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Author Topic: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups (always more players welcome)  (Read 34800 times)


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #495 on: September 18, 2017, 06:05:55 pm »

I have to agree. I don't really have a problem with a promotion, but it's not worth everyone getting metaphysically messed with in the separated-from-reality indestructible seat of godly might.

Seriously, you'd think this place was just another universe or something. Gods changing things left and right, and now this worthless usurper shows up and thinks he's got a right to, well, any of it.

How hard is it to kill gods, anyway?
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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #496 on: September 18, 2017, 06:14:31 pm »

A few moments passed with Veralin just sitting there laying back possibly on actors lap. Eyes fluttering as thoughts flittered through their mind.

Then. A spark. Flickering. Small. But growing growing like a flame. An idea coming on strong into her mind. As she felt it.

Inspiration. A Torch in her mind. A burning passion that is growing. She jumped up her "heart" thumping in her chest her eyes dilating energy pumping through them flickering in and out!

Varalin almost flew outta the room. Energy visible around them her aura like a flame consuming her and her visage as she floated over the Isles of passion with Vigor in her very being. Slamming her hands down and out she lights up like a star in the sky almost a sound of crackling fire and lightning pouring forth as a great force descended upon the world to change it for the better! Her voice booming from the heavens above! Strong powerful brimming with passion and Vigor!


Varalin sends forth a force of great power that propels itself harmlessly inside the home of the Acterians of the cult of darkness. Wall's of the earth crumble and raise shifting and changing to make it so that the cults of madness and darkness shall never meet one another in the dark of their homes ever again! Sealed off from each other forever until the day they both might leave for the surface! Her voice is audible through this but does not harm anyone. They hear what she says above, in fact, everything on the isle of passion hears her.

Hand moving away a shockwave booming in the void around her. She wasn't done yet. Not by a long shot! Energy gathering divine in origin strong and powerful from the worship she had received from how her mind body and soul utterly devoted itself to this emotion. This feeling of inspiration and passion! There was no Varalin. There was no Acter! There were no gods! No masters! Only this feeling and the Acterians below who would be altered! Her voice boomed out again! Stronger! LOUDER!


Louder this time but still not harming to those below. Crystal clear everything she said. As a beautiful mix of shadow and colors descend upon the isles of passion filling the world with an aurora unlike any which any mortal could ever dream! Beautiful and moving people to tears as it floods the caves ((note it is not a liquid and can not drown people)) and to the acterians never have they had anything more beautiful and loving reach their senses offering them love and showing them veralins own remorse clear as day! From now on!

All acterians regardless of who they are. Regardless of creed. Religion or any other affiliation are blessed with Veralins gift! ((Yes this includes Kol Veralin will make sure he gets it as well)) The gift of true passion! Where an acterian may go into a state of true passion their body mind and soul enhanced to its limit for one goal they truly strive for! Forever more every acterian shall have this gift.

This state of passion will not leave the person insane after it is over. A warmth settles in the minds of the acterians forever more a true weakened obviously for mortal sanity version of her love shown and made known. Forever as long as they are alive they shall know someone obviously cares about them.

Finnaly. She was almost out of juice. Her last act her mind returning and with this, she releases her energy! Down onto the planet voice booming again love and affection overwhelming now.


Tears streamed down veralin's face as she finished giving a choked sob of happiness that was audible for all to hear in the Isles.

The tear's of Veralin grow in strength now making rivers gentle and contained across the underground and landscape clean and fresh curing wounds and ailments and sometimes even curing loneliness by the genuine warmth that will fill one's body upon drinking it. The tears are now of joy. They are of love. And they are for all to enjoy and for her acterians to recover with and find joy. Real joy healing those they love and drinking and knowing that no matter who they are someone does care about them.

With that. As all of Varalins energy is spent she just floats there crying quietly of joy and smiling a large smile for her passion had lead her to the best of intentions this time. For it had led her to ideas she would not have thought of. It helped the beings she considered children and she felt her heart move with true jubilation.

ll acterians regardless of who they are. Regardless of creed. Religion or any other affiliation are blessed with Veralins gift! ((Yes this includes Kol Veralin will make sure he gets it as well))   

Where I said Kol would be affected by it.

