Redstar The Star of Labors Semi-Annual Report 2Glory to Mother Mountainhome, komerades. Enclozed iz semi-annual report of zituation. Az uzual, zent by Soviet Mezzenger Bear.
Kommissar Ivan: Granite 15 Y56Until today not much happened bezidez hauling. Those filthy fazciztz decided they would be welcome here! We will let them in and give military live practice with them. Could uze zome brief booze changez, get the citizenz happy for the year. But onze main wall iz up, they will be killed before getting to depot.
From 'The Squeezing Vines'. We have firzt target for military action.
Kommissar Ivan: Granite 19 Y56The order haz been given. No facizt will live.
I ztood in trade depot area to watch. Waz pleazed to zee the Elfchopper ztrike firzt.
Although it wazn't with weapon for zome reazon.
Or any weapon at all. It zeemz zhe forgot ax. I will remedy that quickly. We don't need wreztlerz at thiz time.
Kommissar Ivan: Granite 20 Y56Of courze that could be zince it waz zo early in morning? Oh well.
Unfortunately iz only thing Sanctume, Chief of Elfchopping got to chop.
Both elvez killed by memberz of Red Hammer 1, becauze they have actual weapon.
Kommissar Ivan: Granite 23 Y56Today I order planz for the Chamber of Trial to be dug out. Will alzo act az refuze dump into volcano when not in uze. But zecondary function iz appropriate az firzt.
Maximum Spin will be firzt to go on trial when it iz finizhed.
Kommissar Ivan: Slate 17 Y56Firzt migrantz of year arrived today. Will be helpful to have more minerz and haulerz. We need more haulerz. Zo much to haul. Have placed immenze ztockpile outzide temporary wallz for ztone and ztone blocks. I waz at the front gate to investigate paperz and got to zee them climbing down mountain.
Will be watching that one. I don't like zuch jokez if that'z what thiz iz. I may just get rid of him anyway, juzt in caze. (OOC: Absolutely a capitalist spy.
Kommissar Ivan: Felsite 8 Y56I've been watching the 'Necromanzer'. Zo far he juzt be helping like any other dorf. I ztill don't truzt him. In other newz, we got Fey Mood from one of new immigrantz. I zmell another Enemy of State...
Craftzdwarf workzhop. Definitely Enemy of State.
Kommissar Ivan: Felsite 9 Y56He took one of few wood we have. He iz Enemy of Ztate. I will forbid the uze of wood and wait for him to finizh before sending him off with Maximum Spin.
Kommissar Ivan: Hematite 10 Y56It has been over a month zince "Komerade" Ber haz ztarted work. Zurely a zingle piece of wood doez not take that long?
Kommissar Ivan: Hematite 16 Y56The Capitazizt pigs arrived yezterday. We will do one trade with them. And that iz for their potato plantz. Next year, they will be zlain!
Kommissar Ivan: Hematite 23 Y56Zo that iz why. He did not work on it becauze wood iz forbidden. I re-allowed wood, but he ztill did not rezume work. No lozz for uz. Next time I will forbid wood az zoon az I hear 'Ztrange Mood' being reported to keep them from uzing our valuable ztuff.
Kommissar Ivan: Malachite 1 Y56Work iz going zmoothly. Chamber of Trial iz zlowly getting filled with chairz. I have my podium zet up and retracting bridge and lever are in plaze and connected. Now if only I could get zome lazy azzez to dump all the elven crap into the magma! I will perform trial by end of year even if iz not fully finizhed. That should make them move properly!
Kommissar Ivan Sekrit Documentz: Malachite 28 Y56Thiz...iz not what I expected. A vampire haz arrived in lazt migrant wave. Well. We now have lever puller and possible execution method, or zuper zoldier. I will zend a letter to Mountainhome and azk what I zhould do when they are caught.
Kommissar Ivan: Limestone 1 Y56Greetingz and Glory to Mother Mountainhome! Here are zketchez of our gloriouz new city az iz current halfway through year.
Main level of fort zo far.
-Minez and path to top of the mountain, and what will be top of Department of State building, and ztone ztockpilez to the north of map.
-Trade Depot juzt below.
-Zlowly filling farmz to right of depot.
-I will need to move Military outzide while channeling and zmoothing the Parade Ground-Depot-Entrance Hall. Will keep from cave adaption too.
-General Purpose and trade-goods-to-be Stockpile below Depot
-Lotz of workshopz on outzide of fort.
-Hole in hallway near gate iz to level of Parade Grounds and level of entrance.
Three V-Urists up iz Chamber of Trial.
The drawbridge is currently retracted. I ztill can't get them to dump the goods into the hole.
Three V-Urists below Main level iz Parade-Ground-to-be.
Iz currently armor and weapon ztorage. Caravan can ztill reach depot.
OOC: Seriously. Why aren't my dwarves dumping? I've got the zone over the edge and the wiki says they'll toss it into the void. Annnd I've begun to get idlers and they still won't dump anything. And the vampire is not something I was expecting, but is fairly welcome for either lever pulling/execution method, or supersoldier. (Dare I give them the profession 'Winter Soldier' for lulzies?)