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Author Topic: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era (Epilogue)  (Read 24217 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #345 on: May 17, 2018, 05:53:16 pm »

Gaol Ludyn left its head toward Nefertem, its first movement since its imprisonment. He chuckled in an amused way.
"It seems not even Titans could control fate. The plan we enacted, the Prophecies we poured our powers into... All undone by a Primordial Prophecy. Ha ha ha. Greeting my captor, I, Gaol Ludyn Keeper Of Precepts salute you. We were all at fault, us Titans for exhausting the Universe at the time of its birth... In our pride, we tried to succeed in an endeavor none was fool enough to try. All for naught, and I guess our failure is our retribution."

Gazing at the Original World, then the Pyre, he solemnly said.
"Nefertem, my captor, deliverer, enemy and kin. I will remain here to atone for our failures, I remain a Keeper, after all. And before you all leave, let me fulfill any of your favors. I may use my Precepts to enforce a great rule upon the World, that should last for many eras even after the loss of my power."

Finally, he smiled wryly.
"It is good for you that my prophecy didn't occur. You were fated to investigate my Precepts, and unwillingly activate my Precept of Empathic Retribution: 'To you shall be done what you did onto another', which would have trapped you into your own creation."

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #346 on: May 17, 2018, 09:40:53 pm »

Nefertem simply nods, an endless wave of crackling light and colour stretching into the horizon, and with a snap the great Auđrauga pulls free of Gaol Ludyn and returns, empty, to its orb-like neutral state, which instantly moves itself to the Lifeboat. Then he says: I am satisfied.

Nefertem then hovers around awkwardly for a few minutes. Of course, gods being driven into bitter conflict by unyielding fate, only to later encounter one another again without animus is a terribly common occurrence we are all well used to, but it never gets less strange in those first few moments. Eventually, he speaks. Would you tell me, perhaps, what it is that you did here? It seems like the sort of thing that should be remembered.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #347 on: May 17, 2018, 10:22:18 pm »

Gaol smiled proudly, but spoke with a melancholic voice.
"We defied the Primordial One that created this Universe, the Primordial Discord."

"Before time could start flowing, in the moment we were born along the Universe, we attempted to beat and overthrow the Primordial Discord. During the frozen instant, we waged an eternal and costly war... And never could we wound the Primordial, and as each frozen cycle passed, more of our Titankin joined the Primordial's side. We soon realized we couldn't beat a very aspect of existence."

He pointed at the Original World, and said with pride:
"So we created a prison. A prison of non-existence to seal the Primordial and its powers. And in a final battle, we cast the Primordial and its followers into the trap!"

His gaze rested sadly on the Pyre.
"A pyrrhic victory. Even as we sealed the prison, the Primordial's laugh echoed in every fabric of existence. Of the countless Titans born with the Universe, only three remained. Urgast the Watcher of the Beginning, Efanel the Herald of the End and I, Gaol Ludyn the Keeper of Precepts. We created the star as a monument for our fallen kin, and soon after you came. Expended, we created a prophecy that would allow us to prevent the prison from opening. Urgast would keep watching over everything using his Eye, Efanel would watch over the seal, and my precepts would force us to help us."

"Seeing the unfolding events, it seems we were doomed to fail from the start. Even our prison won't resist the collapse that will soon occur. While our final defeat was written since the beginning, we rushed toward it by accelerating the Universe's end with our eternal war. How ironic. We thought we had played a fool out of you Divine, while we ourselves had been already fooled."

The Titanic One added with a chuckle:
"By the way, wielding the Dragonking-Lance Regalok of Efanel and carrying the All-Seeing Eye of Urgast, it was told by our prophecy that the Great Destructor Lu would become our first ally."

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #348 on: May 17, 2018, 10:37:17 pm »

Nefertem nods again. Imprisoning a Primordial One; audacious as it was, some of us suspected exactly that.

A second irony, then: your prophecy was unnecessary, for we never desired to disturb the prison, and we would all fain have helped you, had there been but a place for us here. Heh, I will tell you, we even distrusted Lu: but we never felt the need to act on it, for it was clear that we all wanted only to preserve the world's peace. Well, a lot of good that did for any of us. ... if you insist upon staying, would you allow me to take a memento of sorts? A part of you can leave even when the rest must remain. Fashion, if you would, some small trifle to preserve your spark with us, and I will even present it to Niké our law-keeper, who seems most suited to hold it.

