Blue Icon = Atyr
Red Icon = Fildo
Red Diamond = Tree-Speaker
Red G = Elf Guards
Grey Starbursts = Chests
FildoYour head finally stops spinning, and you find yourself just outside an elven hamlet, with the rich, earthy scent of the forest tickling your nose.
Your crystal buzzes;
"You're a little late to this party Fildo, so I'll be quick. Don't really know if there's any high-end loot here, but the Elven tree-speaker is decently powerful to have grown this hamlet as fast as he has. Atyr somehow has managed to infiltrate the Town Center, and is about to attack aforementioned Tree-Speaker. Perhaps the best thing you could do to help him is deal with or distract the guards so he can finish his business. Check your crystal for a map of your general surroundings, or to ascertain your progress. Simply speak aloud if you wish to contact me."Wait for him to turn around after which lung for his throat with the dagger and say
:"I appolagize sir, for all your help, but no, I hunt a different old bear."
Name:Atyr Tynge
Race: Elf : +1 to Dodge, Persuasion, and Ranged Attack, -2 to Block and Intimidation
Starting Equipment: Leather Armor (+1 armor), Dagger: Always does double damage from stealth , short bow: +1 Attack to non-armoured foes, +1 Dodge, Contact Crystal
Perks: magicaly inclines(can lean spells)
Bio: A middle aged elf of thin proportions with dark hair and hazel eyes. He lived the life of a hunter respectfull of the forest like a propper tree humper.
Gold: 10
The elder turns his head for a but a moment, seemingly looking for something beside his chair, when you set upon him.
[Stealth Attack: 8. Damage Roll (D20): 14 x 2] Your dagger sinks clean through the front of his throat, and emerges from the back. He attempts to yell, but all that he can manage to emit is a wet gurgle. He slumps into his chair, dead. The guards outside the door are none the wiser.
Elven Tree-Speaker has been Struck down!Your crystal buzzes, and then emits a joyous laugh.
"Now THAT, Atyr, is good work. Bring his head to Uramie and I'll assure you are justly rewarded. You just had an ally arrive, so make sure you take all of the best loot before he arrives~"