I wonder if there is a way for me to accurately estimate how many unique iterations my planet generator can procedurally generate. It must be a truely huge number at this point.
Do you guys know how this can be done? Besides manually counting each and every variable, which is nigh impossible to do so by a human at this point in the project.
You could write a program to count each variable and then calculate the total possible combinations. However, the specifics of the calculations would depend on the variability of your variables. So you'd have to either have a way to tell how many states each variable can be in by scanning the definitions, or something else along those lines.
For example, if you have 3 variables, each with 10 states, the total number of possible permutations is 10^3 (1000) If those are instead binary 2 state variables, then there are 2^3 [8] permutations. How the variables can be combined and ordered may also impose limiting functions on your calculations.
Probably the easiest way to figure it out would be to seduce a college math or computer science professor, and get them to pose this question on a midterm or final exam, and then let the students figure it out for you. I don't think there is going to be a fast way if you are generating planets with more variables than mere mortals can count.
Your answer will be so large, that it will be meaningless though. Just 100 true/false variables has almost 2 nonillion [2 followed by 30 zeros] possible unique combinations.