Sir Elventide

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #349 on: May 18, 2018, 07:52:56 pm »

Reyginaga gritted the teeth of her mouths in anger and frustration at the unfairness of it all. A part of her wants to find ways to defy the Primordial Change's prophecy, to bring it to naught no matter the costs. Yet in her otherworldly wisdom, Reyginaga knew that even if she was an older goddess she stood no chance at altering the prophecy, no matter how many strands of fate she pulled. Oh, what astounding irony, that the Goddess of Fate and Probability herself are just as helpless against an inevitable end as the other deities! All of this is too soon and happening so fast. However, instead of wasting the rest of her existence pining for what could've been, Reyginaga decided to give her chosen people and the other civilizations a parting gift of a sort. Even if the gods fade away, their creations should endure.

First Act:
Spoiler: System of Fate (click to show/hide)

Second Act:

“Ysalith, my child,” Reyginaga communicated to her Servant telepathically, Each of her mouth gave a different tone of sadness as salty lakes formed around some of her eyes. “I regret to inform you that the time of the gods is coming to an end. Gotterdammerung is at hand as fated by powers beyond even my kin and skill.”

Ysalith was worried. “My Queen, what is going to happen to you and the other gods? What is going to happen to us?”

“In two cycles, the Divine and Other Planes will collapse and any non-mortal still in the Mortal Plane will lose their powers.”

“Tis a frustrating but inevitable fate.”

“A foregone conclusion it is.”

“However, I have no intention of joining Nefertem and the others on his voyage for I foresee two possible hardships awaiting them.”

“Not absolute but very likely from my perspective.”

“If they remained in the Mortal Plane, they will lose their powers and will become little more than over-glorified sacred beasts floating through space.”

“They may even lose their immortality.”

“If they choose to rip open a hole in the fabric of time and space to return to the void between universes, they face even greater hardships.”

“The Planes of Divinity will be closed in this universe; who can say that the same won't be said of the other universes?”

“How long will they have to wait until either new planes are created or they succumb to madness?”

Reyginaga's mouths begin to smirk one at a time. “Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Perchance they actually have a chance.”

“My Many-Eyed Lady, wouldn't it be prudent to join them? Perhaps you can make fate flow in your favor.”

“My dear Servant, I inspired to be fate incarnate, yet even I am a slave to whims beyond my reach.”

“A pawn to greater powers just as cold as my intellect.”
Ysalith can almost sense the amount of venom that dripped from the word 'powers'.

Like a babe facing death prematurely, I am cut short before I can push forth grand designs fated to come to pass.”

“However, I can think of no greater fate than resting in my new home, visualizing what a grand future the Tardagradi will create with the other mortals, with you at their side.”

“Like a mother with a dying dream of her children's future successes.”

“A thousand deaths is insignificant when compared to the spark of a bright future, even if it's not held by a Tardagradi.”

“Guide and protect my people and the others whenever necessary, but don't aid them to the point in which they cannot be self-sufficient.”

“Teach them to revere me not just as a goddess but as the ideas of fate, ambition, and knowledge.”

“If the Tardagradi go extinct before your life is claimed by a disaster or a fight, protect and guide the other mortals until your dying breath. Do you understand your task?”

“Yes, my Queen,” Ysalith said after a brief pause.

“Good, now I have much to do to set affairs in order before my eventual demise. As for you, I shall reward you for your faithfulness and diligence. Most of all, I shall show you how much I love you.”

Upgrade Ysalith into a Greater Servant.

Third Act:

“Now that you are equipped to do your duties, I will give you my artifact to use at your discretion. It is to be housed in the temple-library of the Tardagradi city, which is fated to be named Reyginas in the future. It will be infused with my essence so that my Oracles can us it to divine future events. Even if it is rendered inert by my death, it is fated to serve as a symbol of fate and the amount of ambition needed to overcome all trials.”

“I will carry out your orders, even if it costs me my life, my Many-Eyed Lady!” Ysalith said. “I love you, my Prescient Queen!”

“I love you too, my dear Servant and beautiful daughter. Thank you and may the strands of fates always pull in your favor.”

Reyginaga will modify the Probabilistic Tesseract to house her essences and to find its way back to the Tardagradi and Ysalith should it ever get misplaced or stolen, provided that both of them still live. After sending the artifact to her Greater Servant, she will rest in her domain and await the inevitable end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #350 on: May 19, 2018, 12:22:49 am »

Loved that Sir Elventide


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #351 on: May 19, 2018, 03:55:02 am »

ooc here

ACT 2: The First Era


Penultimate Turn: The Merging

The gears leading to the next Act of this world started turning and grinding. No one knew if that Act would be the last of the world, but all knew that it would be an Act devoid of the Divine.