This state of passion will not leave the person insane after it is over. A warmth settles in the minds of the acterians forever more a true weakened obviously for mortal sanity version of her love shown and made known. Forever as long as they are alive they shall know someone obviously cares about them.

Aka Kol heard everything Varalin said when she shouted and he also got hit with this passion stuff which makes him know for a fact that varalin loves them.

shadow and colors descend upon the isles of passion filling the world with an aurora unlike any which any mortal could ever dream! Beautiful and moving people to tears as it floods the caves ((note it is not a liquid and can not drown people)) and to the acterians never have they had anything more beautiful and loving reach their senses offering them love and showing them veralins own remorse clear as day!

Varalin also floods Kol with this. He is kinda...Well Kol would basically be forced to understand Varalin. Understands she loves and cares him and what he would have seen her say afterwards would have been irrelivant. Kol just went through the best moment in his life most likely.
Glass feel free to grab quotes from this to reinforce my point its hard for me to pull quotes since my computer is messed up
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #497 on: September 18, 2017, 06:22:28 pm »

It doesn't even make sense from a gameplay perspective. I had forced my opponents to withdraw from the Kol gambit. He was to be freed. I won that gambit by every measure of the rules of this game. Even if one of the players involved in the Acterian gambit had somehow played a lifeslayer card (which would have been impossible given the binding agreement of we had in Olympus), it still shouldn't have ended like that. The Kol gambit was won, the acterian gambit either should not have ended (as technically there wasn't a winner) or should have been declared a draw (as we all agreed to back off). Either way, the Kol gambit was won by me.

Furthermore, Kol shouldn't respond like that. We had all just agreed to stop fucking over his people. He should be rejoicing that we weren't going to be interfering with them as much or as forcefully. Moreover, he was to be freed, his imprisonment over, his god had forced the others to surrender. Why would he react to these two pieces of good news like this. It makes literally no sense at all.


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #498 on: September 18, 2017, 06:24:52 pm »

The Hall is, in fact, very specifically NOT Olympus.

It's either the Hall of the Gods or Mirdanrond, if you can remember my eccentric name(s).

You might even include the accented i. (Flavor!)
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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #499 on: September 18, 2017, 06:25:20 pm »

Okay, people the draw and the oath broken are two minor things here.

The Main Point is that Varalin threw in 3 Acts into the Gambit. This escalated things to the point of the entrance of the Lifeslayer Card. read the description of the Lifeslayer Card as to why the Gambit fucked you over so badly. If it is unbound it basically screws everyone involved equally.

A draw is a tie, even score yes. Which means no one wins. However in those gambits as mentioned in the rules there is only three ways of pulling out. Since neither of you had Salvation, and none of you died, you conceded, there is no equitable "we all give up here and everyone wins" scenario. You win, you lose or you lose and pull out.

As for the Oaths broken, it truly depends on how you want to look at it. The most obvious is that someone has simply broken his Oath. Which happened...unseen by all of you perhaps but it happened.
Beyond that many of your actions violate the agreement struck, the very agreement violates itself.
But that is an aside.

You are suprised by Kol? And the Acterians? Well let me put it this way.

Kol personally: He saw what you did there, in the Hall of the Gods, he watches as you haggeled over his kind like over playthings, over toys. As he was regarded as a useful tool to be repaired and changed at your whims. He saw all of it. He had generations to fester in eternal sensory deprived darkness and nurse his grudges, this has long gone beyond megalomania or mental illness he quite simply utterly despises the gods for what they have done to him.
He has literally become a vessel for the general feeling the Acterians have developed towards the lot of you and just because you take their mental illnesses away do you think they can no longer feel hate or pain or outrage? Shall they thank you all for taking away their free will? Shall they suddenly fall to their knees because they have been told the TRUTH that you all fucked with them in the worst ways? That you continue to interefere with them, that you basically carve up their worship with them having no say in the matter? That their homes are changed to your liking, their customs, their culture and their identities? That the very core of what makes them, well them, is to you nothing but clay that you can form and change at your whim because it amuses you or you want to? The Acterians have grown dark and hateful indeed, but not out of madness, the madness was a coping mechanism, in a universe in which they are utterly powerless, mere specks in the machinations of uncaring divine beings twisting and changing them as they please. As they hopelessly watch superior beings do with them whatever just comes to their minds. In this existencem their hopeless outrage has taken on a divine power of itself. And you actually increased it further, by granting them your gift of passion you allowed them to work towards one great goal...and if all you have left is outrage, misery and pent-up anger...entrance left the Mad Ophelia Lifeslayer.

