GigaGiant is probably Imic's cult recruiter.
My reasoning is, the cultist would have Imic on their mind and would be most likely to want to speak to them.
RGU, Silthuri, Tiruin, Tawa, BHK, Maximum Spin, and Kingawsume all first posted without addressing Imic. Juicebox addressed Imic with the same question as Tawa, and not their first question. I only addressed Imic on my second round of general questions.
Imic was the first person Giga directed a question to, and the first person to direct a question to Imic.
Imic - Hiya! What do you believe was your biggest mistake in the last mafia game you played and how do you intend to avoid that mistake again?
The question he's asking is prompting Imic to think about the choices that Imic is making in this game.
Also (a small point):
I think Affably Evil might be worth a try. It sounds like a trope that could possibly add some kind of nerf to the scum.
If he's a cultist recruiter, what could be more affably evil?
hangs a lampshade on contacting Imic first here:
I am suspicious of Notquitethere, because during the night stage, I recieved a message saying that a cultist was whispering innmy ear, asking me to join. I do not intend to join any such institution, and I have not replied, but notquitethere was the first person to acknowledge me, by asking what I wanted to do differently this time around. I'm suspicous if him because of the way he said that. I can also successfully say that you are not the cult finder, since you voted to lynch me, when you could have reccruited me properly tonight if I survived.
Now I have RL stuff to do.
That wasn't notquitethere. That was me.
Finally, he keeps on Imic's tail about his cultist story. Is he trying to cast doubt on Imic now that the latter rejected the offer...?
You missed my last questions here.
Also, what choices do you have regarding that cult message you received last night? Can you only choose to accept it, or can you also choose to reject it?