Drawn to each others in an act known as the Merging, the three Planes started collapsing. Despite the catastrophic effects such an event should theoretically inflict upon the world, all could feel the smooth transition toward a new world.

The Divine Plane and the Other Plane were pouring into the Mortal Plane, becoming part of it, slowly changing it into a new Plane. The leaking energies of the Divine and Other Planes caused the Gods to surge with limitless power, additionally granting them partial omniscience. As such, none of them could hide anything from the others.


Using the limitless power born from the collapsing planes, Nefertem created the Lifeboat, a planet-sized ark functionning as a world of its own.

He then bid his farewell to his precious creations, who he had nurtured closely since their birth. Reshaping the artifact Heartwriter into a great serpentine statue, he changed its powers so that any who would pray to it for beauty would be blessed with newfound beauty in their lives, whatever the shape this beauty would take.

Wishing to keep a memento of all these little beings of flesh, he created the Emerald Eye, a jewelled orb in which he placed a shard of all his followers so that part of their spirit, present and future, would forever live with him.

Finally, he released Gaol Ludyn from the Auđrauga, and the Titan bestowed onto him the secrets of the world and its sun. Deep into its core was sealed the Primordial Discord in a prison of non-existence, but the Merging would cause the prison to lose its power. Wishing to remain in the world despite its collapse, and thus the inevitable loss of his titanic powers, the Titan bid farewell to his captor.


Mavnon wisely used his powers to send his truest followers to Space, where he placed them in a self-sustained contraption of Luxury Gay Communism. No one exactly knew what Mavnon did, nor did himself know.

What was known thoug, is that their needs would be satisfied until the FALGSC (Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism) would stop working for whatever reason. With everyone living as equals and kings, only time would tell what would become of Mavnon's followers...


Reluctant to leave his children behind, Niké the Polar took his most precious creations, Nolei and Kuli, to accompany him in a dimensional journey aboard the Lifeboat.

Then Niké created the Blue Requiem in the birthplace of the Robi, the vast plains south of the Rhacidae jungles. This huge monument would, unaffected by the destructive effects of time, keep the memory of all the Divine accomplished living even after their departure or fatal stay.

Spoiler: The Blue Requiem (click to show/hide)

And to the Robi, he revealed himself as the Greater Being they worshipped and his close departure from this world. Never had Niké been so worshipped. The Robi knew in their heart that it was the truth they had been seeking for a while. Grateful and torn to learn of their creator's identity and departure, they promised to fulfill his first and last request: to live strong as mortals.

He then left for the heavens aboard the Lifeboat, just as the skies were dyed with an ever-changing, harmonious palette of all existing colors. This phenomenon was caused by the Merging. Admiring this scene from the Lifeboat, Niké saw it as the end of a Cycle and the birth of another.

Erin Quill

Erin Quill bound his city to the world, so that all who reside in it will be blessed with improvement in many forms, though only as long as they remained in it. Averse to violence, he also made it so the city would stave off violent thoughts from its inhabitants.

Then he created a temple named the Advisor, a local heroic Artifact, which he rooted in the City. Another memento of the gods, it would answer to questions in the likehood of the Divine, with their knowledge, and quirks.

Next blessing the City with a gift of scientific innovation, so that many discoveries would be born within its walls, Erin left. He gave a last and emotional glance at his Realm, and for an instant his partial omniscience granted him a vision that brought a tear to his ascended eyes. No matter the future, the City would eventually prosper and uphold his ideals to the end, a beacon of improvement even in the darkest eras.

But one last important matter occupied Erin's mind. And summoning tremendous power, he weaved a System into the universe, his personal parting gift: the First System of Magic. With its many laws, the changed world could as well be called a new world for its inhabitants.

Once that was done, he decided to travel the world spreading Stone Pillars and visiting places of importances or curiosity to him. Among them were the places where lived Culat and Hejah, Sambad, Lung Lukong and the Keepers of the Pillar. He also went to see the Seas of Fire and Glassand the depths of the Lung Sea.

In the Depths of the Lung Sea, he found Nugotaretatora, the Monster of Shadows, Knowledge and Mysteries. In his meteor-ship, he kept experimenting on abyssal lifeforms, creating all the twisted lifeforms that had been appearing since his arrival. He had managed to extract some of Efanel's Ichor, and used its properties to push evolution to its limits.