Of course your worship might not be gone, not even an entire generation has passed inbetween the last turn and the beginning of this one. But you don't know any of that, because Kol has sealed of the caves to any divine interference. Unless you go down there yourself and fight him for the dominion over the Acterians, you will not know whats going on down there nor will you recieve a shred of power from their worship for Kol takes it away from you.
That aside, your main gain of power was through the blood sacrifices which you stopped in a most spectacular manner. After that there were no sacrifices made because no one could be sacrificed, and their own goddess told them "NO YOU DONT".

As to the last point. Imagine the following. You are imprisoned in utter darkness for generations, deprived of all sensory sensation, and then not only do you glean the entire truth about what the gods have done so far why the Acterians are as they are but you also watch what they have done to your people, what your own kin have become due to the actions of the gods. And then you watch them haggle over yourself and your kin like some old fish. How they plant to mold you so you can better fit into their plans. And more than that, fueled by your hate towards them, your insanity through the sheer ordeal you had to suffer through, through all that madness and pain one of them goes "i love you". By this point Kol felt nothing anymore, nothing but hate and disgust for the Gods and ESPECIALLY for Varalin. He sees in her nothing but a hypocrite no better than any of the meddling bastards, only she justifies her meddling behind a veneer of love and caring. When in truth she does no different than Lu or Phalanalin. The Latter two at least make no secret out of their true intentions, while Varalin hides it behind compassion.

Mind that is not my personal opinion, i am just explaining the reasoning of Kol and Acterians by this point.

Ninja-EDIT: four people ninjaed me i have no idea how much of thsi has been discussed so take the above as answer to the two posts above the four posts above this one.
Ninja-Edit2: damn you ninjas its 5 now


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #500 on: September 18, 2017, 06:28:39 pm »

How far out of reality do I have to take my metaphysical argument halls before the blasted demi-mortals can't peek into them any us-darned time they want to?

He'd better not ask for a seat, or I'm tossing that Great Act on a hammer meant to banish uppity godlings.
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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #501 on: September 18, 2017, 06:32:43 pm »

Kol personally: He saw what you did there, in the Hall of the Gods, he watches as you haggeled over his kind like over playthings, over toys.
Eh, I'm sorry, what? What, precisely, would have allowed him to do this?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #502 on: September 18, 2017, 06:37:43 pm »

Kol personally: He saw what you did there, in the Hall of the Gods, he watches as you haggeled over his kind like over playthings, over toys.
Eh, I'm sorry, what? What, precisely, would have allowed him to do this?
Exactly. Kol is not omnipotent and neither are the rest of the gods. Unless he was in the building he has no right to know anything that happened in their.

Second of all. The Gift of passion showed every acterian what Varalin thought of them. It showed her genuine remorse and her genuine love. Kol was hit by the gift of passion as well and would have felt it. Furthermore The tears of Varalin that were enhanced Kol would have most likely drank. Overall. it is kinda nonsensical for him to act this way towards at least Varalin and what you are saying breaks your own rules of Omnipotence. The gift of passion would have shown them genuine love and it was a big action. it was not to be taken lightly and I wrote it to not be taken lightly. You are being embraced and shown a gods remorse and love to the fullest your mind can handel.  It would probably fundamentally change many and I imagine kol would be changed as well by this.

Ultimatly Kol only still is sane becuase of Varalin. Kol would Know that Varalins love is real and their remorse is real. Kol would not know what was said in the hall of the gods at all. I cannot see what the other gods are doing at all times and I think it would be greatly unfair if kol could Blatantly cheat like that.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 06:42:22 pm by AbstractTraitorHero »
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
Rip Abigail South Death by Drop pod my avatar is now morbid.


