yet so little. Or maybe I'm just not tuned into him properly yet.

Not that this would have helped anyone in public. Bland, waffly, misleading in several cases and written before any hard data (but also before the confusion of the first phsse of hard data).

(As I didn't apparently say so already: I liked the game, personal frustrations - both on and off-keyboard - aside. I played little part in the victory, but luckily also no part in a loss. Which means others got to do that instead and have their higher fair share of reveling/ruing in that!)

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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I am still a little sad that nobody believed my lie which was carefully tuned to be 99% true, btw. :P
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