In the Seas of Fire and Glass, he saw a rich diversity of lifeforms which strived from the energy radiating from the horns of Efanel. One of these Seas was different from the other two: the one where the Forut lived. Great magma-ships sailed the Sea of Fire and Glass, and valiant settlers created industrial settlements on Glass Islands and even old Margorax.

He had nice encounters with the various mortals. They had their issues and their joys, and lived as mortals like him a long time ago. He also met Lung Lukong, who was still journeying. His next goal was to challenge I the Rifja and Umlor, and looking at his Fate, it seemed he could have actually succeeded in besting these monsters...


Before the Drow could drown, Elitholi weaved a great web cocoon around them, frozing them in a stasis. He then lifted the cocoon and brought it with him toward the great unknown, far from the world. Living their fates to the whims of destiny, he then tossed the cocoon into the shapeless space between the dimensions, knowing they would reach a better realm.

Then hiding from the gaze of his fellow Divine, Elitholi brought forth a Greater Servant embodying the aspect of corruption. The Servant called Webzya, who at first was one, and then was many. Each Webzya was then placed within every races of the world, except for the Drows who were no longer part of the world.

Spoiler: Webzya the Corrupter (click to show/hide)

Elitholi then crafted an Artifact, which was supposedly of Divine class: the Web of Deceit, which would hide all of Elitholi's actions and destroy the mind of any who would succeed to peer into his actions.

Spoiler: Web of Deceit (click to show/hide)


Akrathh created the Humble Home, a Global Divine Artifact... that was just a simple home. Whoever would enter it would feel at home, and the building would change and adapt to its residents conceppt of a welcoming home. Twisting space inside it also allowed it to adjust its internal space.

Mobile as well, this Humble Home would travel across the world for all eternity.

Then similarly to Elitholi, Akrathh conjured great power in secret. With limitless power, he created four Greater Servants, each loyal to Limikarrat. These four beings of unfathomable power in mortal eyes were named Lezhin, Qintiz, Untrac and Hixal.

Spoiler: Qintiz, the All Mother (click to show/hide)


Reyginaga of Fate and Probability ironically couldn't help but curse the injustice that befell on them. How could a Fate that didn't exist in all possible futures could be brought into existence by the single words of a Primordial?

Yet Reyginaga knew, and understood. Just because she ruled over such powers didn't mean there couldn't exist circumstances under which they could affect her. Furthermore, she had come to understand and accept that this Fate toward which all futures converged was inevitable.

As such, she set out to prepare for the prophecy. First was the establishment of a System, the System of Fate. A complex and powerful set of Laws that would ensure the persistance of the Original World, its inhabitants, and its legacy.

Spoiler: System of Fate (click to show/hide)

Secondly, Reyginaga went to meet her greatest child. Ysalith. The reunion between child and mother was heartfelt and bittersweet. The Other One imparted into her Servant the knowledge of Fate and the Last Prophecy, as well as giving them her final gifts and duties.

With gifts of love and power, Ysalith was elevated to a Greater Servant. With these blessings, she would guide the Tardagradi and protect the legacy of her mother creator.

Now as a third action, Reyginaga left for her Realm in the collapsing Other Plane. For a moment, she watched the Other Plane's contorted threads of rejected reality and their slow assimilation into the merged plane. It was beautiful seeing these pariah energies being accepted to join the new reality. Maybe the Goddess even felt some gratitude seeing this spectacle.

Then she modified the Probabilistic Tesseract, imbuing it with her purest essence. That way, she altered the Artifact's Fate so that it would find its way back to Reyginaga's children when Fate would require it to.

Her final task done, she let out a sigh of relief, and calmly settled in her domain, awaiting the final hour. Unlike the other Divine, she wouldn't leave. She had decided to accept Fate and everything that would entail. She would no longer be an Other One, as her powers would disappear in the maelstrom of the merging. But she would be closer to her creations than ever, and that thought satisfied her.

And finally, the Many-Eyed Lady closed her eyes.

Shal and Lu

Lu on the other hand, didn't answer his fellow Divines calls. Silently, he remained on the world, still holding the Spear of Efanel and the Eye of Urgast. At the top of the Great Tree, he silently waited for something.

Neither did Shal answer, remaining near the Pillar with her Keepers. It seemed she would stand guard there, keeping watch until her last breath.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 03:58:51 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #352 on: May 19, 2018, 03:55:45 am »


As the world changed, all mortal had their minds directed toward the skies where a miraculous sight illuminated all the firmament. The Merging was taking place, causing the Divine Plane's rainbow luminescence to seep into the azure of the day and the darkness of the night. At the same time, the colorless and twisting rivers of the Other Plane linked with reality, also shaping the iridescent energies of the Divine Plane into awe-inspiring streams of dancing shapes.