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #503 on: September 18, 2017, 06:48:37 pm »

But i see there is yet more to answer as to why what happened.

If we cannot settle things diplomatically, that would have been something to tell us instead of just royally fucking us over with this blindside.

Things can be settled diplomatically, but only if there is a clear winner and a clear loser, but beyond that, you were screwed over mostly by the Escalation caused by Varalin.

How hard is it to kill gods, anyway?

Depending on in which House they are, relatively easy. The seven Hounds of the First House can kill The Fifth House and Below. So currently the Hounds of Truth could take on Acter/Varalin/Yeg'greth.
As for the Lifeslayer...he is basically unkillable, he can only be sealed away and hope that no one ever tries to break him out again.

-snip Abstract Traitor Heros arguments
answered in my post above, but yeah. Just because you show him your love and remorse and cure his madness does not mean he loves you back, forgives you or even cares by this point. If i imprison you in a dark cellar, tortured you for years and kill your family, then free you and make you see that i truly love you and that this was all one big mistake, and look my remorsse was shown before because i brought you food and likely are you to forgive me? Amplify that situation by several magnitudes for the Acterians. They might be most likely to forgive Varalin in time, but that does not mean that they forgive her now or ever...

From a Gameplay Perspective additionally, two of those three acts were dropped into an active gambit. The third one could realistically only come about after the Gambit was resolved, since A) you can't reach Kol because he is imprisoned and b) he is a Soldier of Might putting him beyond your direct influence, thus making it impossible for you to influence him in any way shape or form until after all gambits are finally resolved.

It doesn't even make sense from a gameplay perspective. I had forced my opponents to withdraw from the Kol gambit. He was to be freed. I won that gambit by every measure of the rules of this game. Even if one of the players involved in the Acterian gambit had somehow played a lifeslayer card (which would have been impossible given the binding agreement of we had in Olympus), it still shouldn't have ended like that. The Kol gambit was won, the acterian gambit either should not have ended (as technically there wasn't a winner) or should have been declared a draw (as we all agreed to back off). Either way, the Kol gambit was won by me.

Furthermore, Kol shouldn't respond like that. We had all just agreed to stop fucking over his people. He should be rejoicing that we weren't going to be interfering with them as much or as forcefully. Moreover, he was to be freed, his imprisonment over, his god had forced the others to surrender. Why would he react to these two pieces of good news like this. It makes literally no sense at all.

From a gameplay perspective again: your treaty was all of you conceding. But beyond that the agreement was broken via secret actions the very moment it was created and as explained in the post above by normal actions too.

The Kol Gambit wasn't won. Because he wasn't freed. He freed himself. By becoming the Lifeslayer. Thanks to Varalins actions his transformation took part before and during your negotiations (and probably after).

His motivations have been explained in the post above. As specifically towards Lu: you basically traded him off to Acter and Varalin like some piece of meat to be molded by them as they pleased. And you did the same with his people. That's not good news. The Acterians hated the Gods at large and now they are to worship them? Good job. Mind that Kol is from generations before the Acterians began worshipping the Mother of Darkness and Emissary of Truth.

(Three Posts Ninjaed me again) so yeah this is again in response to posts before the three posts above.



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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #504 on: September 18, 2017, 06:52:27 pm »

Literally all of that should have been told to us. If Varalin couldn't put points into the gambit, then that should have either not have happened (like when people tried to talk to Kol, precedent) or should have backfired on her.

Same for the manipulation of the Acterians, from the beginning I have done nothing to physically change them. My only direct interaction is by making Kol my soldier and sending my Knight to rescue him. Sure the sun eagles blinded some Acterians, but that wasn't a direct thing, all I did was make sun eagles. My actions have been to help Kol, basically since he was born, and I have never once really fucked with the Acterians. My temple didn't drive them insane, my magi (who wasn't even played in the gambit but still managed to get the worship of the acterians, how is that not meddling?) didn't cause them to mutilate themselves, my drugs didn't send them into endless orgies. I gave them food, gave Kol strength, and sent my strongest card to rescue him. If Kol could see everything, and had as much time to think about it as he did, he wouldn't have assaulted me.