The World Status will be updated properly for the final update


Spoiler: Major Landmarks (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Territories (click to show/hide)


On Land:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)

In the Sea:
Spoiler: Vegetation (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fauna (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Predators (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Andilauss (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fanelians (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Keepers of the Pillar (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lungs (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Spruces (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Forenings (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rhacidae (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rifja (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Robi (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tardagradi (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Drow (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Astral Bodies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artifacts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Servants (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beasts (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #353 on: May 19, 2018, 04:17:27 am »

A duty done. A cycle and a season coming to a close, to bring birth to a new one. Niké didn't need to watch the universe fade from his view, as if it was some great calamitous end - no, it's only a new beginning. Niké the Polar resolves to leave. He turns to his children instead, situated on the boat, shifting his form back to a bouquet of flowers. Kuli, Nolei, he says. How are you feeling? I created you two as caretakers to this world. It is alright if you feel a sense of loss for your wards and responsibilities.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #354 on: May 19, 2018, 04:25:45 am »


Mavnon/her plane simply disappears from the universe one day and returns to the Void.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #355 on: May 19, 2018, 04:30:45 am »

Nefertem is also leaving. As he watches the sundered world spark with beauty and with suffering, he feels deeply satisfied, and simply draws as much of the world's surging power into himself as he can possibly hold so that he will be stronger wherever his destination may be. An extra portion of that power he pours into Umlor the Savage Maw, imbuing it with a shred of divinity and bringing it to a level on par with Limikarrat: still not a god, yet more than a monster or servant. Wherever they may find themselves, Umlor will be one of his most prized possessions, and, as previously mentioned, Nefertem eventually intends it to become Ascended in its own right.

Then Nefertem merely gently, silently circles the Divines who had chosen to follow him on his Lifeboat, lighting their way with his, well, light.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #356 on: May 19, 2018, 07:40:03 am »

Erin would leave.

But there was one last thing to do.

Erin created a... servant? Artifact? Maybe somewhere between the two. A Wanderer of sand and steel, made in humanoid image, that would walk the world as Erin had done before so many times, aiding those in need. They bear a blindfold, and within them is the constant turning of gears. Their decisions will be as Erin's ones, though they will not claim to be the same person. Its name shall be Aaron, it will wield the Divine language of magic in all its forms, and it will teach it to those who should receive it.
And then, a law: The Wanderer shall never be destroyed so long as they continue to work for the good of all mortals.

And then Erin noticed Webzya.
And he made a second law.
No disguise can last forever, nor can any malicious deception. Corruption may flourish for a time, but in the end, it will always be defeated, as will all those who serve it.
And then he just completely removed them from anywhere that could be possibly thought of as “close to the City of Silver Skies”, including inside the City itself, just in case.

And finally, a small enchantment: at the moment before the world is to complete its final divine cycle, he will be warped out of it, to the next realm he is destined to play god in - or, if there are none available at the time, back to his place of ascension, to simply observe and relax for a time. However, until then, he will watch to see if any other abuse of these last moments were to occur.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 08:00:35 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #357 on: May 19, 2018, 11:09:51 am »

Akrathh looks upon the world one final time, Steps INTO it, and before all of his followers and creations makes known his final words...
"My children, a time has come, within which the true gods will no longer live within this world. for the realms which grant us power are soon to die.
Thus I must leave, Limikarrat. My first son, May your judgement be true and your wisdom great, for I leave you with the task of maintaining those of mine kingdom in my absence, for perhaps one day I shall return, to aid with this burden I leave you with four as great as you in power, but who lack experience, I hope they serve you well."

Then Akrathh Inscribed his words into a pillar, an artifact, and thrust it into the earth near by...
Spoiler: THE LAST WORD (click to show/hide)
then finally, Akrathh left. he simply walked out of the universe to find his way onto the next.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Maximum Spin

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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #358 on: May 19, 2018, 02:38:09 pm »

Nefertem smiles watching what his fellow Divines have done with their last moments in this world.

This is gonna be a clusterfuck.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Saga - Act 2: The First Era
« Reply #359 on: May 19, 2018, 02:44:54 pm »

This is gonna be a clusterfuck.
Has there been a time when it wasn't?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.
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