If someone broke an oath made in the Great Act created Anti-Oathbreaking chamber, that should have wrecked them, or at least been visible/noticable to the other gods. Otherwise whats the point in having that in the first place? It's not a minor thing, not a passive agreement, its an oath made in the holy chamber of the gods themselves. A chamber made of the equivalent power required to make an entire sun!

I can see Kol being pissed at Varalin and Acter. With the exception of occasional blindness from unrelated entities, Kol has done literally nothing to negatively effect the Acterians. In fact, Lu gave Kol power with no guidance or strings attached. He basically saw that Kol and his ideas aligned, and so he gifted him free strength to unite the tribes (like Kol wanted). At no point did Lu do what was described in the update. His only haggling with anyone was "Fine, I'll save Kol instead of having Armiles lead them." and "Fine, I'll stop using high powered cards on them." Sure, Armiles killed some Acterians, but did so to save Kol from his prison. If Kol had an issue with this, he should return to his prison (which I had already bullied Phanalin into releasing him from, as he knows because he's suddenly omnipotent despite being trapped in a prison specifically crafted to hide things from omnipotent beings). 

Edit in response to GM ninja: So because I would allow other gods to talk to him, he hates me?

Ninja'd by the GM.

My points are:

1) If someone broke the agreement, that should be visable. It was a binding agreement in a powerful holy place.

2) Kol shouldn't be mad at me. Even if he's pissed that I'm allowing other gods to talk to him, that was done to secure his release (which would be something he wanted).

3) Kol really shouldn't be omnipotent. Reguardless of everything else, he shouldn't be. If he got the lifeslayer card played on him, fine, but he should only have to work with the information he has IC.

4) If someone played the lifeslayer card, then the gambit would have ended immediately and our deal wouldn't have happened, and the backlash wouldn't have happened.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 06:59:32 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #505 on: September 18, 2017, 06:55:58 pm »

I...intended for Oaths to be INVIOLABLE, actually. As in, "Cannot be consciously broken".

Secret actions or not, really not supposed to be break-able like that.

Ninja'd by Robo, in fact. He communicated the same idea.

The founding principles of my blasted Hall were 1. Be indestructible and 2. Prevent undertakings made within from being casually broken.

Not "River Styx" type "Get you slowly, years later, in a way you NEVER SAW COMING" but like "No. No, and no. Reality says no, sucker, so stop trying that, because you physically/mentally CAN'T."
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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #506 on: September 18, 2017, 07:01:03 pm »

you can't reach Kol because he is imprisoned
Kol however was imprisoned in the vile darkness undying and almost driven to madness, were it not for a single being. In the deepest recesses of the dark caves he had been chained to the rocks feeding of the thin trickle of Varalins Tears that allowed him to subsist, but soon after his imprisonment when he fell asleep a dim presence appeared. She had been beautiful. Beautiful beyond measure, and somehow in the vile cold darkness she gave him warmth...she had been so bright. And she told him to hold out, to wait for her coming. For she would save him and then would show him the beauty of the light and of the outside. And so he held out.
Hypocrisy much?

His motivations have been explained in the post above. As specifically towards Lu: you basically traded him off to Acter and Varalin like some piece of meat to be molded by them as they pleased. And you did the same with his people. That's not good news.
And how, exactly, would he have learned of this? You still haven't answered.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #507 on: September 18, 2017, 07:01:27 pm »

Kol personally: He saw what you did there, in the Hall of the Gods, he watches as you haggeled over his kind like over playthings, over toys.
Eh, I'm sorry, what? What, precisely, would have allowed him to do this?
Exactly. Kol is not omnipotent and neither are the rest of the gods. Unless he was in the building he has no right to know anything that happened in their.

Second of all. The Gift of passion showed every acterian what Varalin thought of them. It showed her genuine remorse and her genuine love. Kol was hit by the gift of passion as well and would have felt it. Furthermore The tears of Varalin that were enhanced Kol would have most likely drank. Overall. it is kinda nonsensical for him to act this way towards at least Varalin and what you are saying breaks your own rules of Omnipotence. The gift of passion would have shown them genuine love and it was a big action. it was not to be taken lightly and I wrote it to not be taken lightly. You are being embraced and shown a gods remorse and love to the fullest your mind can handel.  It would probably fundamentally change many and I imagine kol would be changed as well by this.

Ultimatly Kol only still is sane becuase of Varalin. Kol would Know that Varalins love is real and their remorse is real. Kol would not know what was said in the hall of the gods at all. I cannot see what the other gods are doing at all times and I think it would be greatly unfair if kol could Blatantly cheat like that.

Okay lets work through this:

Kol was during this entire turn beyond the power or reach of Varalin. He was imprisoned in the Darkness and thus within Phalanalins sphere of influence, and even if he was not he was a soldier of might and thus in Lu's sphere of influence. Again beyond yours.

Kol did not cheat like that, it is the glory of you having escalated to a ridiculous degree. That aside, lets just say Kol got a little help from outside, so he wasn't completely deprived of everything, while imprisoned.

And no he never was sane, nor did Varalin keep him sane. His mind was broken as was that of the majority of Acterians, an affliction which wasn't cured until this turn. But healing madness does not free one of ones memories, of ones experiences or of ones feelings. Just because somebody says he loves you you don't have to love them back, you don't owe them shit for loving you. And certainly you don't owe someone who curtails your very free will, constantly and regularly invades your mind, feeds you what amounts to mind-altering drugs and then literally takes away your freedom of movement by erecting walls. They plain and simply hated the gods at large, the exemption had been the emissary of truth which gave them nothing but what they wanted to know and he gave it to them unfiltered and in full volume, hence the even madder cult that spawned around him.

It did not help that the Acterians were shown and told what transpired at the godsmoot at large. And no no one is cheating there or using omniscience, they simply got help.
Beyond that, this forcing out of all gods is all Kols work. In all probability the Acterians at large still worship the Emissary and the Mother Darkness, at least until he has brought them in line.

And two ninjas again. (again answer to two posts above)
EDIT: 3 posts...


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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #508 on: September 18, 2017, 07:03:25 pm »

OK, guys. Let's take this one step at a time and let Ghaz catch up. It gets really, REALLY frustrating to be the only person on your side, it's only worse if the other side won't let you keep up.

Trust me, my confrontational Arms Race habits have taught me this firsthand.

To be more clear: Please just stop posting until Ghaz catches up.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 07:05:23 pm by Madman198237 »
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Re: Pantheon IV OOC-Thread, Sign-Ups and General Interest Check
« Reply #509 on: September 18, 2017, 07:04:32 pm »

This is a false equivolence entirely.

Varalin did none of this and it was obvious from the start that she was on his side.

1.I showed him my love and remorse in my emotions. it is more than just saying. I showed him it pure and filtered only enough so that someone wouldn't go insane from it. He could tell it was genuine.
2.You are wrong I can reach Kol by your own wording. When You had the tears of varalin inside the same place that he was in. It revealed he was in the cave as well. Meaning that my second action and the tears of varalin action would have affected him. Hell, my second action affects all acterians. I said regardless of basically anything. If they were on the surface varalin made sure to effect them.
3.Acter Interacted with Kol
4.The content of my actions overall explicitly affect Kol and it was my every intention for him to be affected by these actions. Every acterian effected by these actions. If this was not the case I should have been informed that my action would not have affected Kol whatsoever.
5. You still have not explained in any way that Kol could know what was said at the hall. ((Point conceded if someone did really show him))

I also agree with a lot of the below points.
Not ghaz's point.

Also. No. They were not touched with anythig equivacle to mind altering drugs. It was emotion. Feeling. Something made clear and real that they would understand.

Furthermore. Yes he was kept sane. You litterally said so in the post that he was drinking from the tears of varalin that was what kept him sane,
((I just facepalmed so hard I have a concussion))
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